These threads get so petty in my opinion.
Here's a question: if you met a woman with a daughter with her ears pierced (a baby) would you judge her? Would you not talk to her? Would you consider her a bad mother? Because in my opinion, if you would, you're all a little nuts and need to travel the globe a bit more.
I would never get my daughter's ears pierced until she was at least near puberty and wise enough to know about pain and cleanliness and I knew she would be the type to look after her ears unlike I would have.

But to start getting so idealistic about something so tiny and inconsequential is in my opinion ridiculous. It's not abuse, it's not going to damage them, they won't end up scarred individuals who are a threat to society.
I went to a massage class once where the teacher told us to ASK our babies if they wanted a massage as they have to understand such things and touching anyone without permission is wrong. REALLY LADY?! At 6 months my baby NEEDS to be asked? I did it. And it's no big deal. But for something's sake (I'm trying not to swear here) don't be so rigid and uptight about things. The more nuclear family based western civilisation becomes the more paranoid, uptight and stressed individuals will become.
I'm so happy to come from an extended family were baby's were dropped on hard floors by young cousins, attempted to be thrown in water tanks, fell of marble verandas NUMEROUS times, sat in cars without car seats in SCARY driver third worlds countries, had uncles dislocate arms by whizzing kids around, willies caught in zippers, shampoo in eyes, wailing, crying, being DRAGGED up any which way possible with SO MUCH love and caring and not a smack EVER doled out or felt because some things aren't that important. They just simply aren't. There is no ideal. If there are adult women who had their ears pierced as babies who go around with any scars or complaining about why it was done or how it took away their rights they have FAR bigger issues than having their ears pierced as babies.
but as I said, please don't have it done when they're 5.
End rant. Sorry if it seems excessive but I do believe as long as we love our children and don't ABUSE or neglect them it's all good. If you think ear piercing, formula feeding, allowing strangers to touch your child because they're cute right in front of you, circumcision or a whole host of other things is abuse or neglect you really need to get on a backpack and get travelling.
and I'm all for debate which is why I needed to post my perspective on this issue.