I just need to talk...

Pony~sorry you are achy, that sucks. I hope it gets better soon so you can get back on the BDing horse!!

AC~I got done bding w/ DH last night, crawled off and had some really bad stretching on the sides of my tummy....oh man!! I think that might be the last time I climb up there!! LOL

aaannnddd its NEW WASHING MACHINE DAY FOR ME!!! woohoo!!!! love me a new grown up toy!!
At night my stretching is worse :( And now getting heartburn ouch!

Gah! I need to vent about my younger sis. Ok so far through-out my pregnancy she hasn't had one NICE thing to say about it.
First it was her telling me that since I didn't have a bump that I was starving my baby grrr.. and EVERY few days it was "Are you showing yet?" so now I FINALLY am showing which I am quite happy about. So I tell her this and she then says "Oh you're gonna be so saggy after you have your baby, so you better start exercising like the next day" umm... :wacko: in which I said Ouch don't be so mean. Then shes like "Oh right, you'll just end up being sickly thin as you always are" :nope: I don't think she gets that things like this HURTS! ugh!!

But anyways vent over hope everyones having a good spring day :flower:
She's sounds jealous! Hate it when people are like that. Just ignore her AC - you are having a beautiful baby and pregnancy is beautiful too!
Im still a bit sore and cramp. No bleeding though and I am really unsure of whether I O'd or not - my OPK are now just a faint line - when on Fiiday it was surprisingly dark but at cd 9? it just seems way to early for me. I think my body was buggered up from the surgery and I am going to O at like cd 17 or 18 like usual, I ran out of tests today though :( so I think we will just keep up the :sex: every other day for the next 2 weeks!

I hope you feel better soon Pony!!
I agree with Mas AC, she sounds jealous of the fact that you are pregnant and skinny (which btw, I saw your bump yesterday you are so freakin cute!!) :D Just keep telling her what she is saying is mean, maybe someday she will get it!!
oh and tums helps my heartburn! well..sometimes... ;)
Mas!! Have fun BDing!! hope you get an easter baby!! :D

OH.....no spring days here this week, it snowed!! like a lot! crappy, but thats what we get for moving to the mountains! supposed to be in the 60s this weekend tho, so yippee! and I ordered some plants off QVC yesterday...yep. I am a qvc junky...only when gardening or kitchen shows are on!!

oh and if you want to see my March cupcakes, go here: https://acupcakeadventure.blogspot.com/
hope it works....anyway, April is gonna be a gender reveal cupcake!!!
omg.... baileys in a cupcake would be heaven :haha: Been wanting baileys bad!! No I'm not an alchy but its so hard to resist things i know I can't have. Thank goodness I don't have any food allergies :haha: They look amazing!!

Thanks Mas and Hoping for the nice comments :hugs:

So more spring cleaning for me today! Gonna actually attempt to finish my crocheting, ironing, maybe making asparagus soup? Hmm.. lots to do! :D
lol I just really want some rum....maybe I'll put some rum in my gender cupcakes!!! LOL I totally understand!!!
Ac- I agree with them, she does sound a bit jealous. Does she have any children? If she does just tell her if u have sags it will be worth it and act like u don't care! Lol!

Hoping- have u heard from them?

Mas- I hope u have a surprise bfp!

I haven't looked at the cupcakes yet but my goofy DH asked what kind of cake I want tomorrow and I said chocolate. I'm taking bets today weather he makes it or buys it or has me go get it. Lol! After my post I'm going to look up those cupcakes and tell him I want that tonight and see his response when he has to make them! Lol! I'll be a nice whopping 21 tomorrow and that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Thanks angel, no she doesnt have kids and never wants them herself. I think she was just in a grumpy mood or just doesn't get how nasty things sound at times.. no idea!

I'm gonna need the recipe to those cupcakes Hoping, the link you posted on your blog didn't take me anywhere *sniff*
Ok I fixed the link!!! I pasted something from here on there!! bahahaha!! that must mean I spend too much time here ;) but i fixed it!
Hello ladies!!!!

First off, AC, don't worry about her. There's this chick here that always says mean stuff like she doesn't realize it's nasty. I honestly think she just doesn't understand and has a lack of people skills!!
Hoping, those cupcakes look amazing!!!! Yummy!!
Mas, I'm SO impressed with your bd'ing powers!! I haven't been able to do it even once yet since the lap!

