First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Mrs - I actually teared up a little reading your description (not sure if that's AF hormones or injected ones :haha:) - Everything you wrote is exactly how I'd describe my ttc. Gained about 10 lbs from stress, comfort/unhealthy eating, the no alcohol getting old (hell, it all gets old) and give up after a while. Hope your IUI works out and you don't even have to worry about the next step. :dust:
Mrs. L - we transferred one embryo. We wanted to go with two, but after thinking it through long and hard, we went with one. My RE recommended just one since she felt pretty confident in the first try. Also, she said studies have shown it is a higher success rate with one embryo, then if failure, one more (i.e. separately), rather than two at once. So we took her up on that advice. She is the expert after all, but at the end of the day, you have to make a decision of what is right for you and your family. I had 45 eggs retrieved, which is huge, but they dropped off significantly by day 5. It was pretty disappointing. I ended up with 4 frosties in the end. Transferred the one, after a BFN, did PGS on the three remaining. So they were thawed, tested, and re-frozen. It made me nervous to do that, but I really wanted to go into things feeling confident that I had 3 strong ones. Totally agree that you gotta be in the right place physically, emotionally, spiritually! The power of positive thinking can do wonders! I still need to remind myself of that daily. :) This group has been a tremendous amount of support for myself and I think others! Super, super helpful! When I learn anything new, or one of the other ladies is going through a milestone, this is the first place I visit for the update. :) You've come to the right place for support on this journey!
MrsL, I did the split ICSI. My DH always had really good SAs, so my RE didn't see any reason for ICSI, but since I was 37 at the time, I was torn. In the end, they said Ok, how about half and half? I liked that option and went w/ it. We retrieved 20 eggs, 18 were mature, so they did ICSI on 10 and let the other 8 fertilize naturally. All fertilized successfully, and of the 8 embryos that ended up making it to day5, I think half were ICSI and half were natural.

As for PGS, this is always a hard one... You are quite young, and it's a few grand you'd save, and we have a bunch on here that didn't do PGS and were successful on their first try. Then we have others who did do PGS, and only a few of their embies came back ok, so if they would've transferred the bad ones, they would've just lost them and had to do another cycle. In my case, I didn't do PGS on my 8 blasts. My fresh cycle failed (although we think this was due to unreceptive lining from high E), and then my first FET worked but sadly turned into a CP. After that, I decided I wasn't going through it anymore, and I decided to do PGS on my 4 remaining embies. We lost one during the thaw, so 3 got tested, and only 1 came back normal. We transferred that ONE embie, and bam, here I am. :) It kept me from risking yet another failed FET, and at my clinic, the FET would've been more costly than the PGS. For my 3 embies, PGS was $2300. I feel like $5k is a lot, so maybe that quote was for PGD (I know PGD is pricier than PGS). It wouldn't hurt to double check that w/ your RE.
Just a warning - our RE quoted $5k, which I thought was a lot. We checked with the lab who quoted about $2600, which was way less than $5k. Then later I come to find out its $2600 from Reprogenetics (the co. who did the testing) then ANOTHER $2500 or so from OUR clinic, since they did the thaw, refreeze, etc. So just be aware that costs can come from both ends. Our clinic failed to inform us of that. :/
Yes, that's a good point LadySosa.... my cost was $2300 to the lab. And then I think another $800 to my clinic (which wasn't bad). I forgot about that because my insurance paid all my clinic fees, so I didn't come out of pocket for that portion. So a total of about $3100.

Speaking of that... I did finally hear back from my insurance company re: the out of pocket I paid to the lab. They agreed to reimburse me for 70% of the PGS. It was pretty nice getting that check... awesome surprise!

Oh, MrsL, I should also clarify one thing... I mentioned that I lost one of my embies when we thawed for PGS.... but I don't think it was the thaw that caused it... It was taking longer to thaw than the other three, which was why it couldn't get biopsied for PGS. They watched it for another 24 hrs though, to see how it progressed, and by the next day, it was starting to degenerate. I've always had the feeling it was probably just one of those embies that wasn't strong enough to make it to day 6, and therefore probably would never have stuck anyway. I guess we'll never know for sure, but that's my thought! Hehe!
That's awesome Erin! I am in the struggle now, trying to get the insurance company to cover the lab fee. They covered the fee to my clinic, but now it's that $2600 that I'm trying to get reimbursed. Apparently they have denied the claim, citing that I needed to have it pre-authorized. Even though I called Cigna to check on the cost, and they never mentioned that I should get a pre-auth. So I am hoping my clinic will help me with the appeal. At least I MAY get 50% reimbursed, so we'll see. At this point it is a sunk cost, so any reimbursement would be a bonus. :)
Thank you guys! It is really really helpful to hear yall's stories. I am SO grateful for this site!

