I just need to talk...

I usually don't tell my mom anything either. I guess she felt the need to call me before I go to work to have me stirred up about the boys! My family knows we are trying but they don't know to what extent. I didn't tell anyone about the IUI because I don't want to have to explain why it failed.

I noticed my CM is thick and not fertile looking at all and I think that's going to be a problem with the medicine I took. So... I went and bought mucinex and came back to read how much to take. Well, my mucinex is 1200mg tablet and recommended dose is around 200mg so I popped it anyways. As I swallowed it, I was reminded of the fact why I don't like to take horse pills for medicine so I won't be taking that anymore. LOL!

I Pee'd on a OPK stick and very light line so I must not be close. I was a little worried that I may O soon with all the ovary pains. Guess I'll know tomorrow how close I am when they measure the follies!

I'm so tired today!
I'm not sure if I need to be doing this but, me and hubby are going to eat MEXICAN TONIGHT!!!! So margaritaville, HERE I COME!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

1 TEQUILA, 2 TEQUILA, 3 TEQUILA FLOOR!! :drunk::wine::finger:\\:D/:xmas10::xmas13::xmas14::xmas1:
ah! i love the bouncy snowman!! lol I can't have margaritas, tequila tears me all up even after like 2 sips! i have to stick to my rum :) But its friday!!! pizza night at our house, and i have to go get some more rum i'm almost out! oh what a crisis!! lol
first BD of this cycle complete! woot!

lol thats awesome!! good job!:thumbup: i don't think we will be bding tonight, i'm starting to get a headache, like centered right in the back of my head. stupid. but, hopefully the rum will take that away tonight :winkwink: aaannnddd... its snowing here!!! its pretty :xmas10:
Yay Bree!!! Are u close to ovulation? I usually do on CD17 but I've been having o pains. My doctors appt was changed to 1230 so in 2 hours I'll find out how many possible eggs and sizes. She told me on the initial appt that they do the trigger around 18-35mm. I'm hoping for more than 1 dominate follicle. I have the trigger in my fridge just patiently waiting to go into my belly.

My night sucked last night. DH wasn't in the best of moods and I had 1 margarita and seems like he was just smarty last night. Needless to say, we didn't BD. I can tell he is frustrated we didn't but his attitude really needs to change. It's gotten bad here lately with all the negativity! Arg!!! We better get it together before this IUI needs to be done! And before I hit the fertile window! I'm not sure if it's the stress of knowing he has to do the IUI but I wish he would get as excited as I am! We won't be doing this next cycle. I may do the timed intercourse instead.
I just finished with my CD10 sono. I have 3 follies on my good opens side 7.0, 9.5, 20.3. Also I have 3 follies on my Right 15.2, 10.5, 8.5.

She said some people respond well will ovulate sooner and not to worry if you don't feels o pains. She also said on clomid, follies are usually mid 20's. We are thinking I will ovulate sooner because they were thinking 13mm around CD10. I have one already at 20. I go back on CD 13 and they took blood for LH, but I'm awaiting results for that. They also recommended I use a certain kind of LH strips and those on clomid should start testing on CD10, twice daily 12hours apart and stay hydrated or a false positive can occur. These strips they suggested are 44.00 just for 9 test!!!!! Wow!

Anyways, my uterine lining is 7.86 and they like for it to be greater than 8 before insemination so I'm getting close. I'm amazed at all this monitoring. Overwhelming with numbers.

I go back CD13. My LH strips must have gold in them!
I just finished with my CD10 sono. I have 3 follies on my good opens side 7.0, 9.5, 20.3. Also I have 3 follies on my Right 15.2, 10.5, 8.5.

She said some people respond well will ovulate sooner and not to worry if you don't feels o pains. She also said on clomid, follies are usually mid 20's. We are thinking I will ovulate sooner because they were thinking 13mm around CD10. I have one already at 20. I go back on CD 13 and they took blood for LH, but I'm awaiting results for that. They also recommended I use a certain kind of LH strips and those on clomid should start testing on CD10, twice daily 12hours apart and stay hydrated or a false positive can occur. These strips they suggested are 44.00 just for 9 test!!!!! Wow!

Anyways, my uterine lining is 7.86 and they like for it to be greater than 8 before insemination so I'm getting close. I'm amazed at all this monitoring. Overwhelming with numbers.

I go back CD13. My LH strips must have gold in them!

I am SO excited for you!!!

Yes, close to ovulation, actually I should ovulate tonight or overnight! so before bed....:sex:

If it doesn't work this month, I think I will make an appt with the DOC in January. I know it's only been two cycles, but with my known ovulation, i want to start by getting DH's spermies checked ;)
oh goodie ladies!!! i'm excited for you!!! i'm waiting...at least you get to do something! :) but I did find a place in Utah that if nothing happens by March of next year I am gonna go to...they are less expensive than the stupid doctor here!! they actually let you have an appointment for an initial consult before they gouge your eyes out with fees ;) I'm actually really excited about it and am now way less stressed out about going to the doctor for infertility stuff!!!
and I'm not so anxious to poas this month...not sure why that is. but i'm excited about that too ;) if I can wait till at least next Sunday I will be golden! woohoo!!! I know I can do it! of course....thanksgiving with my family should do a lot of distracting there ;) they are nuts!!! believe it or not...i'm the sanest one of the bunch! altho...my sister has been improving quite a bit ;)
ok, i'm done rambling now...i'm gonna go do more research on my new infertility clinic!!
oh goodie ladies!!! i'm excited for you!!! i'm waiting...at least you get to do something! :) but I did find a place in Utah that if nothing happens by March of next year I am gonna go to...they are less expensive than the stupid doctor here!! they actually let you have an appointment for an initial consult before they gouge your eyes out with fees ;) I'm actually really excited about it and am now way less stressed out about going to the doctor for infertility stuff!!!
and I'm not so anxious to poas this month...not sure why that is. but i'm excited about that too ;) if I can wait till at least next Sunday I will be golden! woohoo!!! I know I can do it! of course....thanksgiving with my family should do a lot of distracting there ;) they are nuts!!! believe it or not...i'm the sanest one of the bunch! altho...my sister has been improving quite a bit ;)
ok, i'm done rambling now...i'm gonna go do more research on my new infertility clinic!!

