Is anyone else pregnant for the first time after IVF?

Caseys, I live on the East coast.

Do ANY of you have the option to receive a recording of the appt?? Like a video of the ultrasound and the heartbeat?? Just curious...

Good luck ladies!

I had my ultrasound yesterday and I got a thumbdrive with the pics on it and also a video including the recording of the heartbeat but it was hard to hear it on my tiny computer at home...I guess different offices offer different things depending on the resources...They told me to bring it back and they will add the next ultrasound session to it! Good luck!!!!

I am waiting a call back from my RE office...My RE said yesterday to continue with my progesterone, but when I called today because I discovered I am out of refills, the nurse said that since I am 7 weeks I should be stopping them anyway. I told her that I just saw the doc yesterday and he said to continue and she was supposed to check and call me back, but the wench hasn't called me back yet and the office is closed. I still have some left, but need more before the weekend, so I am gonna have to call tomorrow and demand some clarification...But now I am certain I want to stay on them for a few more weeks...We will see...I have an appt with my OB next week and will see what she says about it, but I will need the refill before then...I hate when they forget to call back!!!! :growlmad:

I was worried too when I went of the progesterone, I heard lots of horror stories but thats what they were. I called my clinic and they said that there is no definite scientific proof that its even needed after the second week. I would trust your clinic, they got you this far. Every protocol is different for each person and tailored to their body, and some of the things you hear about progesterone is for women who are taking it for other reasons other than IVF. I would definitely call them and express your concerns, they should tell you why they choose this protocol and trust them.
I think I am officially in my second trimester starting today, yay!! :happydance:

Me too!!!!

Had a scan on Monday and was already measuring 13 weeks then. Baby was jumping around like crazy. It made OH laugh. He says that the baby doesn't like to get pictures taken and turns away when someone is about to.
Caseys and ttcbaby - Congrats on your scans...

Thanks ladies for the progesterone info, the problem was that the Doctor said stay on them and the Nurse told me I should not still be on them so she would not call in the refill! So that was the confusion. They straightened it out this morning when I called back. The RE wants me on them till 9.5 weeks. I think there are 5 docs in that practice and of course my RE seems to be the one who does things differently..This happened during stims when the Nurse kept telling me to change my Estrogen patch and I had to keep telling them my RE never ordered them--I even mentioned this to the RE to make sure he didn't make a mistake and he said he doesn't use the patches during stims --at least not with the protocol I was on! So the Nurses just go on automatic pilot when responding, based on what everyone else in the practice does, they aren't paying attention to what the RE actually ordered for the specific person....a little frustrating because it raises doubt and confusion, but now it is resolved! I have read however that progesterone might not be necessary beyond a few weeks too, but I just wanted to follow what the RE had told me...if he had said stop then, I would have been okay because what do I know after all?!! They just put the doubt in my head....

Okay ladies....enjoy!
Hello Ladies,

dmama - I hear you on frustration between nurses and your RE. I had my nurse twice not call me back and once she even forgot to tell me my extraction appointment time had changed. The last time she didn't call, when I called her the next day she says 'oh if you have no changes to your blood results we don't call you'. First time I'd heard that. Hubby got pissed and called the head office and talked to the office manager who confirmed that, this is not their policy and they have a problem which will be taken care. Amazing! I felt bad for getting the nurse in trouble but it was just riduculous after the third time of errors and then lying to cover her butt.

Have fun with the progestrone. Mine kept me on it til 9 weeks and its supposedly about then when you body takes over making its own and when the placenta is about in place. So I heard that, around 9 weeks is when they start to ween you off all the meds.

Caseys and ttcbaby4us - congrats on the scans. I can't wait for mine. I go in for the nuhcal scan next week. I am very nervous about it. I had my first OB appointment with my regular doc and loved the nurses there. Trying out a new doc. The OB nurse was great and asnwered all my questions and took the time to spend with me and not rushed which is how I felt wtih my old doc.

Oh you guys will like boss comes into my office after my doc appointment this week and is like 'so when are you going to tell me the good news'. I am like 'what good news'. She's going on about oh you don't fool me - i've had three kids and been around the block a few times. Are you sure you don't have anything to tell me. I couldn't help grinning but of course held my gruond. I want to tell all of our family next week after end of 12 weeks before tell anyone at work. I am going to get lots of 'I knew it' from all the ladies here - I just know it. :)

This week has been very stressful for me at work. Need to find the time this weekend to really relax and let go. I am sure the baby's feeling it. Whew!!!

Hope all of you are having a good day.
Thanks for the congrats on the scan, but my results were please keep your fingers crossed for me until my amnio on August 30. Thanks.
Caseys - have you in my thoughts for the amino - hope you get positive results from that test.
Thanks for the congrats on the scan, but my results were please keep your fingers crossed for me until my amnio on August 30. Thanks.

I am praying Caseys...I hope amnio will be fine...
Thanks for the congrats on the scan, but my results were please keep your fingers crossed for me until my amnio on August 30. Thanks.

Fingers and Toes are crossed for you and your LO Caseys!
Thanks everyone. The more I read about those screening tests, the better I feel about a positive outcome in spite of my results, I just have my really down moments as well.

Baby is definitely growing, my abdomen has gotten harder and I've been getting more "growing pains" this week. I'm also about to give up on the current bras I've been squishing myself into the last month or so and finally move onto my D-cup bra. I'm not a big woman so my huge ta-tas are taking a bit of getting used to.

Also, I have re-nicknamed my LO "Rocky". I figure the kid is a fighter...

Went to Early Pregnancy Clinic today as going out my mind with worry about seeing no babies. It was good news saw two babies and two heartbeats, don't think me and DH have stopped crying yet.

