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Early miscarriage almost done, anyone else getting ready to try after m/c?

Thanks girls, I know you're probably right, it's just so difficult to get an appointment at my doctors, so by the time I get there I'm sure it will all be done anyway. I was only bleeding for around 5 or 6 days, hardly anything yesterday or today, so I don't think that's really unusual or anything, when some people seem to carry on for weeks.

I would be so surprised if they actually do anything at this stage, but it is probably a good idea either way to have it on record. They have already done tests to try work out why my cycle went crazy, but no answers so far from various blood tests and scans.
Even go if just for a follow-up. I've been having a pain of a time getting appointments too. I think it's just a reality of our backed-up health systems. I'd rather go a bit after my loss simply because the first weeks can be chalked up to 'normal' recovery and it's hard to predict what your body will do in the future. I first saw my doctor 2 weeks after my loss and since I was still spotting he was able to order up blood work and an u/s. The wait time was so long that I'm not getting my u/s until Monday--6 weeks after the loss. I should have insisted to be seen sooner but I was too distraught at the time to put up a fight.
Yah.. I have been chalking up everything to my HCG levels still coming down.. but now that they are down, I knew something wasn't right.. so I made an appointment. Very glad I did now.

Starry - Did you end up taking a PG test?
No, I totally forgot. I was still half-asleep. lol At this point I think I need to use first-morning urine to get an accurate result. I'll try to remember to do it tomorrow morning.

Still no spotting but lots of clear discharge.
Warning: Ovulation after a MC sucks! I have been in extreme pain on my right side due to ovulation pains for two days now. Apparently they are more sensitive after a MC. Not fun! I read that the fallopian tube contracts while the egg makes its way through and boy can I feel it! Anybody else experiencing this??
I think I'd quite like to experience that, but doesn't sound fun for you! Hope it gets better soon, but that you can take some comfort from knowing your body is trying hard to get it right this time.
I've had several bouts of ov-like pain since this miscarriage. I don't think it was actual ovulation though because each bit of pain was followed by bleeding. But my hormones are all over the place still so I think that my body was having fake ovulation.

But yeah, the pain is not fun. I've had to sit down with all of my 'fake' ovulation pains this go around. And I remember my first ovulation after my son's birth was pretty terrible...got nausea, sore boobs and spotting. Was convinced I had an unplanned BFP until AF showed up exactly 2 weeks later.
Bbanner i know what you mean. I can normally feel O anyway but I had O pains for about 5 - 6 days! At least it is reassuring for when me and DH ttc next month.
It scared me at first because it was so much like the pains I had when I was bleeding, just not quite as bad. Kind of bitter sweet because it was nice to know that my body was moving on and doing what it should. I know a girl on a group forum I belong to that had a MMC just like mine...6wks, but found at 9 wks. She didn't have AF for 4 months! I am really sorry for those that are having a hard time getting back to normal and those that are taking longer than usual to get through the MC. If you can, I urge you to be in contact with your doctor. Mine was really reassuring and evaluated my levels to make sure they were dropping like normal. Be sure to watch for any fevers as this can indicate infection with unpassed tissue.
Speaking of ovulation pain...I think I o'ed last night or am about to o soon. I had one-sided pain along with some brown spotting so I was scared I was about to bleed again. But then I started to get loads of clear discharge and some of it was very stretchy. DH and I have not been DTD so it isn't any of his stuff either. Hoping I'm getting on the right track soon! Can't TTC yet though because of an unrelated minor surgery next week. Just as well. This m/c has been really rough on my body and I want to give it a chance to heal.

Saying that, I still got a bfp on a hpt this morning. The line was SUPER faint and it was thinner than the control line so I'm really hoping it was just an evap. I will pick up a FRER tomorrow and then take it Tuesday morning. Looking forward to a definite bfn by then.
I don't know how this works ...but here it goes. I'm 29, married, have a BEAUTIFUL 5 yr old little girl and have had 3 miscarriages in 8 months. I have factor 5 andow progesterone (which they say isn't causing me to mc). I'm still bleeding from my last mc on 11/14/12 and just so badly want it to stop as its just a constant reminder. All I want it to make my daughter a big sister (that's all she asks for and wants for Christmas) I'm at loss for words as I feel no one understands why I'm so upset b/c I have a child. Apparently when you have a child losing 3 in a row shouldn't hurt as bad. I don't know all the short terms on here either and was wondering if one of you lovely ladies could fill me in the abbreviations. All I know is "mc" for miscarriage and I know that one all too well. Xoxo
Here is the link for the abbreviations .. https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/forum-help-testing-area/730-babyandbump-lingo-abbreviations.html

