I just need to talk...

thanks ac!! congrats on 15! i dont like onions tho...
mas~come paint my bedroom!! :)
I am going to paint our bedroom this week, I think - to keep my mind off symptom spotting during the long TWW! My goal was to finish painting our house this winter and I haven't painted anything yet so I have less than 2 months before gardening season starts so I have to get my but in gear!!!

Oh! I need to do that, too. I really want to paint our bedroom a deep purple with browns. I love a DARK bedroom! give me room darkening window treatments and :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss: what color? Great plan to stop obsessing...um, i mean thinking about the TWW!
Mas, have you read up on the DHEA? Taking it when you're not supposed to is freaking me out....what to do?

This will be our first month back at it in 4 months! :happydance:

Hopin'- bring me a cupcake? :flower: I JUST saw your email, i am going to write you back :)
Good evening ladies :) Hope everyones doing well!!

I'm stressing out a little bit.. my in laws offered to set up a mortgage for us for a house since we have no credit and we'd just make the payments, they offered this like back in late fall. So we thought about it and said ok. Now we're month to month at the apt we're at now and its really small and one bedroom. So either we need a two bedroom or a house before the baby is born. Anyways today my DH brought it up to his father, and then his father starts hemming and hawing about it saying about how he was kinda wanting to pay off his mortgage first before getting another one and such. :wacko: So then I guess he finally told my DH that he'll think about it and look into it in the next few months. So apparently that answer made my DH happy, however I'm not. I'm completely stressing out!! Like I really don't wanna hafta move at 8 or 9 months pregnant :( Also.. if by any chance his parents come back and say no then we're kinda stuck.
Ok, let me give you the good news AC~if you move at 8 or 9 months pregnant...you don't have to move anything!! DH will have to find someone to help!!! :winkwink: and I know that will probably make u feel useless...so I get it. But, all in all, I kinda sucks, if they said they would help, and now they all of a sudden don't want to, maybe it is just better to find an apt that has two bedrooms and stick with that. Plus, you don't have to be in debt to a family member, which sucks all the time. just saying. think about it some more.

Bree~I wish I could bring you a cupcake!!! I can't go anywhere now, we have state swimming this weekend and since winter is finally hitting in wyoming, montana and north dakota, its gonna hit hard here I'm afraid. so no travel for me!! otherwise I totally would...I need a break, a vacation. I am starting to plan for our june 2013 vaca to jamaica tho, I'm excited!!!! :happydance: so that helps my mood :thumbup: cept yesterday...I found out my sil is prego, which I'm so happy for her and her husband they have had a rough year last year, but I thought we were close enough for her to tell me herself, she didn't. she told my husband and told me to ask him about his text. nice. so i had a HUGE hormonal moment pretty much all afternoon and evening yesterday. :cry: I was hurt she couldn't trust me with it, so yeah...now I feel like I have lost one of my best friends. plus....what really gets me....is that last year they had an "oops" moment, she went to the pharmacy and took the plan b pill because having a baby in november "just didn't work for them." mostly because they have to do daycare b/c she is a teacher, they wanted to have the baby in spring where she would have all summer to be with it. so why is october ok now? I'm just confused....and hurt...and I guess my eyes are open to our relationship now. ok, I'm done. :haha: oh wait...she has been having a rough time, cramping and bleeding, and they thing its because she is preg with twins, her numbers are rising fast....but to me what she described sounds like ectopic, so I'm scared for them too...I hope its just twins....:nope: scary stuff. ok now I'm done. :haha: ok....I will quit my rambling now!!!!

have a great day everyone!!! :thumbup:
Yeah, well the only reason we would go through his parents is cause we have no credit :( My dh didn't wanna get a credit card when he could years ago and now its so tough to get one. grrrr.. also we wouldn't be that much in debt to them maybe a few grand. Cause we can pull off the mortgage payments.
I would love to move forward with moving whether its getting a definete answer from his parents or searching for an apt. Only i'm stuck with a lazy lazy DH who just likes to sit on his butt when he comes home and go online :p And me nagging him won't help so i'm just like AHHH :dohh:

And awww hoping that sounds bad! Wow I would be pissed too! And hurt..
well thats good AC, as long as you know it will be ok, then hopefully they make up their mind soon!!!

