Ok, let me give you the good news AC~if you move at 8 or 9 months pregnant...you don't have to move anything!! DH will have to find someone to help!!!
and I know that will probably make u feel useless...so I get it. But, all in all, I kinda sucks, if they said they would help, and now they all of a sudden don't want to, maybe it is just better to find an apt that has two bedrooms and stick with that. Plus, you don't have to be in debt to a family member, which sucks all the time. just saying. think about it some more.
Bree~I wish I could bring you a cupcake!!! I can't go anywhere now, we have state swimming this weekend and since winter is finally hitting in wyoming, montana and north dakota, its gonna hit hard here I'm afraid. so no travel for me!! otherwise I totally would...I need a break, a vacation. I am starting to plan for our june 2013 vaca to jamaica tho, I'm excited!!!!
so that helps my mood
cept yesterday...I found out my sil is prego, which I'm so happy for her and her husband they have had a rough year last year, but I thought we were close enough for her to tell me herself, she didn't. she told my husband and told me to ask him about his text. nice. so i had a HUGE hormonal moment pretty much all afternoon and evening yesterday.
I was hurt she couldn't trust me with it, so yeah...now I feel like I have lost one of my best friends. plus....what really gets me....is that last year they had an "oops" moment, she went to the pharmacy and took the plan b pill because having a baby in november "just didn't work for them." mostly because they have to do daycare b/c she is a teacher, they wanted to have the baby in spring where she would have all summer to be with it. so why is october ok now? I'm just confused....and hurt...and I guess my eyes are open to our relationship now. ok, I'm done.
oh wait...she has been having a rough time, cramping and bleeding, and they thing its because she is preg with twins, her numbers are rising fast....but to me what she described sounds like ectopic, so I'm scared for them too...I hope its just twins....
scary stuff. ok now I'm done.
ok....I will quit my rambling now!!!!
have a great day everyone!!!