Ears pierced - girls

I'm afraid that I am in the complete opposite side of the fence to every other single person on this thread!!!!
I had Macie's ears pierced when she was 8 weeks old and she didn't even wimper!!!! Not a single noise!
I didn't get them done for vanity reasons! I had them done young as babies don't feel the pain that toddlers do also I knew I could keep them clean and I don't have to worry about her playing with them and causing them to get infected!!
I have not had a single problem with her ears and she has tiny little silver studs in them!!!
Judge me if you want but it was personal choice tha me DH made together!!
^^ Like you say, that's your personal choice and so it's not really anyone's business, I'm just confused as to why you think you're doing her some kind of favour by not putting her through the pain she would feel if she had them done as a toddler? :shrug: It's unlikely she'll come and ask you, as a toddler, to have them done so really she doesn't need to experience the pain of it at all, unless she chooses to.
My mum had mine done when I was 6 months old and my nanna told me I cried and whimpered for about two days. If, as teenagers, my children come and ask me if they can have it done and they show they are mature and responsible enough to handle it, i.e the cleaning etc then that would be fine. Fundamentally I think you have to subconsciously want to pierce holes in your body and the decision shouldn't be taken by anyone else. I do understand that others have different views and that's up to them :flower:
I'm afraid that I am in the complete opposite side of the fence to every other single person on this thread!!!!
I had Macie's ears pierced when she was 8 weeks old and she didn't even wimper!!!! Not a single noise!
I didn't get them done for vanity reasons! I had them done young as babies don't feel the pain that toddlers do also I knew I could keep them clean and I don't have to worry about her playing with them and causing them to get infected!!
I have not had a single problem with her ears and she has tiny little silver studs in them!!!
Judge me if you want but it was personal choice tha me DH made together!!

i'm on your side of the fence x i don 't know a girl who hasnt got her ears pierced. one of my boys asked me for his done at 8, i agreed after a long talk and took him to get it done professionally. he screamed and cried and it got infected because he wouldnt let me near it.

i had my boo's done at 4 months she didnt scream or cry, didn't pull so no infection and i was able to care for them. she is now 8 and loves her earrings.

i had dollys done also at 4 months. she didnt scream or cry either. no infections etc

it is purely personal choice and for the record they both have tiny gold studs. unless its a special occasion then my boo will pick her own to match her outfit.
I'm afraid that I am in the complete opposite side of the fence to every other single person on this thread!!!!
I had Macie's ears pierced when she was 8 weeks old and she didn't even wimper!!!! Not a single noise!
I didn't get them done for vanity reasons! I had them done young as babies don't feel the pain that toddlers do also I knew I could keep them clean and I don't have to worry about her playing with them and causing them to get infected!!
I have not had a single problem with her ears and she has tiny little silver studs in them!!!
Judge me if you want but it was personal choice tha me DH made together!!

