I just need to talk...

So I met with some midwives at this hospital and got a tour of the labour and delivery, actually ALOT of people showed up pretty much EVERYONE was atleast 7 months pregnant but I think they were there mostly for the tour.
But I really like the place, I however didn't get how much exactly it cost for it but they said somewhere between $3000 and $5000 and that they do make payment plans YES!! Cause better then the other that wanted ALL the money up front. So I have a number I hafta call to book an appt. :)
That is awesome. I am thinking I am going to test this coming weekend. Hopefully I have good news. If not, I am going to make a doctor's appointment and get back into the swing of things.
well....yes. but...normally the egg is implanting at three weeks or three and a half weeks......you got a super early bfp looks like!!! did you O early? plus the tickers are pretty generalized, and you have already implanted, so you are a little bit ahead of the ticker! :)

yea it is really early...which is why i almost fell off the damn toilet when i saw 2 lines this morning. i have no idea when i actually O'd...thought it was around christmas, maybe it was before :shrug:
I'm pretty sure I O'd either xmas day or boxing day, in around there anyway, so I'm anywhere from 9dpo to 11dpo and still no BFP:(. I know its early, I should quit torturing myself, but I can't help it! I need to hide all my tests! I'm not testing again until Sunday morning!
yes stay away from the tests!! I think a day or two is where you most likely will get an accurate result :)
AC~thats really awesome!!! :) I hope you get an appointment soon! :)

J~I think thats a great idea, but I hope you already have your BFP so you don't have to make the appointment ;)

mas~NO MORE TESTING!!! I'm so glad I was out of town over thanksgiving so I couldn't obsess about it, plus with all the spotting I was pretty sure period was coming, so I didn't even think about it till I got home!!

AFM~ I'm hungry. and I really need to get something done today, I have been a lazy turd all week!!! Laundry, cleaning the kitchen, gotta make some cupcakes, more laundry (it never ends does it??), vacuum and scrub my floors. yep. got lots to do today!!!
:haha: Ahhh my brain has left me! So I call the midwife clinic to book an appt, and I had to leave a message, after the beep I swear my brain took off! :haha: I was stuttering over my phonenumber and forgot it half way through, at the end of it then I remembered I forgot to give the area code! So HOPEFULLY that part of the message they understood! Oh, and forgot to leave my name..
ok....i am starting to think that i O'd a lot earlier than i thought. i figured i was between 9-11 dpo yesterday, but i just tested on a digital and there was no "NOT".....i havent even missed a period yet. has anyone heard of that happening? i thought they didnt work as well until after you miss af??
ok....i am starting to think that i O'd a lot earlier than i thought. i figured i was between 9-11 dpo yesterday, but i just tested on a digital and there was no "NOT".....i havent even missed a period yet. has anyone heard of that happening? i thought they didnt work as well until after you miss af??

Did you buy the early test clearblue or FRER gold. Also depends how diluted your urine is.
ok....i am starting to think that i O'd a lot earlier than i thought. i figured i was between 9-11 dpo yesterday, but i just tested on a digital and there was no "NOT".....i havent even missed a period yet. has anyone heard of that happening? i thought they didnt work as well until after you miss af??

Did you buy the early test clearblue or FRER gold. Also depends how diluted your urine is.

it was the clearblue digital, and i did it as soon as i got off work so it was not FMU, maybe 4 hours since the last time i went :shrug:
ok....i am starting to think that i O'd a lot earlier than i thought. i figured i was between 9-11 dpo yesterday, but i just tested on a digital and there was no "NOT".....i havent even missed a period yet. has anyone heard of that happening? i thought they didnt work as well until after you miss af??

Did you buy the early test clearblue or FRER gold. Also depends how diluted your urine is.

it was the clearblue digital, and i did it as soon as i got off work so it was not FMU, maybe 4 hours since the last time i went :shrug:

The regular clearblue digitals detect 100. The early result clearblue detect 25 I believe but theyay take a little while to show. You definately have a BFP!
ok....i am starting to think that i O'd a lot earlier than i thought. i figured i was between 9-11 dpo yesterday, but i just tested on a digital and there was no "NOT".....i havent even missed a period yet. has anyone heard of that happening? i thought they didnt work as well until after you miss af??

Did you buy the early test clearblue or FRER gold. Also depends how diluted your urine is.

it was the clearblue digital, and i did it as soon as i got off work so it was not FMU, maybe 4 hours since the last time i went :shrug:

The regular clearblue digitals detect 100. The early result clearblue detect 25 I believe but theyay take a little while to show. You definately have a BFP!

ummm....should i be worried about twins or somethign like that if my HCG is this high already at 3 weeks??? LMP for me started 12/14/2011......honestly i do NOT want twins...one would be enough for my first!!
Hi Ladies!!

I am back fromn the land of no internet! Namibia was awesome, we had a great time and I just love being with my family. A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone :)

I was due for AF on the 19th of December and we were driving up to Namibia on the 18th and 19th. I had absolutely no PMS and had convinced myself I must be pg and even started thinking about how I was going to tell my parents and getting all excited. Imagine my dissapointment when at 10.30am the stupid :witch: flew in. I was so disappointed, but couldn't even talk to DH about it coz my brothers gf was in the car with us and we don't want anyone to know we are trying.