One of the REI docs at my clinic told me to go look at this site....

And also this (for your specific clinic)

Just thought I would share, as that includes national averages and % pregnancies given your reason for infertility, age, etc.
That's awesome Erin! I am in the struggle now, trying to get the insurance company to cover the lab fee. They covered the fee to my clinic, but now it's that $2600 that I'm trying to get reimbursed. Apparently they have denied the claim, citing that I needed to have it pre-authorized. Even though I called Cigna to check on the cost, and they never mentioned that I should get a pre-auth. So I am hoping my clinic will help me with the appeal. At least I MAY get 50% reimbursed, so we'll see. At this point it is a sunk cost, so any reimbursement would be a bonus. :)

That's very interesting, because I have Cigna as well, and they told me I needed a pre-auth too. Same same situation as you... I had called BEFORE getting the PGS done and talked to a customer service rep about prices, and she never told me I'd need a pre-auth. So that was my argument. If one was required, they should've told me when I called the first time. Of course, there was no record of me calling the first time, so I had no way to prove it. I did get penalized a little, in that they knocked off a couple hundred, so I didn't get the full 70%, but I did get most of it, so I can't complain, considering a lot of people get nothing. The only reason I was even supposed to get 70% was because I have out-of-network coverage up to that amount. I always forget that, because I never go out of network! I'm sure your appeal will work, since they ended up reimbursing me a good chunk for the same thing!
Wow, you ladies have been chatty today!

Welcome to Krissy and MrsL: I forget who asked about restrictions. My RE mentioned no restrictions during stimming.

I started limiting my caffeine in anticipation of getting pregnant because I am a Coke Zero junkie and caffeine withdrawal is no joke. I do still have a soda or two a day but primarily drink milk or water. I don't drink coffee and if I have tea it is decaf. I did drink throughout my stimming. Honestly, the red wine helped me deal with the shots. I got lots of sleep and exercised until my RE said no more. At the point she said stop, I was feeling pretty darn uncomfortable and wouldn't have run anyway. I did get a tad overstimulated and they stopped my meds early. I was on Follistim and Ganirelix. I ended up with 18 retrieved, 18 fertilized via ICSI due to MFI and 9 made it to the 5-day transfer. I am 30 with no known fertility issues and we didn't want twins so we only transferred one. I've got 8 frosties. We skipped PGS but I did do a genetic blood test to see if I was a carrier of anything. That was actually a huge relief.

Running and yoga was essential to get me through the fertility but I did gain almost 10 pounds over that time. We felt sad for ourselves and indulged a lot more than usual. I haven't been thrilled to be at the top of my comfortable weight range but it is what it is.

Amy: Thinking of you! :hugs:

LadySosa: I'm sorry about the delay! I know even a month can just feel devastating. AF showed up early for me in January before we had our IVF contract back from our lawyer. It was the first time in 15 months it was early. I was livid. I hope your clinic gets its act together.

Beagle: Sorry to hear DH is gone again. That has to get old. Do you have any Saladworks or Zoup near your office? Both places have really healthy lunch options if you aren't feeling up to cooking.

Jen: Glad you let yourself out of the house! The Mark is an awesome camera. I'm not that fancy but I have a Canon Rebel T4I. I love photography. It's an expensive but fun hobby though. It makes traveling extra special. I'm much more of a landscape photographer than people. I need to work on that.

Erin: Yay for getting to see baby boy again. I can't wait to feel some movement.

BabyW: I cracked up at Jack and the vodka. Perhaps he's got a bit of tsunami Sue in him?

And that's as far as advanced let me go back...

Booger: Stinks you're still feeling so crummy. I found myself insatiably hungry at first. COULD.NOT.GET.ENOUGH.FOOD. After a few weeks and getting back to exercising normally, I feel like my hunger is much more normal. I'm up 4-6 pounds. I'm not sure if I should make my starting weight pre-IVF or not. Still fitting into the majority of my casual pants, some work stuff is too tight in the legs. My boobs and booty are growing the fastest. I got new bras and it has felt awesome. I'm trying to be balanced with my weight gain as I started out 10 pounds heavier than I'd like.

