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I'm looking for a buddy!

So the :witch: got me this morning. I knew it was coming because my temp has been down for the last few days. I'm actually really glad I've stuck with temping because its not so much of a shock when it happens if you know its coming. Last month I didn't temp and I was super symptom spotting, so I was pretty convinced that I was pregnant but it didn't happen in the end... so I was upset. This time, not so much. I'm going to stick with temping for another month and if it doesn't happen then I'll try some other things like OPK and what not. Onto TTC month #3.

Anna: I'm sorry that your having such a hard time with ovulating. It must be so frusterating not knowing whats going on and not being about to do anything about it. Fx'ed that your doctor can help you out or give you some answers.
Ann that is horrible! Hopefully your Dr will be able to give you some answers to why you don't seem to be Ov'ing, and help you get that fixed!

Boo on the :witch: Joanna! Hopefully next month is your month!!

So, I almost cried at my friends house yesterday, and here is why;
We (her, her df & I) were sitting in the living room talking/watching tv and we got to talking about food, I said that I didn't like fish or veggies that much & her df said he didn't either. She was like, 'You guys have so much in common!' So he laughed and was like, 'I knew I picked the wrong roommate!' joking around. (Her & I used to be roommates when they got together) We laughed, but then she looked at me like she was thinking of something then she (still smiling) looks at him and goes "Yeah, but if you were with her you wouldn't have a baby!" Then she looks at me and goes "Ohmygod! That was sooo mean! I don't even know why I said that!!" Her Df stopped smiling and told her that it was really mean, and at that point I had to keep smiling an tell her not to worry about it because I was going to bust out in tears. She then came over and sat down beside me and told me that they had discussed having another baby when their LO is fully potty trained. When DF got home last night I cried a little as I told him, and he said that she was a b*h for saying that to me, knowing how long and hard we've been trying to get a bean!

Sorry it was so long, needed to get that out. She has never been anything but supportive and never said anything like that before, I was just kind of shocked.
Oh Cara that sounds pretty mean. At least she realized that what she said was wrong. A couple of months ago (back in Oct I think) my DH and I had decided that we wanted to start TTCing... I told my sister at the time and her response was quite mean. At the time DH and I had only just gotten married, I had only just started my job and we had not bought a house yet. My sister (who is younger) ended up talking me out of it! Needless to say we ended up getting a house in Dec and are much more settled in jobs, so I hate to say it but she was right in a way, though the way she said it made me quite upset. However, just this last weekend I told her that we were TTCing again and she was actually really excited this time. Not that we need her approval but I feel like now is a much better time than before when I just wanted a baby because I always had... now we are settled and I feel like I want a baby for the right reasons.

Sorry I'm rambling now, but in a way I know how you felt Cara.
Ann that is horrible! Hopefully your Dr will be able to give you some answers to why you don't seem to be Ov'ing, and help you get that fixed!

Boo on the :witch: Joanna! Hopefully next month is your month!!

So, I almost cried at my friends house yesterday, and here is why;
We (her, her df & I) were sitting in the living room talking/watching tv and we got to talking about food, I said that I didn't like fish or veggies that much & her df said he didn't either. She was like, 'You guys have so much in common!' So he laughed and was like, 'I knew I picked the wrong roommate!' joking around. (Her & I used to be roommates when they got together) We laughed, but then she looked at me like she was thinking of something then she (still smiling) looks at him and goes "Yeah, but if you were with her you wouldn't have a baby!" Then she looks at me and goes "Ohmygod! That was sooo mean! I don't even know why I said that!!" Her Df stopped smiling and told her that it was mean, and at that point I had to keep smiling an tell her not to worry about it because I was going to bust out in tears. She then came over and sat down beside me and told me that they had discussed having another baby when their LO is fully potty trained. When DF got home last night I cried a little as I told him, and he said that she was a b*h for saying that to me, knowing how long and hard we've been trying to get a bean!

Sorry it was so long, needed to get that out. She has never been anything but supportive and never said anything like that before, I was just kind of shocked.

Cara--- It really sounds like the only reason why she said it was because she was jealous, since her df seemed to be making nice comments about you. lol.:haha: So she prob. said it because she was hurt by her df and wanted to hurt you back.. when you didn't do anything at all!!!! Which is wrong! But it seems like after she said it she smacked herself in the head thinking why did I say that! :dohh: Which doesn't make it right either! I'm sorry you had that mean comment said to you! Just ignore her and her ignorance. You know you'll get that bfp one day! And after all this waiting it will be even more precsious to you. :hugs:

Joanna-- Sorry to hear about af showing up! And it is very frustering wondering what is going on with my body. I used to have normal af's every month before my daughter and it only took two months to concieve her! So me not ovulating and not getting a period is a BIG cause for concern. I had a rough delivery with HELLP syndrome. That could've taken my life. So I'm scared it fried my fertility.:nope:
I have a question for you both about diet affecting fertility. So hubby and I rarley drink and neither of us have very smoked... I eat quiet healthy and drink mostly water, take my prenatal vitamine, go for walks a few times a week to get some exercise. But my DH eats like crap and loves his energy drinks... I'd say he drinks at least one a day! So usually I have no problem with him drinking the energy drinks but it is possible that they can be bad for his fertility? Its just something thats been on my mind... oh and he likes to have really HOT showers... which i've heard can also kill sperm. What do you think about these issues?
WELL... my husband has a HORRIBLE diet. He drinks at least one energy drink a day or more. And it took me two months to concieve my daughter while my husband was drinking so many of them. So not sure if energy drinks affect it. But maybe? I guess it didn't affect my husbands swimmies. He doesn't smoke only drinks ocassionaly. He also likes cold showers.. I'm very much a hot shower fan. haha. Well I believe if he doesn't have a swimmie problem then I think it would be ok for him to take hot showers. But if he has a low count then it's prob. a bad idea. From what I've read for gender selection if you want a girl its a good idea for your hubby to take hot showers.

