First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

beagle-I got excited there for a minute. I'll pass you my number through PM in case you guys need a break or anything on your way to or from PA. On Sunday I am participating in the annual shelter fundraiser, but I should only be gone for a couple hours in the afternoon and then I'll just be sitting around watching ID channel or Modern Family. HA!!HA!! Some people are just selfish..I wouldn't worry about your SIL.

BabyW-I love how you yelled at the girl on the subway. She'll understand soon enough and will probably yell at someone else when they don't move for her. Your cooking plan sounds like mine except my hubs doesn't really like leftovers. I don't care though because if there is food, I will eat it. he can make sandwiches or eat chips/cookies until his heart's content. I like the food that I make. hee hee. I have been better about putting stuff in the freezer. It's a nice surprise defrosting it and remembering how good it tastes. In fact, I had shepherd's pie for lunch yesterday.
I doubt you want my herd all in your house...but def send me your info. I will be back in May for my nephew's graduation...but another short trip. And we plan to stay with my husband's uncle in York again because of the dogs & limited space at my sister's. I am hoping I can go another time this summer to spend a day or 2. It would be by myself since my husband is limited on days off with the new job.
KFS reminded me that I forgot to address the TWW: I really limited caffeine, like a sip here and there, and had no alcohol.

LadySosa: :hugs: I feel you. In November we were waiting to start IVF and figuring out how to pay for it. I woke up Thanksgiving morning and opened Facebook as I was laying in bed. It was pregnancy announcement after pregnancy announcement of people so thankful, so grateful. And I just felt such rage. There were people I knew who had just started trying in September. It hurts. But hopefully you'll get to make your own soon.

KFS: I can't believe you're going to be starting visits every two weeks this is flying by! That stinks about your BIL/SIL - do you think it is his job that he doesn't like or the area? It is tough when family move away. My BILs/SILs all moved about an hour or so away and it is so much harder to get together.

Terri: With my running clothes, my issue is more that I was at the top end of my usual weight when I got pregnant so my stuff was already pushing it. I still can fit into comfortably into my one pair of running shorts and three pairs of my regular capris. I did get a pair of maternity capris from Target and I really like them. They keep everything covered. I do roll down the top a bit:|pdp|viewed_bought|pdph1

I also bought some two looser tops that make me feel more comfortable. My boobs are so huge a lot f my shirts are either shorter or you can see my tiny belly, which really looks like a food baby. So, I'd say a mix of my usual XS shirts stuff but I feel more comfortable in some baggie smalls.

Good luck at yoga! I really miss hot yoga. I love vinyasa power flow classes and Ashtanga but Hatha would make me twitchy. I think you just have to find the right one.

BabyW: Jack sounds like such a trip. I'd have loved to see you on the subway. I think your SIL should be grateful you're making the trip at all given her lack of effort to see you.

Beagle: Sounds like a whirlwind weekend. That's a long drive for such short time. What pregnancy app are you using?
BabyW - your SIL seems like mine. Just double ugh all around. Weird thing I just SIL in TX has not commented or liked anything about the baby on FB. It is weird because she is all over FB. She is not my friend but she sees things I tag my husband in. I just find it odd. My husband felt a weird thing with her when he told her about IVF. She is such a hypocrite. And she takes the other sister's side in everything. She made all these comments about not approving of her being with another woman. Then she meets her & is all on her side. Just so you know...not that it matters...we have no issue with her life style. I just think it is pretty hypocritically of her to be all against it one day then just switch...but then have an issue with IVF. She may not have an issue but I just find it strange she has no comments or remarks or even messages my husband about his first child.

I know the feeling. When she was prego I texted her every 2 weeks since she had appts that often due to her diabetes and age. I have yet to get 1 single text asking how I am, or how her Godson is...but yes please ask me for all the clothes my son has outgrown. Some people either fell off or never got on the manners bus! I don't quite understand it but I am done going out of my way....I will do what is good for me and my family which is not to stay long on Sunday and get Jack home in time for his routine of dinner, bath, book, bottle and bed.
Can I ask you guys who have already been through stim what you're antral counts have looked like compared to your next monitoring? According to wiki I'm "Normal (but average)" but compared to a lot of numbers I see you guys giving for final collection counts, I'm much lower... Just getting a bit anxious what to expect tomorrow (CD5 monitoring).

Sars - I'm a PhD student so I end up doing a lot of research and work from home. My MIL is the same way as yours. She's never understood why I can't have my daughter at home and work from home. Then again if she had things her way I think I would have left my career to be a stay at home mom as well.