Terri: I am soooo excited for your ultrasound Thursday. I really hope you're lucky like me and don't get hit with the nausea at six weeks.

JKB: I bet the doppler is such a huge relief with all you've dealt with. I'd love to see your bump. I can't believe you've gained so little.

I had a great weekend. I ran a 10K plus (it was 6.8 miles) where we ran from a brew pub in one city to their location where I live. My running club ran it and my friend Shawn paced me. I ran way faster than I thought, keeping a sub 10-minute mile the entire time despite it being 77. I normally race at an 8:45-8:50 pace so I was slower finishing in 1:05. But it felt awesome to get out there and give it my all. I screwed up the shuttle location for the race so DH and I ended up having to run a half mile to get to it. So, between walking and running I think I covered 10 miles Saturday.

We continued our hunt for a nursery dresser Sunday. No luck yet. But we did start our registry. I have to say after an hour I was losing an ability to make good decisions.

I'm super excited because this week my mom ordered me the graham glider from West Elm for the nursery. I got it for 20 percent off and we're picking it up in the store to save $175 in shipping charges.

And Sunday night we took my MIL out for dinner for her bday and she offered to buy us our stroller. I think we are going to go with the Bob Revolution Pro because it has adjustable handlebars and a hand brake. It's really hilly where we live. I'm feeling super grateful for such generous family!

I think my MIL is driving my mom nuts wanting to have my baby shower planned yesterday. She's retired and my mom works full time, so my mom isn't keeping up with her accelerated schedule. =)

As I've mentioned before I work from home, but I work full-time and I leave the house often for meetings, events etc. Somehow my MIL thought that I was going to have the baby home with me and I needed no childcare. DH explained she worked from home doing clerical work in her free time. But I was truly perplexed when she said this. They've offered to take one full day of child care, which is really nice.

Back to the grind of work today and madness with them giving me bad information on our maternity leave policy!
Ooh cool Mrs. L - those sites are very interesting! Thanks for sharing!
sars - that glider is BEAUTIFUL! what fabric did you pick?

thanks for sharing your ICSI/PGS/single embryo transfer thoughts! DH is more on board with single embryo (even though we would be thankful a pregnancy - singleton or twins!) -- i know i am thinking with my heart right now......
Thanks MrsL! I went with the Dove Grey. It is super comfortable and it is the sort of chair I'd actually put in my living room. It's probably one of the priciest pieces of furniture in my house! But it was a gift and I got a good deal =)

You and DH really have to decide what you can handle. I know for awhile I thought about twins as being an outcome I might want. The closer we got to making the decision the more overwhelming the idea began. You'll know what is best for you guys. Hopefully, you won't even have to worry about IVF.
Hi guys! Just skimming through Facebook and seeing posts after posts of babies and pregnancy announcements....sigh. Sometimes it's so hard to see. :( I will always be perplexed and jealous of those who get pregnant so easily (seemingly, anyways)! Oh well.

Sars- yay for the glider and generous baby gifts! And way to go on that run! I am super impressed!
Pgs for us was about $5k...and so was an fet when you add in meds. So we saw it as a wash. I think it is a personal decision. But I couldn't imagine doing transfer after transfer and wondering are all my eggs bad? Also good to know I have another frostie left to transfer for a sibling. And pgs let's you know the the gender. We didn't know that and it had no bearing on our decision... Just a bonus.

Lady when you are pregnant all this stuff will just go away. You won't think about others announcements... Or the struggle. Will maybe the struggle just because you are so grateful. After getting pregnant I finally felt normal... Not like a science experiment.

I'm doing OK with no husband... But I did it a lot later last night than normal.
KrissyB - Welcome! I cut out caffeine and alcohol (mostly) during stims and then completely in the TWW. Other than that, not real dietary changes. I do remember trying to eat warm foods in my TWW because I heard that can help but who knows if that's true. I didn't really feel any side effects. I did become really uncomfortable and bloated towards the end of stimming, though.

Welcome MrsL4!

Booger - Happy to hear that you were feeling pretty good this weekend. It's totally normal to worry about gaining too much weight. But make sure you don't deprive yourself because of it. Just try to eat well and exercise and you'll be fine! And like Terri said, you'll lose anything that you gain no problem I'm sure.

