I just need to talk...

hoping4girl: thanks i feel better already :) i will be ordering some more next week but by then it will be to late to use them :-( but at least il be ready for next month. i followed the board from page one up to when you found out you was pregnant... it put a smile on my face xx

LOL I'm glad you can follow my rantings and craziness!!! :haha:
Bree- Angilina Jolee lips?! I bet it's pretty and lashes too! Post a pic!

Hoping- I have ghost radar on my phone for you! Hahaha! I was watching paranormal stuff tonight!

Dream- welcome! It can be so frustrating but vent away and get it out! Clomid didn't bother me the first cycle but my hot flashes got worse each cycle I was on it. By the 3rd cycle I became a little hormonal than usual. I've spent the past 2 cycles recovering from a nice hormonal imbalance. The things we put ourselves through ttc! Hopefully you will or already ovulated and leaves you with a blazing bfp surprise! Cheer up, we are here for you!

Jeo- I'm with hoping! Test!! Then check your cervical position and bake hoping some cookies afterwards! Bahahahahshaha!!!!!!

I have been having some serious AF cramps. Haven't started yet and if my last opk were true I should be 7 or 8 dpo.
thanks guys its my birthday today and the last to months ive ovulated on cd 18 which is today :dance: so hopefully at the end of the month i get the best prezzie ever :) how are you all doin today xxxxxxxxxxx
Happy birthday dreamofabump! :)

Jeo... aww that COULD be a sign :) I think you should test :thumbup:

Hopefully some more of you ladies get your bfps!

So lately I started drinking breakfast carnation drinks on top of my meals and snacking, really trying to put on some more weight! I have a feeling my midwife might lecture me on not gaining enough, I see her this coming friday, also friday is my other ultrasound.. hoping things work out for the best and whatever the membrane seperation was has fused :)
Happy Birthday!!!!!

AC- come ride with me at work and I'll fatten you up! Lol!
Happy birthday dreaming!!! :cake:

AC~I have only gained a pound in the past three weeks...I hope I don't get lectured either!! Altho, I started out right on the high edge of a healthy weight, so I might be ok :winkwink:

Angel~I could use a ghost hunter...stupid ghosts....

afm....well...today sucks. I just put my 10 year old on a bus to go on a science trip till friday afternoon....with out me.....and I was good and didn't cry!! And I asked my 6 (almost 7!!) year old if he would stay home with me and keep me company, and he said...well mom, you always have the dogs to keep you company! GRR!! silly child....I guess Lizzie and I will hang out alone again today...cuz the dogs could care less about me as long as they have water and food!! dumb dogs....:haha:
I'm really down today because I took another test which I know I shouldn't have but I wanted a afternoon cocktail. This next cycle is my 1 year anniversary of the tubal reversal and it was negative. I really think I'm 9dpo too. I am to the point that I just don't think it's going to happen. I've already done fertility treatments, hsg etc... There has to be a point where you just have to accept it ain't going to happen and I wasted a boat load of money! Grrrrrrr.... That probably pisses me off more than anything. I should have tried ivf first.
Ps... If I get kicked off for being nasty, and bitter... Code word: purple.... (patron) ROTFLMA!!! I love u girls!!!
im sorry to here your feelling so down angel. but 9dpo is still early so were all have our fingers cross for you :thumbup: i feel the same sometimes but then really do believe things happen when there meant to. i really hope 'you get your :bfp: soon xxxx
Angel!!! that was way too early to test!!! and who gives a crap if you have a cocktail in the TWW, I got totally drunk the day after Thanksgiving, and didn't get my bfp till two days later on 13 dpo....so yea. You need to wait a couple more days!!! drink away! have two for me actually ;)
:( aww that sucks Angel!! ttc is such a hard journey to be on...

I'm making healthy muffins today...I don't have pumpkin but I do have frozen squash soup so thats gonna go into them... hopefully it won't taste off since I can't remember if I put chicken stock in it or not. AHHH well I'll load it up with nutmeg and sugar :haha: My DH pretty much eats anything I make even if I find it nasty so it won't go to waste :baby:
morning :thumbup: im feeling good no signs as off yet but maybe thats a good sign every month i get signs and a :bfn: :cry: so im keeping my fingers ive bedded every other day since cd 10. i was wondering if i could email some one a pic and they could put it up i cant seem to do it xxx
how r u doin? bet your getting excited , do u know what your having yet ? x
Hi ladies!!

Went for my scan this morning and midwife appt!
So the problem which was there last month is no more :happydance: both membranes have fused!! However apparently theres too much fluid around the baby now... :wacko: so to rule out an infection I got some bloodwork done and will have the result to those in a week or two.
But baby is doing great growing healthy and all :) Measuring at 22w4d so just one day behind but meh I'm keeping my ticker for 5d :haha:

baby is like no pictures please
Amazing pictures AC! Glad to hear of the fusion, hopefully no infection now.
ah awesome pics AC!! and how do they know what's too much fluid...do they put a dipstick in there or something?? so crazy!! good luck and hopefully everything is ok!!
ah awesome pics AC!! and how do they know what's too much fluid...do they put a dipstick in there or something?? so crazy!! good luck and hopefully everything is ok!!

Something to do with the measurements from the baby to the sac I think :p I dunno its all confusing to me... I'm like AHHH is there always gonna be something? but I'm not too worried as they all don't seem to be. :) And I'm still considered low risk,and allowed to travel.
Hey ladies! Hope your weekend has gone well :)

I made pizza with my DH today :D and been looking at some mocktail recipes :haha:
my weekend sucked donkey balls....we went to soccer on friday, four hours away from home. the youngest started throwing up about an hour down the road, I had NOTHING to clean it with, and we lots a set of pj's, shoes, socks, a DS charger, and a backpack in the battle. Stuff just got thrown away!! Then 5 minutes away from our destination....he got sick again. luckily DH was there to clean him up that time, I had about all I could take. Soccer was hot, and the kids looked like monkeys on crack out here, they lost all their games. Coming home I had to stop an hour into the trip at a rest area to take a 20 minute nap....I was so tired!! luckily there we had the camper, so I got to nap on the bed. Now we are home (yippee!!) and youngest is sick again, sitting in the bathroom next to the toilet. GRRR!! what a weekend....I'm tired....

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