Ears pierced - girls

Also, what reasons are there besides vanity? I just don't understand! I personally think that babies are beautiful as they are, and that piercings are unnecessary. And, without wanting to offend anyone, I actually think babies with pierced ears - at least where I'm from - usually just look a bit..."chavvy".

you have offended!! :growlmad:

Sorry! It's probably just where I live, every child I see with pierced ears seems to be kitted out in a tracksuit that matches their parents! I honestly didn't mean to offend, it's just that that's the only time I see babies with pierced ears, so that's all I know of it, IYKWIM?

its funny how in different areas its complete opposite where I am I would be the odd one out deciding not to get a girls ears pierced as a infant everyone I know does it here! only infant girl I know right now that doesnt have here ears pierced is my best friends and I think that was more daddys decision than mommys :)
i wouldnt be worrying about ears,

my 15 yr old is begging me to have her belly button pierced :rofl: ears being pierced is nothing compared a to a teen going on and on and on and on lol.

just to add i personally dont like ears pierced on very young children and rosie had her done aged 10.


Yeah, I guess this is when it gets reeeeeeally scary lol. I begged and begged my parents to have my belly button done when I was 15, we had a massive row about it and I've still not had it done, too much of a wuss :dohh:
i wouldnt be worrying about ears,

my 15 yr old is begging me to have her belly button pierced :rofl: ears being pierced is nothing compared a to a teen going on and on and on and on lol.

just to add i personally dont like ears pierced on very young children and rosie had her done aged 10.


Oh dear god this brings back memories I begged my mum to have my belly button done, and she said ask your dad... my dad said yes lol... So then she said she wouldn't take me, knowing they wouldn't do it without a gaurdian so my then 21yr old brother took me and signed the papers saying he was my gaurdian and that I don't live with my parents ha ha

to be honest though she liked it once it was there and about 8yrs later I got bored of it and took it out knowing that it would have to come out when i had kids anyway and she was disappointed!!

Oh dear thinking of the things I done i'm now for the first time officially dreading my daughter getting to that age!!
i wouldnt be worrying about ears,

my 15 yr old is begging me to have her belly button pierced :rofl: ears being pierced is nothing compared a to a teen going on and on and on and on lol.

just to add i personally dont like ears pierced on very young children and rosie had her done aged 10.

That brings back memorys I remember begging my mum :rofl: xx
I got my belly button done at 15 and now I just have a big hole there after taking it out when I had my two. I think I'm going to get another bar though although it won't look the same on the jelly belly :haha:
When shes is at least in high school and only if she really really wants them.
I was too much of a chicken shit to get a belly ring and well now... oh lord, that just wouldn't be right hehe
Also, what reasons are there besides vanity? I just don't understand! I personally think that babies are beautiful as they are, and that piercings are unnecessary. And, without wanting to offend anyone, I actually think babies with pierced ears - at least where I'm from - usually just look a bit..."chavvy".

you have offended!! :growlmad:

Sorry! It's probably just where I live, every child I see with pierced ears seems to be kitted out in a tracksuit that matches their parents! I honestly didn't mean to offend, it's just that that's the only time I see babies with pierced ears, so that's all I know of it, IYKWIM?

its funny how in different areas its complete opposite where I am I would be the odd one out deciding not to get a girls ears pierced as a infant everyone I know does it here! only infant girl I know right now that doesnt have here ears pierced is my best friends and I think that was more daddys decision than mommys :)

