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IVF / FET Feb/March 2017

Scooby- We will transfer two if we have two to transfer. I want three. They said if the quality of embryos are not the best we can talk about three, but they prefer two and ultimately it is up to me.
DB- Don't get discouraged. With my first successful IVF they only retrieved five eggs. Four fertilized and two were transferred day three.

angie- oh wow thank you for sharing, I hope my cycle goes that way! The doc says someone could have 10 eggs and none be good and someone else 5 and they're good, he said age more important than qty but I thought IVF is always a numbers game. I try to remind myself it only takes one. I just want a good chance at that one!

Scooby- whoohoo its so funny when you're happy for AF? I rememb that happening after a cyst. Glad you are gearing up to start. AFM yes hopefully some come out the woodwork! My amh is crazy low like 0.03 or something but I responded well to injections during iui. RE said I responded much better than that test would suggest and he keeps reminding me that amh is not the end all be all....from what i've read he has me on an aggressive protocol but has not upped meds since stimms started. He was happy with the 5 follies. Do you know at what point they would cancel?

Bombo- Thank you for your encouragement! I hope you feel better soon. Wow 17 and 8 fertilized? Awesome! They are doing PGD while growing to day 5? That is great that they can test while growing. At my lab you have to freeze and send cells out. I've considered PGS but haven't made any decision on it yet. Need some embryos first lol!
just a quick update from me, as I had a long, stressful day -- my RE believes the two bigger follicles are actually cysts as they are abnormally shaped and just dont look like follicles to him, so if that's the case I only have three, but they are growing at the same rate so he upped my meds to try and get those to grow. My next appt is Friday.. this cycle is exhaustingly long and overwhelming, but I hope I can at least get something out of this.
Friday is just around the corner beneath I hope they keep going beautifully! I'm sorry you're feeling this way, it is tiring and we're not at the 2ww yet hah! Come on BfPs!!

Good luck Angie, there's no right or wrong with this process just go with your gut feeling. The only reason I regret transferring three my previous cycle is that I didn't have any to freeze and it didn't work

Thanks Db! I've had to pay a lot to get it done and my dr insisted so much on it because of the failed cycle, waiting for a report back, trying to stay off google about the whole thing and just praying for good news

Back to work until transfer, taking a few days off helped and going back to work is stressful, it keeps you busy I guess but I'm still quite bloated and looking 5 months pregnant lol

Yay Scooby! Glad you're starting! Good luck !!
Beneath - fingers crossed for Friday! I had a cyst that wasn't a follicle while stimming too, he just drained it at same time as egg collection.
Beneath- well at least some for banking right? If those are cysts and are drained I guess thats good too? Let us know how Friday goes, I go in Friday am also.

Bombo- ha I know, we aren't even TWW! At least 3 times already this cycle I though "eff it, its over".
Are you close to a lab for PGS or overnight etc?

Good luck today Angie!

Happy Snow day to those in US on east coast. I'm in for the day which is good because I feel I the rest but bad because I don't have work to distract me, google all the things!

You guys have any ER/ET/TWW routines, superstitions? I tried the pineapple core during TWW, RE said ha. He thought it was pineapple core EVERY day. I told him only 5 days. He said good thing he didn't tell anyone to do it. I'm glad he has sense of humor!
angie- They'll let us transfer 2 for a 5DT or 3 for a 3DT, but I don't think I could handle twins so we've decided we'll only do 2 if they're average quality and might not make it to freeze. If it's a 3DT I'm comfortable transferring 2 for sure. Are you guys ok with multiples?

db- That's awesome that you respond so well to meds. AMH is definitely only one piece of the puzzle. Every clinic is different but I think most will let you proceed if you have 2 or more, or if you decide to go ahead. Good luck tomorrow! I'm very much enjoying my snow day today. DH and stepson are still sleeping and my dogs are sacked out on the couches after romping in the snow this morning (which was adorable). It's so nice and quiet and I've got candles lit too. :) I think I'll do the warm socks and McDonald's thing after ER. Not sure on pineapple core. Is it gross?

beneath- That actually sounds like great news! Hope your 3 plump up nicely and you get good news tomorrow! Hang in there, it's almost over. :hugs:

bombo- I hope you get great results! Drink lots of water and herbal tea :)

AFM, baselines are tomorrow, then BCP. Man this process is slow lol.
Thanks Scooby! I'm on green tea, peppermint, dandelion the works, helping so far!

