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I'm looking for a buddy!

Wow all this fertility treatment stuff is so complicated and expensive.

Freezing sperm sounds like a good idea, I'd look into it too.

Yay Cara for AF! So what does this mean then? Does it mean that you can start using OPKs again to watch for ovulation? What will the doctor do then?

As for my symptoms...not much yet...no morning sickness yet... but I do feel the odd wave of nausea. I'm finding my sense of smell is getting stronger (I can smell things DH cant). My breasts are not really sore anymore, but the nipple is a little sensitive. Mostly its just frequent urination and extreme anger at times... poor puppy lol. I'm trying not to read too much into the fact that at times I don't have any symptoms and get worried... but its still early days and morning sickness might not set in until a few more weeks. I have a doctors appointment set for Aug 3rd.
Joanna > Don’t stress to much about the symptoms, you might just be one of the lucky woman that doesn't have morning sickness *bonus*, only a week left till you see your little one :D

Cara > hows things between you and DF? Hope you guys can "forget" about TTC for a little while and put the two of you first again. I also think it is a good idea to take a break and go onto a NPNT stage for a while, the drop in stress levels might be your saving grace and then another FS wont even be necessary. But if not then you can go to a new FS knowing that you are not so stress out anymore and the treatment will most probably work better.

Any news on the appointment for the Dye test?

Ann > Im so sorry to hear that you have PCOS, but at least you can start treating the problem now instead of wondering why your cycles has been so mixed up. I know I was just as taken aback when I found out I had grade 3 ENDO. Your hubby comes back the 26th of ????, I really hope he doesn’t leave for 6 months, then you can continue on the treatment and hopefully get your BFP before the end of the year.

Freezing the sperm could be a viable option but will you go for IUI or IVF then?

Me > Im so confused at this moment, the chart is up and down the whole time, my OV microscope is showing ferning most of the time and my CM seems to stay fertile according to FF. So i dont know how many DPO i am now or if i have actually OV'd. I have flu and yesterday i took my temp late and after i woke up so it is completely out of range, but i suppose we will have to wait and see what tomorrows temps are like. Im considering to contact me FS and ask him to put me on Clomid and monitor if i do actually OV.
Thanks Tella, yes about 1 week until my first appointment. Though I doubt I will see LO, I think they just might confirm my pregnancy and give me some dos and donts. But you never know, it would be really exciting if I got to see anything.

Your ferning and CM sounds like it was nice and fertile, fingers crossed for you that you ovulated this time!! I hope you caught that egg!

Ann and Cara, how are things going?
I'm good. STILL spotting. It seems to he getting worse with me working out and dieting. But they say that's the best thing to do for pcos... The time is going by super slow for my next appointment. I hate long time in between..

How are you Joanna?
I feel like time is going super slow for my appointment too. I am just nervous that things are going well and want the doctor to just give me some peace of mind. Today I'm just feeling tired and am quite bloated (TMI but I have gas, which is not nice while at work lol).

Still spotting? Thats quite some time now, my sister doesn't have PCOS but had a period that lasted like a month, oh and this was while she was on BC... they ended up giving her this pill that makes her blood thicker and it eventually stopped. Not that what you have is the same but the story just came to mind. Hopefully it will stop for you soon so you can move onto the next step.
Joanna > Yes everything pointed to being fertile but my temps aren't working with. Irrelevant of what my temps does now, im gonna call my doc and ask him to put me on clomid for the next cycle and monitor if I do OV.

Everything will be fine, you and baby are healty and you will have a happy pregnancy!!! That is the only way to look at it :D

Ann > How long has it been since you started spotting?
Thanks for the encouraging words Tella... my DH is trying to do the same whenever I mention being nervous. It is true, there is nothing I can do except take care of myself, so I just need to enjoy this gift!

How do they monitor if you OV?
Last time when i was on Clomid, i went in on CD12 then he checks how big the folicles are and then after the projected OV date, you go for the blood test to check you progesterone levels. But i never got to the blood tests as i haven't OV'd with Clomid.
Oh I see how it works, so I guess similar to temping... after ovulation your temp is high... and I guess the blood test measures the amount of progesterone to see if ovulation occurred.
Ann > have you spoken to your FS about it or when is your appointment again?

Joanna > Yes but the blood test are obviously very acurate and that is why i want to have it done. I thought about doing it now and just paying for it myself but im not sure how many days after suspected OV you must go, I think it is 7 days. But at the moment im just waiting to see what my temps are doing.

Time is at least passing quickly, your first scan is around the corner :)
Ann > have you spoken to your FS about it or when is your appointment again?

Joanna > Yes but the blood test are obviously very acurate and that is why i want to have it done. I thought about doing it now and just paying for it myself but im not sure how many days after suspected OV you must go, I think it is 7 days. But at the moment im just waiting to see what my temps are doing.

Time is at least passing quickly, your first scan is around the corner :)

Sorry ladies that i've been MIA.. I havn't had much more news other then spotting..

My appointment is August 10th. And that's when I'll ask about the spotting and then see what the next step is. Then I should have more news :) :thumbup:
Its cool Ann, im the same at the moment, not much happening so im just doing some research on Soy and trying to decide if i want to use Clomid or Soy next cycle.

Johanna > Only the weekend standing between you and your scan :D
Yes... can't wait for my first dr's appointment... though I doubt I will be getting a scan. I think they will basically just be confirming my pregnancy and give me the dos and donts. My next appointment will probably be the scan but I don't think that will happen until 10 or 12 weeks... but you never know.

How is everyone else doing?
Good here.. Not much going on.. Still waiting for my appointment to I can get started on treatment. I'm still sticking to my diet and working out. So yay me ! :) I didn't weigh myself till 4 days into 7 days into my diet and then I weighed myself the next day at the same time of day and lost a pound. So I guess that's good for a day. I'll be weighing myself again when I go to the gym today. And I'll give you guys the update!

