Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Baby1wanted: Hope you're feeling better! If you've been BDing every other day and you've had good CM the sperm have longer lifespan in your body. FXed that, that covers you for the few days you and DH aren't well. Good luck!

Lotus: Thank you for the welcome! and great advice... I've read the 18DPO and later give the most accurate results. Now only if there were less sticks in the world begging to be pee'd on! ;)

Toms: If I was 3 days late I would have literally made up 20 symptoms by now, I applaud your saneness! Are you always regular? My cycles fluctuate so 3 days late is not uncommon for me.

Mummy - Welcome back! FX'd for your BFP! When do you test? I'm only 2DPO and going stir crazy!

Mrs. Eddie: Thank you for the big welcome! Everyone is amazing on here, the best thread I've come across so far! Wishing you lots of luck and a BFP surprise!
Hello my name is E and I am poas addict...
I have been clean for 1 cycle and plan on staying that way! (mind you I am only 1 dpo)

This thread sounds really positive to help cope with the ttw! We have been trying for a few months now and ttcing is consuming my life!


Well ladies, I'm 3 days late!!!..... Have no symptoms and bfn! Not sure what's going on!

Eek sorry you're in limbo - had 2 weeks of limbo last month before she showed her early face - hoping she doesn't fly your way and you've got a shy BFP there!!!

oh how i miss you all so much! :hugs:

sorry for those AF showed up on them stupid witch!:growlmad: but you have another cycle to keep tryng.

and those waiting to test like me..FX'd FX'd to all of us..come on christmas BFP's..:happydance:

hope u all are keeping well.

hope you all have a fantastic weekend!


Hi mummy! Thanks, hope you have a good weekend too!

Baby1wanted: Hope you're feeling better! If you've been BDing every other day and you've had good CM the sperm have longer lifespan in your body. FXed that, that covers you for the few days you and DH aren't well. Good luck!

Lotus: Thank you for the welcome! and great advice... I've read the 18DPO and later give the most accurate results. Now only if there were less sticks in the world begging to be pee'd on! ;)

Toms: If I was 3 days late I would have literally made up 20 symptoms by now, I applaud your saneness! Are you always regular? My cycles fluctuate so 3 days late is not uncommon for me.

Mummy - Welcome back! FX'd for your BFP! When do you test? I'm only 2DPO and going stir crazy!

Mrs. Eddie: Thank you for the big welcome! Everyone is amazing on here, the best thread I've come across so far! Wishing you lots of luck and a BFP surprise!

Ah thanks EMA! We'll see, to be honest I'm feeling out... 8 days till AF due and I can feel all the signs that she's on her way (they're the same signs that had me convinced I was pregnant last month!!). Don't actually mind feeling negative - all the other months TTC I've flat out convinced myself that I'm pregnant then devastated when AF arrives (I too have done the whole I'm still pregnant even with AF and a BFN thing ladies!). So figure at least this month I won't be too gutted to see AF. Got a friend's wedding tomorrow to take my mind off it all.
You're right I've found this by far the most supportive thread, isn't it amazing to feel supported by people you've never met!

Sending everyone dust :dust: and hope you all have a lovely weekend :flower:
Baby1wanted: Hope you're feeling better! If you've been BDing every other day and you've had good CM the sperm have longer lifespan in your body. FXed that, that covers you for the few days you and DH aren't well. Good luck!

Lotus: Thank you for the welcome! and great advice... I've read the 18DPO and later give the most accurate results. Now only if there were less sticks in the world begging to be pee'd on! ;)

Toms: If I was 3 days late I would have literally made up 20 symptoms by now, I applaud your saneness! Are you always regular? My cycles fluctuate so 3 days late is not uncommon for me.

Mummy - Welcome back! FX'd for your BFP! When do you test? I'm only 2DPO and going stir crazy!

Mrs. Eddie: Thank you for the big welcome! Everyone is amazing on here, the best thread I've come across so far! Wishing you lots of luck and a BFP surprise!

