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Early miscarriage almost done, anyone else getting ready to try after m/c?

Good luck everyone ttc, lets hope there will be plenty of bfps soon! Just waiting for AF to show. I can tell when I O and that was 10 days ago now so just want AF to turn up (never thought i would say that!) Then me and DH can start ttc again!
So glad your hcg has settled down Starry Night and your doctor is happy for you to ttc again. :hugs:

I really want af to turn up too flou haha. Strange feeling

Good luck to you all x
Had an amazing time in Hawaii. We saw the entire island and it was exactly what we needed! Memories to last a lifetime...
Twice while we were there I passed tissue, a little late given that my MC started 7 weeks ago. Still having on and off bleeding and spotting, so today went in for an ultrasound and the tech did see stuff in my uterus and I have a 5cm cyst on my ovary that wasn't there just 7 weeks ago. I'm probably going to need a D&C, I see my dr tomorrow....
Glad you had such a good time in Hawaii! Good luck with your doctor's appointment. I hope things finally resolve for you whether that be naturally or with d&c.

AFM - have my little surgery tomorrow to get some moles removed. I'm nervous about the potential pain. I'm such a little wuss! But after that I get to TTC...finally. But my depression is definitely affecting my desire to BD. Could be a problem.
Glad you had such a good time in Hawaii! Good luck with your doctor's appointment. I hope things finally resolve for you whether that be naturally or with d&c.

AFM - have my little surgery tomorrow to get some moles removed. I'm nervous about the potential pain. I'm such a little wuss! But after that I get to TTC...finally. But my depression is definitely affecting my desire to BD. Could be a problem.

Hey Starry,
Good luck with your surgery! I'm sure once you get over the surgery pain and will start ttc, your attitude will change with the promise of a bfp! I'm glad that you plan to start ttc soon and not wait any longer than necessary.

Glad to hear that your D&C is scheduled so quickly so your body can start healing and you can get back to ttc!

Pink & Flou,
FX that af comes around so you can start ttc again!

Mintey and Baker,
Sorry to hear of your losses. GL to y'all!
My surgery went well. Other than the initial needle-pricks (which weren't too bad) I didn't feel a thing. The doctor was very jokey and we had some funny conversations. I have to wear the bandages for 2 days and then get the stitches out on the 31st. I'm a little sore and stiff as it was on my back but nothing too major.

I'm making a dinner and dessert for a friend who has just had her baby so I'm keeping it VERY simple. A noodle casserole (basically throw all the ingredients in the dish, stir and heat in oven) and brownies. I'm going to get DH to bring it over as I'm still tender. Also, that way there will be no awkward "do you want to hold my newborn?" sort of questions. Not ready for that yet.
Starry glad your surgery went well xx

Ladies can i have an honest opinion on something. So y'day i drove 3hrs to my mother in law so we can catch up wiv DHs family and drive the mother in law back to ours on sunday. First thing she says to me is so are you all better now. Not sure if she meant emotionally or physically so i just said nearly. Later on an advert came on tv for a digital pg test and she said when you were pg did you use that. Then she spoke about how she was sure someone was pg and how she could tell. When i finally went to bed i cried my eyes out. The comments really upset me. I spoke to DH about it and he said she didnt intentionally mean to upset me. She probably didn't but it did upset me. Am i being over emotional about this or was my mother in law, however unintentional, a little insensitive?
Starry glad your surgery went well xx

Ladies can i have an honest opinion on something. So y'day i drove 3hrs to my mother in law so we can catch up wiv DHs family and drive the mother in law back to ours on sunday. First thing she says to me is so are you all better now. Not sure if she meant emotionally or physically so i just said nearly. Later on an advert came on tv for a digital pg test and she said when you were pg did you use that. Then she spoke about how she was sure someone was pg and how she could tell. When i finally went to bed i cried my eyes out. The comments really upset me. I spoke to DH about it and he said she didnt intentionally mean to upset me. She probably didn't but it did upset me. Am i being over emotional about this or was my mother in law, however unintentional, a little insensitive?

I think people say alot of things they don't intend to be hurtful. I have had people tell me multiple times that I am young and can try again, that all things happen for a reason, that it just wasn't the right time... it is so irritating, but some will never understand the hurt of it. I don't think anyone understands the hurt until they have been through it themselves, or until they have had to battle ttc, for example, NO one in my family had a miscarriage (except an aunt on her 6th child in her mid/late 30's), especially not the first pregnancy. They just don't get it simply put. :hugs:

glad to hear that your surgery went well~ You are so sweet to make a casserole for your friend!
I would have been all "congratulations! I just had an op procedure done and aren't feeling well right now" lol
although, now that I think more about it, yours was a genius response..make a quick casserole, send dh to deliver it, and that buys you more time to meet the new baby.


