I'd admit testing early can really bring you down if you get a bfn. But for me I have to find out early as I get early morning sickness, well, hypermesis and I need my doctor to put me on zofran and pills for GERD. The earlier, the better, for me. I wish I COULD wait until I'm late. It's so much easier to spot the line when you're 4 weeks and on. When I was pregnant with my first I never tested. I went to my gyn appt because I thought I had a cyst but instead it was my daughter. They took the test there and it came up positive but very faint (in their words) and I was already late for my period, so I was 4 weeks and a few days pregnant. With my second, I was around 14dpo, making me 4 weeks pregnant. At first the FRERs came up light but the Clearblue was so blue and positive there was no mistaken it. After that I always tested early and yes I got a lot of bfns before I got my bfp. But I guess for some it's just easier knowing sooner.