It's funny, I have no symptoms at all, which makes me feel like I'm in this month :)..... I had no symptoms with my ds until about 10 weeks gone when my boobs started to hurt and I felt tired, it was only then that I took a test and realised I was pg!!!! (I was on the pill at the time and took 2 packs one after the other so didn't think anything of the missed af!)
Thanks babywanted :)

I hope af doesn't show for you! I reckon the less you think and stress about the symptoms the more likely it is to happen :haha:.... Mad theory!
It's funny, I have no symptoms at all, which makes me feel like I'm in this month :)..... I had no symptoms with my ds until about 10 weeks gone when my boobs started to hurt and I felt tired, it was only then that I took a test and realised I was pg!!!! (I was on the pill at the time and took 2 packs one after the other so didn't think anything of the missed af!)

Same when I was pregnant with my two! No symptoms at all exception sore boobs came a bit later. Which now makes me wonder why I would be symptom spotting so much all this time :dohh:
A wierd symptom I have noticed though!..... I keep feeling like I've got a stitch up near my ribs! Gets quite sore sometimes! It's weird, I have it now and all I've done is sit down!
Hope everyone had a good weekend! We really need to start getting some BFPs around here!!

AFM I feel like we didn't :sex: enough around the right time. I ended up not feeling well for a couple days. I know its always possible but I just don't feel like this time be IT for me :nope:
Ah thanks EMA! We'll see, to be honest I'm feeling out... 8 days till AF due and I can feel all the signs that she's on her way (they're the same signs that had me convinced I was pregnant last month!!). Don't actually mind feeling negative - all the other months TTC I've flat out convinced myself that I'm pregnant then devastated when AF arrives (I too have done the whole I'm still pregnant even with AF and a BFN thing ladies!). So figure at least this month I won't be too gutted to see AF. Got a friend's wedding tomorrow to take my mind off it all.
You're right I've found this by far the most supportive thread, isn't it amazing to feel supported by people you've never met!

Sending everyone dust :dust: and hope you all have a lovely weekend :flower:

baby1: we must be living in a parallel universe!! I've got 7days til AF and went to a friend's wedding this past weekend. haha! I hope we both get our BFPs this month in our parallel worlds ;)

Thanks babywanted :)

I hope af doesn't show for you! I reckon the less you think and stress about the symptoms the more likely it is to happen :haha:.... Mad theory!

I like that theory! This month I am totally letting nature do its thing and trying not to think about it at all! I hope it works :)

and I agree with more babies! we need some BFPs around here!!! :happydance:
Hello all,

Well I am CD 3 today and as I believe Lotus so eloquently put it last month, it sucks! I really didn't have any expectations this cycle so I wasn't disappointed as I normally am, but Saturday was still tough.

We too had a wedding to go on Saturday, (apparently October 20 is a really popular date for weddings), and we were stuck in traffic on the way there. I was on my phone, sending out some emails and checking out Facebook and of course there were like 3 new people who were expecting, all of whom have been married for less time than my DH and I. Normally, I can rationalize these things but I don't know if it was the combination of the frustration of being stuck in traffic and my raging hormones but I lost it. I was so angry at everything and everyone, especially my body, which just can't seem to cooperate!

I don't remember if I have shared our background or not but I went of BC November 2011. The plan was start TTC right away as I had stalled the process for about a year, (due career aspirations). That same month I get laid off from my job, which led to stress and a severe Crohn's flare up, where I get incredibly sick and my weight dropped to 98-100 lbs. This results in me having no period until July 2012, (when my weight increases back to the normal range). The lack of period/ovulation combined with me starting my new job (that I was very lucky to land quickly) meant we couldn't even begin to TTC until July, so basically delayed us another 7 months.

This whole process has been frustrating and to be honest some days I am just over it. I know that this is only my fourth cycle of actively trying but because of all the delays and drama it seems like it has been so much longer. I am a very fortunate person and honestly have a very blessed life with an absolutely amazing DH, the best friends and family who are so supportive of me, a wonderful job that I love and a beautiful home. I also have great health right now, which I am eternally grateful for. I think my frustrations lie in the fact that a) I thought (for some strange reason) I would great pregnant super quickly and b) I really feel that I am "missing" something in my life because I don't have children right now. I do know that one day I will have children, it is just really difficult to wait for that day sometimes.

I was actually considering deleting my BNB account and to just start NTNP but I know that I would miss all of you ladies too much and I don't want to delay this process any further so am going to continue to TTC. So I will still be around but only a couple of days a week so I can keep up with all of you and see what is going on.

