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IVF / FET Feb/March 2017

Beneath- did you make a decision about the other follies? Are you still stimming?
Thank you star! 23rd! I hope I stay away from POAS, the sticks hate me!
bombo- did you transfer 3? any specific ET plans for this weekend?
I did, just went with it! None to be honest, chilling at home for a few days before I have to go back to work. I'm working on a family scrapbook to keep busy but that's it really

bombo- did you transfer 3? any specific ET plans for this weekend?
Beneath- did you make a decision about the other follies? Are you still stimming?

No, of the other three only one was growing. They told me to BD... i have never gotten a positive naturally, so slim chance.. but trying anyway :wacko:
Beneath- so sorry this has happened to you I've never heard of this happening while your stimming did your doc have you on something with the stims to stop ovulation?

Bamboo- congrats on being pupo the 23rd will be here before you know it now all you have to do is keep your mind busy and your body rested easier said then done

Dancing- iam not that good with numbers but I remember before my doc told me mine was well over a 1000 not sure the exact number but he said that was fine I was very close to ec at that stage tho

Quin- welcome good luck tomorrow you and bamboo are going to be testing close together exciting

Afm- Iam on day 4 of stims my appointment is Thursday morning so I'll know more then happy Sunday everyone
tiffttc -- Yes, they did.. I've heard it happens before. Unfortunately, they said, once in a while someone breaks through. Good luck at your apt Thursday!
tiffttc -- Yes, they did.. I've heard it happens before. Unfortunately, they said, once in a while someone breaks through. Good luck at your apt Thursday!

Oh really that's making me a bit nervous now thinking something might break through it would be just my luck that would happen to me are you out now for this cycle or is there a chance you could have more to work with and thanks I can't wait for it to see if there's anything growing in there lol
tiffttc -- Yes, they did.. I've heard it happens before. Unfortunately, they said, once in a while someone breaks through. Good luck at your apt Thursday!

Oh really that's making me a bit nervous now thinking something might break through it would be just my luck that would happen to me are you out now for this cycle or is there a chance you could have more to work with and thanks I can't wait for it to see if there's anything growing in there lol

Don't worry about it.. it's very uncommon. I've had such an unlucky week, so this topped it, but it was a crappy cycle anyway so I am not so mad, would have been worse if I had lots of follicles growing. We are out this cycle.. waiting for AF and trying again, hopefully with a better outcome.
Okay ladies I had transfer today! Originally started off with the one embryo that was growing normally, and then this morning got a phone call; which to be honest I thought was the call telling me the transfer was cancelled because it didn't make it. Come to find out I had two excellent embryos to transfer. I had a 8 cell grade 7, and a 9 cell grade 6 I believe. They said both looked really good. Out of the grades 9 is considered the best; so I'm pretty hopeful. With my last successful cycle both embryos transferred were 8 cell grade 7's. They also advised me that I have one more that is being watched to day five. So I might even have one embryo to freeze. I go for my blood test on the 24th.
Angie congrats on being Pupo!! Welcome to the wait!

Beneath I hope next cycle is it for you! Hope you're feeling better hun
Angie- that's fab! Congrats on being PUPO! When are you testing?

Beneath - sorry to hear that, fingers crossed for bd
I will wait until the blood test on the 24th. I've have never been able to pee on the stick out of fear of the negative.
I'm the same and I'm already finding it tough to stay busy and keep my mind off it, I've never had any luck with POAS and I hope I stay away from it this time, 10 more days ! I'm on so many meds I can't symptom spot at all

I will wait until the blood test on the 24th. I've have never been able to pee on the stick out of fear of the negative.
Yay Angie!! PUPO!

I had scan this morning and those 6 follicles still going. 20, 19, 16.5, 16, 2x14 and 2<10. They said prob keep stimming to get those 14s ready. They said trigger tmrw or Wed. We'll see....

I am spending way too much time googling IVF stuff, I need to lay off. My goal today is no google.
Yikes this thread is super busy & there's lots happening!

bombo- Congrats on being PUPO!!! My sister transferred 3 as well. One didn't take, one was a blighted ovum and the other is now my 6 year old niece. :) Best of luck!

dancing- wow, that is a lot of follicles! The McDonald's thing is after your transfer you go get McD's fries. Something about the salt is supposedly helpful. Also fuzzy socks to keep your feet warm. No idea if it works but I'll try anything ;)

lana- Only one more day to wait hun! My clinic also does assisted hatching automatically if you're over 37. The embryologist explained they just poke a hole through the outer shell of the embie with a laser to help the blast hatch out of its shell. They're charging me an extra $500 for it but I think it's worth it.

db- 6 follies is awesome. Good luck today!

angie- Congrats on being PUPO!!! I hope your other embie makes it to freeze. Wonderful that you have such high grade embies. :thumbup:

paislee- GL with your PGD testing. When will you find out the results?

quin- welcome and good luck with your FET today!

tiff- Good luck for your office visit on Thursday. How are you handling stims so far?

AFM, I had a great baseline on Friday and started BCP's that night. My antral follicle count went from 9 to 14, so I'm super excited. Also my FSH level dropped down to 5.1 from 6.9 which is awesome. The doctor was very optimistic, but there's still a loonnnnngggg way to go. I have my nursing protocol visit on Friday.
Good luck Angie, those sound like very promising embryos. Hope you get the one to freeze as well. :)
Beneath- so sorry to hear your out for this cycle I really hope the next one is it for you and you get your bfp

Angie- congrats on being pupo them embies sounds really good quality over quantity is definitely true I tink the tww is the worst part of the whole ivf process the waiting is torture and it's also the slowest two weeks of your life I really hope you and bamboo get your bfp this month

Scooby- thanks Hun and iam finding it fine so far I've had a really busy week so I've been kept busy not as much googling lol but I do feel I little bloated but nothing big yet and congrats on starting your bc you might feel like you have a long way to go but you will be surprised how fast the time goes

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