Good morning all!
MrsMck - so pleased the new job is going well. And your temps are looking good too so lets hope for some more good news soon. My boobs only got sore after my BFP. The only thing that made me suspicious was the ovary twinges I had in my two. My OBGYN was explaining yesterday how the muscles connect everything and why you get these pains. I had no other symptoms. I read back to my notes when I was pregnant with DS and same thing. Very slight breast tenderness and ovary pains. I think I may just be one of those people that don't get pregnancy symptoms so early on so I don't really know what I was looking for every month :/
Kealz - your poor little baby. It breaks your heart when they are sick and all you can do is hold them and love them

Really hope he woke up better this morning. I also loved the name James. It is DHs family name - they all have the second name James but even if it wasn't I would still have picked it for his second name. Lol about test whispering - mine scream out at me!
Mom2Chloe - I am in South Africa. I really shouldn't complain as our winters really aren't that bad. I think the temp will still get up to 20 degrees today - nothing quite like your michigan winters. How many DPO are you now? I say test as soon as your ICs arrive tomorrow
BearFam - I also had a little chuckle about your DS. Boys will be boys hey! My DS hasn't reached that stage yet but he is only 1. Im sure its coming. He certainly has a play every time his nappy comes off! I definitely wouldn't be too concerned - I think all boys go through that stage. Maybe try have something ready to distract him next time it happens.
Janine - thats pretty crazy that you are showing already. Could it just be bloat? They do say you show much sooner with subsequent pregnancies though so anything is possible!
Hope everyone has a good day. We are off to the Dr again in an hour to try find out what is wrong with DS - although he is much better today. Almost back to normal but still has rash on torso...