Just curious but you say you didn't do it for vanity so then what for?? Ear piercing is only for looks right
When Kayleigh is old enough to go into the salon with her own money she earned and without consent from me get them done, then all the power to her. They make awesome clip ons now, I don't see a need to get them done. My grampy always said that I had enough holes in my head, I didn't need any more of them! hehehe My mom took me when I was 6 and I don't remember the pain of it done that time, but I remember having to get my tonsils out soon after and I was so terrified to have them put back in after surgery because I thought it would hurt the same... so they grew over and I ended up getting them done again as a teen. I have 3 holes in each ear, but do not wear earings now at all. I just seen a girl on my FB got her 2 month olds ears pierced, and another wants too! I know I couldn't... I wouldn't want her to hurt :( scares the heck out of me. I think if you can't tell your baby is a girl, buy a cute headband and a dress! Don't put holes in their ears! lol I think Kayleigh looks gorgeous without :) She looks like and acts like a little lady :cloud9:
Gonna step out on a limb here.....
Just my opinion of course (and you know what they say about those) Some of you are saying you wouldn't get it done on a baby because they don't have a choice, but a male baby doesn't have a choice for circumcision either, but regardless, "most" mothers have it done. One woman said they aren't born with holes, so they shouldn't have them, well male babies are born with skin, shouldn't they keep it...or get to have a choice?
I'm sure since I'm posting this I'll get a bunch of "well you shouldn't..." and "how horrible" and yada yada, but both my girls were done at a young age. And not because it's the "norm" or the "in thing to do", but because I personally think it's very precious if done the right way. In a sterile environment with the best of material. My oldest daughter was pierced with tiny platinum studs (round balls with no stones as not to get caught on any of her blankets and such) And my youngest was pierced with white gold (again, no stones etc) at age 2 and a half. I didn't get her done sooner because by the time I had her I had moved out of the area I was in originally and it took longer to find a reputable place. She (my youngest) was also able to ask at this age "mama where's MY erdings"? Yes she called them erdings LOL Neither of them had a problem with the procedure. A little jump is all is all I witnessed. Neither had infection at any point and they LOVE earing shopping with Mama. It is my experience that the younger it is done, the better, baby's heal faster and cleaner and they don't tend to want to feel around their ear like "oooh what's this" the way an older child would do. Therefore lessening the chance of infection. I was actually hestitant to get Kiara's done since I had to wait so long to get hers done. But, I knew I would take good care of them and that she'd be so happy to have them....so we took the trip and had it done. They are now 5 and 3 1/2 and I don't have any regrets. IF they decide they don't want their "pretties" when they get older, (unlike circumcision) they can simply take them out and let them be. I do understand why the majority of you choose to wait...I just have different views I suppose. I think babies with sparklies are adorable.
I'm afraid that I am in the complete opposite side of the fence to every other single person on this thread!!!!
I had Macie's ears pierced when she was 8 weeks old and she didn't even wimper!!!! Not a single noise!
I didn't get them done for vanity reasons! I had them done young as babies don't feel the pain that toddlers do also I knew I could keep them clean and I don't have to worry about her playing with them and causing them to get infected!!
I have not had a single problem with her ears and she has tiny little silver studs in them!!!
Judge me if you want but it was personal choice tha me DH made together!!

i'm on your side of the fence x i don 't know a girl who hasnt got her ears pierced. one of my boys asked me for his done at 8, i agreed after a long talk and took him to get it done professionally. he screamed and cried and it got infected because he wouldnt let me near it.

i had my boo's done at 4 months she didnt scream or cry, didn't pull so no infection and i was able to care for them. she is now 8 and loves her earrings.

i had dollys done also at 4 months. she didnt scream or cry either. no infections etc

it is purely personal choice and for the record they both have tiny gold studs. unless its a special occasion then my boo will pick her own to match her outfit.

Totally off subject but just HAD to say...Your Casia is absolutely ADORABLE!!!!
Gonna step out on a limb here.....
Just my opinion of course (and you know what they say about those) Some of you are saying you wouldn't get it done on a baby because they don't have a choice, but a male baby doesn't have a choice for circumcision either, but regardless, "most" mothers have it done. One woman said they aren't born with holes, so they shouldn't have them, well male babies are born with skin, shouldn't they keep it...or get to have a choice?
I'm sure since I'm posting this I'll get a bunch of "well you shouldn't..." and "how horrible" and yada yada, but both my girls were done at a young age. And not because it's the "norm" or the "in thing to do", but because I personally think it's very precious if done the right way. In a sterile environment with the best of material. My oldest daughter was pierced with tiny platinum studs (round balls with no stones as not to get caught on any of her blankets and such) And my youngest was pierced with white gold (again, no stones etc) at age 2 and a half. I didn't get her done sooner because by the time I had her I had moved out of the area I was in originally and it took longer to find a reputable place. She (my youngest) was also able to ask at this age "mama where's MY erdings"? Yes she called them erdings LOL Neither of them had a problem with the procedure. A little jump is all is all I witnessed. Neither had infection at any point and they LOVE earing shopping with Mama. It is my experience that the younger it is done, the better, baby's heal faster and cleaner and they don't tend to want to feel around their ear like "oooh what's this" the way an older child would do. Therefore lessening the chance of infection. I was actually hestitant to get Kiara's done since I had to wait so long to get hers done. But, I knew I would take good care of them and that she'd be so happy to have them....so we took the trip and had it done. They are now 5 and 3 1/2 and I don't have any regrets. IF they decide they don't want their "pretties" when they get older, (unlike circumcision) they can simply take them out and let them be. I do understand why the majority of you choose to wait...I just have different views I suppose. I think babies with sparklies are adorable.

