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IVF / FET Feb/March 2017

Oh db I'm sorry you're going through this. I've read sometimes we shouldn't take notice of how dark the test is coming up, because lots of things can influence it; how much you've drank, time of day etc. Thinking of you db x
Thank you star, scooby and db.
Scooby did your blood work come back ok? Are you starting stims tonight? :-D

I was surprised at my scan. Still in shock tbh. Only had 4 notable growing follies on my 'good' ovary, with lots of tiny ones. On my cyst side I surprisingly had 5 growing follies. My cyst was 4cm so possibly may have shrunk a few mm. Consultant was happy and no mention of needing to cancel! They have upped my bemfola to 375 now and I go in for scan on Monday. Roll on Monday
Hey girls I took a test this morning iam 6dp5dt and 14 days past trigger and the second line came up I don't have to squint or turn it to the light it's very clearly there it's a strong enough line for so early iam going to do another one tomorrow morning and if it's darker I definitely know iam pregnant

Dancing congrats wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months how many did u transfer?

Db iam so sorry Hun but at least you have gotten pregnant now you know you can do it again just give yourself sometime to heal from this cycle am ya Ireland lol I know it's so far away from you and they tell you to wait till 12 days past transfer to test but I couldn't help myself this morning lol iam going to be a poas addict for the next 6 days
Thank you star, scooby and db.
Scooby did your blood work come back ok? Are you starting stims tonight? :-D

I was surprised at my scan. Still in shock tbh. Only had 4 notable growing follies on my 'good' ovary, with lots of tiny ones. On my cyst side I surprisingly had 5 growing follies. My cyst was 4cm so possibly may have shrunk a few mm. Consultant was happy and no mention of needing to cancel! They have upped my bemfola to 375 now and I go in for scan on Monday. Roll on Monday

Oh Lana iam so happy for you I know how worried you have been about this cycle
What Do all ye think


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Tiff - sounding and looks very promising! Fx
Lana- glad to hear a positive update finally!!
DBR- my thoughts are with you my dear, sending a big hug your way!
Hello and hugs to the rest of the group who are in various stages.

AFM- Yesterday was wretched! The biopsy/scratch was AWFUL!!! Seriously I thought I had high pain threshold, the HSG was uncomfortable and a little painful when they had to adjust the camera... HOWEVER, that was nothing compared to the pain of the scratch. I practically popped the stress ball they gave me to squeeze because I was holding it so tightly. I actually felt for a minute like I was going to throw up on the table. To the ladies who have gone before me, you are fierce warriors!! But, now that it's behind me I just hope this helps my one and only embie to snuggle in nicely at our FET next month..... I'm just waiting for the biopsy to come back and give us the green light for the FET meds to start. This coming week should be uneventful for me, but I'll check in to see how everyone else is coming along. :thumbup:
Lana, I'm so pleased your scan went well and even more pleased if the cyst has shrunk as I'm sure you are! Good luck for mon

Tiff, test looks very good! Can't wait to see tomorrows!

Paislee, yes I think we put it mildly yesterday but the scratch is bloody awful!! Hope you're OK now
Thanks paislee. I just wAnna say LOL about the scratch. I love your description you've got it spot on. I felt that I was going to puke too. If I ever need it again I'll be having some morphine before hand!
Thank you star! I really am looking forward to Monday :-D
Thanks paislee Star and Lana I will upload tomorrow's one aswell so you can tell me if it looks darker iam hoping it will
Thank you guys for the virtual hugs and love! I've been trying to hang in there. I had a great workout at the gym(first one since before stims). While I was there I was feeling positive and looking forward to the future. I though, "I can do this! It's ok. I'll take the opportunity to get healthier". Then as I was leaving I saw all the babies in the gym daycare and went back to being down. I know I'll get through it but its tough right now. All the hormones probably are not helping! lol

Lana- Yay looks good! I'm glad that cyst doesn't seem to be causing problems

Tiff- right on! I'm glad your test came out well! Yes, looks positive.

Star- yes, I'm pretty sure because have had increasingly more cramps and heavy bleeding plus faintly positive tests. Second beta is Tuesday so I guess I'll know for sure then.

