'Fab'ulous testers and supporters; 58 bfps

At this rate she'll 1 in a couple of months! I mean, I'll have to start planning her first birthday relatively soon because with all of the holidays coming up it'll be here before I know it. :( I'm already feeling the need to put it off just so I can stay in denial about her growing up! She started sleeping in her crib last night (in another room!) because she can sit up on her own now if someone holds her legs down, so it won't be long before she can do it without assistance. Once she's sitting upright, she can pull herself to standing, so her bassinet is no longer safe.
awe it is such a big step when they move into their own room. And I totally see the safety side of it. kudos though for lasting 6 months lol. We lasted all of 3 weeks before moving him into his nursery
I think they told us at the hospital they recommend room sharing for the first year, but our room isn't big enough for our king size bed and anything larger than the bassinet, which can easily be moved out of the way so we can open our closet doors, so crib it was. It wasn't so bad, but it was really weird going to bed with her not in the room. If she fell asleep elsewhere I would always sleep in the same room on a chair or something until she woke up.
yea. there were nights when Sweets was having a rough time that either dh or I would end up sleeping on the bed in his nursery (he has a twin bed in his room along with his crib).
Poor Sylvie! She had a runny nose when I picked her up from day care yesterday. She was all congested by the evening and had goopy eyes and nose. Then we went to the ENT doctor and got confirmation she did have a tongue tie, so we had that clipped while we were there. Her latch is so much better now! Hopefully things will pick up in the supply department.

Due to her stuffy nose she couldn't nurse well last night and kept crying, poor thing. Add to that still having some of the gas issues from the antibiotics I was on for mastitis and she had another rough night last night. I wonder how long that should last now that I've finished my prescription? She's been increasingly gassy since I started the antibiotics, but it was hard to tell if it was less of an issue last night than the previous night with her poor nose.

She had a yummy dinner of pureed honeycrisp apples and a steamed green bean (which she mostly just played with) after she ate last night, followed by a big blowout diaper and bath time, which she loved! I couldn't stay dry with all of the splashing she was doing. :haha: I put some infant chest rub on her chest, feet, and back last night after her bath and used some nasal drops in her nose to help loosen things up so she could eat. I had to use the nasal drops once more in the middle of the night, too. Hopefully tonight she'll be in better shape, but if not, I may take her in a warm shower with me tonight with some Vick's and see if it helps. Anybody have any tips? Are there any essential oils I can use in a diffuser in her room to help? I know I have lavender, peppermint, sandalwood, and tea tree oils.
I haven't been posting in a while...

Lenora - we turned on hot water and let the bathroom fill with steam and stood with her in the steam for a while. Then saline and nose frida. Then eucalyptus essential oil in the diffuser and elevating the head. We had a wedge pillow that went under crib sheet.
Thanks, Mrs. MB! Good to see you!

We've still got some congestion going on and a little bit of a runny nose occasionally, but thankfully her symptoms never got any worse. It doesn't seem to disturb her sleep (unless that's actually waking her up at night and not hunger/wanting me) or her nursing, so I'm thankful for that. We do have the wedge in the crib and I ended up using lavender, sandalwood, and tea tree oils in the humidifier/diffuser.

Sylvie nearly crawled last night! She got her knees up under her several times, but dropped back down on her belly a few seconds later. Any day now... Time to get those babyproofing things installed!

I hope everyone is doing well.
First batch...


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Second batch... :haha:


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Last one. Whew!


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The hardest decision to make has been made. This is our last cycle trying fertility treatments of some sort. I've taken the soy but not sure if it will do anything.