Seriosly why does it always come down to someone comparing it to circumcision and vice versa! There are absolutly NO benefits to piercing ears its always been for looks and that's it!! My boys were circumcised for the benefits I felt come with it... totally different! if I thought it was for looks I definatly would not have done it I mean who's looking at their penis anyway!! Its sad you would really think it was a valid thing to compare!
Gonna step out on a limb here.....
Just my opinion of course (and you know what they say about those) Some of you are saying you wouldn't get it done on a baby because they don't have a choice, but a male baby doesn't have a choice for circumcision either, but regardless, "most" mothers have it done. One woman said they aren't born with holes, so they shouldn't have them, well male babies are born with skin, shouldn't they keep it...or get to have a choice?
I'm sure since I'm posting this I'll get a bunch of "well you shouldn't..." and "how horrible" and yada yada, but both my girls were done at a young age. And not because it's the "norm" or the "in thing to do", but because I personally think it's very precious if done the right way. In a sterile environment with the best of material. My oldest daughter was pierced with tiny platinum studs (round balls with no stones as not to get caught on any of her blankets and such) And my youngest was pierced with white gold (again, no stones etc) at age 2 and a half. I didn't get her done sooner because by the time I had her I had moved out of the area I was in originally and it took longer to find a reputable place. She (my youngest) was also able to ask at this age "mama where's MY erdings"? Yes she called them erdings LOL Neither of them had a problem with the procedure. A little jump is all is all I witnessed. Neither had infection at any point and they LOVE earing shopping with Mama. It is my experience that the younger it is done, the better, baby's heal faster and cleaner and they don't tend to want to feel around their ear like "oooh what's this" the way an older child would do. Therefore lessening the chance of infection. I was actually hestitant to get Kiara's done since I had to wait so long to get hers done. But, I knew I would take good care of them and that she'd be so happy to have them....so we took the trip and had it done. They are now 5 and 3 1/2 and I don't have any regrets. IF they decide they don't want their "pretties" when they get older, (unlike circumcision) they can simply take them out and let them be. I do understand why the majority of you choose to wait...I just have different views I suppose. I think babies with sparklies are adorable.

This def doesn't need to turn to a circ debate but I think you'll find the majority on BNB also do not agree with routine circumcision either. That's more a US thing and really dying out here as well, it has dropped dramatically in recent years, down to 30% in some areas of the country.
I HATE to see babys with their ears peirced its awful. I feel sorry for the baby, I mean what if they pull on the earing and rip their ear, or get it caught? no definately wont let Daisy have it done anytime soon!!
Gonna step out on a limb here.....
Just my opinion of course (and you know what they say about those) Some of you are saying you wouldn't get it done on a baby because they don't have a choice, but a male baby doesn't have a choice for circumcision either, but regardless, "most" mothers have it done. One woman said they aren't born with holes, so they shouldn't have them, well male babies are born with skin, shouldn't they keep it...or get to have a choice?
I'm sure since I'm posting this I'll get a bunch of "well you shouldn't..." and "how horrible" and yada yada, but both my girls were done at a young age. And not because it's the "norm" or the "in thing to do", but because I personally think it's very precious if done the right way. In a sterile environment with the best of material. My oldest daughter was pierced with tiny platinum studs (round balls with no stones as not to get caught on any of her blankets and such) And my youngest was pierced with white gold (again, no stones etc) at age 2 and a half. I didn't get her done sooner because by the time I had her I had moved out of the area I was in originally and it took longer to find a reputable place. She (my youngest) was also able to ask at this age "mama where's MY erdings"? Yes she called them erdings LOL Neither of them had a problem with the procedure. A little jump is all is all I witnessed. Neither had infection at any point and they LOVE earing shopping with Mama. It is my experience that the younger it is done, the better, baby's heal faster and cleaner and they don't tend to want to feel around their ear like "oooh what's this" the way an older child would do. Therefore lessening the chance of infection. I was actually hestitant to get Kiara's done since I had to wait so long to get hers done. But, I knew I would take good care of them and that she'd be so happy to have them....so we took the trip and had it done. They are now 5 and 3 1/2 and I don't have any regrets. IF they decide they don't want their "pretties" when they get older, (unlike circumcision) they can simply take them out and let them be. I do understand why the majority of you choose to wait...I just have different views I suppose. I think babies with sparklies are adorable.

