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I'm looking for a buddy!

Congratulations Cara on the job, thats great news! I did the same thing at my old job, I didn't tell them I had an interview (because you never know if you will get the job) and when I got the job I told them right away. There is never an easy way to tell your job that you are leaving and you gave them 2 weeks notice which is technically all that is required.

So I see you mentioned that I have 'no morning sickness'... well that technically isn't true now... I've been feeling off for a few days now. Right now as we speak I'm at my DH's computer trying not to breath through my nose as the stench of his lunch is sitting next to me.. its making my stomach turn :sick: I haven't thrown up yet but I cant face lots of different foods now and if my stomach gets empty I feel like I might be sick.

However, on a good note... the feeling of sickness makes me feel 'more pregnant' as I didn't have that many symptoms until now. I also bought a cute little baby sleeper today that says "Spoiled by Grandma" and we are going to wrap it up and give it to DH's parents on Friday.. they still don't know yet! Hubby is sooo excited to tell them, its so cute! hehe.

Well this is becoming a book too... glad your doctor is more understanding Cara and can helping you make the next steps!
Cara seems like things are looking up! Congrats! Good news from the Dr. and the new job!

Well it was that bad for most of it because it was pretty light and I'd get it maybe once a day and then that was it.. But about the past 5 days it's been a little heavier.. and then today for the first time it's been pretty steady everytime I use the restroom. But once I go to the dr. on the 10th hopefully he can figure out something to make it stop!
Joanna > Any news from the doc? I also hope that we catch that eggy :D

Cara > We bd'd as often as we could but i thought i OVd on CD18 so we relaxed a bit wiht the every other day bd'ing and now it seems like only one is in that period maybe two at the most. But like they say it only takes one :spermy: hehehe

Im glad to hear that things are getting back on track again wiht your FS, and most importantly wiht DH.

Ann > Hoping that it will become a proper AF for you, atleast you will know when your next cycle starts then.
I shall update you all tomorrow when I see the doctor, I go at 10:30 am... so you shall hear whatever news I get by noonish... hoping things are going good.

Oh another note... we are telling DH's family on Friday at a BBQ. Yesterday I found a cute baby onsie that says "Spoiled by Grandma" and we are going to wrap it up and give it to his mom! Can't wait... I am excited by also nervous as they did not know we were TTC, but I'm sure they will be really happy.

How are things going for the rest of you?
Joanna- That sounds like a great way to tell the grandparents! I bet they'll be excited!

I had to go to the emergency room this morning. I woke up at 5 am with really back back pain and then it went to my chest also and I was really short of breath and hurt to breathe. They did a bunch of tests and couldn't find anything... And they sent me home with two perkasets and that wasn't even cutting it so I had to add to advil pms and I slept all day. And just woke up about 2 hrs. ago. Not sure what was causing the pain... but felt a lot like the pain I had when I was pregnant and my liver was trying to fail.. But it wasn't that.. Hopefully it doesn't come back it hurt pretty bad..
Joanna > That is a very cute way of telling them! Cant wait to hear what the doc says.

Ann > OMW girl are feeling better atleast? I hope that the pain is gone and staying away!

AFM > Im just waiting this 2WW out. Had a few bad cramps last night and period like cramps this morning. So i just hope my LP is atleast 12days long.
Wow Ann! I hope the pain is gone now, that sounds really scary. If it comes back I hope they can at least find the problem, but lets hope its gone for good.

Tella, keeping my fingers crossed for your LP to be at least 12 days and even more that you get a BFP too!

Just an hour and a half tell my doctors appointment, I will update you all when I get back :)
Yay! Can't wait for the update Joanna!
So Sorry for your loss. I'm 24 and ttc #1. I'm also CD7
Hi and welcome themarshas.

So update on first doctor's appointment. Actually not a whole lot to update... here in Canada we do not get first scans until 12 weeks-ish. So today my doctor just took my medical history and got my EDD (March 28th). I have to go this week to get bloodwork done to confirm the pregnancy and see what my HCG levels are. If I decide to go get the an early scan to find out if we have any abdormalities (cant remember what its called but it tests for downs syndrom and spina bifida)... and that scan happends around 11-13 weeks. So it will be awhile before I get an ultrasound. I will let you know how my bloodwork goes once I get the results.
ann89- I'm good. Just ready to be able to say "We're having a baby!". I think the hardest part of this whole process will be trying to stay patient and optimistic. It's so hard waiting
Hi and welcome themarshas.

So update on first doctor's appointment. Actually not a whole lot to update... here in Canada we do not get first scans until 12 weeks-ish. So today my doctor just took my medical history and got my EDD (March 28th). I have to go this week to get bloodwork done to confirm the pregnancy and see what my HCG levels are. If I decide to go get the an early scan to find out if we have any abdormalities (cant remember what its called but it tests for downs syndrom and spina bifida)... and that scan happends around 11-13 weeks. So it will be awhile before I get an ultrasound. I will let you know how my bloodwork goes once I get the results.

Joanna > Ah i was really keeping my fx'd that you would get that scan. When you going for your bloodtest? What else did he say/do?

themarshas > Welcome, well lets just say we hope Joanna has started a trend and that we all get our BFP very soon.

AFM > Im 7DPO so i have another 7days to go before testing and then 9 mnths before next AF hopefully :dohh: fx'd this is my BFP cycle.

Loads of :dust: to all
Love the positive attitude Tella... yes lets hope its 9 months before AF comes for you :)

I went and got my blood test done yesterday after work. I don't mind needles, I just hate the actual pricks... but they took 6 vials of blood from me, yuck! Anyway, they test for all sorts: rhubella, HIV, HCG, etc... overhere we usually don't get a call from the doctor unless its bad news, so I'm not even sure if they are going to tell me how high my levels of HCG are, but if they do, I will probably hear from them in a couple of days. Just hoping all is going well. Felling like crap so hoping thats a good pregnancy sign :)
Thanks :) Well atleast no news is good news then! Sjoe that is a lot of vials, i use to hate needles but since i've started TTC it has become a lot better, so it should not be a problem when im preg eihter.

Hope you feel better, but dont stress everything is gonna be fine wiht you and baby. You gonna have a happy and fun pregnancy!
Thanks Tella. I'm not worrying half as much as I did when I first found out... I guess I've started getting used to the idea. Not too sure how I am going to hid this tomorrow when I go to the in-laws. We aren't going to tell them until DH's dad gets home around dinner time and we have to go down in the afternoon. I am feeling pretty crappy most of the time so not too sure how I am going to put on a brave face all afternoon when all I want to do is sleep/puke :(
I havn't had spotting since yesterday!! Yay!! That was 30 days of spotting!! Uh!
Wow 30 days! Glad its hopefully all done for you now. Lets hope that was an actual period or will at least get the ball rolling on your cycle and you'll get a normal cycle now.

Well we finally told DH's family! Went to their house for a BBQ on Friday, his grandparents and brother were also there, so we were able to tell everyone at once. We wrapped up the baby onsie that said "Spoiled by Grandma" and got his mom to open it. Once it was opened DH's grandma let out a little squeal and then everyone seemed to get it! It was pretty crazy, everyone was screaming with joy (his mom started to cry) haha it was a great reaction! I'm so glad everyone was pleased as none of them knew we were TTC (except my brother-in-law and his girlfriend) so I was a little nervous telling but the reaction we got was not what we were expecting, so glad we could make eveyone's day! lol

How is the weekend going for the rest of you?
Sounds like a wonderful reaction!!

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