I just need to talk...

Your dream is sooo funny Hoping!! LOL LOL LOL!!
Happy Brithday Angel!! Sounds like wonderful gifts!!
Hi Sandy!!!
Plastik - I am soooo glad and excited for you - I have heard so many good things about BFP after Laps and I am positive that you and I are gonna be part of that!!
AC - have fun on your trip!
I am temping this month and I think it shows that I did O within the last few days.
We are dtd every other day just to be sure we get that eggy if there is one to get - hopefully my lining builds up quick after the D and C though. Wish me luck!!
Happy 21 weeks Hoping!! And 19 weeks for me! :happydance: Still can't wrap my head around the fact that I'm about halfway through pregnancy... CRAZY!! :wacko: Have yet to buy a thing... hopefully we will be moving in a few months. :)

Mas all the best! Hopefully you'll get it!! :thumbup:
Happy Mango Day AC! I haven't bought anything either, but we are going to Salt Lake next weekend to buy lots of stuff!! After we find out what baby is! :D so excited!!
Good morning ladies!!

How was everyone's weekends? We went away to a game lodge and spa, relaxed, ate food, got a massage and awesome pedicure! Was just awesome!! I'm not so sore anymore, just sensitive. The two lower incisions have these really sensitive lumps under them, but I'm guessing that's just scar tissue forming. My belly button looks much better, most of the bruising has turned this baby-poo yellow color, so it's on it's on it's way out!!

We even managed to DTD on Saturday! I was actually scared of what it would feel like, but it was all good!! Relief!! Just a little sensitive. I took my temp this morning and it's high enough that I think I O'ed already. A good thing, even if it means no chance for me this month. It should be interesting to see what the clomid does for me, since I'm already ovulating naturally and regularly all on my own! Hopefully it just gives me that boost to get a nice :bfp:!!!

Hoping and AC, I can't believe how far along you ladies are! Feels like just yesterday you got this nice double lines!!

Mas, I'm so excited for us both!! I just know its going to happen soon for us! Who knows, maybe it's already happened for you!!!
Glad to hear you had an exciting relaxful weekend!! We always need one of those....and maybe you Just spiked yesterday so I'm gonna pretend you are preggers till you prove me wrong :haha:
We went to the zoo :bunny: this weekend in SLC on Saturday, and yesterday started painting the room we use for the office, which is going to get the guest bed in it too so I can put the baby stuff we buy this weekend in the baby room!! yippee!! :happydance: :crib: Today, finish painting and do laundry, I have an appointment with the lactation consultant tomorrow and scan on Wednesday!!! :happydance: ah! I'm excited!!!! :happydance:
Plastik that sounds amazing... the massage and such I mean :haha:

Hoping, awesome looks like things are coming along for you! :)

Gah yesterday kinda sucked for me, spent like 5 hours at two different malls looking for maternity clothes, as I can't seem to do up ANY of my fat jeans and all my tshirts are riding up :( and I couldn't find a THING! there was an expensive maternity store but I'm not paying $100 for a pair of jeans :haha: And my DH says I can't buy anything online so grrrrr I dunno what I'm gonna do.
Also feeling SO cooped up in our apt... I wish I could start buying baby things :( and I was hoping I would get to go up to Canada to see my family before the baby comes, but my DH says if we're going it'll hafta be the last week of May cause of the holiday there and then he doesn't hafta take that many days off. Only I'll be like at week 27 or 28 then so I dunno if that'll be too late to be travelling or not.. :wacko:
I think you will be fine to travel AC, just talk to the doc they will probably have you take aspirin but you can still go :)
Sounds like everyone is doing good. AC just buy yoga pants and yoga capri's, they are comfy and grow with you. I love my yoga pants!

I am still not sure where I am- maybe I didn't O this month and maybe I won't at all. The only thing I feel is my left ovary area is sore to touch - started last Thursday and is just staying like that - not any worse or better and I am so uncomfortably bloated and gassy. That's it. I may be about 9dpo if my opk was right or I'm didn't O.
Hoping I will be awaiting an update on how the scan went! :)

omg I've been suffering from horrible heartburn, almost puked last night, had to sit up for a few hours. ouch!
Now I feel like a zombie, I do believe my body is preparing me for motherhood! :haha:
oh heartburn sucks AC!!
And I will be crossing my fingers for you Mas!! I will also pretend you are pregnant till you prove me otherwise ;)

My scan is in 3 1/2 hours!!! 10:50 here time, its 713 right now. AAAHHHH!!! I just want to run there now and get it done!!! well....maybe after a shower.....i'm smelly....
Hmm by now you should have had your scan :) how did it go??
I'm soooooo very excited to tell you!!!! It's a girl!!!! I'm still in shock and disbelief, but I didn't see a penis anywhere and I loved it!! I didn't get pics, but I got a dvd, so I'm working on getting a nice picture up when I figure out how to work the damn thing.... :haha:
so....pink duckie is my picture for now!!!
YAY!!!! So excited for you!!!

I finally got a positive OPK tonight!!!!! Yesterday I tested and nothing! Not even a second line at all and then at 4pm I tested and had a fairly dark line and I was like "ok maybe I will get a positive tomorrow" (we before I even saw the line) I tested again at 7pm and "POSITIVE" (too bad it wasn't an hpt, but hopefully that will come). I will try to post a pic!
that's awesome Mas!!

and thanks everyone I'm super excited!!!!! crying every time I look at something pink cuz I can buy it now!!
:haha: 20 hours til my scan I'm soooo impatient! Even though I'm not finding out the sex I still can't wait to see my baby again. Sometimes it feels so fake :(
And 4 days til we leave for Kansas :D Im only nervous about going through security, just cause I wanna avoid the naked machines. LOL!!

How is everyone else doing?

Mas thats great you oved!! Think you caught the egg this cycle? :)
Yay for PINK!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!

Mas- goodluck! Hope u catch it!!!

AC- put medal tassels on your boobs and give them a run for their money! Lol!!! Have fun on your trip!

I have anniversary dinner tomorrow in the big tall Dallas spinning ball! I can't wait!
I did another test last night and it was even darker, so I should o sometime today I would think. I have had some O pain on both sides?

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