Honey&Cinnamon babies in the making!!!

Oh and I read that your pg weight flactuates a lot in your first tri due to hormones and bloating, so don't worry, try to weight yourself in the next few days and see where you at. If you are craving salty things like me then you might also be "heavier" than you are because of all the water intake.
Wannabeam- I wouldn't put the weight gain all down to the milk... prob like Wabblit said more water retention and bloat.

Wabblit- I got my usual pimples before I got my BFP too.. I was sure I was out for the month as tings were happening as they normally would. Have a great trip away with DH!!!!

Thanks. I've just got a theory that when you are pregnant you just 'know' you are and instinct takes over. In the similar way I 'know' my AF is going to make an appearance tomorrow or Wed. Im thinking about testing tomo am but know its going to be a waste although if I get a BFN at least it confirms my theory against my own body.

Soooo excited about Venice. It'll be a double pisser if I get AF and a BFN though :-(

Wabblit - you don't know, I didn't the two times I got bfp's. Well, some ladies might have some inner voice telling them about it, but it never happened to me, so don't feel discouraged just yet. :dust: and hope to see your happy update soon!
Wabblit - I never felt less pregnant in all my life than I did in the week before I got my BFP! I was genuinely convinced AF was coming and I was genuinely shocked when AF did not show up and even more shocked when I got my BFP.
In fact, if I had gotten a BFP 31st August (when I actually got my first BFN), I wouldn't have been surprised at all because I had a 'feeling' I might be pregnant! But alas, I was wrong!
Wannabeam, here's something from wikipedia (I had looked it up as I wanted to increase my calcium intake without having to buy cow's milk as I normally make home-made rice milk and oat milk):

Many good sources of calcium exist. These include
seaweeds such as kelp, wakame and hijiki; nuts and seeds (like almonds and sesame); blackstrap molasses; beans; figs; quinoa; amaranth; collard greens; okra; rutabaga; broccoli; dandelion leaves; kale; and fortified products such as orange juice and soy milk. An overlooked source of calcium is eggshell, which can be ground into a powder and mixed into food or a glass of water.

Loads of the above are already a staple part of my diet so I'm not too worried now.

Thanks hun, well my next appointement and scan is on friday so I'm going to tell her that I don't get on with cows milk and then suggest diet changes such as the above. Thing is mine is the similair to the above anyway so I don't think she really questioned my diet enough. Just because I don't beleive in downing pints of cows milk everyday doesn't mean I don't buy calcium enriched foods! Even my Mama doesn't think it's right... she hates milk too. And my aunty actually drank soya milk the whole time she was pregnant!:thumbup:
So ladeeez how we all doing?

I'm 12dpo and still convinced I'm out. Yesterday my 'period spot' appeared on the same part of my chin I get each month so that's a sure sign. I've not associated it with my cycle before but looking back I'm sure it's connected. It's one of those really deep, hard buggars that goes red so everyone can see it as if it's saying 'hellooooo'

I'm due to test tomo but wondering if it's worth it and whether I should just wait for AF and not waste a test. Off to Venice tomo for a few nights away with OH so can't wait!! Bet I def get AF it will just be my luck :-(

You're not out yet hun! I also got my usual spots and they never went away lol!:thumbup: It can also be a symptom!:happydance: Venice sounds nice... and whatever the outcome with your AF it will be a nice break away together as a couple where you can focus on just the two of you. Enjoy and make the most of your couple time :winkwink:

Babydust and don't forget to take along your honey and cinnamon!:hugs:

Thanks hun. Just a question, did you 'know' you were gonna get your BFP? X

Sort of.... I had the tiniest of feelings for many months ttc that October was the month. My husband and I even saw the next issue of Mother & Baby magazine for October advertised and it was a picture of a baby with expensive studio headphones in it's mouth.... this meant loads to us as I am a singer and have those things practically glued to my head when in the studio and he is a sound engineer and is using them everyday! We were both like... "It's a sign!!!!". Funny thing is, when that issue came out the cover was completely different! So I decided not to buy it for some strange reason... it's the first issue that I haven't bought since ttc. And then as the month progressed I began to beleive this was the month more... don't know why! I even held off testing for ages! I was sooooooo nervous. And it turns out that when I tested it was actually only 10dpo even though I had it down as 16dpo from a long cycle. So tracking my ewcm was actually wrong this time, I ovulated when I had competely dried up! So I was very happy that we had kept going just incase, and that was my hubbies idea this time!:thumbup:
Welcome Stacey!:flower:

How is everyone today?

