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I'm looking for a buddy!

Joanna > That is great!!!! Have you told your mom yet?

Ann > Yay on the spotting stopping!!!!!!! Hope you have a proper cycle this month!

AFM > Im 11DPO, only 3 more to go till testing :happydance: Im getting cramps, heartburn, TMI :blush: - gassy, occasional Ferning on OV and lots of creamy CM still. FF says to test on 18DPO only but i dont know if i will be able to wait that long.

I have gotten Femara for my next cycle, spoke to my pharmacist and they recommend it before Clomid as it works out of your system quicker than Clomid. So if AF does come (hope it doesnt) then i will start with it on Day 3.
Tella if I was you I would prob. have already tested.. Lol I don't have patience at all!! I hope you get that bfp this cycle so you don't even have to start femera!

Well my long awaited appointment for pcos is on wednesday!!! Praying this Dr. will be helpful! I can't wait to see what he'll do. I'm hoping metformin.. and hopefully also femera or clomid!
Tella: I told my mom the first week I found out, she is also excited but not quite as much as DH's mom seemed to be haha. My mom knew we were TTC so it wasn't as much of a surprise as it was for DH's mom, but she is really happy. Yay for only 3 more days left to test, can't wait to hear your results... the symptoms sounds promising! I will keep my finger's crossed for you!!!!

Ann: Good luck on Wed at the doctors, I'm hoping he will help you out, keep us posted.
Went to my Dr. appointment!! He put me on provera and then he also gave me clomid!! Yay! Can't wait.. finially feel like I'm at the next step!
Ann > Im so excited for you! So the provera is to bring on AF again and then you can start wiht the clomid on day 3 i presume?

Joanna > Oh sorry I must have had you mixed up wiht someone else that was waiting for their mom to return form traveling.

AFM > On a negative note though, the :witch: got me today :cry::cry: :cry:
I tested on CD11 but it was obviously negative but thought it might have just been to early and said i will try again tomorrow but now there is no need. Im calling my FS to make an appointment. He must check that everything is still fine and then i want to ask him if i can go onto Femara, although i already have it but im hoping he will monitor the OV then.
Thats good news Ann... hopefully it will work to jump start that AF of yours.

Tella, sorry AF showed for you... what does Femara do?
Ann > Im so excited for you! So the provera is to bring on AF again and then you can start wiht the clomid on day 3 i presume?

Joanna > Oh sorry I must have had you mixed up wiht someone else that was waiting for their mom to return form traveling.

AFM > On a negative note though, the :witch: got me today :cry::cry: :cry:
I tested on CD11 but it was obviously negative but thought it might have just been to early and said i will try again tomorrow but now there is no need. Im calling my FS to make an appointment. He must check that everything is still fine and then i want to ask him if i can go onto Femara, although i already have it but im hoping he will monitor the OV then.

Well Dr. told me to use it cd 5-9.
Oh ok, i suppose every doc does it differently but i know it varies anytime from cd 2 - cd 9. How long must you take the Provera for?

Joanna > Femara is just like Clomid, it just has a shorter life span in your body therefor less side effects.
and clomid makes you ovulate right? I think I am getting this lol.
Oh ok, i suppose every doc does it differently but i know it varies anytime from cd 2 - cd 9. How long must you take the Provera for?

Joanna > Femara is just like Clomid, it just has a shorter life span in your body therefor less side effects.

I take provera for 10 days. I'll be on my 2nd pill today. And last time I took it I got my withdraw bleed two days after finishing the pills. Hopefully it will work out the same!
Anna_Marie - I'm so sorry about your loss. Your little angel is so beautiful.


Hope you guys don't mind me jumping in but I'm looking for TTC buddies. :] I'll be 22 in December. This is cycle #3 TTC but this one was kind of a bust because I ordered my OPKs and BBT therm. too late so I've been going by symptoms. This cycle was super weird too. I had EWCM on CD11 which is early and last cycles I estimated O at CD15... and usually the EWCM and whatnot didn't start til like CD13 and lasted til CD15 evening.