LadySosa - That's so frustrating about your appointment. So, now do you go back right after your next period?

JKB - Bump pic, please! :)

Terri - I'm so ready for Thursday, too! Is your appt in the morning? I hope so. :)

Beagle - I hear you about starting the IVF process with a little extra weight. I did the same as well but I didn't want to delay just to lose a few more pounds. :) Honestly, I have no idea how much I've gained. They weigh me every time I go in but don't tell me anything. I guess I should probably ask, huh?

Babywhisperer - That is HYSTERICAL about the vodka. I would have loved to have seen that man's face at the pizza place. :) That's great that you're planning a babymoon. I'm counting our trip to FL for a friend's wedding as ours.

JCM - One week and let's hope you're off of bed rest!

eRose - Glad you're doing well. Can't wait to see pics from your anatomy scan! :)

Sars - Man, you put me to SHAME with your running. Good for you, girl! Love that glider! My DH's cousin is going to give us their rocker but I do plan on getting new cushions for it. And that's great about the stroller. Very generous of your family.

I have my next doctor's appointment tomorrow and then my diabetes test in another 2 weeks. And after that, I'll be going every 2 weeks! So crazy to me. I found out yesterday that my SIL/BIL and niece and nephew who moved up from Virginia last year are moving back down. He's been working from home and I guess he really doesn't like it so they're moving back down in June. They moved back up here to be closer to family but I guess it's just not really working out for them. We're all super-bummed. :(
I use my pregnancy app to keep up with my weight. I was weighing daily but sometimes forget. I am not obsessed or anything...just like to know. But it keeps fluctuating, so not sure what I have really gained.

I put on a tighter fitting dress this's not really tight, it is close fitting. I am not ready for that so I took it off. You can really see my stomach & I don't really like it right now as I said before. It feels more like a glob.
sars-You really lucked out with all the gifts and such that your family is giving you. Funny about your MIL/mom drama. They'll figure it all out. Great job running your 10k+. You're really fast too. Amazing! Did you have to buy new running clothes, or are you wearing baggier stuff? My running clothes are different. Some are tight, some are looser/flowyier (hee hee). Today I'm going to do yoga. I hate it so much, but I'll try it again just to do something. Plus, I have some dumbbells so I might use those after yoga.

Lady-I think I've said it before, but I don't really see a lot of FB baby announcements except from my motorcycle friends, but they all have grandmother announcements so it doesn't bother me. One of my classmates announced the other day that she is having another baby this year, so that just made me happy that I'm not the absolute last person in my age group having kids. hee hee. Although I'm still after her. HA! Hopefully your friends don't go on and on about being pregnant. Some people post everything on FB and some use discretion so I hope they are the discretionary types. <3 get over the 'are all my eggs bad' idea pretty quickly when you do transfer after transfer. You just blame your husband. :haha: Just kidding. It does get old after a while. You've heard me through all of it, so you already know.

kfs1-Sorry to hear about your BIL/SIL moving back to Virginia. Booo..there's always facetime/skype. I love using facetime with my sisters and their families. And yay for having more appointments. What is tomorrow's test all about? Just a check up? My appointment isn't until the afternoon (3p) because my hubs is coming and he works in a different area of the state. They don't do early appointments for pregos because they have all the morning TTC monitoring appointments and such, and I think that's a good idea. No one wants to see people upset and crying when they see pregnant women and their spouses. I kind of always hated when husbands were in the waiting room for whatever reason. It was just a little unnerving.

MrsL and Krissy-How old are you guys? Depending on age depends on how many embryos are recommended to transfer. I transferred three embryos every single time and they never worked until this last time. I'm old though. HA!!HA!! I didn't have PGS/PGD done either, so if you get that done, obviously your chances are a smidge better. I'm old and cheap.

LadySosa-Part II-I'm still waiting for my insurance to bill this last cycle so I can get my PGS deposit back. It's $750 and I could use that money.

And finally, my snack drawer at work is totally stocked. hee hee. I brought in some wheat thins today. I'm probably jinxing myself that on Thursday, exactly 6w, I'm just going to start getting sick, so I want to be totally prepared to snack. It's like when riding a motorcycle. If you remember to pack your raingear, it doesn't rain, but leave it at home one time, and you'll get drenched. :winkwink::flower:
Wow, you ladies have been chatty today!