Paislee- ouch but you're another step closer!
Dancing- congratulations!!! Hope your 2nd beta is strong.

Emily- It sounds like your lining is almost there. Just a little bit longer. Drink pomegranate juice!

Db- I'm so sorry hun. :hugs: I hope you take the time to heal & be kind to yourself. I'm on antagonist protocol, so 225 Follistim & 75 Menopur for now, adding in Cetrotide later.

Lana- That's amazing news!! I'm so glad you get to continue.

Tiff- Congratulations! Fx that line keeps getting darker.

Paislee- I'm sorry your procedure was so painful hun. Glad that's behind you & you can start looking forward to your transfer.

AFM, I did get the ok to start yesterday so I took my 1st two shots last night. Finally!!! DH did them & ended up jabbing himself by accident. He asked if he was going to ovulate lol. (He didn't get any meds it was just a needle.) Anyway I'm glad the first one is out of the way. I've got an ultrasound & bloodwork on Monday.
Dancing- congratulations!!! Praying for a Happy and Healthy 9 months to you and baby.

Lana- That's awesome news! I'm so so happy to hear that you are able to continue.

Db- I'm so sorry to hear this news. Im sending lots of love and hugs your way.

Scooby- We are on the same protocol and meds haha. I'm on the antagonist protocol 225 Follistim & 75 Menopur & Ganirelix(the same as Cetrotide)

Today is day 8 of stim. I had an ultrasound and blood drawn today. I was told I had 8 follicles on the right ranging 16-20 and 6 on the left ranging 14-16. They have scheduled another ultrasound tomorrow morning with a possibility of triggering tomorrow night. Estimated retrieval now isl on tuesday. I am so darn nervous but ready.
scooby your husband sounds hilarious! I wish my oh would inject me but he has a major phobia. I've been super brave until my second bemfola injection tonight. (I have 3 in total each night now) for some reason as soon as this entered my skin it burned and stung and made me scream in pain even after I'd injected all the med! It is raised now and I can feel a lump under my skin, and it bled a little. There's even a small bruise now too :-( then I couldn't do my suprecur it took 30 mins of crying, oh can't help me he tried but he was freaking out too.
What the hell will I do tomorrow night... You have one brave husband
October that sounds amazing! What a fantastic amount and Tuesday is just around the corner how exciting! I'm two days behind you on day 6 of stims. Hope tomorrow mornings scan goes well :)
Glad to hear you have started Scooby, poor dh though haha! Good luck for tomorrows scan and bloodwork

October, you're nearly there! Hope ec goes well

Lana, sorry to hear the injection wasn't good! I had clexane after ec because of ohss and that bloody hurt for ages after too, hope they get easier for you

Afm, counting down the days until Thursdays scan, I'm pretty sure lining won't be ready but it will be nice to have an update
This is yesterday and this morning tests the one with the 7 on it is this morning today iam 7dp5dt it looks darker to me what do ye girls think


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October- That's cool we're on the same protocol :) When did they have you add in the Ganirelix? 14 follies is awesome!!! Best of luck at your appointment today. I hope they let you trigger.

Lana- My DH used to be in the medical field so he's comfortable around needles and stuff. (Otherwise I'm sure I'd be doing this myself too!) And even he is not looking forward to the intramuscular shots because he doesn't want to hurt me. I don't take bemfola but if it's similar to Menopur (which also stings bad and gave me a bruise the 1st night) let me tell you what we did differently on the 2nd night. I keep it refrigerated, so I took it out a half hour before. Then we mixed the powder and waited another fifteen minutes for it to dissolve. Make sure you use a full 1CC of water or more to help dilute it. The more concentrated it is, the more it will burn. I hope this helps! I'm only 4 days behind you!

star- Thank you! Are you doing any of the old tricks to help your lining? If mine looks thin I'm going to try pomegranate juice and maybe red raspberry leaf tea :) Good luck on Thursday!

Last night's shots went way better. For the first time I'm glad have a little cushion in my belly lol. I'm sure I won't find out too much at tomorrow's appointment but I hope my estrogen levels are rising like they should be.
tiff- Definitely darker!!! Woohoo! That looks strong for 7dp5dt. Did you transfer two?

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