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IVF / FET Feb/March 2017

Scooby my consultant said the same thing to me about being a little over suppressed that's why they upped my follistim at day 4 of stims. It's ok to respond slow as long as we get to the finish line :) I know you'll get there and be fine
I don't know why I keep worrying the last few days about ohss... My nausea and bloatedness but I hardly have too many follicles so surely it's not possible! But I must say I hope they say I can trigger a day early I'm so uncomfortable in my belly and can't wear normal clothes. I am day 12 of stims today. Appointment in the afternoon, hope this nurse is competent enough. No offence but she did Mia count my follies near the beginning of this.
It has officially been cancelled until next cycle. The RE's were very adamant about not performing the transfer due to ohss risk. So, I will just have to wait another month or so. So sad and very disappointed.

star- Are the FET meds anything like the initial stim?

Dancing- Congratulations. Happy and Healthy 9 months to you and the little bean.

So sorry but im sure this is for the best. I didn't realise that this could happen after collection. I am shocked. Can understand your disappointment in havin to wait even longer. What was their reasoning and when exactly did they tell you this? X
Only 3 follicles now. We're converting to an IUI.

I'll stick around to cheer all of you ladies on. <3
Scooby I thought there was more than that at your scan? I didn't know they could decrease? I'm so sorry this has happened xx
I had an AFC of 14 before BCP. At Day 4 scan they saw 7, Day 6 they saw 6 and today at Day 8 only 3. Obviously the BCP weren't good for me. Things felt off since the withdrawal bleed started and I just didn't have a great feeling. Still I was hoping we'd have 5 or 6 and move forward.

Anyway, how are you? Good luck at your scan today! You're getting so close!
Just had my scan and I had 8 large on left af 6 large on right ranging from 15-22 and I had lots of smaller ones around 10-14 but I don't think these will grow big enough. Egg collection is Monday so I'm triggering tomorrow night. Tonight's last stim has reduced to 300 follistim. No mention of that cyst so I'm over the moon! The bag of meds I've just had to buy is massive, I'll be keeping busy just consuming/injecting or inserting all of these.i have clexane and steroid and all the usual other stuff. Can't believe this is actually happening.
I'm so sorry scooby I never knew bcp could do that. Does this mean in further they would change your protocol? I'm really hoping for you that the IUI works you never know! I am routing for you and sending you lots of positive energy x
Thank you sweetheart! :hugs: Yes we will definitely be changing my protocol in the future.

14 follies is fantastic! I'm so glad your cyst didn't end up being an issue. Good luck with your trigger and your EC on Monday. I'm so excited for you!!! :happydance:
So girls it's official IAM PREGNANT:happydance::happydance: my scan is the 4th of April so I'll be nervously waiting till then to know if all is ok but iam just going to enjoy being pregnant again for now all ye ladies have been a great support to me and I wish ye all lots of luck in your cycles I hope that by this time next year all of yer arms are full with screaming babies lol :baby::thumbup: thanks girls for everything
Wonderful news tiff!! Looking forward for scan update

Lana, yay for ec Monday

Scooby, so sorry this cycle hasn't worked out, will be hoping for an iui bfp for you, hope you are OK
Thank you scooby, I'll still be supporting you throughout IUI ... Basically until you're pregnant! Means a lot knowing we're here for each other :)

I'm starting to get excited and feeling like lucks on my side. Test date is 27th March they told me to buy my own clearblue pregnancy test and call them with results, all seems very daunting. And a tad cheeky that they won't provide a pregnancy test lol after the thousands this has cost... Ah as long as it works out in the end ay

Tiff congrats I knew you had a sticky one in there! Look after yourself and yes I hope we all have screaming babies soon lol

Star is yours transfer Thursday? We're super close cycle buddies, I'm really hoping for a day 5 transfer next week Saturday
Ladies do any of you know much about the importance of womb lining for IVF? I'm not sure if 15mm is too thick? There's still another day for it to grow further! I've read that it can make it too difficult for embryo to implant.
Lana yea transfer is next Thursday, glad we can be cycle buddies
I asked my nurse if lining can be too thick on Tuesday and she said no as I was worried as mine is thicker than my last 2 fets
That's good to know thank you star. How thick is yours? I think you said about 8/9mm? I think that's the perfect thickness! I saw a consultant in the end yesterday and he said my lining looked great and had a triple layer that they want to see. I have read a few articles on how it shouldn't be over 15mm so I just hope it stays as it is. I'm sure it's fine just me being a worrier! Bring on next week.
On Thursday mine was 9.6mm
With dd in first check it was 7.9mm so had to wait another week!
With my last one which was a blighted ovum it was 7 something so had to wait another week then too
Hey ladies!! Sorry have been quiet, super long week at work! But have been following around. I am triggering tonight!
Beneath that's amazing! Didn't know that had come around so fast hooray! I trigger tonight too :)

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