Seriosly why does it always come down to someone comparing it to circumcision and vice versa! There are absolutly NO benefits to piercing ears its always been for looks and that's it!! My boys were circumcised for the benefits I felt come with it... totally different! if I thought it was for looks I definatly would not have done it I mean who's looking at their penis anyway!! Its sad you would really think it was a valid thing to compare!

They were born with it right? So it must serve a purpose. And a lot of women DO do it for looks, "I don't want my son being made fun of cause his looks different" or "Women think uncut is gross and funny looking, I don't want to put my boy through that". I've been in these very discussions. It's a lot the same because they DON'T have a choice. Pros and Cons of circumcision is another debate of it's own. I'm using it as an example of "choice". Maybe a boy would RATHER pull his skin back to keep it clean as opposed to having it cut off. Who knows? nobody, because MOST don't get the choice. You're right though...ear piercing has no benefits, but I'm sure you'd find some that say circumcision has no benefit(s) either. I myself don't have to worry about making that particular choice because I have girls and so will my next be.
Gonna step out on a limb here.....
Just my opinion of course (and you know what they say about those) Some of you are saying you wouldn't get it done on a baby because they don't have a choice, but a male baby doesn't have a choice for circumcision either, but regardless, "most" mothers have it done. One woman said they aren't born with holes, so they shouldn't have them, well male babies are born with skin, shouldn't they keep it...or get to have a choice?
I'm sure since I'm posting this I'll get a bunch of "well you shouldn't..." and "how horrible" and yada yada, but both my girls were done at a young age. And not because it's the "norm" or the "in thing to do", but because I personally think it's very precious if done the right way. In a sterile environment with the best of material. My oldest daughter was pierced with tiny platinum studs (round balls with no stones as not to get caught on any of her blankets and such) And my youngest was pierced with white gold (again, no stones etc) at age 2 and a half. I didn't get her done sooner because by the time I had her I had moved out of the area I was in originally and it took longer to find a reputable place. She (my youngest) was also able to ask at this age "mama where's MY erdings"? Yes she called them erdings LOL Neither of them had a problem with the procedure. A little jump is all is all I witnessed. Neither had infection at any point and they LOVE earing shopping with Mama. It is my experience that the younger it is done, the better, baby's heal faster and cleaner and they don't tend to want to feel around their ear like "oooh what's this" the way an older child would do. Therefore lessening the chance of infection. I was actually hestitant to get Kiara's done since I had to wait so long to get hers done. But, I knew I would take good care of them and that she'd be so happy to have them....so we took the trip and had it done. They are now 5 and 3 1/2 and I don't have any regrets. IF they decide they don't want their "pretties" when they get older, (unlike circumcision) they can simply take them out and let them be. I do understand why the majority of you choose to wait...I just have different views I suppose. I think babies with sparklies are adorable.

This def doesn't need to turn to a circ debate but I think you'll find the majority on BNB also do not agree with routine circumcision either. That's more a US thing and really dying out here as well, it has dropped dramatically in recent years, down to 30% in some areas of the country.

