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IVF / FET Feb/March 2017

Congrats October, 7 fertilising sounds great. That's come around so soon! You only stimmed for 10 days? I'm on day 10 of stims and apparently still have another 4 days of this.
Sorry you've got bloating and discomfort, are you resting? Take it easy and hopefully that feeling will ease. Hoping your embies make it to day 5 lots of luck! X
Lana- I stimmed for 8 1/2 days and triggered the 9th night. My E2 level was increasing rapidly and I wanted to do a fresh cycle. I work from home so Im not doing too much. I was hoping to retrieve and fertilize more but I'll take 7. How are you today?
Wow that's really short time to stim? You must have great follies to react like that. I know they bang on about getting loads is better but I really believe in quality over quantity. Or in an ideal world a bit of both. What are you taking between now to transfer? Do you feel in limbo land now that they've taken the eggs?
I'm ok just very bloated and feel a little nausea, possibly because I'm not drinking enough water naughty me. I've started to drink more and feel less sick. I'm eagerly awaiting Friday's scan. It's with the nurse though not my consultant as she's away that day. It's the last scan before collection so was hoping to have consultant. This nurse is the one who miscounted my follicles in the beginning scaring the hell out of me!
October, great news, good luck for transfer on Sunday

Lana hope scan goes well on Friday

I just had lining check and it is 9.6mm! It hasn't been this thick before at this point so was a nice surprise, transfer is next Thursday, could have been tuesday but they're busy but at least Im not going back for another lining check!
Thank you star. Glad you're lining is nice and thick ready for the transfer. I might be having my transfer next Thursday too! It's either going to be Thursday or Saturday (day 5) yay! Can't wait :)
How's everyone doing today? This thread got so quiet. Just a few of us in the home stretch now!

My appointment went ok but I'm responding slowly. I've got 6 follies between 5mm-12mm with some smaller ones that may or may not catch up. They increased my Follistim to 300 last night and I'm adding in Cetrotide tonight. I think I'm in this for the long haul. :coffee:

star- excellent news about your lining! GL on Thursday for your transfer :)

lana- How was your last appointment? Do you think you'll be triggering tomorrow?

October- Any news yet? I hope your 7 are doing well!
Hi scooby, it has got very quiet on here now. It's just us few left now.
Sorry you're responding slowly but I think for sure you'll get some more after the increased follistim kicks in. I only have a couple more than you have, and I'm nearly ready for collection. I'm on 375 follistim and they thought I'd be a high responder! Remember we just need one good quality egg.

My last scan went well think it was 9 in total of course I'd love some more bigger ones but I'm happy to continue. Triggering depends on what they'll see tomorrow but they said will probably be Saturday night. I feel sick today and very bloated. A bit weak.
Be good to have a buddy lana!

Scooby, sounds like you are doing well, when do you think ec will be?
Scooby- It has definitely gotten quiet around here. haha. Where are all of our buddies? Im sure you will do great with the increase of follistim. Grow little follicles, grow!!!

Lana- Good luck on your appointment tomorrow. Hope you feel better and get a little relief from the bloating.

Star- That is a good number for your lining check. Good luck on your transfer.

The embryologist contacted and said i have 4 grade A and 3 grade B that are growing very slowly. Not sure what any of that means. haha But the RE called right after and said that I should consider canceling the fresh transfer because he feels I will hyperstim. I didn't realize you could hyperstim after you stopped stims. I really want to get this done on sunday.
lana- I think I was a little over-suppressed from the BCP, which I'd been worried about from the beginning. It's ok though, things seem to be happening now. I'll know more tomorrow. What day of stims are you on? 9 is awesome! You're right, quality is key. I'm sorry you're feeling ill today :( I'm so thirsty and drinking tons of water & coconut water & herbal tea!

star- I'm not sure yet but I'm thinking I'll maybe trigger Sun/Mon with EC on Tues/Wed? I just had to buy 2 more days worth of meds just in case I go to 12 days of stimming. I will hopefully know more tomorrow :)

October- We're definitely the stragglers around here lol. I think I'm the very last one. There will be no one left at that point! Your results sound great! Bummer about OHSS though. I hope you don't get that. I think your estrogen levels do continue to rise for a few days after EC.
I have been reading my third beta finally showed over double rate. I think my little bean just does thing at its on pace. Trying to enjoy every moment of being pregnant!
October, I had to freeze all because of the risk of ohss, I was so disappointed but they also say fets have a higher success rate as your body has a chance to recover from meds. I waited 4 months to transfer because of Xmas and my long cycles and it was so worth it as I now have my dd
I know how it feels though to be told you have to wait
Sounds like you have some good quality embies growing there!

Dancing, good news your beta has doubled, glad you are enjoying it, it's a very exciting time, hope we can all join you!
dancing- Oh that's wonderful hun, congratulations!!! :hugs: You must be over the moon!

star- When did they let you know it had to be a freeze all? Was it before trigger or after?
It has officially been cancelled until next cycle. The RE's were very adamant about not performing the transfer due to ohss risk. So, I will just have to wait another month or so. So sad and very disappointed.

star- Are the FET meds anything like the initial stim?

Dancing- Congratulations. Happy and Healthy 9 months to you and the little bean.
Yes, we are freezing all embryos. RE said to call Day 1 of my next cycle to start birth control and we will do a FET.
Scooby it was before trigger as I had 35 follicles so I had to trigger with buserelin instead of what I was supposed to which I can't remember the name! They then confirmed after ec it wouldn't definitely be freeze all as had 21 eggs

October, sorry to hear that, totally understand how you feel but try and just take this time to relax and enjoy yourself ready to start with a well rested body

The fets are easier, this fet I went for baseline when af started, then started estrogen tablets (4 a day) went back after 10 days (today) lining needed to be over 8mm and was 9.6mm so transfer is then 5 days later and you also start progesterone on this day, however as clinic are busy Tuesday I'm having transfer Thursday so start progesterone sat night as needs to be 5 days before transfer
Progesterone I have are pessaries 3 times daily

My last fets have been much the same, only difference been I needed an extra week on the estrogen as my.lining wasn't thick enough on first check

The meds are easier on you too, I don't feel ny different on them

After my ivf when they said would be a freeze all I eventually decided to make the most of my appointment free time! I enjoyed Xmas and even had a drink knowing my embies were waiting safely in the freezer until I was ready, I was desperate to get started again and did after 4 months in the end but that's because of my.long cycles
I also had a weekend away for.my sisters 30th which I otherwise would have missed so that was nice too!
I know it must be hard to wait but if it prevents Ohss then you have better chances!
Hi girls! I'm still here just nothing new to report... Started my BCP before my FET and just waiting for my baseline US next week to start transfer meds....
October - maybe we will sync up for transfer time, I think I'm looking at early to mid-April assuming I get underway after my US. I hope you can avoid OHSS. FX for you!
Hugs to the rest of you ladies!! I'll be checking in again next week, hopefully!
I have been reading my third beta finally showed over double rate. I think my little bean just does thing at its on pace. Trying to enjoy every moment of being pregnant!

How lovely! So glad this beta has over doubled and has reassured you are officially pregnant woooooohooo! Happy and healthy 9 months to you x

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