I just need to talk...

I also think its an orange with a belly button....that's the only thing I can think of!!
I like your peach AC!! but then again, I love me some peaches!! eat some peaches to get rid of the gas!! lol

Did you call and call and call yet pony?? Cuz I totally would too :)

AFM~my boobs hurt today....and I'm still freakin sick. feel better this morning, and I need to because I have to make cupcakes for a wedding this weekend!! Also have to decorate the cupcake stand, and make the frosting, and make a cake....and get my dogs from the kennel....too many things to do!!! and to top it off...my youngest says his tummy hurts, so he is home from school today. now we are watching a movie and he is miraculously better, so I guess I have a helper today! oh and laundry. I have to do laundry...always laundry.....
Ohss- ovarian hyperstimulation- I have cyst from meds and my ovaries are large. The doctors office called this morning and told me they didn't do a beta in which I was wondering why they didnt but anyways, the doctor wants me to come in this afternoon for another sono and beta just to be sure there is not ectopic or pregnancy with low numbers. I'm 23dpo and no sign of AF and she told me I more than likely did ovulate. The doc wasn't there Friday so I guess she is reviewing what happened Friday.

As for karaoke, I just watched! Lol! My mother is coming for a visit Thursday because apparently I'm a mess. I love my mother but she can be aggravating at times.

Plastik- hang in there!

So glad hoping you are orange and AC your progressing nicely.
That sucks angel having ohss but I have heard that sometimes that can be a sign of pg after using fertility meds. I hope everything is better for you on the homefront.
Plastik, I am glad to hear you are feeling a bit better, it is hard all this waititng and trying. I have learned to not let it get me down too much because it just makes it worse.
I am glad everyone else is doing ok! The fruits look good ladies, lol. I can't wait for fruit, haha.
I started royal jelly and maca yesterday. What's 2 more supplements.
ah that sucks angel.....i hope they find something good in there!!!! crossing everythign for you!!!
good luck w/ your supplements mas, i couldn't do it...my prenatals are gummies cuz i hate pills!!! LOL i'm a wussy!!
Hey Ladies! I just got back from my regular doctor. Who has strep throat and an upper respiratory infection?? This unlucky one..:cry: I got a prescription for a z-pack (azythromycin), but i have to call my OB and find out if i can take it or not. Of course their office was closed, so it will be at least another day before i could start any meds. I feel like i could kill the person who got me sick, if only i knew who it was. This just sucks. I guess it could be worse tho, so might as well suck it up and focus on getting better. Then again, MS with strep throat seems about as bad as it can get.....at least i had a few good days before today and the return of my MS. is it 13 weeks yet???

Angel- sorry to hear about your appt. maybe there is a little surprise hiding somewhere in there??? GL!!

Hoping- Glad to hear you are feeling a little better! I think a naval orange is just a type of orange....it is a little smaller than a regular orange and may not have seeds in it. i could be wrong tho since i dont often eat oranges for fear of the heartburn that always follows (even before my BFP). How are those prenatal gummies?? haven't been taking my vitamins since i have been sick....holding food down is a project most days lately.

Plastikpony- :hugs: sorry to hear the witch flew in on you. Try to keep your chin up and not get too upset. I know it is hard at times, but try to relax and you will get your BFP!! :dust:
Well you ladies are all just wonderful!!! And as a result, I am feeling wonderful :) My DH suprised me with a pamper pack for valentines and the most beautiful card. He is sucha hunny! I just love him to death. And that made me realise that it doesn't matter if I am pg or not, I am still married to my best friend and the most amazing man on the planet! ANd that makes me luckier than a lot of people I know, so from now on I'm just going to be grateful!!

Sandy, that sounds just aweful!! I hope you can start taking your meds so that you feel better soon! :hugs:

AC, that peach really does look yummy!!

Hoping, :haha: :haha:!! You've been had!! I pulled that one on my mom so many times, it works a charm :) Of course it didn't work quite as well once they sent me off to boarding school. My appendix nearly burst before they believed me there, and then I had to have an emergency op!!

Angel, how are things at home? I know what you mean about mom's. Mine's the best, but in small doses :) I remember going through some photo's last year and she pointed one out saying "Look Des!! (my name is Desiree), here's one where you were still thin!!" And it's not like I'm fat. At all. Mom's!! :)
Ouch Sandy thats terrible!! Hope you get over that strep!!

Plastik that sounds nice!! :)

AFM... I've been having this horrible migrane since yesterday think its the bad weather or something.
Would it be ok since my DH always gets me presents HE wants to use, if today I get him fake champagne and flowers?
Ouch Sandy thats terrible!! Hope you get over that strep!!

Plastik that sounds nice!! :)

AFM... I've been having this horrible migrane since yesterday think its the bad weather or something.
Would it be ok since my DH always gets me presents HE wants to use, if today I get him fake champagne and flowers?

AC, I think that sounds brilliant!! Since it's my turn to do valentines this year, I'm getting MY fav foods and MY fav champagne and we're going to have a picnic in the garden :) Or the lounge, depending on the weather. As for a gift, I'm going to get him some facewash and cream etc, since he keeps saying he's going to get himself some and then doesn't. lol!! But I got him an awesome xmas gift and an awesome anniversary gift and a great birthday gift, so I think its ok!!

