I'm looking for a buddy!

Oh cool accupuncture, never would have though about that as being an aid to fertility. What points on the body do they trigger? Sounds a little scary, I've never done it and I think I might be a little nervous to try accupuncture but I've heard it doesnt really hurt.

I will definately get some pictures of the nursery up soon, its not completely done so it'll have to wait a few more days.

I haven't got a birth plan (at least not yet). We are meeting the doctor who will be delivering us Tuesday next week... as my doctor doesnt deliver babies. Here in Canada you can either see your GP throughout your pregnancy and deliver at the hospital with the Gyno who works there, or you can get a midwife to aid through pregnancy and who will be there at the birth with the Gyno. So we went with my GP throughout the pregnancy and will be meeting with the Gyno next week. So depending on what he wants to see I might need to come up with a birth plan. At the minute my philosophy is just to go with the flow of things on the day of... I really have no idea about my pain tolerance and might need an epidural (which I'm not against haha). I'd like to try without an epidural for as long as possible though. I also plan to just listen to my body and take the advice of the doctors/nurses as labour progresses.
I find it amazing how the health systems work differently in all the countries.

Your idea of what you want is basically the same as what i want, natural as long as possible but if i say Epidural it must be there already :haha:

I will definitely have you in my prayers when you go in for labor!
Hey ladies,

How have you all been?

Tella - how is IUI going, any positive news yet? What time in the cycle are you at and has ovulation been happening?

Ann - How is that little baby doing? I see your ticker says your at 18 weeks! Wow time is going quickly. Have you got a bump photo to show us and have you found out the sex yet?

Cara - Hows it going these days, are you still doing the ntnp or have you take up other measures?

I'm now at 34 weeks pregnant and getting close to the end. Baby seems to be growing like a weed these days and its getting harder to get around. According to my phone app he should be around 4.5lbs now... I guess the doctor can confirm that when I see her next week. Here is a bump picture from this week:

Beautiful bump!! My 20 week ultrasound when I'll hopefully find out the sex is on the 29th! Can't wait! I've been feeling small kicks too but very light.
Yay Ann gender ultrasound is so soon for you! So glad to hear from you. Got any bump pictures to show us? Love the little kicks at the beginning, mine are starting to hurt, he's getting so strong lol.

OMG ladies, I have 5 weeks left! lol.
No bump pictures yet. I don't like taking photos of my body after the weight I've gained in the past year :/ but if I take one I like I'll be sure to post it.
Ann, have fun at the scan! Hope you can see the sex clearly!

Joanna, wow 5 weeks, time has flown by! Can't wait for a picture of him!
No problem Ann - have you noticed if your showing much yet? I can remember having a bit of a bump by 19 weeks... you could certainly tell I was pregnant.

I will definitely make sure to post a picture of him when he arrives. Now its sort of a waiting game because at 35 weeks they are mostly cooked lol... So I could be a couple weeks early and have him in 3 weeks time! Yikes time is going super fast lol.
Joanna I can't believe your due so soon!! It felt like it went by so fast!!

Tomorrow is my 20week scan!! So I'll be finding out the gender!! yay!

And I believe my belly is def. getting bigger. But I think I'm at a point where you can't tell if I'm just gaining weight or pregnant :p
Have fun at your scan, hope baby is lying right for you!!!!

Cant wait to hear what team you are joining :D

AFM > My next iui is tomorrow at 11am, so then my countdown to my BFP starts again :D
Good luck today Ann! I have a feeling your team blue, but that's just a guess. I hope little one shows off today and we can find out!

Tella - Good luck today too, hope this is it for you! I will be crossing my fingers for you for the next few weeks and hope that BFP happens!

So I officially have 1 month left today. I went to see the doctor yesterday for a check up and baby is still head down, i've also put on 3lbs in the last week! lol. But all in all, I haven't gained much weight, so this might be my month. So not much time left to go, a week from now I will be officially 'Full-Term', so I guess baby could really come at any time now. DH and I packed our hospital bags last night and did the final touches on the nursery. I'm just waiting for my mom to finish the curtains and then I will take some pictures to show you all.

Well good luck to you both today!
WOW i cant believe you only have a month left! Time has flown by so quickly, however when one is looking at it day by day like when ur TTC then it seems like a eternity but when you look back time has actually flown by!!! I mean we are at the end of February and it feels like just the other day that it was new years. :wacko:

Glad everything is pack and ready to go. I cant wait to see the nursery photos!

Ann we waiting :D
YAY!!! :pink:

I guess I was wrong lol. So happy for you Ann!! Did you get to see the baby on the scan? I love that part.
Yay other one for our side :) lol the girls seems to rule on bnb lol

Huge congrats!!!!
Thanks ladies! I have some ultrasound pictures but I'm going I take a nap and I can post them later tonight :) and very true ive seen a ton of baby girls on bnb.
Yes, 2012 must be a year for girls. I'm on a site for March babies, we have 32 ladies who are having girls and 23 ladies having boys! - 12 are team yellow.

So yes, girls rule this year lol. I guess my son will have a good choice of girls to choose from when he starts dating... oh god, don't want to think about that, too far from now lol.
Here's some photos!


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I'm also on a forum for July babies.. And I think we have two team blue so far and the rest pink and yellow..
Wow ultrasound pictures are amazing! We only got to keep 2 pictures, both profile face pics. I love the feet shot you have, so cool!

Yes, 2012 is a girl month it seems lol.

I wonder what my little one would look like right now on an ultrasound. He'd probably be all squished... he's head down, so I get bum and feet kicking my ribs all day long and some kicks really hurt! lol. Strong little guy.
Morning ladies,

How are things going with you all? I'm doing fine, a little tired but not bad. I have my week 37 doctors appointment today, so I'm planning to ask them if they are able to estimate the weight of the baby, I'm just curious.

Well I've finally had chance to get the nursery done, so I now have photos to show you :)


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