Welcome to Krissy and MrsL: I forget who asked about restrictions. My RE mentioned no restrictions during stimming.

I started limiting my caffeine in anticipation of getting pregnant because I am a Coke Zero junkie and caffeine withdrawal is no joke. I do still have a soda or two a day but primarily drink milk or water. I don't drink coffee and if I have tea it is decaf. I did drink throughout my stimming. Honestly, the red wine helped me deal with the shots. I got lots of sleep and exercised until my RE said no more. At the point she said stop, I was feeling pretty darn uncomfortable and wouldn't have run anyway. I did get a tad overstimulated and they stopped my meds early. I was on Follistim and Ganirelix. I ended up with 18 retrieved, 18 fertilized via ICSI due to MFI and 9 made it to the 5-day transfer. I am 30 with no known fertility issues and we didn't want twins so we only transferred one. I've got 8 frosties. We skipped PGS but I did do a genetic blood test to see if I was a carrier of anything. That was actually a huge relief.

Running and yoga was essential to get me through the fertility but I did gain almost 10 pounds over that time. We felt sad for ourselves and indulged a lot more than usual. I haven't been thrilled to be at the top of my comfortable weight range but it is what it is.

Amy: Thinking of you! :hugs:

LadySosa: I'm sorry about the delay! I know even a month can just feel devastating. AF showed up early for me in January before we had our IVF contract back from our lawyer. It was the first time in 15 months it was early. I was livid. I hope your clinic gets its act together.

Beagle: Sorry to hear DH is gone again. That has to get old. Do you have any Saladworks or Zoup near your office? Both places have really healthy lunch options if you aren't feeling up to cooking.

Jen: Glad you let yourself out of the house! The Mark is an awesome camera. I'm not that fancy but I have a Canon Rebel T4I. I love photography. It's an expensive but fun hobby though. It makes traveling extra special. I'm much more of a landscape photographer than people. I need to work on that.

Erin: Yay for getting to see baby boy again. I can't wait to feel some movement.

BabyW: I cracked up at Jack and the vodka. Perhaps he's got a bit of tsunami Sue in him?

And that's as far as advanced let me go back...

Booger: Stinks you're still feeling so crummy. I found myself insatiably hungry at first. COULD.NOT.GET.ENOUGH.FOOD. After a few weeks and getting back to exercising normally, I feel like my hunger is much more normal. I'm up 4-6 pounds. I'm not sure if I should make my starting weight pre-IVF or not. Still fitting into the majority of my casual pants, some work stuff is too tight in the legs. My boobs and booty are growing the fastest. I got new bras and it has felt awesome. I'm trying to be balanced with my weight gain as I started out 10 pounds heavier than I'd like.

Terri: I am soooo excited for your ultrasound Thursday. I really hope you're lucky like me and don't get hit with the nausea at six weeks.

JKB: I bet the doppler is such a huge relief with all you've dealt with. I'd love to see your bump. I can't believe you've gained so little.

I had a great weekend. I ran a 10K plus (it was 6.8 miles) where we ran from a brew pub in one city to their location where I live. My running club ran it and my friend Shawn paced me. I ran way faster than I thought, keeping a sub 10-minute mile the entire time despite it being 77. I normally race at an 8:45-8:50 pace so I was slower finishing in 1:05. But it felt awesome to get out there and give it my all. I screwed up the shuttle location for the race so DH and I ended up having to run a half mile to get to it. So, between walking and running I think I covered 10 miles Saturday.

We continued our hunt for a nursery dresser Sunday. No luck yet. But we did start our registry. I have to say after an hour I was losing an ability to make good decisions.

I'm super excited because this week my mom ordered me the graham glider from West Elm for the nursery. I got it for 20 percent off and we're picking it up in the store to save $175 in shipping charges.

And Sunday night we took my MIL out for dinner for her bday and she offered to buy us our stroller. I think we are going to go with the Bob Revolution Pro because it has adjustable handlebars and a hand brake. It's really hilly where we live. I'm feeling super grateful for such generous family!

I think my MIL is driving my mom nuts wanting to have my baby shower planned yesterday. She's retired and my mom works full time, so my mom isn't keeping up with her accelerated schedule. =)

As I've mentioned before I work from home, but I work full-time and I leave the house often for meetings, events etc. Somehow my MIL thought that I was going to have the baby home with me and I needed no childcare. DH explained she worked from home doing clerical work in her free time. But I was truly perplexed when she said this. They've offered to take one full day of child care, which is really nice.