Sorry about the Migrane AC! Sounds awful!!
yes pony, I was fooled, but it was a nice day anyway :) We did stuff together, I think he just needed a day off. We have been running around for three weeks straight, it was time. So today he is going whether he likes it or not, its Valentines day!!! He has to bring his valentines!! :)
Ok, 72 cupcakes made yesterday, 72 cupcakes going to be made today, + a top layer cake, I really need to make myself a list....

AC~I hope your head feels better!!! I think I'm going on round two of this stupid cold....altho, Ithink I feel better than SAndy!!! feel better sandy!!!!
So my appt beta yesterday was 8, today it's negative. So I have a question for y'all? I was prescribed provera to jump start my period. It's a tablet you take for 10 days and after last pill my period will start the next day but can take up to 14 days to start after the last pill. So... What would y'all do? I asked her would my cycles be messed up for a while and naturally she couldn't answer that, just only said bleeding will be more than usual. But what I was asking will my next cycle be 20 days, will it be a while before it resets and ovulate? Not that i guess it really matters at this point cause DH and my argument but he did try yesterday. I'm under a tremendous amount of stress. Curious as to what anyone else would do. Not sure if I need to take it or ride it out.
When I took provera it did not really change anything. I got my period nine days after the last pill.
So Angel, if your beta was @ 8 does that mean a chemical? Was your negative test a blood test too? I don't have any experience with provera so I don't know. Im sorry you are having such a rough time :hugs: and I'm sorry about your test results too. I hope you are ok.
Get better soon Sandy :hugs: strep is the worst! I take bio 87 when I have strep or any bacterial infections and it clears right up - it is homeopathic and works like on your immune system, not sure about taking it while pg though.
Mas- I spoke with the nurse who wasnt specific about it. I guess it was considering all my past beta has been 0 or -2 however you get that. I know when she called me with the results I was full of questions and she really couldnt answer any of them. I was so hormonal earlier that I was 2 seconds from actually blurting out to get the fucking doctor on the phone but I didn't but I know my blood pressure probably shot through the roof!

Jeo- if no AF by in the morning I'm going to take it.

I went to the pharmacy only to find out that DH had canceled our insurance. I'm slightly shocked at this because I didn't think he could cancel it till there was a divorce! Guess you get to bypass the system when your mom is the boss! So I sent him a messages and cussed his ass out! He was suppose to take me to dinner tonight but after doing that, it didn't happen! And to think he was over here last night telling me we got to work things out! Asshole!
Angel I'm sorry!!! and cancelling the insurance is pretty low without telling you, wow. Send him some poo in a bag....or a box....I'm still shocked about it. I'm sorry :(
And to not get answers from your nurse or doc is very annoying, I would have yelled at them!!! I hope things start to straighten out for you! oh and I would wait a few days for the period, I mean, you are pretty stressed that could very well be the reason its not starting. but, thats just me, you do what you think is right! :)

ok....I hit my head this morning plugging in my space heater.....the heater isn't working again! so yeah, hit my head on the shelf, corner of course!! surprised I didn't start bleeding!!! it hurts so bad, and I think I may have given myself a concussion!! LOL
wow Angel that sucks :( No insurance...

Ouch Hoping!! I hate it when I do things like that. I'm normally clumsy so it happens alot!!

Soo... about yesterday, the day started out quite rough. So before lunch I figured I would surprise my DH with some fake champagne... everythings going well. Get up the first flight of stairs at our apt, and it falls outta the bag :dohh: smashes to pieces as well. So by that point I was SO upset. I just ran all the way up ahem.. leaving the glass... and had a crying fit. I texted my hubby about it. But he made the day so much better, he actually did get me flowers, funny though I think he really does have a hang up about flowers dying, cause he got me a little rose thing growing and a bottle of fake champagne!! :thumbup: and he had to clean up the mess.. woops. The afternoon my emotions were SO much better however had HORRIBLE gas cramps started... like it hurt to sit :haha: that bad. So I figured out what I should do. Eat chilli fries when we went out, I figured either I will explode or it'll push things through. :haha: We get home after eating out, and I had the WORST migrane ever... was not my day yesterday. So I had made cupcakes earlier, however we didn't eat them til 9pm when my migrane finally settled down some :)

Today I'm feeling much better just been cleaning ALOT!
Yea he sucks. I told him I wouldn't even consider taking him back till he fixed everything he screwed up including insurance so guess we will see. I spoke to the doctor again and she thought that it was a chemical pregnancy and they caught it in it's way down and they screwed up not drawing blood when they were checking for the cyst last week but she wasn't in. I told her I have been very hormonal and under alot of stress and she told me to relax. Yea right. Anyways DH has been sucking up. I'm on day 2 of the provera and I think emotionally I feel better. Maybe it's like Xanax! Lol!
Oh Angel, what aterrible time you are having. I can't believe he would cancel the insurance like that-what a horrible thing to do! I am also very sorry about the chemical. I hope things begin to get better soon :hugs: take care.

I hope you head feels better hoping, take it easy!

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