Went to Early Pregnancy Clinic today as going out my mind with worry about seeing no babies. It was good news saw two babies and two heartbeats, don't think me and DH have stopped crying yet.

Thats fab news Tory. You about 6 1/2 weeks ? Twins, so so exciting. Now take good care of those jellybeans... :) :happydance: xx

Went to Early Pregnancy Clinic today as going out my mind with worry about seeing no babies. It was good news saw two babies and two heartbeats, don't think me and DH have stopped crying yet.

Congrats on the twins!!!
dmama - what wonderful news on the twins. Congrats!!!

I am doing well. Just tired all the time - I came home thursday after a long exhausting week at work and just cried and then cried because I didn't understand why I was crying - ruined hubby's shirt in the process but he's been so understanding and made me shower and take a nap - oh bless him :) Hubby and I finally cleaned out the baby's room for the first time. It felt so good. Did some significant purging - its amazing how much stuff we can collect. :)

Otherwise it is just plain crazy hot here in Houston so I am spending as much time indoors as possible. End up tired and with headaches even going to the grocery store because its like 115 with the heat index. We finally told my sister-in-law and brother in-law over the weekend. It felt great to talk to someone about all the IVF stuff we went through. We really haven't shared our experience with anyone until now and so it was like a load off our shoulders and we both feel like we can finally enjoy the pregnancy and really celebrate it. Going to begin to tell the rest of the family by this coming weekend. So excited to share the news with everyone.

I go for nuchal scan on wednesday. Praying all goes well.

Hope all of you are having a good day.
Hope scan goes well Wed.
I had to do another pregnancy test today, just scared its all a myth!!
First day back at work today and have had big shooting pains this evening so now worried i've done too much. Dont want this to end before its even started :(
Thanks Hopeful! Hang in there and get lots of rest tonight. The shooting pains could just be your uterus stretching. I still have them and I know my sister had them on and off throughout her pregnancy as the baby grows.

It's it just wonderful to see the positive test. Does your doc do a blood test to confirm?

Went to Early Pregnancy Clinic today as going out my mind with worry about seeing no babies. It was good news saw two babies and two heartbeats, don't think me and DH have stopped crying yet.

Been away for weekend so not been on here for a while. That's fantastic news Tory - well done! We'll be able to compare notes on double buggy's, how to breastfeed two at once and scary stuff like that!!

Hi Hopeful - nice to see you on here! Don't worry about the pains. As Davecr says I'm sure they're just your uterus getting ready to stretch!

Good luck with your scans other ladies. Fingers crossed for you all.

I'm still in nausea land which is making me feel rotten. Admitted to DH last night that despite us wanting this so much I'm not actually enjoying it yet! He was so understanding it made me cry. He's doing all the cooking and shopping as I can't bear to even look at food. Makes me feel guilty when there are so many women who would give everything for this. Have to remember the hormones playing their oh so lovely role!
No, doc didnt offer blood test. Infact he was rude to me, not going back to him. I have to have a full blood count and sugar test every 2 weeks as I am on steriod for Natural Cell Killer and you could see he was reluctant to even offer that...but we I am refusing to pay for anything else privately, i think the least the NHS can do is give me blood tests. They wont even give me prescriptions for my pessaries etc. He's been a right t***! I have worked full time for over 20 years and paid full contributions, feel i am due the odd blood test. MOAN OVER ha ha

Hi Miss Lemon. My friend who tried for over 4 years and had IVF felt the exact same... she hated the nausea and felt pants ... and then felt the guilt for hating being pregnant when others would be desperate to feel like that. Its not being ungrateful, its you just want to feel normal and enjoy it. I hope it passes and you start to 'glow' soon. xx

Let us know how tomorrow goes Davecr33

I have been on the 1st trimester thread too and never even knew this was here - they are very nice over at the 1st Tri thread of course, but I feel sooo at home now, what all you ladies are writing could be ME.

I am 37, and 7 or so weeks along with my first, also through IVF. We have been trying for 4 years, 2 miscarriages, a lot of heartache. During that time DH and I both had brothers whose SOs got pregnant and had babies (lovely, but heartbreaking ... you'll understand what I mean). Then DH's sister got pregnant (due in September). I was all happy with my little pregnancy (of course apart from the constant worry, it's just not the same as it is for other pregnant ladies) and then the other night my OTHER brother and his girlfriend came over - she's pregnant due three days before ME!!! (we didn't say anything - with my history we're not telling immediate family until 12 weeks - apart from our parents as we had to stay with mine after the hospital, and his we had to tell because we told mine - but no brothers and sisters yet) In one way I am like well if it all works out it would be cool to have them at the same time but the other part (selfish) of me is like, if something goes wrong I will have that reminder in their baby for the rest of my life. I am praying this sticks.

We have one little one left in the freezer but that's all. I was very very sick from the anaesthetic in the hospital, I felt like I was coming down off drugs or something, I was shaking, sweating, very hot then very cold, throwing up... it was so scary.

I also agree COMPLETELY with what you girls are saying!! years ago I was like oohh I would like a girl/boy, around this birthday would be good because the weather would be better at the end of the pregnancy etc etc... now I'm just like HAPPY HEALTHY BABY PLEASE. I don't care about any of the other stuff.

THANK YOU for making me feel at home already even though you don't know me yet haha. Just reading your posts makes me feel not alone :)

Oh! edited to add: I HATE the stretching cramps! every time they happen I'm like oh NO, and then I remember reading that they are stretching cramps... but I am so scared of them too. But then if I don't feel anything I freak out as well and think oh no I'm not feeling anything. I can't win. haha
Welcome Violette. 7 weeks.... thats nice. I love this thread, one of the other ladies directed me here when i got my BFP. We are all a bunch of nervous paranoid wrecks so its nice to help each other out ;) x x

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