I suspect that your mil was unaware she was being insensitive, it sounds like she was just making conversation and didn't know what else to talk about. however, it doesnt matter what her intentions were, it still hurt your feelings. sorry, big hugs....:hugs:
To be fair, my friend didn't ask for help. A mutual friend asked. It's something we do in our church -- new moms get meals for about a week. I was glad to do it and it was kind of my fault for not insisting on another day. I said "Yes" to Thursday and afterwards was "whoops...having surgery that day...". Ah well! lol I've been doing OK seeing the photos on FB so hopefully, I will be able to hold the baby at some point.

Anyways, think AF is finally on her way! Had spotting last night and some yucky cramps today. Two weekends ago I had ewcm and ov pains so I'm taking this as a sign that my body is going back to normal. After my first m/c I stopped bleeding right away but took 5 months to ov. So if the trade-off for early ov is a few extra weeks of bleeding I guess it's all worth it!

Here's hoping to a New Year's BFP!
Starry glad your surgery went well xx

Ladies can i have an honest opinion on something. So y'day i drove 3hrs to my mother in law so we can catch up wiv DHs family and drive the mother in law back to ours on sunday. First thing she says to me is so are you all better now. Not sure if she meant emotionally or physically so i just said nearly. Later on an advert came on tv for a digital pg test and she said when you were pg did you use that. Then she spoke about how she was sure someone was pg and how she could tell. When i finally went to bed i cried my eyes out. The comments really upset me. I spoke to DH about it and he said she didnt intentionally mean to upset me. She probably didn't but it did upset me. Am i being over emotional about this or was my mother in law, however unintentional, a little insensitive?


Sorry you had to hear that. I think it's most likely she didn't mean to hurt you but sometimes people say dumb things. And I think miscarriages are just something people don't grasp unless they go through with it themselves. My FiL, in his attempt to "rationalize" our having our third loss was that since DH is a pastor and pastors often act as counsellors our losses are going to help us be more understanding to other people who go through hard times. Then on the heels of that comment my MiL wondered aloud how DH's cousins' pregnancy was going. :wacko:
Thank u for your comments ladies. I don't think she meant to hurt me and as you have all said people say stupid things sometimes. My first AF finally arrived today. The cramps have been terrible but the bleeding hasn't been too bad. Glad the painful bit is over before xmas! Im actually feeling alot better emotionally since the m/c now that AF has arrived. Me and the DH are going to start ttc this month. Should O just into the new year. Even though still a little scared about getting pg again, im also feeling excited about ttc again!
Hi ladies, just popping in to say hi!!!

I think AF is about our the door, ready for some NYE baby making!!!

Hope everyone has a good weekend and good Christmas!
Hi ladies, just popping in to say hi!!!

I think AF is about our the door, ready for some NYE baby making!!!

Hope everyone has a good weekend and good Christmas!

Ah! So jealous of girls with normal cycles. For the past several years all my cycles are like 35+ days. I won't be eligible for a January BFP at all. Oh well.
:( sorry starry... I'm just assuming ill have a normal cycle, but who knows any more!
Sorry for whining. Long cycles are my reality that I usually don't even think of it until I'm caught off guard with a reminder that most girls get to have more tries in the same amount of time that I have one.

My AF is being so weird. If it wasn't for the fact that I ovulated two weeks ago I'd think it was just more m/c spotting. But my hcg is at zero, my uterus is clear and I'm getting all my usual PMS signs...just not the blood. It's mostly brown stuff with some tissuey junk along with some red spotting.

I'm really starting to think I may need to wait another cycle to give my body a chance to rebuild it's lining. I'm so impatient to get to TTC but I want a healthy lining for my rainbow.
I started bleeding last night on the plane coming back home from the football game :(
Blah! What lousy timing! Did you at least have some pads along? I hate being caught off guard like that. :( Did you at least have a good time at the game? Did your team win?

Well, I'm bleeding for real now. It's still quite a bit lighter than my normal AF but it's definitely a steady flow. I hope it stays lighter this time. I don't want to spend my Christmas hovering between the couch and the bathroom. Also, I don't want it to go longer than a week. I just want to get to TTC!! (If the flow keeps up I'll be brave enough to try right away. The brown spotting was what had me concerned)

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