Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Not going to test until new years eve so I can know if I can drink. Though, I have not really felt like drinking....been feeling sick...a stomach ache/nausea with occasional BM issues.

Have watery CM. Which I think is new for this time in my cycle. I keep feeling like I have to pee kinda like a fullness in the vaginal area.

To me everything is a possible symptom of early pregnancy.
Hello! I'm in WTT but we use pull out and now I'm two days late:) I'm not gonna test until after new year since I don't think I'm pregnant. But as long as AF stays away there is hope. But if I'm not pregnant I'll be fine with that. We are gonna TTC#3 after the summer.
thanks ladies! I'm feeling somewhat optimistic about the long LP.

I hope you O early Toms!

and babybemine, that's a really good sign!!!!!! I asked one of the girls on bb who just got her BFP to pee on an OPK and she got a pos on it! Good luck!!!
Hey Ladies, I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

Koj, I am so sorry about AF :hugs: I am happy that your LP has lengthened, which is awesome. I hope you were able to enjoy a few glasses of vino and relax a bit over the holidays!

And yes, we did tell our families as well as a few very close friends, (no one else until 14 weeks). They were all very happy for us, which was awesome!

Tom's Mum: Thanks so much Luv! I really hope that you get to catch that eggy!

Babybemine: Good luck, I have everything crossed for you!
That's great Mrs. Eddie! I accidently slipped to one of my closest friends but other then her no one knows. The spotting in the beginning got me too nervous so we aren't telling anyone until the 12ish week scan whenever that happens... just in case! Although I've been feeling horrible lately so pretending over Christmas wasn't easy since I now hate all foods yet feel sick if I don't eat constantly.
I got positive OPK last cycle and got BFP, unfortunately it was a chemical pregnancy so it may be a good sign :)

CD9 for me. Waiting a few days to start taking OPK as I've been wasting so many by starting on CD7 and not O till CD18/19!
Aww, sorry to hear about the chemical Noo :hugs:..... I've started using OPKs from CD7 but every other day until CD11 then every day :)

Good luck Babybemine x

Today is the day OH goes away to work for 2 weeks. I'm on CD8 so going to try and jump on him in a bit haha! But I think we're out this month already :(
babybemine - I have everything crossed for you!!!! good luck! :dust:
:hi: Can I join? :hi:

I tested early my 1st month TTC and got a bfp but was short lived and ended up a Chemical so now I have vowed to never test early again no matter what!
So I have an 11day LP but I refuse to test until I am 16/17dpo!!

Today is 3dpo - this is going to be a long wait :wacko:

Hi Twag :wave: This is a great thread for waiting it out :)

I am fuming today! OH has gone to work and we didn't dtd today like I hoped! He said he wasn't in the mood! :( I know he stresses about leaving us to go to work and gets upset leaving our little boy but he knows that this is the only faint chance we might get this month and now it's gone Grrrr! :(......... Roll on next month!

Oh no that is really annoying it is so infuritating when they do not do their part isn't it!! :grr: :hugs:
Aww Toms mummy how frustrating!! :hugs: Would have been nice to see if you could have caught it but since you can't now just try to relax again as much as possible and stay active and you'll be in a great place next cycle to get back to business! :thumbup: And now you'll have two months worth of "symptom" spotting. That's what I had and let me tell you I have two totally different cycles. The second one I actually spotted at about the same time I would have thought for sure it would have been IB so it showed me that you literally can't count on any "symptom". I don't know if it helped at all but I got my positive two cycles after my 2 cycle break and I was definitely more relaxed about ttc after and less into symptom spotting or even monitoring my cycles. The month of my positive we only :sex: every two days but there was a day when we did it twice and I wonder if that's what did it. I've heard other people getting their BFPs after a double session.. so you never know!
Thanks girls :hugs:

It has definatly been a less stressful month knowing that I don't have to symptom spot (Or can differentiate between bfp and bfn symptoms!)

We're in no rush to get pg but I just keep thinking that our DS is 3 and 3 months now.... the age gap is just getting bigger and bigger :(
Yeah that's the one thing I hate about being pregnant now.. the age gaps. When this one arrives the age gaps will be 11 years and almost 8 years. We just haven't had the space nor the money to have one sooner.
This is baby #1 for us but we will have the same worry for #2 when the time comes
Still have my fx for you babybemine! Good luck!

Morebabies, yes it was really fun to tell some people. We won't be telling others until later on but it made it seem more real to be able to share the news with others. I am totally with you about feeling off. I was actually sick for the first time on Christmas and am pretty much constantly neauseous. Water with lemon and fruits and veggies seem to help me.

Also Tom's Mum and Morebabies, don't worry too much about age gaps. There are four years between my sister and I and 12 years between me and my youngest brother and we are all super close!

Also welcome Twag! You will love this thread, it is full of a wonderful group of ladies!
Thanks! :) I always had in my head that a 4 yr gap would be ideal as Tom will be in school and I can have one on one with baby but still quality time with Tom as he won't be so needy but that gap has passed this month now. I'm hoping we fall pregnant within the next few months so the gap will now be 4.5. I know I shouldn't dwell on it too much and it's all about personalities! After all, I have a sister who's 13 months younger than me and we didn't get on at all in our teens, and I have a brother 13 years younger and we get on (although more like aunty and nephew) but it works!

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