Absolutely. No debate here. As I said, I don't have sons so I don't have to make that choice, but I do feel it's similar ONLY because of "choice" (or lack thereof) Simply voicing my opinion as everyone here is. I come and put my two cents in, letting everyone who thinks it's wretched, think it's wretched and so on. :)
Gonna step out on a limb here.....
Just my opinion of course (and you know what they say about those) Some of you are saying you wouldn't get it done on a baby because they don't have a choice, but a male baby doesn't have a choice for circumcision either, but regardless, "most" mothers have it done. One woman said they aren't born with holes, so they shouldn't have them, well male babies are born with skin, shouldn't they keep it...or get to have a choice?
I'm sure since I'm posting this I'll get a bunch of "well you shouldn't..." and "how horrible" and yada yada, but both my girls were done at a young age. And not because it's the "norm" or the "in thing to do", but because I personally think it's very precious if done the right way. In a sterile environment with the best of material. My oldest daughter was pierced with tiny platinum studs (round balls with no stones as not to get caught on any of her blankets and such) And my youngest was pierced with white gold (again, no stones etc) at age 2 and a half. I didn't get her done sooner because by the time I had her I had moved out of the area I was in originally and it took longer to find a reputable place. She (my youngest) was also able to ask at this age "mama where's MY erdings"? Yes she called them erdings LOL Neither of them had a problem with the procedure. A little jump is all is all I witnessed. Neither had infection at any point and they LOVE earing shopping with Mama. It is my experience that the younger it is done, the better, baby's heal faster and cleaner and they don't tend to want to feel around their ear like "oooh what's this" the way an older child would do. Therefore lessening the chance of infection. I was actually hestitant to get Kiara's done since I had to wait so long to get hers done. But, I knew I would take good care of them and that she'd be so happy to have them....so we took the trip and had it done. They are now 5 and 3 1/2 and I don't have any regrets. IF they decide they don't want their "pretties" when they get older, (unlike circumcision) they can simply take them out and let them be. I do understand why the majority of you choose to wait...I just have different views I suppose. I think babies with sparklies are adorable.

Seriosly why does it always come down to someone comparing it to circumcision and vice versa! There are absolutly NO benefits to piercing ears its always been for looks and that's it!! My boys were circumcised for the benefits I felt come with it... totally different! if I thought it was for looks I definatly would not have done it I mean who's looking at their penis anyway!! Its sad you would really think it was a valid thing to compare!

They were born with it right? So it must serve a purpose. And a lot of women DO do it for looks, "I don't want my son being made fun of cause his looks different" or "Women think uncut is gross and funny looking, I don't want to put my boy through that". I've been in these very discussions. It's a lot the same because they DON'T have a choice. Pros and Cons of circumcision is another debate of it's own. I'm using it as an example of "choice". Maybe a boy would RATHER pull his skin back to keep it clean as opposed to having it cut off. Who knows? nobody, because MOST don't get the choice. You're right though...ear piercing has no benefits, but I'm sure you'd find some that say circumcision has no benefit(s) either. I myself don't have to worry about making that particular choice because I have girls and so will my next be.

I wont debate circumcision on a ear piercing thread so Im leaving it alone you believe what you want about it but its just two seperate things that shouldn't be compared but like momof3co said most bnb members wouldn't agree with circ either so your point is probably pointless on here.
Gonna step out on a limb here.....
Just my opinion of course (and you know what they say about those) Some of you are saying you wouldn't get it done on a baby because they don't have a choice, but a male baby doesn't have a choice for circumcision either, but regardless, "most" mothers have it done. One woman said they aren't born with holes, so they shouldn't have them, well male babies are born with skin, shouldn't they keep it...or get to have a choice?
I'm sure since I'm posting this I'll get a bunch of "well you shouldn't..." and "how horrible" and yada yada, but both my girls were done at a young age. And not because it's the "norm" or the "in thing to do", but because I personally think it's very precious if done the right way. In a sterile environment with the best of material. My oldest daughter was pierced with tiny platinum studs (round balls with no stones as not to get caught on any of her blankets and such) And my youngest was pierced with white gold (again, no stones etc) at age 2 and a half. I didn't get her done sooner because by the time I had her I had moved out of the area I was in originally and it took longer to find a reputable place. She (my youngest) was also able to ask at this age "mama where's MY erdings"? Yes she called them erdings LOL Neither of them had a problem with the procedure. A little jump is all is all I witnessed. Neither had infection at any point and they LOVE earing shopping with Mama. It is my experience that the younger it is done, the better, baby's heal faster and cleaner and they don't tend to want to feel around their ear like "oooh what's this" the way an older child would do. Therefore lessening the chance of infection. I was actually hestitant to get Kiara's done since I had to wait so long to get hers done. But, I knew I would take good care of them and that she'd be so happy to have them....so we took the trip and had it done. They are now 5 and 3 1/2 and I don't have any regrets. IF they decide they don't want their "pretties" when they get older, (unlike circumcision) they can simply take them out and let them be. I do understand why the majority of you choose to wait...I just have different views I suppose. I think babies with sparklies are adorable.

