I just need to talk...

No AF yet!! Lots of tummy pains on my right side though. Boobs still big and veiny. I am going to test in the morning.
Bree- who are you again? Bahahaha! I almost emailed youlast night to see how you were! Goodluck with your finals, you still ttc?

Bruno- welcome and that sucks with the negative test. I'm always to impatient and I would go for beta at the docs office! Your symptoms sound promising!

AC- ship me some cookies!

Tell me about it :( it's terrible, I eat the smallest ham sandwhich and my stomach balloons!! I'm going in 2 weeks time just would like some company from You girls until then x
No AF yet!! Lots of tummy pains on my right side though. Boobs still big and veiny. I am going to test in the morning.

MAS!!!! have you tested yet??? I'm waiting here!! impatiently btw :winkwink:

OK.....I am wondering....does anyone else want to poke their SIL's eyeballs out and shove them up her whiny drama queen oh poor pitiful me ass?? Or is that just me? She is starting to be someone I can't freaking stand!! I sure hope its just my hormones, cuz I do like her usually....I'm just tired of the oh I feel like crap every day and everyone is out to get me and they talk behind my back and I'm full of anxiety but don't want to do anything to make it feel better so I can still get the attention from people BULLCRAP!! Why can't people get attention from being happy and not being miserable and whiny?? I mean...I get that its her first pregnancy and she is sick...but why doesnt she not get that half of her sickness is caused by her anxiety and IBS?? The rest of us do!!! :dohh: And I hate that I obsess over it...I'm trying so hard...stupid hormones....Ok, maybe my vent will help me to forget about her stupid butt for the rest of the day... :winkwink:
I'm out, :witch: flew in just now. I'm ok, going to focus on the next cycle as this is the 1st cycle after my surgery so I think we have a good chance. I am going to try one or two more cycles using supplements (a huge list of them btw) then look at more drug cycles - I have a prescription for clomid and hmg shots and my RE thinks IVF may be a good bet for us. But I don't want to go that route yet. So much for a 2012 baby :( Here goes a try for a New Years Baby!!
ah Mas, I'm sorry :( but when you think about it, a new years baby would be freakin awesome!!!
Aww that sucks about your sil hoping! Some people just like to whine and get attention like that.. :wacko: I find my patience is really low with people like that too :haha:

Mas aww I'm sorry AF came.. but yea prehaps this next cycle might be the one :)
Bree- who are you again? Bahahaha! I almost emailed youlast night to see how you were! Goodluck with your finals, you still ttc?

Bruno- welcome and that sucks with the negative test. I'm always to impatient and I would go for beta at the docs office! Your symptoms sound promising!

AC- ship me some cookies!

We had put it on hold since like December. Unless I change my mind (LOL) we may wait until August and focus on getting healthy with all these supplements and get me through another tough semester at school (summer courses) taking some tough ones. Not sure, I knew when we do try again we will be 100% on board and ready to talk to a doctor if it doesn't work in 2 months or so. Not much more time, but we only want one child so I pray that's in His plan! :hugs:
Hoping- vent away! Tell SIL to kiss it! LOL!

Mas- I'm sorry AF made an appearance! Maybe you will be ready this cycle after the surgery!

Bree- I understand. I hope it works for you and getting school out of the way! Lots of luck! Maybe a accident will fall in there.

AFM- we went house hunting yesterday and I found a house that I REALLY WANT! So TTC might have to be put on hold for us. Not that we will prevent but more of if it happens it happens approach. My son is moving back with us in June. So we really need to focus on this house and start going through things and getting rid of them and working on down payment money! I'm stressed thinking about it now! lol! I am 5dpo now since those positive OPK I got 2 days in a row. Too much going on at one time and my mind is 50 million directions! LOL!
Too much going on at one time and my mind is 50 million directions! LOL!

That's EXACTLY how i feel right now. no matter when we start, i'm NOT leaving you girls! :hugs:

Mas, my sweetie...hang tough! This is your month. I'm so glad they got your endo! did you have any symptoms? It scares me to wonder if i have stuff going on, too...cause I didn't think you had ANY reason to think something was going "on". My one girlfriend had MAJOR major pains and knew she they were going to find endo...I wish I could just stop time!