Db it's overnight and I'm still waiting to hear from my dr, the clinic called to tell me transfer will be Saturday but no report on the embies yet ;/ I haven't tried pineapple core, so is it first five days after transfer? I was told avocados help but I didn't really stick to anything specific

How about the rest of you ladies?
Bombo -- Thanks! I hope they grow! So nervewracking. The bloat is real, huh?! lol

Emily -- Thank you!! I've actually never had to deal with cysts while stimming. Always something!

Dbrbernie -- Yeah, it'll be good to get them drained if they are cysts. I will update Friday. Good luck to you too! Happy Snow Day! I am home too! My main thing I follow after transfer is fuzzy socks! Keep the feetsies warm =) Warm foods as well.

Scooby -- Eh, so so.. I am glad this isn't my only cycle that I am banking, because this protocol is nottt working for me, so hopefully next cycle we can get a better response from my tricky ovaries!! Good luck at baseline tomorrow :happydance:
Thanks girls for all your advise I think I'll just take it from the fridge inject and put it straight back in Iam just wondering has anyone had a small bit of spotting after bd with hubby while on your suppression meds I had a small bit afterwards and now iam kinda afraid I've never had this before

Bamboo best of luck for Saturday
Thanks girls for all your advise I think I'll just take it from the fridge inject and put it straight back in Iam just wondering has anyone had a small bit of spotting after bd with hubby while on your suppression meds I had a small bit afterwards and now iam kinda afraid I've never had this before

Bamboo best of luck for Wednesday ��

Yes, it's fine top inject it straight out the fridge! And no worries about the spotting! I'm sure it's nothing.
Thanks beneath iam sure your right the spotting is probably nothing iam probably over reacting I hope all goes well at you next scan
Scooby- we wouldn't mind twins, but really one would be best. It all really depends on the grading of the embryos. We are having a day three transfer no matter what. I really suspect it will be two though.

Egg retrieval went well today. We have six eggs and will find out tomorrow how many fertilized. Sunday will be our day; assuming we have embryos to transfer! 😃🙏
6 is great Angie I hope they all fertilise!

Spoke to my dr finally and the test results come out same day as embryo transfer so it's truly nerve wrecking, I'm taking it as it goes. My dr though seems to think if I get four good ones then I should transfer them all ;/ the three my previous cycle didn't take and his thought is to increase chances (assuming we end up with four) - I'd be over the moon with one baby and just as happy with twins but what if more take ...

Maybe I'm over thinking it, best just wait till Saturday, the numbers of embryos worth transferring is undetermined so no point I guess

He's very concerned with my low AMH and he said frankly your ovaries are weak so let's take the chance if we have it ... praying all goes well
Fingers crossed for all of us with appointments Friday!
Scooby- what McDonald's thing?
Wow so much has happened. Good luck to everyone. Sounds like things are going well.

Scooby waaahoo for af!!! Happy for you to be starting. I've read so many times as long as bcp is overlapped with the next drug you won't be over suppressed. It is a long old process though. I'm yet to start feeling the pain of waiting lol

I'm waiting till Valentine's Day to start (as I have mentioned before lol) I have no other updates. 4 more days to go :)
Scan update: Looks like 3 follicles on each side 13 3x10, 2x8
RE was happy, he assured me that if follicle number was high for me that it would just be cysts so he is happy with slow growing, steady follicles even if low number.
He said I prob won't go back till monday

Good luck to everyone today!
Out of the six eggs only four were mature and only two fertilized. Well they are actually not sure about the other one yet because something about it is fuzed together. I asked for a report this evening; so I will no more later. I just hope and pray I have one good embryo to transfer Sunday.

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