So this month I haven't been temping coz on holiday I wake up at really odd hours and it just wasn't worth the hassle. I think DH is starting to feel a little pressurized so I've decided to stop telling him when I'm fertile or ovulating or anything to do with getting pg. I have no idea when I O'ed, but if this cycle is the same as the last 2, it would have been on New Years Eve. Not sure we bd'd enough or at the right times. Should be due for AF on the 14th if everything stays the same. Just not feeling great. No symptoms. Just this dull ache in the lower right side of my abdomen, but that's been there every month, almost all month. Starting to wonder if something is wrong in there. Anyhoo, enough woe is me nonsense.

Hoping, CONGRATS on seeing the little fishy movements! SO excited for you!! And you must be too dammit!! Sorry about your mom :(

AC, so great about the midwiife and the tour and everything! Things are really starting to happen for you!

Sandy, congratulations!!!

Love to everyone!
I can't wait to see some test!!!! Hope y'all end up with BFP!!!

Jeo I'll inbox you my Facebook name! So add me! Just don't mention TTC on there.

I been thinking about planning a cruise for March around our anniversary! I can't decide if I want to book it and surprise hubby or tell him! Lol! I think we need a vacation!

I am doing the same thing!! LOL Our anniversary is May 2, but I want to do it while it's still cold and i'm on spring break from school! What cruise are you looking at? :D

LOL I'm here!!! Sorry, I had to stop at Walgreens for my husband and then eat something cuz I was starving!!!
Everything was good, I didn't get a picture tho :( Baby was moving in there, like a fish as my doc said. heart beat was 182, so thats good! I am excited, but not as much as I thought I would be, maybe still cautious. It hasn't sunk in yet I think....and it measured 8 w 5 days, so its about 5 days behind where my period date was, edd of aug 10, but doc said we would keep the aug 5th date so thats good. OH and I have a tilted uterus....which must be a new development cuz I don't remember that with my boys. I guess that gives me something new to google ;)
How was the midwife thing AC??

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: I'm SOOOO happy for you, girlie!!

Sandy- CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

Plastik- Welcome back ;) I haven't been temping, either. DH was gone during last Ovulation and he leaves again Monday and guess when i'm ovulating this month? Yep! next week!! LOL I'm focusing on getting some holiday pounds off and we'll have a fresh cycle in Feb ;)
Hello ladies!!! Welcome back pony!! Glad your trip was good, sux the witch showed tho!! :( Lots of luck to you this month!!!
Bree~I have missed you!!!! and thanks! :) I'm sorry your hubby will be gone when you are supposed to be Oing....that really blows, but gives you something to look forward to later on ;)
Sandy~it may just be the fact that you O'd early as to the early test, you may be farther along than you think. Or...its twins one of the two ;)
AFM~I tried to post last night but apparently everyone was online and I couldn't. I was trying to tell everyone how I need to NOT make frosting...cuz it was soo good and I just wanted to lick everything it was on!!! I should have put some on DH's you know what...he would have loved that ;) AND GUESS WHAT?? only two more weeks till I get to have sex again!!!! THANK GOODNESS!!!! I'm going nutty!!!
And I am working on a practice cake for the wedding I'm baking for....I will have to take a pic, you guys let me know how it looks...its my first one!!!
Hi Everyone. I'm not going to test at all until Sundaym af is due Sun to Tues ish. Without monitoring I'm lost, lol. I'm feeling lightheaded on and off today. I m trying not to think I'm lightheaded because maybe I'm not and I'm just thinking I am, lol! I'm also very constipated!! More so than usual.
Hoping, I would LOVE to see pics of the cake, awww I love cake!! :D

Mas, eeekk lightheaded? thats not good!

plastik welcome back! :)

AFM, I keep forgetting to snack during meals, so by lunch or dinner I'm so hungry I'm shakey, well I'm glad my appetite is coming back :)
Bree- I'm thinking carnival from Galveston port. Will be 5days and going to Cozumel and pregrosso mexico. I'm not sure yet though cause DH can't make up his mind. I kinda upset him unintentionally about stopping for a little while from the fertility doc and I thought he would have been happy with that for a break of spending so much and giving me a monthly specimen in a cup but I was wrong. We haven't fully set down and discussed it but I'm thinking he really wants to go ahead with IVF and it just kinda shocked me cause normally I have to beg. So not sure if it's a trip or IVF?!?
Hello ladies!!! Welcome back pony!! Glad your trip was good, sux the witch showed tho!! :( Lots of luck to you this month!!!
Bree~I have missed you!!!! and thanks! :) I'm sorry your hubby will be gone when you are supposed to be Oing....that really blows, but gives you something to look forward to later on ;)
Sandy~it may just be the fact that you O'd early as to the early test, you may be farther along than you think. Or...its twins one of the two ;)
AFM~I tried to post last night but apparently everyone was online and I couldn't. I was trying to tell everyone how I need to NOT make frosting...cuz it was soo good and I just wanted to lick everything it was on!!! I should have put some on DH's you know what...he would have loved that ;) AND GUESS WHAT?? only two more weeks till I get to have sex again!!!! THANK GOODNESS!!!! I'm going nutty!!!
And I am working on a practice cake for the wedding I'm baking for....I will have to take a pic, you guys let me know how it looks...its my first one!!!

i am starting to think that i just o'd early...like 3 days after af left early lol....i actually sat in with a calender and figured out the whole implantation timing and then when a hpt will work with urine....so i guess i am further along than i think i am.
Morning again!!
I couldn't take pics of the cake cuz I couldn't find my camera :( totally bummed me out cuz Linken has a swim meet today and I won't be able to take pictures!!

Angel~I am crossing my fingers for an IVF!!! thats awesome!! :)

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