Bree~I forgot to tell you to have fun BDing!!!!

and now I have another rant...I think we have decided to find out what it is, just because we are going to have to buy everything ourselves, ti will make it easier to buy stuff slowly. anywhos, I told my sister this and I can tell she is mad! wth?? why would it matter?? so I told her I would find out and just not tell her ;)
I want a cupcake. So I totally think I have ovulated on my own this month. IDK...we will have to see.
Bree-I am painting my room red - a nice deep red. The first house DH and I bought - I painted the room red and the last house we were in I painted the room red so this house I am going paint the room red! Our furniture is pine with a fruit wood stain and our trim is all wood as well, so the red looks great with it.

AC - I wouldn't worry too much about moving later in the pregnancy - Hoping is right - you won't have to do a thing, lol. And if your in-laws will help that is really good - maybe they can just co-sign so then your credit will build up.

Hoping - I would be hurt too, especially since you are pregnant too, it seems kinda odd that she would tell you that way and she sounds kind of selfish anyway because of the worrying about timing and convenience. What kind of maternity leave do you get in the states?

Jeo - YAY!!! FXed for you!
I also want to get a new duvet and cover and some new blinds! We got 13 windows replaced in December so we need new blinds for most of them! So far I have only prepped the room for painting, removed pictures, nicknacks and washed walls - I will remove any nails and putty any blemishes in the walls tomorrow night - then sand the next night and start painting!! So i figure I can have it all done by saturday.
It depends on the company I think. I haven't had to deal with it as I have been a stay at home mom for all my kids, just going back to work when they were like...3...then quitting cuz of daycare cost...I'm kindof a roller coaster worker :) anyways...I can't really answer your question... :)

oh and update on my sil...she only has one in there, and it was doing good when they saw it so thats good....glad its nothing more complicated, she can't handle it if it was...
as far as the maternity leave, you are typically given 6 weeks for a vaginal delivery and 8 weeks for a c-section here in the states. depending on your company and how long you have been working there, you can also apply for the family leave act, which will extend the payments that you receive for longer than the 6 or 8 weeks.

i know in some cases, since you go on disability when you take your maternity leave if you want to be paid, your 6 or 8 weeks start from when you first go out of work and not necessarily post-delivery. This is where family leave act is good. My co-worker who just had a baby last summer went on leave 4 weeks prior to delivery (we work a very physical job), and didnt come back until like 10 weeks after her delivery (c-section) and god paid for all of her leave. I am going to look into doing something like that, although i have to be careful as my job has a policy that they will hold your position for 8 weeks.....after that they can hire to replace you as they see fit. I doubt i would be replaced, but i need to talk to my office manager about this to straighten everything out before i go.

what is the maternity leave policy in canada??
YAY!!! i am a lime!!! So glad to not have to look at that nasty prune anymore :haha:
Mas you make me wanna paint and decorate a room... even though I can't living here at the apt :haha::haha::haha:

Sandy, yay 11 weeks!! I agree the prune was the nastiest stage :haha:

Today I see the midwife at 1:30... not sure what to expect I'm hoping for a quick visit :)

Hope all you ladies are doing well!
yippee for no prunes!!! :)

AC~good luck at your appointment, I have one at 10 today! :)

and.....I had the weirdest dream last night.....well...not the weirdest one I have had, but pretty dam weird. DH and I have been getting busy lately...I have been loving sex lately!! anyway, this morning I had a dream that he was going to work, and I was trying to get him to get frisky with me, but he had to leave. So I get out my stash of toys (yes, I have a stash of toys) ;) to have fun, and they had bugs all over them!!! like everywhere, grasshoppers and spiders and gross bugs!!! maybe thats some sort of sign, and it was scary and there was a biiiiiiiiiiig spider!!!!! like huge!!!! I tried to wash them all down the sink but the giant spider kept coming back up!!!! big huge giant spider on all my fun time toys!!! eeeewwwww!!! I keep seeing it everywhere....
:haha: oh no your dream Hoping! I've been talking in my sleep alot apparently. My dh told me that last night I shouted out "don't touch it!! crazy....crazy..." :haha: I honestly can't remember my dreams!

My appt went well too! I gained 3 pounds this month :happydance: got to listen to the babys heartbeat too! :D And my scan is march 30th and so is my next appt :)
It sounds like all the pregnant ladies are doing great! Love the lime, orange and yes even the onion, lol!
Maternity leave in Canada is one year. You can take early leave for 15 weeks before delivery too and still have a year off. There is a two week waiting period with outplay at the beginning though. It is really good to have that time.
Wow! A year maternity leave!!! Glad to see everyone is doing well!!
oh Angel!! I've missed you and hope you are doing ok!!!! please please please let me know, I'm worried!!

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