Seriosly why does it always come down to someone comparing it to circumcision and vice versa! There are absolutly NO benefits to piercing ears its always been for looks and that's it!! My boys were circumcised for the benefits I felt come with it... totally different! if I thought it was for looks I definatly would not have done it I mean who's looking at their penis anyway!! Its sad you would really think it was a valid thing to compare!

They were born with it right? So it must serve a purpose. And a lot of women DO do it for looks, "I don't want my son being made fun of cause his looks different" or "Women think uncut is gross and funny looking, I don't want to put my boy through that". I've been in these very discussions. It's a lot the same because they DON'T have a choice. Pros and Cons of circumcision is another debate of it's own. I'm using it as an example of "choice". Maybe a boy would RATHER pull his skin back to keep it clean as opposed to having it cut off. Who knows? nobody, because MOST don't get the choice. You're right though...ear piercing has no benefits, but I'm sure you'd find some that say circumcision has no benefit(s) either. I myself don't have to worry about making that particular choice because I have girls and so will my next be.

I wont debate circumcision on a ear piercing thread so Im leaving it alone you believe what you want about it but its just two seperate things that shouldn't be compared but like momof3co said most bnb members wouldn't agree with circ either so your point is probably pointless on here.

lol you've got the last word my dear. I wasn't in the debate club in high school anyway. I'll leave that to the seasoned pros. Also, I can't speak for others, as far as I knew it was my thought and my thought alone, but apparently there must be many more who feel the way I do or it wouldn't have struck such a cord with you. I almost kept going on here about how my point is pointless, but what would be more pointless is going on to you like my two cents are worth that much lol So good evening.
Gonna step out on a limb here.....
Just my opinion of course (and you know what they say about those) Some of you are saying you wouldn't get it done on a baby because they don't have a choice, but a male baby doesn't have a choice for circumcision either, but regardless, "most" mothers have it done. One woman said they aren't born with holes, so they shouldn't have them, well male babies are born with skin, shouldn't they keep it...or get to have a choice?
I'm sure since I'm posting this I'll get a bunch of "well you shouldn't..." and "how horrible" and yada yada, but both my girls were done at a young age. And not because it's the "norm" or the "in thing to do", but because I personally think it's very precious if done the right way. In a sterile environment with the best of material. My oldest daughter was pierced with tiny platinum studs (round balls with no stones as not to get caught on any of her blankets and such) And my youngest was pierced with white gold (again, no stones etc) at age 2 and a half. I didn't get her done sooner because by the time I had her I had moved out of the area I was in originally and it took longer to find a reputable place. She (my youngest) was also able to ask at this age "mama where's MY erdings"? Yes she called them erdings LOL Neither of them had a problem with the procedure. A little jump is all is all I witnessed. Neither had infection at any point and they LOVE earing shopping with Mama. It is my experience that the younger it is done, the better, baby's heal faster and cleaner and they don't tend to want to feel around their ear like "oooh what's this" the way an older child would do. Therefore lessening the chance of infection. I was actually hestitant to get Kiara's done since I had to wait so long to get hers done. But, I knew I would take good care of them and that she'd be so happy to have them....so we took the trip and had it done. They are now 5 and 3 1/2 and I don't have any regrets. IF they decide they don't want their "pretties" when they get older, (unlike circumcision) they can simply take them out and let them be. I do understand why the majority of you choose to wait...I just have different views I suppose. I think babies with sparklies are adorable.

