I been somewhat breaking, however I screwed up this month with my break of ntnp. So now I'm confused because I haven't been temping or keeping up with myself until last monday when I was CD13. I found digital OPK's and thought I wouldn't waste them and pee on them! You are suppose to do the digital ones in the morning but I did it twice a day anyways. lol! So monday morning (CD13) it was negative, Tuesday morning (CD14) it was negative. Wednesday morning (CD15) It was positive and negative that afternoon. So I read up on the digi opk stuff again and apparantly it has a memory in it that finds it highest surge or something like that and it won't be positive again unles it is higher from the last reading. So anyways, I thought this was strange because I never ovulate before CD17 ever! Anyways, I decided to check my cervix and it was still low and it's really hard to tell if its open with all the damage my kids did to it. So I BD. I took it again Thursday and friday twice a day cause I was skeptical of it.... and it was negative but I did notice friday my cervix was high and not much CM. Well, I went all weekend not BDing because we were so busy this weekend. Well we did sunday night but friday and saturday was a no go! So, naturally my OCD kicked in this afternoon and I thought about how I hadn't pee'd since this moring so I took the digi OPK to ease my mind cause my cervix is still kinda high and.... IT WAS FREAKING POSITIVE AGAIN! LOL! WTH??! Anyways, I'm just so freaking confused! In the past I always ovulate on CD 16 and 17... So.... I guess I'll just wait it out! Maybe BD again....