its the same way where I live, but i just can't do it....when she cries from having shots or just getting her feelings hurt, there is no way that I could make her cry on purpose, even for a second lol But thats just me...but again, I'm like the oddball here because she's 4 months old already and doesnt have them done. I just think when she asks for them I'll take her and get them done, no set age in mind.
Gonna step out on a limb here.....
Just my opinion of course (and you know what they say about those) Some of you are saying you wouldn't get it done on a baby because they don't have a choice, but a male baby doesn't have a choice for circumcision either, but regardless, "most" mothers have it done. One woman said they aren't born with holes, so they shouldn't have them, well male babies are born with skin, shouldn't they keep it...or get to have a choice?
I'm sure since I'm posting this I'll get a bunch of "well you shouldn't..." and "how horrible" and yada yada, but both my girls were done at a young age. And not because it's the "norm" or the "in thing to do", but because I personally think it's very precious if done the right way. In a sterile environment with the best of material. My oldest daughter was pierced with tiny platinum studs (round balls with no stones as not to get caught on any of her blankets and such) And my youngest was pierced with white gold (again, no stones etc) at age 2 and a half. I didn't get her done sooner because by the time I had her I had moved out of the area I was in originally and it took longer to find a reputable place. She (my youngest) was also able to ask at this age "mama where's MY erdings"? Yes she called them erdings LOL Neither of them had a problem with the procedure. A little jump is all is all I witnessed. Neither had infection at any point and they LOVE earing shopping with Mama. It is my experience that the younger it is done, the better, baby's heal faster and cleaner and they don't tend to want to feel around their ear like "oooh what's this" the way an older child would do. Therefore lessening the chance of infection. I was actually hestitant to get Kiara's done since I had to wait so long to get hers done. But, I knew I would take good care of them and that she'd be so happy to have them....so we took the trip and had it done. They are now 5 and 3 1/2 and I don't have any regrets. IF they decide they don't want their "pretties" when they get older, (unlike circumcision) they can simply take them out and let them be. I do understand why the majority of you choose to wait...I just have different views I suppose. I think babies with sparklies are adorable.

Seriosly why does it always come down to someone comparing it to circumcision and vice versa! There are absolutly NO benefits to piercing ears its always been for looks and that's it!! My boys were circumcised for the benefits I felt come with it... totally different! if I thought it was for looks I definatly would not have done it I mean who's looking at their penis anyway!! Its sad you would really think it was a valid thing to compare!

They were born with it right? So it must serve a purpose. And a lot of women DO do it for looks, "I don't want my son being made fun of cause his looks different" or "Women think uncut is gross and funny looking, I don't want to put my boy through that". I've been in these very discussions. It's a lot the same because they DON'T have a choice. Pros and Cons of circumcision is another debate of it's own. I'm using it as an example of "choice". Maybe a boy would RATHER pull his skin back to keep it clean as opposed to having it cut off. Who knows? nobody, because MOST don't get the choice. You're right though...ear piercing has no benefits, but I'm sure you'd find some that say circumcision has no benefit(s) either. I myself don't have to worry about making that particular choice because I have girls and so will my next be.

I wont debate circumcision on a ear piercing thread so Im leaving it alone you believe what you want about it but its just two seperate things that shouldn't be compared but like momof3co said most bnb members wouldn't agree with circ either so your point is probably pointless on here.

lol you've got the last word my dear. I wasn't in the debate club in high school anyway. I'll leave that to the seasoned pros. Also, I can't speak for others, as far as I knew it was my thought and my thought alone, but apparently there must be many more who feel the way I do or it wouldn't have struck such a cord with you. I almost kept going on here about how my point is pointless, but what would be more pointless is going on to you like my two cents are worth that much lol So good evening.

Didn't strike a cord I just can't get my head around how anyone could think they were similar in any way :shrug: but sorry about sounding bitchy I read that over and it does sound bad I guess I shouldn't be responding on my phone Lol but anyway just to let you know I don't think its" wretched" to pierce a babys ears I just don't see the point until they are older but everyone around here does it me personally I wouldn't... I got mine done at 5 and there are a few pp that say that's a bad age but that's probably the age Id do it if she asked but I don't have to worry about it since all I have is boys so we are kinda going around on things we niether one have to worry about lol

I honestly had no clue that other's thought the same way I did. I mean, I didn't think that people WOULDN'T think the same way, but I never gave it any thought before thinking it. LMAO is that confusing or what???
ANYWAY...The ONLY reason they are similar (to ME) is the lack of "choice" the baby involved has. And that they are both a form of body modification if you will. That is the only reason I made a reference to circumcision. But I am here to agree with you that...neither of us have to worry about these things, so it's kind of silly. Like I said, I just wanted to voice my opinion the way others are free to do. I really did not want to start a debate.
Everything's gonna be alright! LOL
My daughter got her ears pierced when she was 8 months old. If I ever have another daughter i would get them pierced around the same age as well. From what I read on this thread I must be a cruel mother then. :wacko:

You're not cruel for getting your baby's ears pierced. It's a matter of personal opinion. My girls were both young when I had them done. My oldest was just over 3 months old. What would be cruel is if you had them done and then expected them to keep themselves clean and infection free. Letting them get all nasty and painful would be cruel and downright abuse. I'm sure that's not the case...so please, don't get so down on yourself because of a few BNB women voicing their opinion. Trust me, it's not worth it.:thumbup:
Gonna step out on a limb here.....
Just my opinion of course (and you know what they say about those) Some of you are saying you wouldn't get it done on a baby because they don't have a choice, but a male baby doesn't have a choice for circumcision either, but regardless, "most" mothers have it done. One woman said they aren't born with holes, so they shouldn't have them, well male babies are born with skin, shouldn't they keep it...or get to have a choice?
I'm sure since I'm posting this I'll get a bunch of "well you shouldn't..." and "how horrible" and yada yada, but both my girls were done at a young age. And not because it's the "norm" or the "in thing to do", but because I personally think it's very precious if done the right way. In a sterile environment with the best of material. My oldest daughter was pierced with tiny platinum studs (round balls with no stones as not to get caught on any of her blankets and such) And my youngest was pierced with white gold (again, no stones etc) at age 2 and a half. I didn't get her done sooner because by the time I had her I had moved out of the area I was in originally and it took longer to find a reputable place. She (my youngest) was also able to ask at this age "mama where's MY erdings"? Yes she called them erdings LOL Neither of them had a problem with the procedure. A little jump is all is all I witnessed. Neither had infection at any point and they LOVE earing shopping with Mama. It is my experience that the younger it is done, the better, baby's heal faster and cleaner and they don't tend to want to feel around their ear like "oooh what's this" the way an older child would do. Therefore lessening the chance of infection. I was actually hestitant to get Kiara's done since I had to wait so long to get hers done. But, I knew I would take good care of them and that she'd be so happy to have them....so we took the trip and had it done. They are now 5 and 3 1/2 and I don't have any regrets. IF they decide they don't want their "pretties" when they get older, (unlike circumcision) they can simply take them out and let them be. I do understand why the majority of you choose to wait...I just have different views I suppose. I think babies with sparklies are adorable.

Seriosly why does it always come down to someone comparing it to circumcision and vice versa! There are absolutly NO benefits to piercing ears its always been for looks and that's it!! My boys were circumcised for the benefits I felt come with it... totally different! if I thought it was for looks I definatly would not have done it I mean who's looking at their penis anyway!! Its sad you would really think it was a valid thing to compare!

They were born with it right? So it must serve a purpose. And a lot of women DO do it for looks, "I don't want my son being made fun of cause his looks different" or "Women think uncut is gross and funny looking, I don't want to put my boy through that". I've been in these very discussions. It's a lot the same because they DON'T have a choice. Pros and Cons of circumcision is another debate of it's own. I'm using it as an example of "choice". Maybe a boy would RATHER pull his skin back to keep it clean as opposed to having it cut off. Who knows? nobody, because MOST don't get the choice. You're right though...ear piercing has no benefits, but I'm sure you'd find some that say circumcision has no benefit(s) either. I myself don't have to worry about making that particular choice because I have girls and so will my next be.

I wont debate circumcision on a ear piercing thread so Im leaving it alone you believe what you want about it but its just two seperate things that shouldn't be compared but like momof3co said most bnb members wouldn't agree with circ either so your point is probably pointless on here.

lol you've got the last word my dear. I wasn't in the debate club in high school anyway. I'll leave that to the seasoned pros. Also, I can't speak for others, as far as I knew it was my thought and my thought alone, but apparently there must be many more who feel the way I do or it wouldn't have struck such a cord with you. I almost kept going on here about how my point is pointless, but what would be more pointless is going on to you like my two cents are worth that much lol So good evening.

