I just need to talk...

I think I'm going to O even earlier this month, like in the next day or so.
Yay Mas!!! That's SO exciting! I ov'd one day early last month and was over the moon about it! I love it when my cycle ends up being shorter than I thought it would be. What makes you think you're going to ov early? I just saw that I'm in your signature!!! :happydance: Thank you!! Made my day :)

Hoping, hows the head?

Angel, wow! Things sound rough! So sorry about the chemical and that your Hubby wasn't there to support you. I can't believe anyone would be so incredibly insensitive and inconsiderate and just plain mean!!!! He is so lucky that you would even consider taking him back after all of his shit!! :hugs:

AC, sorry about your rough day. Your post made me laugh coz I know exactly how you feel!! I hate when I get irrational like that, but I can cry over nothing anytime of the month, nevermind PMS, and just imagine when I'm eventually pg!!!

AFM, had dinner with friends the other night, including the girl who 'accidentally' got pg! It's hard, I really am so happy for her, but I so wish it was me! On the bright side, at least we got to talk about baby stuff (even if it was her pg stuff and my other friends 2 yr old stuff) coz absolutely nobody but DH and I (and you ladies) know we are even trying, so it was nice talking about what it is like to be pg.
DH is at the clinic right now, just finished giving his 'sample', so i'll phone and make an appointment with the doc for us sometime next week when we get ALL the feedback about SA and blood tests. Excited and nervous!!! oh well, will have to wait and see!!! :coffee:

Wow, this was long, sorry to bore u ladies!!! Have a super duper weekend!!!

Mas hope you catch that egg!!

plastik... yea I was pretty bad right before my bfp.. I started to delete people who I knew were pregnant online :( I feel bad now, but just started to get kinda bitter about it. But the funny thing is that i did when I was pregnant and didn't know it like in the TWW :haha: I hope all the tests are good news!!

I have a dentist appt today with a new dentist, hopefully it goes ok. I asked my old dentist for my xrays and they just printed it on a piece of paper... like they didn't give me any hard copies hmmph! So hopefully my new one will recognize them cause I don't feel comfy getting xrays while preg.
I'm not sure what's up with this cycle! I had some lines on my opk's earlier in the week around V day and now nothing - barely a line at all and it is fading so I don't know if I missed it and I O'd super early like day 9 or something or if I haven't yet, I am going to keep testing for a few ore days and see if it gets darker. I feel like I did O already but maybe not. We are :sex: every other day though so I hope we catch that egg.
Aww good luck Mas!!

How is all the other ladies? Hoping you're now 16 weeks!? :happydance:

Angel how are things with you? Did you get the insurance thing sorted out?

Plastik any news yet?

As for me... currently think I'm starting a sore throat boo!! But!! I think I may have felt a few flutters today :happydance:
lots of luck to you Mas!!!
AC~sorry you had to go to the dentist, I need to make an appointment too but I hate it!!!
Angel~ :( so sorry about the chemical....and I hope things work out for you!!! thinking of you lots!!

afm....had a wedding this weekend, made the cake and cupcakes for it, looked pretty :) I was pretty proud of myself. Now I'm sitting with my feet up cuz my ankles are swollen from dancing all night long and riding 10 hours in the car :) watching seabiscuit....its pretty good :) oh and my head is much better, altho, i did have a headache pretty much all weekend, sucked.
Sadly I didn't even get seen, I get all the way there and they wouldn't treat me cause apparently being pregnant means I need a letter from my midwife/doc saying its ok to treat me? Strange! All I was going for was a cleaning. So I'll hafta re schedule.
I been reading my occasional emails from baby and bump. Thanks for the support. DH is working so he says on getting the insurance back after canceling out of anger. But I'm mostly furious with his mom for that since really legally he couldn't do that and she allowed it. She has always been so sweet to me but I guess mothers fend for their children even if they are wrong. But I believe I would have told my own boys they lost their mind but oh well.... He is still staying with his mom but currently kissing my ass to get back in my house.

