I just need to talk...

Wow!! 1 year of leave!! I think I need to move to Canada! Here in SA I think you get 3 or 4 months, depending on the company. But it's unpaid leave which means you have to claim from UIF if you want any cash, and that doesn't cover your entire salary!

Sorry I've been MIA, was on holiday for a bit in Cape Town and then went to my hometown for a good friend's funeral yesterday, it was so sad!! He died on my birthday!! (24 Feb) So things have been a bit rough.

On the bright side, since things have been so busy I've managed to get to 8dpo without even noticing it! No symptoms though, other than my bbs getting a bit sore, but that's right on schedule like every month. Personally, I think I'm 9dpo, but FF says 8. BUT my temps were all weird, I'm sure my thermometer is dying, and then I went away so I just stopped temping. The temps that I put into FF were just to force it to show my crosshairs. Anyhoo!!! I'm sure I ov'd coz I have every month up to now and I had some SERIOUS ewcm!!

I hope this is the month. So desperately!! If it isn't then I'm going for a laparoscopy on 15 March to check all the bits and pieces out, which is quite a scary thought!!!

This is my first day of proper work this week, weird hey!!
I'm doing good! We are working on trying to work things out. My insurance is back again. We have been reading the love dare book. It's really good stuff in there for couples. My DH agrees he has been a dick so now recovery begins. He has really been trying hard.

I finally started, I think, my period was so light for 9 days. Weird cycle I suppose for me. I'm not really trying and not really preventing either. I'm only on cd13 but I even wonder if I'll even ovulate, it's such a strange cycle.

Everyones ticker is moving along and baby getting bigger!
Angel, another great book for couples (and a nice easy read) is called The Five Love Languages. It's really great for understanding how your partner functions and what makes them feel good and how to 'speak' to them in terms of love.

Definately worth a read if you can get your hands on it!

So glad that things are looking up for you!! :hugs:
I'll have to see if I can get my hands on that one when I finish this one. This book is 40 days but really good. I think it has helped both of us. I read ahead and cheated a little so I stopped and waiting on DH to catch up.
Really glad that he is trying for you Angel! I hope it all works out good.
Plastik-i have my lap booked for Mar 15 too! If I get AF which is due next week around wed or thurs.
Really glad that he is trying for you Angel! I hope it all works out good.
Plastik-i have my lap booked for Mar 15 too! If I get AF which is due next week around wed or thurs.

Me too Mas!!! Due on Wed or Rhirs, but hoping the witch doesn't arrive so I can test this month 😄 I haven't poas in forever!!!
Hope your tests go well Mas and Plastik!!

Tomorrow I'm 16 weeks! I can't believe it! Seems like yesterday I was 5 weeks.
Good luck ladies!!!! my fingers are crossed for you!!! :happydance:

AC love the avocado!! its prettier than my sweet potato :haha: but excited we have come so far!!! :happydance:

Oh Angel I'm so happy things are working out!!! :happydance: I might have to look at some of those books too, maybe it can tell me how to talk to my husband and have him actually listen and RETAIN what I say!! :haha:

We had our last swim meet of the winter this weekend!! I'm so excited to be done traveling for a while! :thumbup: my son did good, he cut time in some events, but added time in some. he was upset, and I told him all he can do is learn from it, so no reason to be mad.

March is time for getting baby's room ready!!! :happydance:
Well ladies, I am an idiot. Feel free to chastise me and tell me what a loon I am. I tested yesterday morning. 10 dpo. With a clearblue digi!! A DIGI!!! What on earth is WRONG with me?? It was negative, of course, but that didn't stop me from being depressed about it. I think I'm only going to test again on Friday or Saturday if the :witch: doesn't come. Due on Thursday. But I'm on one of those lows where I'm convinced that it just won't happen for me this month. Please excuse the pity party.

My bbs are huge and sore, which is normal, my nips are sensitive and the right one starts randomly itching. I've been having cramps like I need to do a number 2, but I don't. Not severe, but definately there. Very irritable, but that could also just be pms. *sigh* I'm just a bloody mess.

How you feeling Mas?

Hoping and AC, you guys are SO far along!! I can't believe it!! :hugs:
:flower: everyone!

Angel- hope you're still doing well. I'm very glad to hear you and DH are working on things:hugs:

Hopin'- i love sweet potatos! with brown sugar, of course! can't wait to see pics of the upcoming nursery!!

Mas- I am adding my wheatgrass back in my diet! I am adding it to my strawberry smoothies in the AM :thumbup:

AC- Hope you find a place to move, quickly!