I am so sorry for your losses. I just lost my first, and I don't know how anyone can think that just because you have had previous losses that it is easier to handle. :hugs:
I am in the exact same boat. I had an early miscarriage at just 4+1 weeks (I was watching and testing like crazy- plus had implantation bleeding to give me a hint). I just finished up the bleeding 2 days ago, and if all is still on schedule O-day is the 18th. Hoping for a bfp right after the first of the year. From my experience in the past, anytime my af comes a little late, it means I am more fertile, lol. The first time ttc, I had a few months of late af which is highly unlike me, and then bam! BFP. Hoping for a repeat but with a healthy conception this time. Good luck!! :)
We had a miscarriage at 5 weeks. My doctor said we could try again. Miscarriage was nov 13. It's scary this is my second one. The first was blighted ovum. The doctors really aren't telling me much but that its common and if I have another MC then we should worry! :dust: to all
We had a miscarriage at 5 weeks. My doctor said we could try again. Miscarriage was nov 13. It's scary this is my second one. The first was blighted ovum. The doctors really aren't telling me much but that its common and if I have another MC then we should worry! :dust: to all

I'm curious to know what makes the big difference between 2 and 3 losses. Why is 2 normal and "nothing to worry about" but 3 is suddenly very bad? :shrug:

Welcome to the new ladies. I'm so sorry for your losses and hope you get your rainbows soon. :hugs:
Hi Ladies, I'm really sorry to read about all your losses.
Just a bit about me, I had an ectopic in 2008 which resulted in my right tube rupturing. It took a long time before I could consider trying again, thankfully we did as we had our gorgeous son in 2011. We always wanted to have another one so tried again after our wedding and took 5 months and we got our BFP at the start of November we were so excited, was booked in for early scan at 7 wks to check was not another ectopic, but the day before I started to bleed lightly and knew in my heart I was starting to MC. At the scan it was confirmed and my hcg lvls were already down to just 10.. I stopped bleeding after just 5 days on 26th nov, we have got straight back to ttc. I have no real idea when to expect AF but am hoping for a BFP before she shows, if she don't here by Xmas eve ill test then :) good luck to you all, here's hoping to our BFPs soon x
I am in the exact same boat. I had an early miscarriage at just 4+1 weeks (I was watching and testing like crazy- plus had implantation bleeding to give me a hint). I just finished up the bleeding 2 days ago, and if all is still on schedule O-day is the 18th. Hoping for a bfp right after the first of the year. From my experience in the past, anytime my af comes a little late, it means I am more fertile, lol. The first time ttc, I had a few months of late af which is highly unlike me, and then bam! BFP. Hoping for a repeat but with a healthy conception this time. Good luck!! :)

Sorry for your loss:hugs: Do you plan on temping or using opks? I was scheduled to O cd14 like always, but luckily I was using opks, because it came a week later than normal!
Good luck to you! Hope you get a bfp!
Hi Ladies, I'm really sorry to read about all your losses.
Just a bit about me, I had an ectopic in 2008 which resulted in my right tube rupturing. It took a long time before I could consider trying again, thankfully we did as we had our gorgeous son in 2011. We always wanted to have another one so tried again after our wedding and took 5 months and we got our BFP at the start of November we were so excited, was booked in for early scan at 7 wks to check was not another ectopic, but the day before I started to bleed lightly and knew in my heart I was starting to MC. At the scan it was confirmed and my hcg lvls were already down to just 10.. I stopped bleeding after just 5 days on 26th nov, we have got straight back to ttc. I have no real idea when to expect AF but am hoping for a BFP before she shows, if she don't here by Xmas eve ill test then :) good luck to you all, here's hoping to our BFPs soon x

Sorry for your loss:hugs: I'm glad you guys are staying positive and have decided to start ttc right away! Good luck and hope you get your xmas bfp! I am in that boat too :)
I am in the exact same boat. I had an early miscarriage at just 4+1 weeks (I was watching and testing like crazy- plus had implantation bleeding to give me a hint). I just finished up the bleeding 2 days ago, and if all is still on schedule O-day is the 18th. Hoping for a bfp right after the first of the year. From my experience in the past, anytime my af comes a little late, it means I am more fertile, lol. The first time ttc, I had a few months of late af which is highly unlike me, and then bam! BFP. Hoping for a repeat but with a healthy conception this time. Good luck!! :)

Sorry for your loss:hugs: Do you plan on temping or using opks? I was scheduled to O cd14 like always, but luckily I was using opks, because it came a week later than normal!
Good luck to you! Hope you get a bfp!

I am not doing any tracking, besides assuming it is coming at the normal time. I have always been ridiculously regular (so much that the doctor I had said that at my annuals my af was the exact same week a year ago). I also had the cp, which came the day after af was expected, then this month, it still came right on time, the exact day (28 days). I usually just start bding with the husband a week before and about 4 days after. It has worked pretty well. Got pregnant, even after 9 years of bc, within 6 months, and this time, it only took 1 month to get a bfp after 3 months of bc. Also, this way I don't think I get too wrapped up in it, and make myself nervous/anxious/stressed. Thanks. GL to you too!!
Just a little update: saw my doctor today and my hcg is pretty much at zero and my ultrasound came back clear. He said to wait 2 to 3 months to TTC but we're just waiting for first AF. It will have been 2 months since the loss by the time it comes anyways.

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