I just need to talk...

Hoping, that sounds absolutely bloody aweful!! Hopefully you have a fab week that makes up for it!

My weekend was awesome. DH and I spent a bunch of money on plants and did a lot of gardening. In a couple of months we should have a beautiful hedge and lollipop trees! Then on Sunday we went to the movies, watched the Lorax (so cute!) and had yummy buffalo wings and popcorn!

I'm being terrible about relaxing this TWW. I'm constantly thinking about the possibility of being pg and I'm only 4dpo! (I think I'm 5dpo, but FF disagrees). I've had these hectic 'bubbles' in my tummy for two days straight. On Saturday night they were so loud that they kept me and DH awake! My bbs are already bigger (DH actually pointed this one out, they not sore so I hadn't noticed) and another weird thing, my skin looks amazing!! Even our maid told me this morning how smooth it looked. This is not normal at all, since I came off the pill I've had mild but persistent acne, so I've alwasy got some small bumps and marks.

I told myself at the beginning of this cycle that any 'symptoms' I get I will just put down to the clomid, coz apparently that can caues you to feel exactly like you are pg when you aren't. This wait is killing me!!

Mas, how you holding up?
Wow Hoping sounds like a horrible time!! :( :hugs: hope your kid is feeling better soon, try to catch up on rest!

Plastik, you really make me want a garden :haha: oh I cannot wait to move!!

Today I have a dentist appt... oh joy! Not looking forward to it.. not much new with me, well also today we finally have an appt with a realtor YES! :thumbup: So hopefully we'll get that going :) I feel the baby move every day now... nighttime day time.. I honestly don't think this baby will sleep when its born :haha:
Well he is fine today, but I think he may have wanted to stay home from school so he was all "well, it hurts just a little bit..." I said, you are going to school!! So he is fine, he was dancing around like a weirdo as usual....

Today I have to take my doggie to the vet, I forgot to mention in my rant yesterday that my doggie is hurting, she won't let me pick her up, she stays in one spot, she won't jump up on anything....she is making me worried, so off to the vet she goes...she hates the vet.

pony~my fingers are crossed for you!!!!! just like...8 more days to wait to test right??

AC~have fun at the realtors!! I love house shopping!!! oh and have fun at the dentist...ewww....
Owwww my mouth! well got one of my MANY cavities filled, 6 more to go :( yikes!!!
Well we moved SOMEWHAT ahead with the realtor.. mostly we just sat down and talked about what me and my dh wanted and what the realtor wanted. So I'm guessing in about the next 2 weeks things will start to pick up.
Hey All!!! Hope you are all doing good :)

Things have been going pretty well over here. Finally feeling better, damn morning sickness was horrendous!!!! Glad to see it gone and hopefully it won't come back. Now i am just sitting here trying to patiently wait until my next Dr. appt on 5/2 (9 days....but i am not counting) to find out what we are having!!!! If only this kid would quit being a pain in my ass....literally. Seems my sciatic nerve is where it loves to hang out lately :/
Can feel movement, but only from the inside. OH keeps trying to feel the baby when it is moving but i think i just have too much "padding" left over from before i fell pregnant :lol: Gonna take karate kid to make it thru all of that!!
I just read through all these posts to keep my mind off of myself!... .but I have to ask--
I am currently 2 days late for AF and I got a BFN this morning.... any hope for me still or is the witch just trying to be fashionably late?

I have super sore boobs (and that is NOT typical for me), no cramps.
I am a little nauseous for the past couple days, I have a runny nose and my face and back (which never happens!) are breaking out. I have had a couple spells of a wipe or two of brown CM or clearly old blood-- but they are few and far between over the past week or so..... I haven't used a pantyliner or tampon or anything....

I'm saying a prayer, but I don't wanna get my hopes up. Any words of wisdom?
Hi Girls :wave:I have been laying low.
Hoping - I hope your dog is ok and I'm glad your son is feeling better - my sons 9th bday is May 4th!
AC - hope your mouth feels better - I hate the dentist!
Angel - have you tested again?
Bree - good to see you are doing good, I would love my lips to be done.
Hi Jeo - where are you in your cycle now?
FXed plastik!!!!
Hi Sandy - sounds like all is good!!
Welcome Dreaming
I hope I haven't missed anyone.
I have a horrible headcold - BLAH!!
Sore throat, stuffy nose and head, sore ears - just all around yuck.
I am cd 11 and I think I may have O'd yesterday (we have been :sex: every other day since cd 6) I have had ewcm since Saturday (cd8) and today it is watery and I had O pain yesterday on the left side. My temp rose today but I didn't have a good sleep last night so I am not sure if it is accurate. But my opk's have been negative so Im not sure if I missed the surge :shrug: I skipped testing on Sat as I ran out but Fri was negative and sunday was negative - no second line at all. Im going to test today in a bit and see. We had a huge snow storm and got a foot of snow yesterday and last night!! Crazy! Now it is all melting.
ah Sandy that's awesome!!!! I don't count either....my next appointment is tomorrow ;) keep us updated!!!

Mas~lots of luck to you!!!!! I'm excited for you and pony, i want to see how things go!!!

