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IVF / FET Feb/March 2017

Happy for you db :) hope they keep up the nice n steady growth

Angie, I'm hoping for you that you'll have a beautiful embryo to transfer on Sunday. It just takes one good quality x
Hi Ladies! My retrieval was yesterday and this is IVF #1 (and only). We were told there were 4 mature follicles and another 6-7 follicles that might yield something and ended up with 10 eggs after a traditional antagonist protocol at 41 years old. Today, I was told that only 6 eggs were mature and 5 fertilized with ICSI (one was still being watched today as a possible 6th fertilization.) Anywho, I originally planned a FET with PGS because of my age and to try and avoid miscarriage but, now I am nervous that I may not have enough eggs to be so picky and might do a fresh day 5 IF we have blasts. Any thoughts? Anyone ever convert from a frozen to fresh in the same cycle? I am so overwhelmed and want to do what we can with what we have as I am not going to be able to repeat IVF in the future.:winkwink:

Angie - good luck on Sunday! :thumbup:
Hoping the best for all on this feed! It's been a couple long months!
Praying for you Angie, it really only takes one!

That's an awesome update Db! I think he's on the right track

Hi Paislee, I haven't converted mid cycle but I wanted to wish you all the luck in the world, easier said than done but try to relax as much as possible and rest your body, I've never had any left to freeze and again you only need one miracle baby to stick stick stick.

Afm the recent update is that out of the 8, then 5, three made it to day 4 and we're hoping that's the case for tomorrow's transfer. The dr said if they don't hatch they'd do something with laser to get them to hatch or something, can't keep up with the ivf terminology and meds! Transfer tomorrow morning, excited and anxious and nervous but I will say that transferring in day 5 is so much easier on my body as it gave me time to relax and feel somewhat normal again.

Hope you're all doing well
Well, I just got word back from my RE who said I missed the window to convert from FET to fresh because she would have started me on progesterone yesterday... So, at this point, my fingers and toes are crossed that we have 3 or 4 blasts on Monday! Then my only decision will be to biopsy for PGS as planned or just go ahead with a FET and no PGS. I have the weekend to think it over.... just praying that we have something to even consider come Monday. Come on little embryos, keep multiplying please!! Now, just to figure out how to pass the time this weekend and stop pondering the outcome.....
Happy Friday ladies! Happy thoughts and good vibes to all~
So what they believed were "cysts" were actually follicles, and I ovulated through my Ganirelix. SO so mad right now.. =(
Beneath- oh grrrr. Wtf. What did doc say? Superfrustrsting. Are you going to do ER on the others? Convert to IUI?

Paislee- I was thinking the same thing about to PGS or not. I'd like to know that they are chromosomally normal but don't know if I'll have enough. Yes fingers crossed they keep going strong!

Angie- Sunday transfer coming soon! Your embie will be happy to be inside

Bombo! Transfer day! Yes assisted hatching. My RE said he does it on all FET and over 37 because age and freezing can harden outer shell making it harder to come out. Good luck!
Appointment went great. On my rt ovary I have 13 total (6 small ones 9mm or less). Then 2 15's, 2 14's, also a 13,11,10. Then on left ovary 14 total (7 small ones 9mms or less). Then 2 16's, 2 13's, 3 12's. I started my cetrotide today! I pray things keep going well. Starting to get bloating.
So what they believed were "cysts" were actually follicles, and I ovulated through my Ganirelix. SO so mad right now.. =(

Beneath- I am so upset for you! This is a big fear during stim and I am so sorry it happened to you. I would demand more information from your RE and also a credit towards the next attempt. :growlmad:

DBR- we are weighing the odds and costs and I think we are going to stick with the original plan and PGS. I think we still feel we want to know that what we are using won't end up in a miscarriage (although I still continue to wonder if you ever truly know until it happens.) There are so many factors in the decisions during IVF, so overwhelming at every turn!! :wacko:

Dancing- Those numbers are AMAZING!! Good job!
Beneath I'm so sorry to hear that ;( so frustrating! Did they come up with a plan?

Good luck dancing! Numbers are great! The bloat really irritated me, water green tea peppermint etc just all of it lol hope it helps

Paislee I opted for Pgd because of my failed cycle and poor egg quality, the number we are left with is far less than when we started, your RE would advise you better and I guess there's no right or wrong here. Good luck Hun!
Oh my beneath, I'm sorry you've gone through all this, only to have ovulated through your meds. Is this unusual? My clinic have not mentioned this to me. Really hope something can be done for you xx
Can I ask you ladies about assisted hatching? My clinic said they recommend this for me. Who's had or having assisted hatching? And why do we need this?
Hi I'm new and would love to join. I have my first transfer after a freeze all IVF cycle in Dec scheduled for Monday and I'm nervous and excited.

Lana- My RE recommends AH for FET because it improves the chances of implantation. He said that after freezing the shell can become hard and make it difficult for the embryo to hatch from.
I did Lana,

If they don't hatch on their own they do it by laser and I had the transfer this morning. I don't think it's anything to worry about. Onto the dreaded wait I go, fingers crossed and twisted

Good luck ladies

Can I ask you ladies about assisted hatching? My clinic said they recommend this for me. Who's had or having assisted hatching? And why do we need this?
Welcome Quin! We'll be waiting it out very closely! I hope you get your BFP!
Question for my big experts. I am having good follicle growth but my estrogen is on 715.5 is that ok?
bomb, congratulations on being pupo! when is test date?

quin, welcome, hope all goes well Monday

dancing, sorry I'm not good with estrogen levels
paislee good news on the fertilizastion report
Lane -- Apparently, it happens every so often.. of course it would happen to me. This cycle was a disaster to start off with, so I am not surprised this happened, really. I've had AH done before, just helps the embryos hatch better.

Quin -- Welcome!
Hi Quin! good luck Monday!

Dancing- no expert here, sorry. You got a nice bunch of follicles brewing though!

Lana, my RE does it for FET and age over 37. He said freezing and age can make outer shell hard so they lazer a tiny hole to help the hatching process. Slight increase in risk of identical twinning with it. At my clinic it cost $1000.

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