Terri - I'm 32. With my endo (which basically might always be advancing), we're doing PGS to limit the months we might waste with embryos that wouldn't take to try to stay ahead of things. And it'll help us clarify any implantation issues although I don't fully understand the science there. We're going to implant one at a time since we already have one child :)

And crazy to see the Baltimore references :) I live in northern VA and I work in Baltimore :)
Krissy-It's a good thing you work from home. That commute would be a nightmare! Next time you're in town, just say the word and we can get a late dessert/early appetizer or something if you want. I'm all about catching up with internet people. hee hee. I think when I went in for my first scan this cycle-this was before I started the BCP, I had 21 follicles. By the time all was said and done, I think I had 17 retrieved, 14 mature and then so many fertilized? I can't really remember, and I think I have the voicemails on my phone, but I'm lazy. I wouldn't worry about your numbers anyway. You only need one good one, honestly, so that's what I am always thinking about. If there is one, it's a good, strong one.
Krissy - I tended to make a lot of eggs. Like I said before, they never found issues with me. I had a very good egg reserve number. I think they never even counted them all during stimming. But on collection day I had 14 retrieved. I think it was close to 30 in there growing. I was expecting a higher number. And then you can see in my signature, the count kept getting lower. But that was mainly due to a poor semen analysis. Another couple of things I would take back: 1) keep my husband on fertility blend. But I was told the count didn't matter for IVF, but embryologist made comments about a poor sample 2) in connection with number 1, I was told to have interourse night of trigger. I told them from my IUIs I knew that made our sample low. But I did it because as they said no big deal with count. But everything worked out fine. I would have liked to have more than 2 left...I never planned to have more than 2 kids, but you never know how you will feel & pgs still doesn't guarantee a baby. So having a couple extra would have felt good.

I have been off birth control for close to 12 years. That whole time was not spent actively trying. But once this one is born I have no intensions on getting back on birth control. I am sort of hoping for a miracle baby. Some people say when you have issues with #1, it could be easier with the next because your body doesn't view pregnancy as a foreign thing. I knwo it isn't always the case but you read stories about people going through so much then just getting pregnant naturally with #2.
Krissy, I can't totally remember, but I think during STIMs, my early appts showed around 16-17 follies. I just can't remember for sure. At some point though, the count went up to 18. So on the day of my retrieval, I was just hoping they'd get an egg out of each follie, and as it turned out, they got 20 eggs. So I guess there were a few stragglers that they weren't even counting that got large enough to retrieve after the trigger or something. But two of those retrieved eggs weren't mature enough to fertilize anyway, so I think 18 was a good accurate count.
Krissy, if I remember correctly my RE saw 14-16 at my CD3 ultrasound before I started stimming. She was conservative on what she would count size wise. It continued in that range throughout the meds. I was upset when I had to stop stimming early because I was afraid I wouldn't get too many. If you went back and search the thread I posted about it. I was shocked when I ended up with 18 mature eggs. The ladies on here assured me the meds were still doing their jobs after I triggered and stopped. They were right!

I know I've mentioned about our layoffs and transitions to a new company. I'm going nuts because I can get a straight answer from HR on our benefits. After six weeks and four conversations about my maternity coverage, my HR director just came back to me to tell me, "Oops, I screwed up. You only will be paid for six weeks, not the full 12." She did the same thing to my colleague.

Um, that's a major screw up. And I believe they are cashing out all of our vacation when we transition over May 1. Then we start re-accruing time at two PTO days a month. So, I am going from 25 days for maternity leave/ our trip to Italy to 16 days.
But she won't tell me what the policy is. She just said a company announcement is forthcoming.

I need to plan my life!
sars that sucks & is so dumb. Get your crap together HR! I was doing some research today on benefits & all that. Trying to decide how to do medical with the baby. Currently we each have our own insurance through work...with a baby it is just not smart to start separated. I was also reading up on the Dependent Care Credit & Child Care Flex Account. Lots of stuff to consider. I already changed my deductions to reflect another dependent so I get a little more back in my check now rather than waiting for a larger refund next year.
Good morning ladies,
Wow, quiet on the board this morning! Hope everyone's having a good week so far. Nothing too exciting for me to report. We stayed up late watching the Blackhawks hockey game and I eventually fell asleep when they went into OT. Hockey is sure exciting to watch! Ugh I am so ready to get this show on the road. Still waiting for af to come before I can start the meds. Sorry I don't have the energy to reply to each one of you, but I hope everyone's feeling good today! Happy Hump day!
Three days of meds down and symptoms are still minimal if any (just REALLY thirsty all the time). Went in for my second monitoring today (CD5) and there's a few follies starting to grow, but I'm hoping a few more decide to join the party over the next few days. FXed
Lady/Krissy-Waiting waiting...:football: :juggle: :coffee: It's the worst! hee hee. Hopefully time will fly by and you guys will be on your next step very soon.

I'm actually excited that today is Wednesday because I'm going out to dinner with my bestie and then when I go to sleep and wake up it will be Thursday! So eager for tomorrow to get here. My sister, the know it all dentist, called and asked if I had nausea. I said 'no, but maybe it will come at 6w. The interwebz says it gets here at 6w.' She said 'It doesn't come at 6w.' I said 'well, when does it come? When did you get nausea?' She said "I never got it." I said 'Then why are you bugging me? I probably won't get it either! I gotta go.' HA!!HA!! Our conversations always end with me saying I gotta go. She is such a goofball. AND...she is so excited, she said she may slip and tell my dad when she sees him tomorrow. I told her that I will let her know when I tell him. I may have her videotape the conversation if she makes me tell him before May when he visits. *sigh* fxfx for tomorrow.

sars-So terrible about what your company is doing. It seems that they still don't REALLY know though, so maybe things will change by May. The US sucks with maternity leave. I think our company offers 12 weeks and then you can use your vacation/floating holidays as well. I'm not 100% sure though.
I said before...but I will repeat...I have to save 1 week of PTO to start FMLA...then I get 4 weeks at 100% then any remaining STD is 60% (usually up to baby being 6 weeks). But I can take a total of 6 weeks. Any unpaid I can use PTO or just not get paid. I am pretty sure I am doing the full 12 weeks.