Joanna- I'm very excited for you to get to go to your appointment! I got my scan on my first appointment. But I know others who went to their first and had to go back for a sceduled scan.
Yay for loosing a pound! In May when we started TTC I cut all pop out of my diet (I liked at least 1 can of pepsi a day) and within a month I had dropped 5lbs! I hadn't done a whole lot more exercising or eating all that much better, but I guess it made a huge difference. Keep up the good work, dieting and excercising is never easy but is so beneficial.

I think it depends on which country you live in too depends on how our doctors appointments go. All of the ladies i've spoken with at my work said that they didnt get a scan their first visit, so I'm guessing its unlikely. I would just like them to give me some peace of mind that everything is going smoothly, I still don't really 'feel' pregnant. I mean I am still peeing lots, and the mood swings are still happening... but other than that, I don't have any morning sickness and my breasts are only tender. So i'm trying to keep positive and am counting down the days until my appointment.
Joanna > ah that sucks, here by us they confirm your pregnancy by means of a scan :) so atleast when i do fall preg then i will see it early :D

I hope the doc can atleast give you some peace of mind and some tips on what to do and what not.

AFM > Ok so it eventually OV'd on CD25 according to FF :happydance: I'm delighted to see that I OV'd and now I just want to see if my LP is long enough. If AF arrives this month I'm going onto Clomid or Soy to try and shorted my cycles, 39 Days is very long. By the time I OV I should almost start my next cycle so effectively it is decreasing my chances of natural conception if doc wants to start alternatives in January. As I will only have 3 OV's before the end of Dec if I OV on CD25. But if I can bring my cycle down to 30days then I will have about 5 OV's if all goes well and fx'd one is successful.
Oh I'm so glad you finally ovulated Tella :) Though a 39 day cycle is really long... hopefully you will be able to get your cycle down soon. But maybe you were able to catch that egg and you wont have to worry about making your cycle shorter... fx'ed for you. Its good that you have a doctor who is working hard to help you move things along.
Goodluck Tella.. hope you catch that eggy!!
Hey Girls!!

Sorry I have been off the radar for so long. Things got pretty hectic the past week, so I was just trying to deal with all of that.

DF & I are doing well - seems like since I stopped constantly obsessing about TTC and everything related we both dropped our stress level and aren't so tense and snappy at each other.

I had a bit of a scare when I called the Gyno's office to book the dye-test. I ignored day 1 of the :witch: because it was spotting like I had a few weeks earlier, then day 2 I forgot to call :dohh:, day 3/4/5 they weren't open so it wasn't until day 6 that I got the call in... and the test has to be done on day 10. Luckily I was able to get an appointment for the Friday that just passed - and everything is clear, no blockages... so my only problem is that I don't ovulate. I told the Gyno that DF & I wouldn't be going to the fertility clinic unless we won the lottery because our first appointment was going to cost 415$ (165$ for me & 250$ for a more indepth SA for him) - and I don't know if there are taxes on top of that. She was pretty shocked and said that if it was going to cost that much don't go and just get in to see her again and we would go from there. I call tomorrow to make an appointment, so hopefully I will be put on something to help my eggies!! She also said if we wanted to get DF on a multi-vitamin for a month and then she would request another SA to see if it helped any. I have my FX'd that she's going to actually start doing more than she has in the past visits. :)

Aside from the TTC news, I applied for an office job a few weeks ago and I got a phone call not last Friday, but the Friday before that - they wanted an interview!! So my interview was on Tuesday, and it went great. She said at one point throughout it that there was a very good chance that I would get the job - but they were going to let people know one way or another on Thursday or Friday... Wednesday (after a not so great shift at work) I got a phone call from them - I got the job!! :happydance: I officially start August 15th! Thursday I went to work to tell the manager but she wasn't in until Saturday, so I told the assistant manager. Well, Saturday came and I called the manager while DF & I were on our way to Sydney for the Bikefest... and someone had already told her the news, so she wanted me to go in this morning to 'discuss it'. I was super nervous. I thought she was pissed because her sister-in-law, a girl I considered a good friend, posted as her FB status that if she knew I was 'just going to go do that' she 'wouldn't have bothered' to help me out by recommending me to my manager. It really upset me because I never hid the fact that my goal was to land an office job since I went to school for it, and I am a good worked. Apparently I was "sneaky" in how I went about it. I didn't tell them I applied for another job, or that I had an interview... What if I didn't get the job? I didn't need my hours cut in half. So I kept it to myself, and when I found out I got the job, I told them asap. Told them I could work until the 14th - I wasn't about to just leave them with no notice since I don't think that's right... My manager said she'll see how the schedule goes when she's making it - I might not even be put on it, which is no biggie to me since I'd be working at the other place that week too. Was just a very intense and crazy process. Haha. Sorry for going on & on & probably making 1/2 of no sense at all. :)

Anna: 23 days of the :witch:?! Wow, That is crazy!! I would be in agony having to wait until the 10th! Is your DF home yet? Having the :witch: visit is slightly bothersome to me, but what drives me up the walls is that I always want to BD (friends have fondly called me Nympho - lol). I would need to be medicated or something. Haha. Hopefully it isn't that bad for you!

Joanna: You will def have to tell us how the first appointment goes! I am super excited for you. This is great news. Maybe you're one of the lucky ones who don't get many symptoms, esp. morning sickness!! :D

Tella: YAY FOR OV'ING!! That is fantastic!! Did you dtd lots and lots?! Hopefully so that you caught that eggie in time! Let us know how things go!

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