For those of you who are waiting to test, I have my fx for you and wish you nothing but the best. I am so excited to see some BFPs on here!

xo and hugs to all!
So call me crazy but all this, non symptom spotting and getting our hopes up talk is secretly getting me super excited... I think it's great to not get your hopes up... but in my world Murphy's Law prevails! Since we all get our hopes up for BFPs and get shut down by AF, here's to hoping expecting AF will turn out at least one BFP!!!

AFM... 5DPO and twiddling my thumbs! lol
Thanks for sharing your story Mrs.Eddie. and sorry to hear that you have/had to go through all those stressful times! The boards here really help though don't they?? Theres no one else in the world that I can be so honest about TTC than the ladies here. I love it. Its great having you around here Mrs. Eddie!!!!
Mind if I join?

This is our first month TTC. I am 7DPO and have had crazy sore boobs since Saturday night. I had been doing so well with not symptom spotting until that happened :dohh:

I am due to start my period next Monday and my husband and I decided to wait to test until the following Saturday (19DPO). I'm trying so hard to hold out! My cycles are pretty regular, I've never been late (if anything, maybe a day or two early). I'm afraid if I haven't started my period by next Wednesday I'll be bugging my husband to move up the testing date! :haha:
Mind if I join?

This is our first month TTC. I am 7DPO and have had crazy sore boobs since Saturday night. I had been doing so well with not symptom spotting until that happened :dohh:

I am due to start my period next Monday and my husband and I decided to wait to test until the following Saturday (19DPO). I'm trying so hard to hold out! My cycles are pretty regular, I've never been late (if anything, maybe a day or two early). I'm afraid if I haven't started my period by next Wednesday I'll be bugging my husband to move up the testing date! :haha:

WELCOME!! :flower: I'm new myself and the ladies here are Ahhhmazing!

I am also 7DPO, and expecting the dreaded AF on Oct 1st. FXed for all the ladies in the 2WW!!
WELCOME!! :flower: I'm new myself and the ladies here are Ahhhmazing!

I am also 7DPO, and expecting the dreaded AF on Oct 1st. FXed for all the ladies in the 2WW!!

Thanks! I sure hope AF stays away for all of us! When are you planning on testing?
Hello lovely ladies!!
Wow Koj that's a bit freaky! Let's hope our sticky beans arrive in parallel too!
Mrs Eddie I'm so sorry AF arrived. Thanks for letting us know about your story, sounds like you've had a really rough ride with things :-( Not sure if I've already said on this thread but I wasn't allowed to TTC for a long time as I was being monitored for mildly cancerous cells mixed in with endometriosis so I know what you're feeling - I've only been trying since Feb but with the WTT added on it feels like an eternity!
EMA keeping everything crossed for you!!
Tomsmummy - how's your ribs?! Odd thing, let's hope it turns out to be something good for you!!
You're right morebabies - we def need some more BFPs around here! Sorry you don't feel like you got enough BDing in - you never know eh! Hopefully you'll have done enough ;-)
Lotus and mummwant2be how r u both? Can't remember where you're up to in your cycles? Hope you're doing ok?
And welcome to Breadsticks and sending you lots of :dust: your way!!
Hope I've remembered everyone, so sorry if I've missed anyone out!
AFM AF is due Sat / Sun and I can definitely feel her on her wicked way, lots of cramps and sore boobs :-( Oh well, think it'll be onto the next cycle for me.... 42 days means it'll be December before next AD due
Lots of hugs and dust to everyone :hugs:
:dust: :dust: :dust:
baby1 - sore boobs and cramps can also be a good sign!!! Don't give up just yet :)

hi Breadsticks! I recognize you from my testing on halloween thread!
Thanks Baby1.... Like Koj says, cramping and sore boobs can be a good sign!

The rib pain for me has gone now and has been replaced with constant sore boobs!!! Instead of the on/off tingly sensation I've been getting over the past 5 days. I am seeing that as a good sign :)

I am 1 week late tomorrow so will test in the morn :)
Hi Koj! Nice to see you again! :)

Baby1wanted, thank you! I hope AF stays away this weekend and you get a BFP instead!

Toms Mummy, that sounds so promising! I can't wait to hear how it goes in the morning, my fingers are crossed for you!
Well, I caved and just took a test as I thought why wait till the morn eh?! :haha:

...... BFP..... :happydance:
Congratulations!!! :happydance: I am so happy for you! I don't think I could've waited till morning either lol ;)

Happy and healthy nine months to you!

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