I only took my BBT today and it was 91.7 but I have nothing to compare too! And no EWCM anymore. But stabby O pains tonight like every other cycle?? But yesterday OPK was almost as dark as control, so BFN and then today it was very light so bigger BFN. Blah. I don't know if I'm O-ing late or I O-ed early or I'm not O-ing at all. Crazy body.

Guess I should add that I have some symptoms of PCOS or endometriosis or both and am awaiting results from the doc but can't get 'em til the end of the month or even next month since doctor goes away a lot. Boo. :crazy:

:dust: and lots of it to everyone!
Goodluck! Hopefully you don't have pcos of endometriosis.

So ladies this had nothing to do with TTC. But my husband is deployed for two weeks. So he's not here. And theres this girl, I met at the gym. And we were pretty much just facebook friends.. and I read on her facebook that she was getting a divorce because her husband abused her. And so I said hey if your ever in a bad situation your more then welcome to stay at my house in our spare room. And she's still leaving with him. And she's been wanting to hang out.. and of course I said sure.. But after that that one day of hanging out.. she's been inviting herself over to my house.. and I pretty much can't say no! And she puts me in awkward situations.. And then she went to dinner with her husband tonight?! I mean dinner?! Come on now! He ABUSED you! Uh I don't know what to think.. and she's driving me up the wall. I feel like I'm obligated to ALWAYS be with her.. I'm so stressed about it.. I just want my husband home!
Hope it works the same, then you can atleast plan your cycle accordingly!

Joanna > Yes it stimulates ovulation.
Ann - Thats a tough situation to be in, does she just show up at the door, or does she call to invite herself over first? Because if she calls, then just tell her you need a quiet night to yourself or that your busy. Try and make some excuses for a little while, maybe she will realize that you need your space. Or you could try to talk to her... tell her that while you like having her company, you need your own space at times? But I'm really not that great with this type of advice, I am terrible at confrontation myself. Good Luck.
Ann - Thats a tough situation to be in, does she just show up at the door, or does she call to invite herself over first? Because if she calls, then just tell her you need a quiet night to yourself or that your busy. Try and make some excuses for a little while, maybe she will realize that you need your space. Or you could try to talk to her... tell her that while you like having her company, you need your own space at times? But I'm really not that great with this type of advice, I am terrible at confrontation myself. Good Luck.

Thanks.. She'll usually call and I thought she was going to ask me to go to the gym so I already had a plan to tell her I was working on my school work which I was.. And I told her that then she said, "well I can come over for a little?" And I said well I'm working on school.. and she was like I'll only stay for a little.. And I'm like uh! Get the hint! :dohh: And then while she was here she asked me to go to the gym with her tomorrow. And I can't say no in front of her because I didn't have an excuse not to go.. so I said yes. I almost feel guilty for not wanting to hang out with her.. But I'm a homebody! I like to stay home and maybe go out on the weekend.. Not hang out with her everyday.. I'm 22 and married! Uhh I'm not sure what to do.. I guess I should prob. stop answering her calls and maybe just answer her texts.. since when she calls me I feel under pressure. Thanks! That was good advice. I needed it.. I actually really going insane with this.. I already looked up plane tickets since I live in North Dakota and my family is in Louisiana and my husband is gone.. and only because I want to her away from her. I should have to feel that way in my OWN home that I can't get away from someone.. :wacko:

Anyways Joanna! How's the pregnancy going? Any more symptoms?
The text idea is good, so much easier to come up with an excuse or tell her staight out when your not talking in person/on the phone with her. I am also a homebody, I like to do things on the weekend, but during the week I am tired after work and just want to veg in front of the tv.