Greenpear, any news?:hugs: Been thinking about you all weekend.:hugs:

Had my honey minus the cinnamon today (I too have read that cassia bark/cinnamon is a no no once preggers). Switched to honey and lemon instead. Praying my bloodpressure will be lower by friday!

Also got a bone to pick with u ladies.... my doctor told me to drink loads of milk as pregnacare doesn't contain enough calcium.... I hate milk and usually have rice milk. Well since I've switched to milk in the last 6 days I have put on a huge 4 kilos :saywhat: which has really bummed me out as now I am classed as overweight for my height even though I'm still a size8 :cry:

Do you girls think that it's bone density that has increased... as my waistline is pretty much the same even with my pregnancy bloat :shrug:

I'm very healthy, I don't eat cakes, crisps, chocolates. I have upped my fruit intake... don't even put sugar in my coffee anymore.:coffee:

Any thoughts?

Wannabeam - it's not weight, it's water weight! You are just preggo bloated. No way drinking milk can make you gain 4 kilo in 1 week - that would be 8-9 pounds! Please don't worry, I think all that water retention is making you weight more than you are.

As for me, I've been to Dr. today - he confirmed I'm pregnant and sent me to do ultrasound and bloods. u/s tech didn't see the baby because at 5 weeks you can't really, but she saw amniotic sac and yolk sac, so she said I'll have to have it re-scheduled for later date.

I'm still spotting - it varies between red and brown and some clots so we'll see what happens. I hope Dr. will do consecutive hcg to see if it's climbing or not. If it doesn't then I'll know that it's another MC just like last time. I'm to see him on Friday, so we'll see what he says.

Thanks hun, I agree, must be water retension... my eyes popped out of my head at the scales lol! My clothes fit the same and I look the same lol!

Hang in there hun, I know what you saw as my ultrasound was also 5weeks.... it's good they saw the sac, hope that made you feel a little better. Hopefully the spotting will stop soon, try not to worry you are doing all the right things, just rest as much as possible. You are in my prayers :hugs:
Wannabeam- I wouldn't put the weight gain all down to the milk... prob like Wabblit said more water retention and bloat.

Wabblit- I got my usual pimples before I got my BFP too.. I was sure I was out for the month as tings were happening as they normally would. Have a great trip away with DH!!!!

Thanks. I've just got a theory that when you are pregnant you just 'know' you are and instinct takes over. In the similar way I 'know' my AF is going to make an appearance tomorrow or Wed. Im thinking about testing tomo am but know its going to be a waste although if I get a BFN at least it confirms my theory against my own body.

Soooo excited about Venice. It'll be a double pisser if I get AF and a BFN though :-(

Not everyone gets a feeling or a sign hun, I'm just a very spiritual person and look out for signs with everything... me and my Mama both have it so call it our womens intuition.... we seem to know about alot of things good and bad so sometimes it's not so nice having that inner intuition... sometimes I wish I was clueless lol! When I got my BFP I didn't feel preggo at all.... I just had the knowing. So if you are going by what you feel then you really won't know! So there's always hope!:thumbup: Have a lovely holiday :hugs:
Hi ladies, i hope you are all well. I haven't had much luck getting a pos OPK which i find odd. I ordered a BBT online and should get it later this week. If we don't catch the egg this month i'll use the BBT for next cycle. I've been pretty faithful about taking my H&C everyday so i'm proud of that

Weldone for keeping the H&C up hun :thumbup: Just keep BDing and don't worry too much about your OPKs... I predicted my ovulation all wrong the month we got preggo, it turned out it was more important to just keep going regardless of my predictions. :hugs:
where is everyone tonight? :(

How's everyone doing? anyone getting ready to test like me?
I wish I was! Nope, just finishing off AF... Moving on to cycle 2! To iChat was a lazy night of tv... Biggest Loser and the Walking Dead! :) very exciting stuff!
Hi ladies! Well I have been secretly trying this honey & cinnamon thing now for 3 weeks. At first I was taking it morning and night, then it was once a day and occasionally if I remember I do it twice a day. This is going to be an interesting cycle this time around. DH and I have been TTC for over 5 years now, with about 2 years of NTNP.

