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IVF / FET Feb/March 2017


I'm in the cinema but should be home before trigger time; 21:10. Feel excited
Mine was 15mm too, and I am already 6 weeks two days pregnant. First scan is Monday and I will update everyone later that evening.
That's good to know yours was thick also angie. And no better proof of that being ok than you being pregnant! Time flies 6 weeks already, lots of luck for your scan
Beneath I hope yours went better than mine. I struggled to prep the first trigger injection and ended up dropping a needle on the kitchen floor before I'd used it! Wiped it with sterile wipe and dried it with kitchen towel. Sounds awful I know. Hoping I haven't messed anything up.
Beneath I hope yours went better than mine. I struggled to prep the first trigger injection and ended up dropping a needle on the kitchen floor before I'd used it! Wiped it with sterile wipe and dried it with kitchen towel. Sounds awful I know. Hoping I haven't messed anything up.

oh noo!!!!! i'm sure you're fine!. i don't trigger for another 2 hours! ah.
tiff- Congratulations!!! When do you find out how many little beans are in there?

star & dancing- Thank you :hugs: Not what we were hoping for but what can you do? We're doing ok now.

lana- Thanks hun! I will be supporting you too :) I can't believe they won't even spring for a test lol. Cheap little buggers. I'm sure your lining and the trigger are fine.

beneath- hooray for trigger! I'm so glad this cycle went more smoothly for you.

angie- I can't believe you're already over 6 weeks! Good luck on your scan today!

AFM, luck is just not on our side this cycle. After a nice chat with my RE we decided to move forward with IUI and if it doesn't work go to a straight start IVF cycle. I went in yesterday and I've got 2 beautiful follies at 19mm and 20mm, and my lining is 8.5 triple stripe. Problem is we're getting a blizzard on Tuesday! So we decided to trigger last night & do the IUI today (12 hours after trigger). If the storm is too bad to come in, DH and I will BD tomorrow morning to cover ourselves. If not, we'll do back to back IUI's. So my IUI is in 2.5 hours. Eek! Looks like I'll be in the 2WW with some of you after all. :thumbup:
Those eggs sound juicy scooby. Lots and lots of luck for the IUI, exciting stuff!
I had my egg collection in the early morning. Feeling rather delicate right now. They collected 13 eggs. I wonder how many will fertilise. The embryologist told me 80% should! Blimey fingers crossed :)

Beneath hope your egg collection goes smoothly and you're ok
Lana -- so glad your retrieval turned out way better than mine did. Unfortunately we only got 1 egg today.. not feeling hopeful at all.
Glad retrieval went well Lana, hope you're resting lots now and get a good fertilisation report

Beneath, I've written in your journal but hope you're resting too and sure that lovely dh is taking good care of you
Beneath I'm gutted for you. If that egg makes it though it could be all you need. Sending you lots of hugs x
Thank you all. I am resting and been sleeping. I'm surprised how bad feel pain wise. This process still feels surreal to me. Grateful for all of your support x
So first scan today showed two sacs both with fetal poles, and one had a really strong heartbeat. The other sac and fetal pole measured smaller and didn't have a heartbeat yet. Doctor said it could be behind a little or just not a viable pregnancy for that baby. She scheduled me for another ultrasound Sunday to see if there is a heartbeat. I am over the moon that I have a healthy baby thriving, but don't know how to feel about baby 2. Anyone with any experience with this?
Sorry angie no experience with that. Sorry they're both not strong at this point but thankfully that 1 is super strong.

I just got a call from embryologist and out of 13 eggs 12 were mature. Out of those 10 fertilised.
Glad 1 baby is well angie, praying the second one catches up xx

Lana, ahh good news!
Hey ladies!!! So sorry, for some reason I stopped receiving my email updates. I started my leuprolide shots on Sunday 3-12-17.
I hope everyone is doing great.

Scooby - I am praying for you dear.

Angie - also praying for that baby b!!

Beneath - how did the trigger and retrieval go?

Miss you ladies!!

In about a month we will get to transfer TWO frozen embies. I am over the moon and very hopeful this time.
Glad you are well ark and transfer is next month, how exciting!!

Transfer day is tomorrow for me, doesn't feel like it is happening again!

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