I'm emotionally spent. We have decided to put everything into adoption. Right now we will be trying for a waiting child in our province. We will skip the baby stage and move right to toddler or young child. Looking for 0-10 years. Maybe even a sibling pair.
I'm sorry things have been so difficult ttc, Aayla, but I hope things go smoothly with the adoption process. That must be an incredibly difficult decision to make, but adoption is such a selfless thing to do. You're going to give children a much-needed and loving home. I'm sure it won't be an easy process, but no part of parenthood is easy anyway. And it will be so worthwhile in the end! :hugs: I hope you'll stick around during the adoption process and after you've adopted to update us. I'd love to see your family grow!
I will be sticking around for sure. I am no longer sad most of the time seeing other women get pregnant. I have come to terms that the powers that be have a different path for me. Somewhere, out there, there is a child waiting to call me mom.
Lenora she is adorable! I love seeing baby pics :baby:

Aayla I'm so sorry about your struggles but I'm glad you'll be around to stay. I hope the adoption process goes smoothly for you and that you will soon have a child to call your own :hugs:
I'm sorry for not updating in a while. In all honestly things have been incredibly busy around here, and with all the ladies who struggle to conceive, I don't want to sound like I'm bragging. Really this pregnancy has been hard on me. It has been decided that this will be our last baby because of the polyhydramnios making me miserable. I've felt like I can't breathe since about 32 weeks. In addition to carrying about 2 liters of fluid, I've also found out last week at 34w2d that baby is already measuring 7lbs. 1oz. :shock: and I still had about 6 weeks left! I'm really hoping he comes a bit early, but at the same time I want him to finish baking because I know it'll be good for his brain development.

We've also celebrated Grace's first birthday... can't believe it has already been a year! She is walking now and has two teeth. Here I didn't think she'd EVER get in her teeth but she popped them both at the same time and I think she will be getting in more soon by the way she's been acting. She had her 1 year shots today at the doctor, poor thing, but she did really well. I will post a picture of her birthday picture below :)


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Lilmiss: I'm sorry your pregnancy has had some difficulties, especially to the point that this will be your last.

I know i have said it before, and i can only speak for myself, but please don't censure yourself (this is to everyone). We all here have different journeys to motherhood. For some it comes incredibly easy, and for others incredibly difficult. The one thing I love about this group is how supportive it is no matter what. If ever I am having a hard time I take myself away for a bit and come back and catch up when I know I will be okay reading everything.

I feel so close to all of you and you all have been an amazing sounding board. If I ever have mom questions, this is where I would go.

Deep down I want to know everything that is going on, the good and the bad, the "holy crap how did we fall pregnant again?!!"

AFM: We have our first counselling appt next Tuesday Aug 29. I have no idea what to expect. I'm not really grieving. I know it may hit me at odd moments. But I don't know how the ministry is supposed to know I am truly ready to move on to this step. something to ask my therapist I suppose. Grief never really leaves you. I will never truly be over my miscarriage. it's coming up to 2 years now. It's seems like it was a lifetime ago and yet some days it is like it is yesterday.

I just want to be a mom. Adoption was always a part of my plan ever since I was a little girl. My ideal was 2 bio pregnancies so I could experience 2 different pregnancies. Then I wanted to adopt a few sibling groups. I wanted 12 children. I wanted my life to be the movie Cheaper by the Dozen. A mass of bodies and yelling and screeching and organized chaos. Well the bio plan didn't work out so on to the next part of my family plan. For me adoption is not a last resort. Maybe saying this to my therapist and her putting it some sort of letter to the ministry will work.
That's great, Aayla! I hope you get your wish of a big family, and sooner than you think! I'm not too familiar with the adoption process, though I know it can be quite a long ordeal. Can't wait to see you with your own little ones!

Lilmiss - I'm sorry pregnancy has gotten so uncomfortable! I hope for baby's sake you have a bit more cooking time ahead of you, but for your sake I hope baby is ready to go before too long. I was just looking at my pregnancy pics yesterday and can't believe how huge I was toward the end! I see now why everyone was asking if I was having twins. :haha: Grace is such a darling! Happy birthday to her!
Our application is in! We just have the criminal record check form to fill out, the consent to disclose paperwork and the doctor work up. I have a doc appt on monday so I am going to call them tomorrow and get them to change it to hopefully fill out this form and make an appt for hubby for next wednesday as that is his next day off.

this was the part that took the longest the first time. But that's okay because we have a lot to do in the house before we get our first appt with the social worker and once the paper work and checks are all clear it can happen pretty quickly. So this coming weekend will be busy busy busy for us.

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