How far will it be from your house? When you do schedule the consultation, find out if the initial fee consultation includes a sonogram. If it does, schedule it after CD10 and before you ovulate so you can get a good consultation when they do the sonogram and see your follicles!

Our Thanksgiving is here with family. I call it my yearly reminder of how dys got into dysfunctional family! Hahaha!

Glad your ovulation is close Bree!

BD for me tonight! I'm afraid I might be in my fertile window! Time to feel my tubes with sperm!

I do my first golden opk test tonight! Lol!
thanks for the advice!! i'm really excited about it, i mean, i hope I can get preggers before then and not have to worry about it, but the funny thing is going in March, if I happened to get pregnant then I would be due in December 2012....like the psychic predicted ;) weird!! but, i highly doubt anything would happen the first month, so we will see! oh and its like 2 hours away. which isnt bad at all, seeing as how they serve utah, idaho, wyoming, and montana cuz thats the closest one to all those states. :)
BD away girls!!!! my dh left today, he has a meeting tomorrow morning in UT, so here I sit all alone with my boys....making mac n cheese ;) I feed them so well when he's gone lol
Ooohhh... Speaking of psychic, I broke down and bought one from Gail yesterday! I'm becoming quite the paranormal addict! Lmao! I haven't seen the prediction yet but hubby looked at our bank account and asked what that was for and I said a fertility candle which I did buy but he hasn't seen that one! Lmao!

I took the opk but no surge and it didn't spit out gold either! Wth?!?! I don't know why they told me to test tonight anyways because they drew blood for LH today! I'm going to look like a junkie with all this blood they are drawing everytime I go! Blah!

I love Mac n cheese!!!
BD #2 complete and my ovary is a twingin'! I wish I knew why it's my right ovary every month!
thanks for the advice!! i'm really excited about it, i mean, i hope I can get preggers before then and not have to worry about it, but the funny thing is going in March, if I happened to get pregnant then I would be due in December 2012....like the psychic predicted ;) weird!! but, i highly doubt anything would happen the first month, so we will see! oh and its like 2 hours away. which isnt bad at all, seeing as how they serve utah, idaho, wyoming, and montana cuz thats the closest one to all those states. :)
BD away girls!!!! my dh left today, he has a meeting tomorrow morning in UT, so here I sit all alone with my boys....making mac n cheese ;) I feed them so well when he's gone lol

i LOVE mac n cheese !!!! :thumbup:
Ooohhh... Speaking of psychic, I broke down and bought one from Gail yesterday! I'm becoming quite the paranormal addict! Lmao! I haven't seen the prediction yet but hubby looked at our bank account and asked what that was for and I said a fertility candle which I did buy but he hasn't seen that one! Lmao!

I took the opk but no surge and it didn't spit out gold either! Wth?!?! I don't know why they told me to test tonight anyways because they drew blood for LH today! I'm going to look like a junkie with all this blood they are drawing everytime I go! Blah!

I love Mac n cheese!!!

dumb question alert: you :sex:and IUI in the same cycle? LOL
Ooohhh... Speaking of psychic, I broke down and bought one from Gail yesterday! I'm becoming quite the paranormal addict! Lmao! I haven't seen the prediction yet but hubby looked at our bank account and asked what that was for and I said a fertility candle which I did buy but he hasn't seen that one! Lmao!

I took the opk but no surge and it didn't spit out gold either! Wth?!?! I don't know why they told me to test tonight anyways because they drew blood for LH today! I'm going to look like a junkie with all this blood they are drawing everytime I go! Blah!

I love Mac n cheese!!!

dumb question alert: you :sex:and IUI in the same cycle? LOL

Not dumb question at all because I didn't know either! Lol! Yes, you BD and IUI but they like for sex to be less than 12 hours when the specimen comes in but if I surge and it's less than that, it's ok too but the sperm count maybe lower. I can't decide if I should BD tonight or not because I know I'm getting close and don't want to miss my window. Which is another thing that will happen with IUI and wrong timing. I had some serious ovary pains last night!
Look at my temps. They really want us to test before the clinic opens but was very clear not to test first urine. Told me to pee in AM then drink some fluids and re-test with second or 3rd urine of AM. So... I got this theory to get up at 5am which will totally mess up my temping!

It dropped really low so I checked it twice to make sure it wasn't wrong and it wasn't! Lol! I hope I'm not getting ready to surge! That big follicle has me nervous and I want the other follicles to have time to catch up!

And it's too freaking early fir me to be up!!!! So y'all wake up! I need some entertainment!

Midge where r u???

Jeo, u test yet because I'm convinced your pregnant!
oh! i'm on pins and needles for you!!! what a drop!! wow!

I haven't had my insane O pains yet?? If I dont' get it today, I will freak out. I've NEVER had a cycle without my insane O pains and then get my shift the next day! I think CD17 is the latest I've gotten it. I kinda wish we didn't :sex: last night, cause I really wanted fresh rejuvenated :spermy: but I was too scared not to last night just incase!

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