Plastik- we're all loons ;) I think i'm most scared of starting to try again because of what a loon I become during the 2ww!! :wacko::hugs:
Good morning everyone! :)

Hoping, sweet potatos are goooodd!! However not to fond of how its made in the south :p

Plastik, don't feel discouraged, I remember feeling exactly that when I tested early,I know this cause I wrote it down in my diary :haha: I had convinced myself I wasn't pregnant. So you really never know! Also, I cannot believe how far I am now either :(... almost a little sad... crazy hormones :haha:

italianqtpie, me too!! Last I heard about the move was that the bank said they weren't gonna do anything til we had a house in mind... meaning my dh needs to get off his butt and start looking like REALLY looking but his idea of looking is randomly browsing online then getting bored and doing other things grrr I told him to just get a realtor. But anyways IF we move it will be july or aug atleast!!

Today I started off doing prenatal pilates, I bought myself a dvd :happydance: and it made me realize how UNFLEXIBLE I really am! ahh well I figure if I keep it up I might become soon enough :D
I'm DYING to go baby shopping!!
Pony~I didn't think I was pregnant either! The ONLY thing that was different for me was my bbs hurt like....RIGHT after ovulation. and I spotted for a week before I got my bfp at 13 dpo. so dont give up yet!!

Bree~lots of luck to you this month!!!!!! I'm crossing my fingers!!!

AC~I am excited to shop too!!! and I wasn't going to paint my nursery but now I have changed my mind :) DH isn't too excited about it, but I was so happy about what I wanted to do yesterday I think he caved at my happiness :) He's funny sometimes :) I have a bunch of stuff on my wishlist for baby too....and I ordered some more maternity pants yesterday! :) my pants just aren't cutting it anymore!!
oh I'm sure you are not a loon Mas! you just feel like one ;)

and I forgot to tell you Bree~the nursery will hopefully be done by August, but the problem is I have ugly teal green carpet in there...and it happens to be pretty nice carpet so my DH won't let me get rid of it. :( so......now I am trying to work around the ugly teal green carpet....
Try light ocean blue - it looks great with teal!!

I am almost done painting our bedroom - it looks great!! And I'm 12dpo tomorrow and haven't tested yet! Maybe Im not so loony after all, lol!
Bree! Where have you been?

Hoping- I had teal green in one of our houses before and I hated that carpet! Lol! Maybe you can mix nice colors with it! Can't wait to hear what you are going to have!
I feel out this month - had my pre AF poops today and though my boobs are big they don't feel as sore.
hey ladies! so after having a few good days in a row, my MS returned with a vengeance this morning. At least i am feeling better now and my appetite is back in full swing.

looking forward to tomorrow!! i have both my NT scan and my 12 week appt with my dr! kinda nervous as i am hoping things are going good down there....i actually seem to be popping out with a little bump lately...although i am not sure if there is still a lot of bloating in it or not. I never had a flat stomach to begin with, so i wouldnt be surprised if i pop out a little early even tho it is my first.

the only other thing i am trying to figure out is how to buy maternity clothes?? i have no idea where to even start with sizes....do the pants match your pre pregnancy pant size? :shrug:
Finally went out and got myself some new bras over the weekend....oh boy was that a project. Damn things are up at least 2 cup sizes at this point and i am not even sure if they are done growing!! maybe i should appreciate this tho....there are plenty of women who pay a plastic surgeon lots of money for 2 more cup sizes :haha:
I feel out this month - had my pre AF poops today and though my boobs are big they don't feel as sore.

when is the witch due to fly in?? i wouldnt give up hope yet....my boobs didnt really start hurting me until about a week or 2 after my BFP. sometimes no symptoms can be a good thing! GL fx! :dust:
Sounds like me Mas, and it wasn't good news. Witch got me yesterday evening. I tried so hard not to show DH how devastated I was. I don't want him to feel too much pressure because of his crazy wife. I was doing well too, held off for about 2 hours before I just burst into tears. He just held me and told me that I'm not doing this alone. That we're in this together and we can share the heartache. I love him!!

Guess I won't be trying this month coz I've got my LAP scheduled for 15 March, right before I'd be ovulating. Also I heard no sexy time for like a week afterward, so there goes March. Only good thing is I'm going to have a 5-day weekend, which can only be a good thing. And maybe not constantly waiting for something (fertile period, ov, tww, AF) will help me chill out a bit. I think I'm going to keep temping though, coz I'm getting my new BBT thermometer early next week. YAY!!

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