Seriosly why does it always come down to someone comparing it to circumcision and vice versa! There are absolutly NO benefits to piercing ears its always been for looks and that's it!! My boys were circumcised for the benefits I felt come with it... totally different! if I thought it was for looks I definatly would not have done it I mean who's looking at their penis anyway!! Its sad you would really think it was a valid thing to compare!

They were born with it right? So it must serve a purpose. And a lot of women DO do it for looks, "I don't want my son being made fun of cause his looks different" or "Women think uncut is gross and funny looking, I don't want to put my boy through that". I've been in these very discussions. It's a lot the same because they DON'T have a choice. Pros and Cons of circumcision is another debate of it's own. I'm using it as an example of "choice". Maybe a boy would RATHER pull his skin back to keep it clean as opposed to having it cut off. Who knows? nobody, because MOST don't get the choice. You're right though...ear piercing has no benefits, but I'm sure you'd find some that say circumcision has no benefit(s) either. I myself don't have to worry about making that particular choice because I have girls and so will my next be.

I wont debate circumcision on a ear piercing thread so Im leaving it alone you believe what you want about it but its just two seperate things that shouldn't be compared but like momof3co said most bnb members wouldn't agree with circ either so your point is probably pointless on here.

lol you've got the last word my dear. I wasn't in the debate club in high school anyway. I'll leave that to the seasoned pros. Also, I can't speak for others, as far as I knew it was my thought and my thought alone, but apparently there must be many more who feel the way I do or it wouldn't have struck such a cord with you. I almost kept going on here about how my point is pointless, but what would be more pointless is going on to you like my two cents are worth that much lol So good evening.

Didn't strike a cord I just can't get my head around how anyone could think they were similar in any way :shrug: but sorry about sounding bitchy I read that over and it does sound bad I guess I shouldn't be responding on my phone Lol but anyway just to let you know I don't think its" wretched" to pierce a babys ears I just don't see the point until they are older but everyone around here does it me personally I wouldn't... I got mine done at 5 and there are a few pp that say that's a bad age but that's probably the age Id do it if she asked but I don't have to worry about it since all I have is boys so we are kinda going around on things we niether one have to worry about lol
I'm afraid that I am in the complete opposite side of the fence to every other single person on this thread!!!!
I had Macie's ears pierced when she was 8 weeks old and she didn't even wimper!!!! Not a single noise!
I didn't get them done for vanity reasons! I had them done young as babies don't feel the pain that toddlers do also I knew I could keep them clean and I don't have to worry about her playing with them and causing them to get infected!!
I have not had a single problem with her ears and she has tiny little silver studs in them!!!
Judge me if you want but it was personal choice tha me DH made together!!
It still is for vanity or looks tho, as thats the reason u have them done in the first place!
I'm afraid that I am in the complete opposite side of the fence to every other single person on this thread!!!!
I had Macie's ears pierced when she was 8 weeks old and she didn't even wimper!!!! Not a single noise!
I didn't get them done for vanity reasons! I had them done young as babies don't feel the pain that toddlers do also I knew I could keep them clean and I don't have to worry about her playing with them and causing them to get infected!!
I have not had a single problem with her ears and she has tiny little silver studs in them!!!
Judge me if you want but it was personal choice tha me DH made together!!
It still is for vanity or looks tho, as thats the reason u have them done in the first place!

When u chose to get my daughters ears pierced the last thing I thought about was looks. Yes now I look at them and think they look pretty but that was not my reason to getting them done!!! Someone else previous said that why get them done if you can clearly tell you have a daughter... You could easily tell my daughter was a girl before having her ears pierces and that has nothing to do with most people decision to get them done xx
These threads get so petty in my opinion.

Here's a question: if you met a woman with a daughter with her ears pierced (a baby) would you judge her? Would you not talk to her? Would you consider her a bad mother? Because in my opinion, if you would, you're all a little nuts and need to travel the globe a bit more.

I would never get my daughter's ears pierced until she was at least near puberty and wise enough to know about pain and cleanliness and I knew she would be the type to look after her ears unlike I would have. :haha: But to start getting so idealistic about something so tiny and inconsequential is in my opinion ridiculous. It's not abuse, it's not going to damage them, they won't end up scarred individuals who are a threat to society.

