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Early miscarriage almost done, anyone else getting ready to try after m/c?

Yeah, I was prepared, never know what my body is going to do these days.

My team KICKED ASS last night.. :) It was awesome. I even got on Sunday Night Football!
glad to hear af is here and the flow picked up to help to ease your mind that your body is def starting
to get back to normal!

glad to hear that your af came and you are in the frame of mind to start jan 2013
baby making!
My stupid body will not straighten out!! spotting (although very, very light) is still happening off and on..ugh..Im so over this!! 4 weeks...should it not be done already?? Hubby is anxious to at least dtd and I wont let him until AF comes and goes. (just for my own peace of mind) venting..agh...have I said Im so over this lol. Merry Christmas. Good Luck Ladies!
Sorry for whining. Long cycles are my reality that I usually don't even think of it until I'm caught off guard with a reminder that most girls get to have more tries in the same amount of time that I have one.

My AF is being so weird. If it wasn't for the fact that I ovulated two weeks ago I'd think it was just more m/c spotting. But my hcg is at zero, my uterus is clear and I'm getting all my usual PMS signs...just not the blood. It's mostly brown stuff with some tissuey junk along with some red spotting.

I'm really starting to think I may need to wait another cycle to give my body a chance to rebuild it's lining. I'm so impatient to get to TTC but I want a healthy lining for my rainbow.

I just wanted to say I understand this totally! I have long cycles too, it sucks. Second, Im having the same brown spotting and discharge. Ick. And add to that brown super sticky cm. Im waiting as patiently as I can for AF. She is nowhere in sight. I will go in to have my levels tested again this week. There has to be an end to this mc tunnel. There has to be. Jealous of all who are back to normal so quickly. bugger.
NMich - right there with you. I stopped bleeding after my provera period for 3 days, then it picked up again yesterday AM... And it's that brown CM stuff too.

I am jealous too of those that can start so soon. I told DH (among
Hey ladies! I had the D&C done on Friday and I'm feeling okay. Getting some bad backaches and heavy bleeding here and there, but otherwise feel okay. I'm glad it's over! I have a post op appt in 1.5 weeks and will find out when we can TTC again, either 1-2 months is what he said beforehand. :)
Ready - Glad to hear everything went well! Hopefully you can start trying sooner than later!

I totally just realized I never finished what I was writing, and pressed submit... I have no clue what I was going to say, but oh well :)
Sorry for whining. Long cycles are my reality that I usually don't even think of it until I'm caught off guard with a reminder that most girls get to have more tries in the same amount of time that I have one.

My AF is being so weird. If it wasn't for the fact that I ovulated two weeks ago I'd think it was just more m/c spotting. But my hcg is at zero, my uterus is clear and I'm getting all my usual PMS signs...just not the blood. It's mostly brown stuff with some tissuey junk along with some red spotting.

I'm really starting to think I may need to wait another cycle to give my body a chance to rebuild it's lining. I'm so impatient to get to TTC but I want a healthy lining for my rainbow.

I just wanted to say I understand this totally! I have long cycles too, it sucks. Second, Im having the same brown spotting and discharge. Ick. And add to that brown super sticky cm. Im waiting as patiently as I can for AF. She is nowhere in sight. I will go in to have my levels tested again this week. There has to be an end to this mc tunnel. There has to be. Jealous of all who are back to normal so quickly. bugger.

I think I bled on and off for about 6 weeks. Really sucks. But I ovulated pretty much as soon as it stopped (like within a day or two). I hear you on the jealousy of those who return to normal so quickly. On the Pregnancy After a Loss forums I've seen girls get their BFPs 4 weeks after their m/c.

After 4ish days of start-and-stop spotting my AF started for real on Christmas Eve and it's sooo heavy and annoying. Spent my Christmas hovering near the bathroom. Heavy AFs are normal for me but I hate that it had to be like this at Christmas. I'm pretty sure I got AF over Christmas last year too.

ready - hope you heal quickly and can get to TTC your rainbow!:hugs:
And Starry, I knew on October 11 that I was going to miscarry, finally did on October 31, and then had the D&C on 12/21. Been a long 3 months!!! But I KNOW and feel it in my bones this all will work out for all of us!
I really hope so! AF should be over any day now and I will have to start being on the lookout for ov signs. No clue what this m/c will do my always wonky cycles! I hope they go shorter than 40 days.
I'm getting O symtom of pressure in lower right part of my abdomen, I get it every month for a few days leading up to O. I'm glad my body is getting back to normal!! We can't TTC this cycle, and can't BD until Friday, but I won't be preventing anything ;)
Ready i am also getting that O feeling. This is our first month ttc after our mc. Fxd for the both of us!
Flou, have you had a period since the D&C or is this like mine where it's right after? May we get our sticky beans and SOON!!
Argh! More brown gook!! I'm starting to worry that this is going to be a "throw-away" cycle. What, with all of our illnesses and my body still passing junk, it seems my body does not want to get pregnant just yet. Based on my 40 day cycles I had before my latest BFP, I have until the 18th before I ovulate so there is still some time for the spotting to clear out.

I'm just tired of all the gross stuff. It really is gooky.
Oh, and good luck to flou and ready! Hope you catch those eggies!
I know my OB will say not to TTC this cycle and maybe not the next, but I'll just let nature take its course :) What would you do?
I waited for AF and now im about to O after AF. I didn't need a d&c so my doc said i could ttc as soon as i feel ready. I think the only reason they tell you to wait after a d&c is cos the lining could be thin and it may take time to build up again. If you feel ready i would try. I have known ladies to conceive and have successful pregnancies straight after d&c.
Just something I'm a little confused about, wondering if you ladies can help? For the past 2 days I've been having a LOT of EWCM. But I also have a bad cold. Before my m/c I only got EWCM on the day of OV. It's not been long since my hcg dropped to 0 and I don't know how soon you can OV after this but just in case me and OH have been BDing like rabbits :haha:

Just a bit confused if the EWCM could've been caused by the cold or if I was actually OVing. I haven't been using OPKs or temping, was going to start next cycle. I haven't taken anything for my cold except robitussin a couple of times but this was a few days before the EWCM started, and it was only 2 doses on 2 separate days.

Any ideas?
It sounds like it could be O. Good luck, hope you catch that egg!

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