In other news, I had my follow up with my gynae today about the surgery. He took the stitches out (oweee!!!) and we chatted about the way forward. He showed me pictures of my uterus and ovaries which were really icky!! My ovaries were 90% covered with endo and I had some on my uterus too! He said that even though it was only stage 2, I would never have conceived like that. But he removed everything and said it all looks really good. He's put me on clomid for the next 3 months and says if nothing happens in 4 or 5 months we'll look at other options.

But I'm really hopeful now! It's like a clean slate. Since there I no way we could have conceived in the last 6 months I'm going to take this as cycle 1 of ttc! I've given up coffee, want to lose 5 kg but there is no way I'm giving up my wine!!!! :haha:

Sorry for the long MSG, I'm just excited and hopeful ��
ah pony that is exciting!!! Goodie!!! I'm excited for what next month brings you...so hope you feel better next month to do it!! :D

Thankyou, my DH got me some black diamond earings and braclet to match my ring and necklace he bought at Christmas. AF made sure to wish me happy birthday too! Lol!
Happy birthday Angel!! :D awwww I think my dh may need lessons from yours in gift buying :haha: :haha:

Plastik how exciting so theres really a chance now! :D

Blaahh I had such a rough night, well maybe it was due to pigging out at the Mongolian Grill... the food was amazing and buffet :haha: I have 3 plate fulls while my Dh only had one. However was up allllll night with heartburn and gas pains grrr!!
Oh! April 2nd - 6th I'm gonna go with my DH on his business trip... I was mopey for the longest time cause he kept acting like he didn't want me there, but then I find out he thought I would be bored being out in the middle of nowhere, but I LOVE travelling so I'm pretty excited!! :happydance::happydance:
Angel, wonderful presents!!! That's awesome!! this year my DH thought he was slacking cuz he asked what I wanted and I told him I wanted him to do the laundry for me, and that's what he did! :D

AC~where do you get to go for the meeting?? I love going places with my hubby...its awesome! and mongolian grill is awesome, but the sodium will kill you, hence the heartburn!! altho, my mom always told me ifyou have heartburn baby will have lots of hair, and my boys both did. so goodie for babies with hair!! I'm getting the feeling you are having a boy, don't ask me why cuz I don't know!! LOL

I had weird dreams last night. Dreamed I got in a huge fight with my SIL and BIL, and before that....dreamed I had a baby girl!!! It was awesome!!! but then she turned into a muffing with cream cheese filling and I ate her!!! LOL I have NO idea what that means but its funny!!!
I wanted a clean house too but that didn't happen! Lol!

I'm so excited to be going to a comedy club improv tonight! I've heard really good things about it so I'm looking forward to it! I need some laughter! So date night tonight!

Hoping- did u hear from the job?
omg Hoping.. your dream cracked me up :haha: :haha: I've been having CRAZY dreams... one I dreamt I gave birth to a 10 month old boy... then I was supposed to feed him but had to use the washroom first so I told my dh to watch him before he had to leave for work, then I come out and both are gone and I'm looking EVERYWHERE for this baby. My dh said I woke up saying "Wheres the baby?" :haha:
Oh! And going to Kansas... some city in the middle of nowhere. But ahhh I'm crossing my fingers there will be a swimming pool at the hotel, but I bet its gonna be a cheap one since the company is paying :p

Sooooo I'm gonna make an orange bundt cake tonight and top it with chocolate sauce that hardens, cause we're having company tomorrow :happydance:
One week til my ultrasound :D
ah 5 more sleeps till mine!! and I got a call today from the lactation consultant I have an appointment for that on Tuesday. AND, I want you ladies to go to www.childbirthgraphics.com and check out the crazy things people use for childbirth education!!! I laughed for an entire day!! my fav is smokey susan smokes for two...she is in the section about hazards or something like that, go check it out!!! and the labor and delivery section has a lot of funny stuff I think my husband needs to see, after you get past the brochures. omg i died laughing!! and the breastfeeding puppet killed me!!!
ah 5 more sleeps till mine!! and I got a call today from the lactation consultant I have an appointment for that on Tuesday. AND, I want you ladies to go to www.childbirthgraphics.com and check out the crazy things people use for childbirth education!!! I laughed for an entire day!! my fav is smokey susan smokes for two...she is in the section about hazards or something like that, go check it out!!! and the labor and delivery section has a lot of funny stuff I think my husband needs to see, after you get past the brochures. omg i died laughing!! and the breastfeeding puppet killed me!!!

:haha::haha: that all sounds very troubling. not sure i even want to know LOL

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