I went to a massage class once where the teacher told us to ASK our babies if they wanted a massage as they have to understand such things and touching anyone without permission is wrong. REALLY LADY?! At 6 months my baby NEEDS to be asked? I did it. And it's no big deal. But for something's sake (I'm trying not to swear here) don't be so rigid and uptight about things. The more nuclear family based western civilisation becomes the more paranoid, uptight and stressed individuals will become.

I'm so happy to come from an extended family were baby's were dropped on hard floors by young cousins, attempted to be thrown in water tanks, fell of marble verandas NUMEROUS times, sat in cars without car seats in SCARY driver third worlds countries, had uncles dislocate arms by whizzing kids around, willies caught in zippers, shampoo in eyes, wailing, crying, being DRAGGED up any which way possible with SO MUCH love and caring and not a smack EVER doled out or felt because some things aren't that important. They just simply aren't. There is no ideal. If there are adult women who had their ears pierced as babies who go around with any scars or complaining about why it was done or how it took away their rights they have FAR bigger issues than having their ears pierced as babies.

but as I said, please don't have it done when they're 5. :rofl: :haha:

End rant. Sorry if it seems excessive but I do believe as long as we love our children and don't ABUSE or neglect them it's all good. If you think ear piercing, formula feeding, allowing strangers to touch your child because they're cute right in front of you, circumcision or a whole host of other things is abuse or neglect you really need to get on a backpack and get travelling.

and I'm all for debate which is why I needed to post my perspective on this issue. :flower:
I'm afraid that I am in the complete opposite side of the fence to every other single person on this thread!!!!
I had Macie's ears pierced when she was 8 weeks old and she didn't even wimper!!!! Not a single noise!
I didn't get them done for vanity reasons! I had them done young as babies don't feel the pain that toddlers do also I knew I could keep them clean and I don't have to worry about her playing with them and causing them to get infected!!
I have not had a single problem with her ears and she has tiny little silver studs in them!!!
Judge me if you want but it was personal choice tha me DH made together!!
It still is for vanity or looks tho, as thats the reason u have them done in the first place!

When u chose to get my daughters ears pierced the last thing I thought about was looks. Yes now I look at them and think they look pretty but that was not my reason to getting them done!!! Someone else previous said that why get them done if you can clearly tell you have a daughter... You could easily tell my daughter was a girl before having her ears pierces and that has nothing to do with most people decision to get them done xx

Can i ask why u got them done then? Im not judging just curious as to what other possible reason there could be for getting a babies ears pierced other than for looks? Or do they serve a purpose i am not aware of??? :shrug:
I wouldn't judge a mother whom decided she wanted her babies ears pierced. Although I would hope that had researched it and thought about it.

My reason: Young babies have little to no immune system. When they are born their immune system is so primative it has to work hard as soon as the baby is born to make sure the babies chances of survival are good. Getting a young babies ear's pierced is putting a foreign object into a a body with a very immature immune system. The body will stil try and fight it as it is not designed to be there. Therefore unessicary strain is being put onto a weak immune system and an increased risk of infection. Having had a piercing that has becoem infected it was extremely painful and the earrings were very difficult to remove. (Don't compare it to vacs etc because tehy are medically nessicary). In addition some one I know had her little girls ears pierced as a baby. The baby was always playing with them and pulling at them etc, she presumed she was just fascinated with the fact she had her ears pierced. The little girl grew and soon began to speak. When she could talk she told her mum that her ears were always itchy and sometimes became sore. It turns out when examined by a doctor that her daughter had a mild allergy to the metal, so slight it didn't become inflamed but enough to cause iritation and mild discomfort. With all that in mind I don't consider it to be practical to have a young babies ears pierced. And before anyone says " My daughter are/were fine" Yes they may have been. But I am not willing to risk my child getting an infected piercing, give a immature immune system an unnessicary thing to fight and not know if they were causing my child discomfort until they could tell me

As for religious purposes. I would not do something to my child that I felt could cause my child distress or unnessicary pain (no matter how short that pain was). But again I wouldn't judge anyone that does

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