Didn't strike a cord I just can't get my head around how anyone could think they were similar in any way :shrug: but sorry about sounding bitchy I read that over and it does sound bad I guess I shouldn't be responding on my phone Lol but anyway just to let you know I don't think its" wretched" to pierce a babys ears I just don't see the point until they are older but everyone around here does it me personally I wouldn't... I got mine done at 5 and there are a few pp that say that's a bad age but that's probably the age Id do it if she asked but I don't have to worry about it since all I have is boys so we are kinda going around on things we niether one have to worry about lol

I honestly had no clue that other's thought the same way I did. I mean, I didn't think that people WOULDN'T think the same way, but I never gave it any thought before thinking it. LMAO is that confusing or what???
ANYWAY...The ONLY reason they are similar (to ME) is the lack of "choice" the baby involved has. And that they are both a form of body modification if you will. That is the only reason I made a reference to circumcision. But I am here to agree with you that...neither of us have to worry about these things, so it's kind of silly. Like I said, I just wanted to voice my opinion the way others are free to do. I really did not want to start a debate.
Everything's gonna be alright! LOL

I get what your saying and funny enough Im not against getting a babies ear pierced on lack of choice just don't really see the point until they are older because at some point most likely they will have it done either way...I was defensive about it was it seems that people think those that circ do it only for looks and that is definatly not why I did it but your point was on lack of choice and not that so technically we were going round in circles over nothing lol now Im confusing myself lol
Gonna step out on a limb here.....
Just my opinion of course (and you know what they say about those) Some of you are saying you wouldn't get it done on a baby because they don't have a choice, but a male baby doesn't have a choice for circumcision either, but regardless, "most" mothers have it done. One woman said they aren't born with holes, so they shouldn't have them, well male babies are born with skin, shouldn't they keep it...or get to have a choice?
I'm sure since I'm posting this I'll get a bunch of "well you shouldn't..." and "how horrible" and yada yada, but both my girls were done at a young age. And not because it's the "norm" or the "in thing to do", but because I personally think it's very precious if done the right way. In a sterile environment with the best of material. My oldest daughter was pierced with tiny platinum studs (round balls with no stones as not to get caught on any of her blankets and such) And my youngest was pierced with white gold (again, no stones etc) at age 2 and a half. I didn't get her done sooner because by the time I had her I had moved out of the area I was in originally and it took longer to find a reputable place. She (my youngest) was also able to ask at this age "mama where's MY erdings"? Yes she called them erdings LOL Neither of them had a problem with the procedure. A little jump is all is all I witnessed. Neither had infection at any point and they LOVE earing shopping with Mama. It is my experience that the younger it is done, the better, baby's heal faster and cleaner and they don't tend to want to feel around their ear like "oooh what's this" the way an older child would do. Therefore lessening the chance of infection. I was actually hestitant to get Kiara's done since I had to wait so long to get hers done. But, I knew I would take good care of them and that she'd be so happy to have them....so we took the trip and had it done. They are now 5 and 3 1/2 and I don't have any regrets. IF they decide they don't want their "pretties" when they get older, (unlike circumcision) they can simply take them out and let them be. I do understand why the majority of you choose to wait...I just have different views I suppose. I think babies with sparklies are adorable.

Seriosly why does it always come down to someone comparing it to circumcision and vice versa! There are absolutly NO benefits to piercing ears its always been for looks and that's it!! My boys were circumcised for the benefits I felt come with it... totally different! if I thought it was for looks I definatly would not have done it I mean who's looking at their penis anyway!! Its sad you would really think it was a valid thing to compare!

They were born with it right? So it must serve a purpose. And a lot of women DO do it for looks, "I don't want my son being made fun of cause his looks different" or "Women think uncut is gross and funny looking, I don't want to put my boy through that". I've been in these very discussions. It's a lot the same because they DON'T have a choice. Pros and Cons of circumcision is another debate of it's own. I'm using it as an example of "choice". Maybe a boy would RATHER pull his skin back to keep it clean as opposed to having it cut off. Who knows? nobody, because MOST don't get the choice. You're right though...ear piercing has no benefits, but I'm sure you'd find some that say circumcision has no benefit(s) either. I myself don't have to worry about making that particular choice because I have girls and so will my next be.