Krissy - I just remembered as I saw your post. I had great count & growth on my meds...however, I did need a menopur boost at the end to sort of push then over the edge...we kept waiting & waiting & it was like they are just not quite they boosted me. Lost of appts there at the end before retrieval.
I was just thinking this morning our forum is turning in to a pregnancy forum...but then we have a couple of folks still waiting & now some new people. It is is exciting to have new people just starting. I love we have so many different time lines on here.

Not much with me. My dogs are depressed daddys is gone so they are actually letting me sleep until the alarm. I FINALLY got my pool blue instead of I need to get it clear. Hopefully when we return from PA, I can start swimming! Or at least lounging until the water is perfect.

I tried on another dress today & my stomach was all out...just not ready for that because I think it is mostly blah not baby...but girls I work with would point it out & I don't feel comfortable. Hopefully in a few weeks it will look more like baby & I can start showing it off.
Oh and Sars - I meant to say sorry about the frustration of dealing with HR. Just in minor defense of HR... :) ...Usually we are stalling because the "powers that be" haven't told us what the policy is - especially if you guys just went through a merger/acquisition. That's happened to me before, when we change our policy but we are waiting for finalization, I have to tell employees to hold tight cause things are about to change. But we can't tell anyone what it is yet. It's kind of a tough spot to be in!

A lot of people get this mixed up...and maternity leave was a huge part of my job at my previous company :)
FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) is federal job and benefit protection for 12 weeks, but it is not paid. You are covered if you've been employed for at least a year. Your state law may offer additional protection beyond that. If your company has a paid mat/pat leave it would run concurrent to your FMLA protection. Then depending on your company's policy you can use vacation, PTO and/or sick leave once the paid mat/pat leave runs out. Also if your company offers short term disability, you would qualify for that. Generally STD (yes, that is the acronym I use a lot haha) is 60%-70% of your pay and often you have a one week waiting period before your payment kicks in. Payment usually then goes for 5 weeks if you deliver vaginally or 7 weeks if you deliver via C-Section.
For STD, they will always say you get paid for 6 weeks or 8 weeks (if C-section) but more likely than not there is a one week waiting period, so it's really 5 (6-1) or 7 (8-1).
Oh..and now I want to clarify. I have up to 12 weeks (at 60%pay) was for FMLA/STD. I don't think my company goes above and beyond for maternity leave. I just know that I can use my vacation time at 100% pay (I get 3 weeks per year and usually 3-4 floating holidays). just depends on when I actually have the baby. I currently have a week off scheduled around Christmas (I was planning on going to NM), but since my motorcycle trip is going to be cut short most likely because I'll be driving (if I can even attend), so I can use a few days for the end of the year too. So much to figure out.

Krissy-The only side effect I had was bloating, and I remember putting on a dress at the end of my meds time and my stomach was popping out like I was pregnant. In that regards, beagle, I totally feel you, and if you're not comfortable, stick to what you have. You'll be ready soon for the girls to talk to you about your baby. :)
Sars, so sorry you're dealing with that. That would make it awfully difficult to plan!

My company seems consistent with what LadySosa said. My leave will be STD, and since I probably have to do a C-section, I will get 8 weeks, but the first week will be unpaid (I'll use PTO to cover that). I do get paid at 100% for STD though. I'm not sure if that's just my company's policy, or if that just kicks in after being with a company for so long...? Have you ever heard of that, LadySosa? Then after that 8 weeks, I'll use 4 weeks of my PTO, so that I can have 12 weeks total paid. My company will accommodate up to 6 months off if we want to take time off unpaid, but I think I'll be fine with 3 months.

beagle, I was thinking the same thing about our thread. I considered starting a "Pregnancy After IVF" thread that we could move over to as ladies become prego, but it's like we're all friends now, and everyone wants to keep up with everyone. We're all emotionally invested in each other, hehe! And as long as it works for everyone else, it works for me also. :)

terri, have fun with your friend tonight! Is tomorrow your first u/s? I can't WAIT!! :thumbup: Ya know, you may not get nausea at all. I didn't, and kfs didn't. I'm sure there's another one on here that didn't. Neither of my sisters did with either of their kids. Just some extreme fatigue in the first-tri. So how has DH been through all this so far?? Is he showing some emotions finally, now that everything is happening?

Krissy, glad you're not having any side effects from the injections! I bet you'll have some more follies show up, even if just a couple. Looking forward to hearing your updates!!:flower:

AFM, the anatomy scan went well this morning. Everything measuring on track and looking good. Now I'm really just looking most forward to the 3d scan. :) The u/s tech today confirmed what everyone said, the best time is between 28-32.

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