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I'm looking for a buddy!

Joanna > I cant wait to hear the results but all fx'd that it is a :bfp:!!!!!!!!!!!

Cara > Is Vitex like a natural Provera to help AF along? And do they say how long it takes to start improving the sperm? as most things i've read, it takes minimum 3 months.

Im CD16, still negative on the OPK side so im hoping for the line to start getting darker as i should OV on Friday according to my previous cycle lenght.
Hey Ladies,

Here are my results! I took the first picture (one with two lines) yesterday afternoon, the 2nd line came up straight away. The second test I took this morning and the YES+ came up in 2 minutes! Soooo happy and yet terrified! lol


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OMW It is soooooo amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!! It is such great news to hear!



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Awww thanks Tella!!!! I'm soooo excited, I just told everyone at work, including my boss. They are all so happy for me and said "Thats no surprise"... so I'm really glad about that, i was really nervous to tell them but feel great now that its over.
Of course. I told him when I went to take the test, then when I came out of the bathroom with the test in my hands he knew based on my expression... my hands were shaking when I showed him the test. He is so excited and immediately gave me a hug!

I feel bad that I've told people at work and I haven't even told my mom or sister yet... they are both in England visiting family... they get back on Saturday, so I'm planning on telling her then. I'd rather tell them in person then by phone.
Ah that is so great, its amazing that we want it so badly but when it comes it is still a shock :)

I agree its better telling them face to face, you dont want to miss their reaction. I think that is another great part of finding out.

I have throught about how i would tell DH that we are expecting and got a idea to tell him he must "test" with me by also peeing on a hpt and then obviously mine will be a +, then he will be right there when it comes up. but that is jumping the gun right now...lol
Aww thats a sweet idea, but I definately don't think my DH would want to POAS, can't picture it really lol.
haha I dont know if my DH will either but atleast i will have him right there with me.
Hahahaa!!! Yessss!!! This is awesome news Joanna!! I literly scared the shiit out of everyone in my house when I saw your :bfp:s!! That is awesomeeeeeeeeeeee!!! It makes me sooo happy for you!
hahahaha thats so cute Cara lol! Thank you soooo much girls for all the support it means so much to me! I'm definately going to keep up with this thread to see how you are all doing in your progress.

I'm going to send you as much dust as I possibly can: :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
July 7th I had a bit of spotting - on tp, then nothing more. Yesterday I had more, but its only like... spotting. My periods are usually irregular in when they arrive but they are always *there*. I haven't spotted or had this happen before, so I have no idea what is going on.

Aside from that, I have been noticing that DF & I have been fighting a lot more lately... as in, I felt like if we went a day without having an argument it was amazing. He's pointed out that I have been more bitchy/complain more, and his fuse seems to have gotten a lot smaller. So, after another (misunderstood - he apparrently wasn't being cranky with me, that's just the way I took it) argument, I had to try and figure out a When/What/Why/How in my brain. We love eachother more than anything, and don't get me wrong - it's not like we didn't ever fight before, it's just we rarely fought, and now we fight too much. The other night we were sitting down and talked about it. It really bothered me - all the fighting, and I know it bothered him.

This is what I came to the conclusion of in my head:
  • When: Several months ago.
  • What: Around the time we started going to the Dr for TTC... getting worse when we started going to see Dr. No-F'n-Help. :gun:
  • Why: I stress out over everything - majorly. I always feel like it's up to me to fix it, and when I can't do something to fix it, it makes me feel helpless. Especially for importan things.
  • How: We haven't quite gotten this far yet. I have a few thoughts running through my head, but I haven't run them by him yet, although I can't see him having an issue. I was thinking that we both get on a multi-vitimin of some sort... I'll go for that x-ray/dye test thingy, but after that - unless its something super serious, I think we'll try and fix this naturally. If after a few months that doesn't work I will go back to my family Dr and discuss the issues with her and request a new Gyno. Hopefully doing it this way will take the stress - which isn't good for baby-making anyways, out of it... or at least lessen it some.

What do you ladies think? I know it's a lot... but I want to know if others think that that would be a good idea as well?
Stress is definately a big factor when TTC.. or so I've heard. I think that may have been what helped up conceive this cycle, the previous cycles were all about BD around the right time and I got so angry when DH couldn't finish (too much BDing doesn't work for him)... this cycle was when we got the dog and we bearly BD... and I was also not stressing about things... I think I even said that 'it doesn't matter if nothing happens this month because we have the puppy to get trained.'

A multi-vitimine can't do any harm, so why not, I'd say go for it. I think you should try what you've been thinking, just try and de-stress for a few cycles and see if it help to get your cycle back. Then if nothing, like you said, go back to doctor for next step.
I think a multi vitamin could be a good idea. If it doesn't have any bad side affects then why not? And stress does take a major toll on you def. you tend to get a lot of excitement when you think it may happen and then let down majorly :( And especially you can't control anything...

Well Ladies.. I just got a call from my Dr. and I found out I have pcos. And now I have to go downtown to a obgyn specialist hopefully she can help me out.
Oh no Ann... well isn't there things they can do to help PCOS? I dont know much about PCOS but I think quite a lot of women on BnB have PCOS and I think they take Clomid to help them ovulate. Not sure, seeing a specialist is a good idea.

Sorry about your news and good luck!
Yep, that's what they suppose to do is give me clomid to help me ovulate and maybe put me on metformin. Is what I've heared and what I'm thinking... I know pcos is bad. But I know it's not horrible. I'm just glad its not something that can't be fixed. Now that their down to what wrong and why I'm not ovulating and getting a period they can now do something to fix it. So I'm happy to be moving on to the next point. And not being stuck on what's wrong and not having answers. Now I just have to wait for the hubby to get home so we can go to the hospital and get my referral activated and pick up my blood work to bring to the other dr.
Oh Anna! That sucks. At least you have some answers though! I have a friend who was diagnosed with PCOS and she was put on Metforim(sp?) and 6 months later she got a :bfp:... Fx'd that the same happens for you!! Someone told me I should ask about it, but I figured the Dr would have tested me for it... but no. I have a Dr who is an F'n idiot. Guh.

Thanks for the advice and support ladies. I am hoping that the 'chill mode' helps out and helps bring about that :bfp: :D
Ya I'm pretty sure they'll put me on metformin and I'm so hoping they'll give me clomid.. Or I'll beg.. haha! Because metformin works just takes awhile for it to work. And I made my appointment and I'm going on the 10th. And my husband leaves on the 10th and comes back the 26th. And then in October my husband could be leaving for six months.. So Def. going to tell me about that too so many they'll help me out.. My grandmother was also saying if he leaves for six months then I should freeze his sperm and use it while I'm gone...:haha:Which isn't a bad idea. I might actually look into it.
Yeah, I have heard of that before... I would just be wayyyy to scared to try and put a price to that. Over here not many fertility related procedures are covered. My bff is currently on Met & clomid, so it can't hurt. You will have to let us know how your appointment goes.

On another note... It was 65 days this time but the :witch: arrived! :happydance: But I forgot to call today so now I have to wait until Monday to call the Dr and let them know that I started Wednesday - and get an appointment for that dye test xray thingy.
Well I have tricare which I get because my husband's in the air force so they cover some infertility treatments so I'm lucky :) But they prob. won't pay for freezing the sperm.. I'll have to look into. It's just a crazy idea right now that I prob. won't do. :p

And yay for af!! Are you going to start soy?

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