My first appointment was great. DH did tag along, and I am glad he did. At first, the nurse said the appointment is mainly "educational", so I wasn't expecting an ultrasound, but she did give me one and we saw baby's heart beating! She didn't give us a heart rate but said the heart is beating strong. Baby is measured exactly 8 week, which is same as the due date based on LMP date. (She commented on how regular my cycle is)
I need to realign my endocrinologist and OB appointments... Other wise I would be going to hospital and give blood every other week.
My first appointment was great. DH did tag along, and I am glad he did. At first, the nurse said the appointment is mainly "educational", so I wasn't expecting an ultrasound, but she did give me one and we saw baby's heart beating! She didn't give us a heart rate but said the heart is beating strong. Baby is measured exactly 8 week, which is same as the due date based on LMP date. (She commented on how regular my cycle is)
I need to realign my endocrinologist and OB appointments... Other wise I would be going to hospital and give blood every other week.
CAx3, this is great news!!!!!
congrats on your first appointment and to know baby is growing strong and the heartbeat is there yayyyyyy
do you have a pic of the ultrasound??
I'm leaving for my ultrasound in about 1 hour and I just cant wait any longer!!!
You guys, this is so exciting!!
Dustergrl - Your ultrasound IS really clear! So amazing! I'm so glad it went so well. It's hard to see all the details on my phone, but if you see it that's so cool .
PriandRafa - I'm glad your baby is progressing well. I hear that your dates get switched so much early on because it's hard to measure when baby is so small, so I'd keep it at where you originally thought for now since it's only a few days different. I'm sorry you didn't get to hear the heartbeat this time but I'm glad it's strong!
CAx3 - That's fantastic you got to do an ultrasound and see the heartbeat!! Congrats! I love how well everyone on this thread is doing with our little beans. Must feel good to have told your dad, and to tell DH's parents tomorrow. How fun!
Panda fan - Now we can look forward to your appointment on Thursday! I'm sure everything will go great. Nausea is a good sign as we've all heard .
Afm - Symptoms have been increasing the last few days, so that's good! Boobs have been more sore and more nausea - still mild but it might start affecting how I act at work, lol. Only 6 more days until my appointment - eek! Can't wait!
(Wow, there was a lot of exclamation points in this post - haha)