I'm really kinda hurt all this has happened over something so petty and that our families are now involved thanks to DH. My mom came down this past weekend and was nice but she forced me to shop all weekend and that was way too much! Lol! I'm so tired today. I think I started AF yesterday, not sure though, kinda spotty so I didn't take the provera this morning cause I assumed my body was wanting to start. So maybe I'll have full flow tomorrow. Really strange cycle. I guess the chemical does that??? All DH is focused on buying a house because that was our plan but I stopped him last night and told him if we were still together next year we will get a house and try again for a baby then. But I'm emotionally exhausted. I'm still somewhat hormonal cause I threatened his mom after the whole insurance thing. I'd literally punch her lights out if I seen her right now.

I'm not going to try or prevent right now. Even if I did my cycle is so screwed up right now that I don't even know if I'm on my period or not.
So I am offically decided that I am going to change doctors. I am going to try and get healthy and loose some weight. My current doctor does not monitor me at all on Clomid. He goes basically on temping. Well, last time I was on Clomid, I had a temperature shift but did not ovulate at all. So fustrating.
Jeo, I learned my lesson this past cycle not getting fully monitored using clomid and trigger. Definately get monitored before you develop cyst with clomid. It will be multiple cyst. And being monitored with it will tell you when you ovulated especially if you do the trigger and go back for ultrasound to look for the collapse.
I wonder why my ticker says cd 44, it's kinda depressing looking at it
So I am shopping for a new doctor.

Angel~My last AF was the Saturday after Thanksgiving so I know how depressing it can be.
So I had some brown tinged ewcm today, a big stretchy glob, sorry tmi. So we just and I laid for so long with my bum on pillows and my legs in the air that my one leg fell asleep, lol and I had to do the bicycle to get it back. Still no positive opk though.
Angel, I really hope things work out for you and that you guys are able to put things back together. and I hope that your cycle gets back to normal soon.
Haha Mas!! U sound like me yesterday!! I'm sure I'll of today or tomorrow, right on time!

Angel, it's good to hear from you hun!! :hugs:

ATM, this is it!! Appointment with gynea in 3 hours!! Nervous/scared/excited!
So my appointment went really well, I just love my doctor! All my bloods looked good and so did my husbands. As for DH's semen analysis, his opening remark was that DH's semen "wouldn't win any competitions". I had a good laugh at that. His count and mobility are both great, but the morphology could be better. Its not bad, just slightly below 'normal'. Probably because of his cycling. He said he wouldn't be worried about it though, it might just take a bit longer. We have booked me for a laparoscopy on 15 March if I don't get pg this month, as that is the only other thing we don't know (whether or not my tubes are blocked etc.) He said we could wait to do it, but if there is a blockage then we would have wasted valuble months shooting my eggs up against a brick wall. EEK!! Kinda scary, but we decided to do it if we don't catch the eggy this month!

On the bright side, if I don't get pg and we do the laparoscopy then I get 3 days off work and am not allowed to excersize for a week I can definately deal with that. When he asked where I was in my cycle and I told him that I'm ov'ing today or tomorrow, he said "Well what are you still doing here? Get home and get laid!!!"

Here's hoping that this is our month and I don't have to go under general anesthetic next month!!!!
:haha: thats good your appt went well Plastik!!

Good luck with everything Angel :)

Jeo.. wow no AF since thanksgiving.. that sucks!!

I need to stop being a lazy butt today and do some more housework... been slacking alot lately.
Had a nice one on one talk with my DH last night :) I finally found out why hes not willing to have sex. Apparently when I mced like back in June, he thinks he caused it cause we had sex... but I told him if it was gonna happen it was gonna happen it wasn't his fault. I had no idea he even cared so much about my MC back then he was always so quiet about it. But ahh I'm all :cloud9: right now. Until my hormones make me bitchy again :haha:
Aw Ac!!! That is SO cute about your DH!! What a sweetheart!!

Psh, housework. One of the reasons I LOVE living in South Africa. We are so spoiled here. I have a divine lady named Thembi who lives in a little cottage on our property. She cleans our house Monday to Friday, does the laundry, ironing, looks after our dogs when we go away. We are just spoiled rotten!!
That sounds wonderful plastic!! I wish I had someone to do that, lol!
We used egg whites tonight for lube, lol!!!!! It was kinda weird but my hairdresser told me that is what they used the month she got her bfp!!

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