Pregnancy is going pretty good so far, I guess. I haven't had a scan yet but based on my symptoms I feel like it must be progressing. I am pretty hungry all the time... but get nauesous easily... so need to eat small meals frequently. Still peeing lots and getting up in the middle of the night to pee (every night!). I get tired by about 4:00, must be from working a long day, and then need a nap. The mood swings are not so much anymore, probably because I am aware of them and can calm down before I explode. I am also hating the super sensitive nose... almost lost my breakfast this morning cleaning up after the animals! Anyway enough about me... how is everyone else doing??
Sounds like all common pregnancy symptoms!! Which is actually a good sign! :)
Sorry I have been away! Just got super hectic and I am trying to de-junk our place to make more room - not for anything in particular, but to get rid of the stuff we don't need.

Anna - That episode where you had to go to the hospital sounds really scary... I would have been hard core freaking out and demanding that everyone stay with me for the night - or longer until I wasn't scared anymore. Good to hear that your Dr put you on Provera & Clomid!! Hopefully that helps you get your :bfp: quick! As for the gym-girl, I would probably just respond to a text and tell her something along the lines of, you know - I am a homebody, I don't mind hanging out occasionally, but I really enjoy my alone time as well. Hopefully things work out on that end and you're not feeling like you have to escape your own home.

Tella: FX'd that this is your cycle and it'll be 9 months before the :witch: knocks on your door again! I always hated the waiting game. :)

Joanna: Congrats again on your :bfp: !! I am happy for you that everyone took it so well and are all excited for you! That will certainly make things easier for you. Here's hoping that you hear no news back on your blood work and all of your scans come back nice and clean!

SO, after DF & I found out about his low sperm count I called his Nan to ask what his uncle did about it. Apparently his uncle never had an SA done - just assumed that he couldn't have kids because he'd been hit quite a few times below the belt as he was growing up. Anyways, I told her that we weren't telling people that we were trying to have a baby and we would like her to please not say anything. The next time we were down she starts talking to me about it telling me that she was talking to DF's cousin who had fertility issues... apparently there isn't really anything that they can do for the LSC, but she was like "They told her that she had to lose x amount of lbs first." I was like... Holy f'n shitface! I am not that big, yeah I could lose a few to satisfy myself, but it's not like I am super big. I was sooo mad. I asked her specifically not to say anything ESPECIALLY about DF's issue... and she's going around asking people about it. As Df said - everyone knows now. Urgh. Old people.

Anyways, I have to go get ready for work - second last shift at Tims! :)

-Welcome to the newcomers!! :dust:
Cara nice to have you back, starting to wonder what happened to you. Too bad about your DF's aunt telling everyone. We had a distant relative/friend (DH's uncle's girlfriend actually) spill the beans about us on Facebook, we had hoped not to tell anyone on FB for a few more weeks but its too late now. So I know how you feel to some extent.... and yes, 'Old People' haha. Are you still just doing the NTNP now?

When does your awesome new job start? Good luck, can't wait to hear how it goes.

Oh P.S.... called the doctor for an update on my bloodwork.. everything came back normal which is why they didn't bother to call, ugh Canadian doctors. Anyways just glad things are going smoothly so far.
Anna > OMW, im also not great at confrontation. It normally boils up and up inside and then when I explode it is to late and I tend to be nasty :blush:

I would maybe try and send her an text and tell her that you need space and can't have people over in the week as you need to finish school work and having people there is a distraction.

Cara > Im so sorry to hear that his Nan did that! My mother in law is like that, she cant keep anything for herself and a tail always gets added on. All I can say is try and speak to people really close to you that wont blabber everything out to other people, who has nothing to do with it. If your BMI was to high your FS would have told you if it is advisable to lose some before continuing TTC, and it think it is more a question of jealousy.

Good luck with the new job!!!!!!!!

Joanna > that is fantastic news!!! Little baby is growing well and soon there will be a bump to prove it :D

AFM > Not much to tell, im CD5, 3rd day on Clomid 50mg so heres to hoping for OV on CD14/15! And a BFP 14 days later! I wanted to use Femara but when I got to the pharmacy to informed me that it costs R3000(+- $450) for 30 tablets and you have to take 30 tablets, I cant just take 5, so needless to say I opted for Clomid :)

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