I don't ever drink energy drinks. But I do like a coffee every once in awhile. My diet isn't the best.. never has been. I'm a pretty picky eater. But I take my prenatal everyday. I don't smoke and only drink every once in awhile also. And I don't really work out much at all.

You just have to look at it this way.. How many people out there who are on drugs and are treaty there bodies horrible are getting pregnant.

If you have no reason to worry about your fertility right now I would worry... But it's still a good idea to stay healthy. And wouldn't hurt I guess :D
Thanks for the support guys :) I really appreciate it.

I'm not too sure about energy drinks but I have heard that super hot showers aren't supposed to be that good, although I have never had anything that backed up the reasoning. If you're worried about it, maybe you could talk to your Dr about next time you see them?
Thanks for the reasurances about the energy drinks. I personally do not drink them and I've heard they were not so good for you to drink which is why I don't like them. I don't really care that he drinks them so if its not likely to affect his fertility I'd rather just let him continue drinking them lol. It was just something I had been thinking about.

And Anna Marie your right, people who are on drugs and treat themselves like crap can still get pregnant so I've really got nothing to worry about at this point.
And Anna Marie your right, people who are on drugs and treat themselves like crap can still get pregnant so I've really got nothing to worry about at this point.

And they always seem to be getting pregnant... but we can't and try and be super healthy. Stoopid!!

Anyways, on a side note, I gave in to my insane urge to poas this morning... :bfn: I wasn't holding my breath for a bfp, but it still sucked seeing only 1 line. :( Well, guess the countdown is on til the 7th when DF & I go get the blood work && SA results.
Sorry Cara for your BFN... I wasn't expecting to see a BFP last weekend either when I took my test but its still disappointing either way.

What are you all up to over the weekend?
Nothing going on my way, work 6-2 Sat & 2-10 Sun. Here its supposed to rain over the weekend... what else is new in these parts lately? lol.

How about you?
Our town "Minot" is flooding :( You can probably see it on the news. We'll probably go help sandbag downtown to help out. And we're going to a friends going away party tonight.

How about you?

My temp dropped this morning. Hopefully it means ovulation.. I don't have any other ovuation signs tho.. :/

Cara-- Sorry to hear about the bfn.. I also took one yesterday and bfn.. :(
Boo on :bfn:s :(

That's awful about the flooding! Hopefully it doesn't get too much worse!
I wish it wasn't .. :/ But looks like it's just going to rise.. So sad. we live about 15 miles from all the flooding tho.. which mean it won't get us. But it's sad of how many people are loosing their homes :(
Wow the flooding sounds bad, your lucky it wont be getting you. But on the plus maybe you are ovulating... your chart looks promising, make sure to BD lots!

It was supposed to rain here all weekend too, so I set myself up with a project. I've been doing some painting... I painted our front entrance and the stairway/upstairs hall. So I've got most of the painting done now but we've got my in-laws coming tomorrow morning so now I've got to clean tonight :( so tired! lol but its nice to keep my mind off the baby stuff for at least a few days.

Hope you both enjoy the rest of your weekend :)
Yep flooding is no fun. Now we have to boil all our water because the tap has been contaminated. So I just boiled a bunch of water for the past few hours.. :/

Not too sure if I ovulated. The morning when I woke up my cervix was closed but then later in the afternoon it kinda opened. And today my temp when to the normal so we'll see if it keeps rising.

Sounds like you keep yourself busy! I have online school I should be working on. But I've been kinda slacking lately. But I'm going to dedicate my day tomorrow for that.
Wow. That is awful about the people being flooded out of their homes. :( A Boil order sucks, luckily growing up my family lives in the country so we had a drilled well and didn't have to boil our water when the towns did. Did they say how long you would have to do it for, or is it just until they tell you to stop?
They said at LEAST 24hrs but it could be longer.. Hasn't lifted yet.. so hopefully soon?
So I've been looking up soy lately. And after my dr. appointment in July if my dr. doesn't do much to help me then I think I'm going to try it out.. It's suppose to be the natural form of clomid.

Check this out..
Joannaxoxo > They say the next 8-9 months is crucial as it will be the most effective months. Im not sure if I did OV this month as all my OPK tests was negative but we will see when AF arrives and then see what the doc say. Sorry the :witch: got you, well you have started a new cycle, so holding strong thumbs that this is the one for you.

Cara89 > Well the doc said I should OV in my first cycle but like mentioned before, im not sure if I did. Sorry about the bfn, atleast the 7th is coming along quickly.

Ann89> it basically stimulates OV. So hoping and keeping fx's that it worked. I really hope the FS can tell you what is wrong.

I have 2 days left of my current cycle so lets see what happens. There has been no signs at all of OV or pregnancy so I expect to see the :witch: in about 2-3days :(

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