Back to the grind of work today and madness with them giving me bad information on our maternity leave policy!

Jack may have more Frank the Tank (dh) in him. He loves saying "uh-oh" at everything now which is too cute. He's a fast study, he's already trying to unlock the baby gate and screen door...I need to put up a gate on the deck.

Erin I am having my glucose test at 28 weeks, then 3D/4D scan at 31 weeks. I might be seen after that at 33 then 36 weeks then weekly. Baby girl is moving a ton, my whole stomach shifted last night while laying down, like the scene from Alien. I am still getting BH contractions here and there but not bad. I was stuck on a dang subway (warning commuter rant) and we stood there for almost 1/2 hr and I am standing as there are no seats. The bench in front of me had 3 women all sitting there under the age of 45 and not 1 asked if I wanted to sit. One of them looked at my belly, then at me in the eye and then looked down. When she got up at her stop she had a hard time getting off as it was packed and she asked me to move, not nicely either. I said "so let me get this straight, you were fine with sitting while a pregnant woman stood for 30min and now you want ME to move for YOU?" I get up on the train for prego women all the time, even while prego I will get up for a woman more prego than I. This was pathetic behavior by women. They even have signs on the subway saying you should get up for elderly, handicapped and prego people. It didn't help that I was awakened by a massive thunder and lightning storm in the middle of the night and then by Jack at 5am. I am cranky today.

As far as cooking food for the week, I do at least 2 meals that we have leftovers from...sausage and peppers with onion and roasted potatoes, a large batch of chicken cutlets with white wine, lemon juice, olive oil and garlic and then all I have to do is make a salad and roast or steam a veggie. I also make a huge amount of meatloaf and roasted potatoes which lasts for 2 I cook for 2 and get 4 nights of meals, then I throw in a Taco Tuesday or fajitas and maybe a stir fry. I will say that cooking dinners have kept my weight down this pregnancy vs my last one. Dh will also grill one night if it's nice out. Not doing take out has helped us keep our weight down...notice that I said US! Dh put on weight when I was prego last time and this time he hasn't.

I have my nephew's baptism this weekend in NJ. We have to be there at 1 so it will be a long day of driving...probably about 5hrs all in just to be there for 3hrs. I've already told them we are not staying at the restaurant long since we have to drive back and Jack doesn't like to be restrained in the car seat for very long. My SIL is already complaining that I am planning on ditching early. Grrrrrr, this from a person who hasn't come up to see us since Christmas Eve and she only works 3 days a week. I have work on Monday and am prego, she should be happy I am coming. Do you know she had the nerve to ask my brother to ask me for Jack's clothes that he outgrew...I told him I was sorry but I was giving them to my best friend. My bff is giving us all the stuff her daughter outgrew so I hope my SIL understands.
Did I tell you guys my husband had a flight change so only 30 minutes to switch in Atlanta? He was really regretting not packing snacks then. I pack them for work & if I plan to be out for a while on my days off. You never know. I wasn't like that before I was pregnant. Plus the heat is coming & I have had 2 almost faint spells after a shower in the morning.

My husband gets home around 7 Fri night & then we are driving to PA to visit his family. Not excited about that. Mainly the drive & we are headed back Sun. If it were longer I would have to make a stop at Terri's! I am still trying to work in time to stop by my sister's in Baltimore. The main issue is we have our dogs so it is hard to see my sister...she is not a fan of them...she isn't mean or anything they are just very different personalities from her dog & a different life style at my house.
BabyW - your SIL seems like mine. Just double ugh all around. Weird thing I just SIL in TX has not commented or liked anything about the baby on FB. It is weird because she is all over FB. She is not my friend but she sees things I tag my husband in. I just find it odd. My husband felt a weird thing with her when he told her about IVF. She is such a hypocrite. And she takes the other sister's side in everything. She made all these comments about not approving of her being with another woman. Then she meets her & is all on her side. Just so you know...not that it matters...we have no issue with her life style. I just think it is pretty hypocritally of her to be all against it one day then just switch...but then have an issue with IVF. She may not have an issue but I just find it strange she has no comments or remarks or even messages my husband about his first child.

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