Scooby- ya in my first ivf I was on the short protocol and had my son from that so when I went back for the second ivf they tried to mimic my previous one but it ended in bfn so they changed me to long protocol on the third ivf but that ended in bfn aswell I was on purgeon injections on all three ivfs but this time they have changed me to gonal f I don't why they did that but anyway my doc wanted to do some tests to see if there was any reason the embryo wasn't sticking after my last bfn my doc also sent me for a d&c before xmas because she thought the lining of my womb might have been to thick for the embryos to implant but everything was perfect so done the bloods and she found I have lupus colalgeyents (I totally probably spelled that wrong) in my blood so iam high chance of miscarriage, high blood pressure, clots, still birth, going into early labour etc even tho I had absolutely none of that with my son I went 4 days over due but she said now that they no I have it they have to treat me for it so I'll be starting low dose of aspirin and innohep injection from et so basically they just changed from short protocol to long, purgeon injections to gonal f they have risen my dose a bit aswell and then just the aspirin and innohep injections from et sorry for the rant but it's just been so much going on with me and it feels so good to be able to talk to girls that's actually going through the same thing as me I don't really like talking about it with my family even tho there very supportive I just feel like iam rambling all the time so now at least I have ye guys to talk to and ye actually no what iam talking about lol �� I wish you lots of luck with ur ivf I have a feeling this is going to be a lucky year for us all