IMK~things sound good, but you will have to wait it out. You may have implanted late...when did your symptoms start?

afm~my doggie is fine...they said she had a pulled muscle and got some doggie advil. She is supposed to rest for 7 days...that should be easy to pull off....
ah Sandy that's awesome!!!! I don't count either....my next appointment is tomorrow ;) keep us updated!!!

Mas~lots of luck to you!!!!! I'm excited for you and pony, i want to see how things go!!!

IMK~things sound good, but you will have to wait it out. You may have implanted late...when did your symptoms start?

afm~my doggie is fine...they said she had a pulled muscle and got some doggie advil. She is supposed to rest for 7 days...that should be easy to pull off....

I'd say my symptoms started about 3 days before AF was due. I'm now 2 days past when AF was due... still nothing. My boobs are ridiculously sore though.
Hi ladies!!!

Mas, we missed you!! Let us know what that opk says! Its possible you have a really quick surge (like me) and may have missed it. If I wasn't taking the opk's twice a day I would have missed mine! Just keep up the :sex: and it's got to happen!!!!

Hoping, glad your pooch is ok. If it's a bit too hyper you might want to close it in a room for a few days, just to limit the movement. I've put up a pic of one of my two crazies, I just love them!!

Sandy, sounds like things are going great!! We'll be (not) counting down to your appointment with you :haha:

Imk, good luck!!! Hope this ends in a nice :bfp: !!!

AFM, ladies, things are strange. The bubbles haven't stopped and the cramps have gotten a little worse. 6dpo today if FF is to be believed :shrug: (I reckon I'm 7dpo - HALFWAY!!). I've had (**TMI ALERT**) diarreah for the last two or three days, and the weird thing is, its green :dohh:!! I don't know what to make of it. I haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary, I've been on my prenatal vits for months already so it can't be that. I'm starting to feel that monster Hope rising inside of me, and it scares me.


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hello all....
glad to hear things are going well with everyone, crossing fingers still for mas and pony!!!
Sandy~my DH didn't feel baby move till probably around 22 weeks, so look forward to that!!
IMK~how are things today?

afm---well----boy got sick again. DH took him to the doc as I had my doc appt at the same time, and I guess he has mucus that is flowing down his throat making him get sick. so yeah...now we have nose spray he has to take once a day....goodie. And I had my one hour glucose test today....epic fail!!! so monday I have the 3 hour test...yippee skippy....
I don't understand why I haven't had a gloucose test done yet, they were gonna schedule it for my next appt May 18th(I will be 26 weeks and 5 days) and shes like "Ok it might be a little early-" then she sees I'm having an ultrasound that day and then says "We'll schedule it for 2 weeks after May 18th".... but by then I'll be like 29 weeks almost 30 weeks. :wacko: Doesn't make any sense to me! Cause from what I understood its done between week 24-26.. even the notes I got from them says it. Unless she thought I was alot earlier in my pregnancy then I am..

Anyways I made cookies and apparently baby likes them too, kicking up a storm!
My boobs are very sore and big and I had some more ewcm today but no positive opk yet. I don't think I have ever had sore boobs before O so I either missed it or it's something new.
My boobs are very sore and big and I had some more ewcm today but no positive opk yet. I don't think I have ever had sore boobs before O so I either missed it or it's something new.

are you doing clomid this month? i forgot sorry!!! prego brain!!!
Hi Ladies!!

Sorry your son got sick again Hoping, sure the nose spray will make a difference! I know just how awful a post-nasal drip can make you feel!

AC, cookies!! Nom nom nom!!

Mas, just keep going girl!!!! :sex: :sex:

Guess what girls!? Since yesterday afternoon I have had brown spotting when I wipe!!!! Getting a little excited that the laparoscopy and endo ablation has worked! I'm 6/7 dpi yesterdy and 7/8 dpi today, so it's right on schedule to possibly be implantation bleeding!! I know it won't necessarily result in pregnancy, but I'm just excited that one of my eggy's finally got where it was supposed to go!!! (I hope!!!) :ninja:
Weew! I missed alot! Lol! DH- has me addicted to this stupid crime city game! I'm determined to beat him and stay up a level from him! Lol!

Goodluck mas and plastik!

Hope everything is ok with your son now hoping!

AFM came in this month with a fury. I'm at my been trying for a year mark so I cried when AF came and then I got over it. Lol! All is well here.
I got my positive OPK!!!! Yay! And I'm having lots of O pain on my right side this month which is my better side according to lap and all the ultra sounds during monitoring so we are gonna go into hyper :sex: mode tonight and the next few nights!
Sorry af got you Angel - maybe the year mark is good luck and you'll get your BFP very soon!

Plastik-sounds very promising, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Goodluck mas! Are you taking meds?

My docs nurse called me this morning and they talked me into giving clomid another round at a higher dose. I don't know how she talked me into it again but I go in the morning for a sonogram. I told her the last time I did clomid when I was due to ovulate on my bad side I produced 2 follies on thebad side. I flat out refused the iui part. Just don't need to do that this cycle.

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