I just need to talk...

it doesn't matter if its covered it was a test that wasn't needed! what a douche. sorry....i'm tired and I need a nap but I have to help my husband insulate the attic. i'm on "putting the insulation into the machine" duty and he's on "blowing it into the attic" duty. but right now I'm on "i'm tired and hungry" duty. gonna eat some more ribs ;)
Yup she's a douche! I ought to ask her when she calls me back with my estrogen results what my pregnancy test is so I can hear the pause and after she says negative start screaming and crying! Bahahahahahaha!!

Go get some ribs and eat! Your going to be all itchy after messing with that insulation!
Yup she's a douche! I ought to ask her when she calls me back with my estrogen results what my pregnancy test is so I can hear the pause and after she says negative start screaming and crying! Bahahahahahaha!!

Go get some ribs and eat! Your going to be all itchy after messing with that insulation!

i totally think you should do that to her when she calls you back :haha::haha::haha:

of course i POAS this morning and of course BFN......grrrr i hate waiting!!!
I really can't help but laugh after today but it just keeps getting funnier!

I go to my regular cvs to get the prescription clomid, and apparently after I purchased it last month they didn't feel the need to re-stock. So I go to walgreens and wait about 15 minutes, no big deal. Even tell the pharmacist if he is almost out re-stock. Get out to my car, and open the info sheet and read antidepressant and look at the pill, definately not the same pill! Omg! I could have rolled over and died! If he would have gave me that last month I would have totally taken it!!! So needless to say I stomped in there mad as hell and asked him has he ever heard of a anti-depressant, this one in particular that is given for exactly 5 days??? Come on!!!!
OH for crying out loud!!! you are having quite a rough day Angel you need a hug!!! I need a shower....and to get off my feet they hurt so bad!!well...i'm off them right now :) so...tell DH to give you a hug!! and I will stay on my ass :)
I actually thought the pharmacy stuff was quite funny. I think my hormones are out of wack and nervous about speaking in front of 50+ people tonight so I'm on edge because I don't like doing stuff like that. I gotta get a few drinks to relax I think.
So apparently my dh is in more denial then me ahhaha hes like "You're not pg" :baby: I dont think he'll believe it since i had the mc back in june i think he thinks this will end in one too so hes not taking it seriously
Tell him , get with the program! Your pregnant and it's sticking! I'm excited for u!
LOL I had a virgin margarita at the mexican restaurant last night....it was yummy :) but no hangover for me! AAHH! my ticker changed again!! its a pea!!! :) sorry, I get really excited about that :)
:cry: Thats so adorable!!! I can't wait to confirm my pg :) testing tonight, and probably for the next few days:haha:
We had a great weekend! Went to my dh kids Xmas party and then we dropped our son at my parents and went shopping for ME!!! It was fun. I was showing Dave ( my hubby ) some pjs I liked and saying how it had snowflakes on them and they would match our Xmas tree and this old lady rolled her eyes at Dave and said " happy wife, happy life " and winked at him, he thought it was hilarious. My parents and my nanny came to our house for dinner sat night and slept over, so we had an outside fire in the snow and drank wine and ate a big pork tenderloin dinner. Today is beautiful and sunny and we went for a walk in the snow with the dogs and threw snow balls at them. I am waiting to ovulate now, so I'm cd4 today so probably O around Dec 21st or around there. I'm going to get a ticker. What is the best site for one?
mmmm I love pork tenderloin!!

sooo hey guys looky :winkwink:

However how do I convince my dh i didn't just take away the word "not" :nope: he wont believe me GRRRR.... anyone know how soon I should get it confirmed at a doc. I'm so new to everything :haha:


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woohoo AC!! I think you just call the clinic and ask if you can get a pregnancy conformation test, cuz you got a positive at home. You should just be able to go in and poas for like $30. thats what I paid anyway. Then you should be able to make an appt w/ your doc!

AFM~I'm so mad at DH I can't WAIT till he leaves for MT tomorrow!!!! We were shopping, getting back on the interstate to go home, and he decides when he turns onto the on ramp is the best time to open his drink and look for his sunglasses which are on the floor of the car somewhere. The car is headed straight for a reflector pole, so I grab the wheel and steer it onto the road, since he isn't paying attention. He blows up at me saying the car wasn't going to go into the ditch....I haven't talked to him since. I know he thinks it was just my stupid hormones being dumb, but we really were gonna hit a pole!!! and god forbid he say he is sorry. OH good his least favorite commercial is on right now...he usually mutes the tv but i'm making him listen to it. dumbass.
Congrats AC!

Hoping- men are hard headed

I've recovered from my hell of a hangover this morning. Took my clomid, not sure if I should have but I did. I was mighty sickly this morning. Got half my paperwork done and I'm good to go
Paperwork sucks. I'm sorry. DH said he was sorry...finally....so I gave him a decent hair cut. I was seriously considering NOT putting the guard on there and shaving it all the way down...that would teach him! LOL anyway, we decided we should write a christmas letter this year...since we moved and not many people know. Not because we didn't tell them, but because they just don't seem to give a crap, so yeah. DH's family kinda blows. Anywhos.....paperwork for me too! oh and wrapping presents...more paperwork! and I have to go to the post office this week. and bake cookies for cub scouts. wow i didn't realize i had such a busy week.....bummer!! DH is goign to be gone I should be able to just do nothing till Friday ;)
Ok I'll stop rambling now. I know, I do it a lot....and I'm not even drunk!!!
AC~go to the clinic tomorrow!!!
YAY AC!!! That is SO fantastic! Congratulations :D

Hoping, men are really hopeless a lot of the time. You have to take pity on them. :haha: I'm sure you'll miss him while he's gone.

Angel, very glad you got over your hang over, those are never fun. The night prior to the hang over is good for baby-making though, or so I've heard. :blush:

Well, I have no symptoms. It's very depressing. How am I supposed to SS if I don't have any symptoms to obsess about??! I'm still itchy all over though, with no sign of a rash. Most annoying. And I've sneezed four times today, but that isn't out of the ordinary. Do you know whats really annoying though? Is that AF is due on the day we are driving up to Namibia!!! We're doing it over two days, but total driving time is about 19 hours!! Ugh! Coming on during that drive is not going to be fun. Maybe the :witch: will just stay away. That would be SUPER_AWESOME!!

And even worse than that is that I won't be able to come online during that time :( And I don't know if I'll have internet access in Namibia! How am I going to get through two weeks without you ladies? And what if AF shows? Who will commiserate with me? And what if she doesn't (although I'm too scared to hope she won't)? *sigh*

Ok, enough babbeling. Off to work with me!!

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