Hopin'- I don't have a SIL, so i'll poke yours eyes out for ya:kiss:
Oh, and FYI:

After all the shit that happened in Jan/Feb...i got Latisse and Botox. My lips and lashes are lush ;)
Hoping I think your fruit ticker stopped updating.. haha shouldn't it be a pumpkin now or something?

angel, I too am house hunting the preapproval came through from our in laws, it expires in 3 months so we gotta get cracking down on looking for one :)

Bree good luck whenever you start ttc again :) :flower:

AFM... I think I may have FINALLY recovered from Saturday night, I agreed to go out with my dh to his friends party if we would be home by 11pm at the latest, he was all like sure sure... however he avoided my hints for us to go home for TWO hours so it wasn't til after midnight when we finally got outta there. And then of course Sunday I wasn't feeling all too great and hes all like "you know you should take better care of yourself" omg I wanted to slap him! :dohh:
AC~I guess it stops moving for a couple weeks at a time, I think its cuz they ran out of room for fruits on there :haha: So it will be a shocker when I go to eggplant!! bahaha!! And good luck house hunting!! I love looking at houses...we might be doing it soon again if the ghosts that are in our house don't start leaving my boys alone!!! Last night one was really messing w/ our oldest, he ended up sleeping upstairs in the guest room. Poor kid was super freaked out. I'm going to yell at the ghosts today....That'll show em right?? :haha:

Bree~thanks!! yesterday I was fine with her, but who knows what today will bring!! She is still a big fat whiner....I just want to slap her and say you know what?? There are millions of women out there that would love to be as sick as you expecting a baby, so enjoy the fact that you can get prego in a month you (insert not so nice words here)!!!! And you don't need botox and lush lashes...altho, the lashes thing I understand, my boys have the most beautiful eye lashes ever! And DH complains cuz his hit his sunglasses...I wanna smack him...:dohh:

Lizzie is bopping around in my belly so much...its really funny she has her feet in my cervix during the day, and at night she turns depending on which way I'm laying....she likes her head up :flower: She's funny already!!
hey girls, i was wondering if i could join you girls seem really down to earth and keep each other goin :hugs: you ive been trying to concieve for 3 years now and im on the third month of clomid and finding it really hard to stay posiitive atm :cry: im not sure if ive ovulated or not. the last two cycles it was day 18 but i think i got a positive on cd 13 this cycle iv try ed to upload pic but i cant seem to do it it says file size to big even thou its from my phone. and i have no opt's left to test now :shrug:
im sorry bout the rant but i feel better getting it off my chest x
Hi Dreamofabump!!

I'm sorry you've been struggling, it really is no fun!! :hugs: Have you been to a fertility specialist? Is that why you're on clomid?

My DH and I have only been trying for about 7 months, but I had a Laparoscopy and they found endometriosis on my ovaries that was preventing the eggy getting to where it could be fertilised. Doc removed the endo and now I'm on clomid too. First round this cycle and I'm on CD 13, so you and I are only a day apart! I have no idea when to expect ov, its always on cd 13 but I know that clomid can mess things around. I'm using opk's for the first time and haven't had a positive one yet, although I'm starting to get some EWCM.

If all goes to plan I'll be testing on May 4th (if I can hold out that long!), so maybe we can be cycle buddies?

Hoping, I totally get you with the eyelashes!! My brother had the most GORGEOUS lashes, I hate him sometimes! I love that Lizzie already has a personality and she's still in your belly!! CUTE!!

AC and Bree, house hunting is SO much fun, but I found it to be emotionally draining too. Try to keep perspective and remember that things happen for a reason. Very much of excitement for you both!!

And Bree, after the nonsense you had to go through earlier this year, you totally deserve a spoil!! Good on you!!
welcome Dream!! :hi: Sorry you have had such a rough time, Stick with us here we will make it better :thumbup: We've all been there!!!! and don't worry about running out of opk's, just keep BDing every day you will get there. Or you can get some online, I don't know if that's where you get them or not but they are way cheaper than the store!! :hugs:

Pony~It's been a while!! And I think May 4th is the best day to test as well, its my son's 7th birthday!!! It's good luck :winkwink: I'm super crossing my body parts for you this month!!! :hugs:
thanks girls for making me feel welcome :blush:
plastikpony: thats good that the doc managed to get rid of that for you. yeah im testing the 2nd of may so we can be cycle bubbies :thumbup: how u feeling i find the first two weeks i get really bad hot flushes and realli bad headaches but hopefully it be worth it in the end. yeah ive seen a gyno and the put me on 4 months worth of clomid. the first cycle i had scans and they were happy because i ovulated and i hadnt for months before hand due to my PCOS which i found out i had in november. but if i dont get my :bfp: this month ive only got one month left :cry: i dont know what the next step will be.

hope we all get our :bfp: very soon
hoping4girl: thanks i feel better already :) i will be ordering some more next week but by then it will be to late to use them :-( but at least il be ready for next month. i followed the board from page one up to when you found out you was pregnant... it put a smile on my face xx
So far, the spotting has stopped as of today. (I think, the day is still young). LOL But I still feel off. I am all bloated, constantly hungry, my boobs feel heavier so I have no clue what is going on. I tested two weeks ago and it was a negative. I am thinking of testing again here shortly. And if the spotting does not stop by Friday, I am going to the doctor about it. Friday it will be two and half weeks of spotting and it is fustrating.

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