I wont debate circumcision on a ear piercing thread so Im leaving it alone you believe what you want about it but its just two seperate things that shouldn't be compared but like momof3co said most bnb members wouldn't agree with circ either so your point is probably pointless on here.

lol you've got the last word my dear. I wasn't in the debate club in high school anyway. I'll leave that to the seasoned pros. Also, I can't speak for others, as far as I knew it was my thought and my thought alone, but apparently there must be many more who feel the way I do or it wouldn't have struck such a cord with you. I almost kept going on here about how my point is pointless, but what would be more pointless is going on to you like my two cents are worth that much lol So good evening.

Didn't strike a cord I just can't get my head around how anyone could think they were similar in any way :shrug: but sorry about sounding bitchy I read that over and it does sound bad I guess I shouldn't be responding on my phone Lol but anyway just to let you know I don't think its" wretched" to pierce a babys ears I just don't see the point until they are older but everyone around here does it me personally I wouldn't... I got mine done at 5 and there are a few pp that say that's a bad age but that's probably the age Id do it if she asked but I don't have to worry about it since all I have is boys so we are kinda going around on things we niether one have to worry about lol

I honestly had no clue that other's thought the same way I did. I mean, I didn't think that people WOULDN'T think the same way, but I never gave it any thought before thinking it. LMAO is that confusing or what???
ANYWAY...The ONLY reason they are similar (to ME) is the lack of "choice" the baby involved has. And that they are both a form of body modification if you will. That is the only reason I made a reference to circumcision. But I am here to agree with you that...neither of us have to worry about these things, so it's kind of silly. Like I said, I just wanted to voice my opinion the way others are free to do. I really did not want to start a debate.
Everything's gonna be alright! LOL

I get what your saying and funny enough Im not against getting a babies ear pierced on lack of choice just don't really see the point until they are older because at some point most likely they will have it done either way...I was defensive about it was it seems that people think those that circ do it only for looks and that is definatly not why I did it but your point was on lack of choice and not that so technically we were going round in circles over nothing lol now Im confusing myself lol

The difference of opinion sure makes this world we live in an interesting place eh? Would be pretty boring and pointless if we all agreed on everything 100% of the time lol BUT enough about this...we're confused enough lol Now on to sending you some good luck...I see you're testing in about 2 weeks! Here's to getting the results you're hoping for!!!:thumbup:
When she's responsible enough to take care of them herself & ask for it.

Personally, i dont like to see babies with their ears peirced, i just don't think it looks very nice & neither do i like boys that have just one ear pierced! I know a girl who had her ears pierced as a baby & now they just look wierd cos her ears have grown, the piercing is in the wrong place.

I walked past Claires Accessories a few weeks ago & there was this tiny baby screaming having it's ears pierced, it bought tears to my eyes.
I agree with the above, their little ears are growing and it can alter the final positioning of the earing. Babies ears should be left alone imo.

I mean what if they became badly infected, or one got caught and ripped out. All for the sake of a mother thinking it looks 'pretty' or 'cute'. I dont get it.
I had my eyebrow pierced at 15.
Mum and dad didn't want me to do it but they couldn't really stop me.
I came home and they told me bluntly it looked bloody awful and I would regret it.
2yrs later it was growing out (literally - they don't tell you that!!) and then I caught it on my jumper and it tore.
I now have a scar through my eyebrow, I am 28 now.
And yes, once again mum and dad were right, it was bloody awful and I regret it.
Same as my tatoo.
In a way I am happier that my piercings (had ears done at 10/11yrs for birthday - my choice) were my decision, I can only blame myself for my scars / holes that wont close up etc... and nobody else.
I would be pretty annoyed if mum had pierced my ears as a little kid/baby and I hated it now.
She will not get them pierced till she's 10 at the very minimum, and only if she really wants it done. There simply is no need to have them done now.
I never even thought about once they grow it could look funny, and be in the wrong position... I would have been so mad if Mum would have done that to me. Like I said, the clip ons you can get now are pretty awesome, I don't see a need to pierce ears anymore on children. I know a few who have... I just couldn't.

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