This cycle I'm taking/trying: Alive Womens Multi-vitamin, B6, B12, Honey & Cinnamon, Pre-seed and opk's
DH: Alive Mens Multi-vitamin, B6 & B12

OPK's haven't really worked for me in the past (no idea why they don't) and we have tried the vitamins and pre-seed in the past... So if I get my BFP I know it will be from the honey & cinnamon :) I am on CD8 now and I will be testing around Dec 7th. I reallllyyyyy hope this works & GL to all of you. Congrats to those of you who got your Honey & Cinnamon Babies!
Hi ladies! I was inspired by your honey and cinnamon babies banner and your stories, so I thought I'd give just cinnamon a try this cycle. I hate honey, it makes me gag. But have you noticed a difference in when you ovulate after starting to take it? I feel like my ov has been delayed slightly and I'm not sure why. The only thing that changed was the cinnamon, so I figured I would ask....
:hi: ladies can I join in on this thread please?!
I have just started taking honey over my cereal instead of sugar! And didn't know it was good for TTC :dance: And my OH is addicted to honey too so :thumbup: hehe

I am going to try it with cinnamon!
Is there any special honey I should have?!

Hi ladies! Well I have been secretly trying this honey & cinnamon thing now for 3 weeks. At first I was taking it morning and night, then it was once a day and occasionally if I remember I do it twice a day. This is going to be an interesting cycle this time around. DH and I have been TTC for over 5 years now, with about 2 years of NTNP.

This cycle I'm taking/trying: Alive Womens Multi-vitamin, B6, B12, Honey & Cinnamon, Pre-seed and opk's
DH: Alive Mens Multi-vitamin, B6 & B12

OPK's haven't really worked for me in the past (no idea why they don't) and we have tried the vitamins and pre-seed in the past... So if I get my BFP I know it will be from the honey & cinnamon :) I am on CD8 now and I will be testing around Dec 7th. I reallllyyyyy hope this works & GL to all of you. Congrats to those of you who got your Honey & Cinnamon Babies!

Im am on cd8 today too!!
Hi ladies! Well I have been secretly trying this honey & cinnamon thing now for 3 weeks. At first I was taking it morning and night, then it was once a day and occasionally if I remember I do it twice a day. This is going to be an interesting cycle this time around. DH and I have been TTC for over 5 years now, with about 2 years of NTNP.

This cycle I'm taking/trying: Alive Womens Multi-vitamin, B6, B12, Honey & Cinnamon, Pre-seed and opk's
DH: Alive Mens Multi-vitamin, B6 & B12

OPK's haven't really worked for me in the past (no idea why they don't) and we have tried the vitamins and pre-seed in the past... So if I get my BFP I know it will be from the honey & cinnamon :) I am on CD8 now and I will be testing around Dec 7th. I reallllyyyyy hope this works & GL to all of you. Congrats to those of you who got your Honey & Cinnamon Babies!

Goodluck hun!:dust:
welcome newbies.... little do you know how honey & cinnamon will take over your life lol!:haha: Goodluck to you all and :dust:
Hi ladies! I was inspired by your honey and cinnamon babies banner and your stories, so I thought I'd give just cinnamon a try this cycle. I hate honey, it makes me gag. But have you noticed a difference in when you ovulate after starting to take it? I feel like my ov has been delayed slightly and I'm not sure why. The only thing that changed was the cinnamon, so I figured I would ask....

Try carob syprup or carob products for increasing ovulation... google DCI (dci is found in carobs for ovulation) and wikepedia have alot on it. It also comes in tablet form (check with your doctor first). I used carob honey whilst ttc.:thumbup:
Hi everyone! I'm brand new to BnB. :)

I had no idea honey and cinnamon were a thing to help with fertility/conception! I was so thrilled to read through this thread!

I have a smoothie every single morning, and have done since June, with 1/2 banana, 8oz rice milk, 2T almond butter, multivitamin powder, 2T cinnamon, 1T ginger, and 2 1/2T honey! In the evening I have a smoothie with 8oz oatmilk, 2T sunflower butter, and the same amounts of cinnamon, ginger, and honey.

Haha, it's awesome to think that I may have been somehow helping my chances without realizing it all this time. I'm excited to see how things play out now... :D

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