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IVF / FET Feb/March 2017

Angie- I think that is quite common with twin pregnancies. Try not to worry too much. Good luck on Sunday!

Lana- That is an amazing fertilization rate. I'm so happy for you hun! FX the embies keep growing well & you get to do a 5 day transfer.

Ark- thanks hun! I hope this month flies by for you!

Star- hooray for transfer tomorrow!!! I know this was a very long wait for you. I really, really hope you are successful!

My OTD is 3/27 but I'll probably test next Friday. I'm feeling very calm about everything for some reason. Not like me at all lol. Hope this feeling lasts ;)
Thank you Scooby, it has been a long wait so fingers crossed for all of us!
With dd I tested after 5 days and got a faint positive, with the last one which was a blighted ovum tested after 4 days and got a faint positive so will probably do that again just because I'm useless at containing the urge to POAS!!

My mum asked yesterday if I was going to wait longer than 5 minutes after transfer before testing this time :blush::haha:
Not a chance!

I will get some frers and cheapies to keep me going lol
Hey ark! Glad you're feeling positive.

Star, I can't believe you're having your transfer tomorrow so so exciting! Wishing you lots of luck !

Scooby and beneath I hope you are both doing ok

I got my call this morning all 10 are growing 9 are grade 1 and 1 is grade 3. I can't be happier about their growth and very thankful.
Star you make me laugh. I have always found it incredibly hard to resist testing. You are definitely going to test early? If that's what will keep you calm why not!

Scooby I've also got a test date of 27th! Feels so far!

I want to know if I test at say 5 days past a day 5 transfer will it possibly be a false positive because of trigger? This is my first time so haven't a clue and feel a bit weary of testing early, only because I'm scared of seeing a negative as I have done for so long. And forbsurebdont want to see a false positive.
Thank you lana, I'm not sure as I haven't had a trigger before, if you were going to test early though it's probably best to test every day and test the trigger out
Great news on the growth report!
Beneath- I hope you are doing ok? Been checking and hoping to see your update.
Star- good luck tomorrow!
Lana- Sounds awesome so far! FX for you!
Ark- I also just started my lupron for the FET! ET of my one frosty should be around the second week of April if all goes as planned here.

I was wondering if anyone has felt dizzy or light headed on lupron?? So far I feel it almost all day, it sucks! I also have a mild headache.
My baseline ultrasound was so-so because I had a small cyst on my left ovary.... Hoping it's gone at my next ultrasound which should be towards the end of next week (after stopping BCP and AF arrives). So many steps! We deserve awards for going through all of this. :dohh:
Hugs to everyone!:hugs:
sorry I have been MIA, ladies.. having a hard time. the 1 egg retrieved didn't make it.
sorry I have been MIA, ladies.. having a hard time. the 1 egg retrieved didn't make it.

I know words will do little to help so, know that I am thinking of you and upset right along with you. It's not fair! Big big hugs to you Beneath!
Beneath so so sorry, can only imagine how you feel. Gutted for you and praying you can get through the other side of this xx
Today's report was 7 are grade 1 and 6-8 cells, 2 were a day behind and 1 was too ahead at 10 cells. So it looks like a day 5 transfer on Saturday hopefully.

I don't know 100% if I want 1 or 2 put in. I'm leaning towards 2 embies. Me and oh agree were ok with 2 if that blessed. I can't seem to find stats on whether 1 or 2 give a higher chance of implantation. Or if putting one better quality with one slightly lower would decrease chances of either implanting. It's my decision and have a day left to decide yikes
It's a difficult decision lana, I've only ever transferred one, I don't think there is much of a higher chance of it working from transferring 2 but I could be wrong

I'm officially pupo today transfer went really well and embryo thawed fine too, now the dreaded wait!
Well my numbers dropped today. Off medication now to miscarry. My heart is broken
Oh no dancing, so sorry to hear this, big hugs, we're all here for you xx
Star congrats on being pupo. How do you feel? Glad your embryo thawed well and is ready for implantation :) lots of luck x

It's my oh birthday today and I don't have time to research about how many to put back! Last night what I found mostly was that there is an increased chance with 2 so I'm going to probably go with that. I'm very nervous of them being put in my womb. Praying my womb doesn't be mean and release those awful toxins from the endo and my immune system stays at bay.
Good luck lana! Have you heard how embies are today?

It's my dh birthday too today! Dd is in nursery for 3 hours so we have a bit of free time for a change but we're not doing alot, we had a ln Italian lunch yesterday out after transfer as had a bit of a wait for the ferry anyway

I feel excited but nervous too! My tests haven't arrived from Amazon yet but I have 3 cheapies, my frees are meant to arrive mon- weds so I'll test with those when they arrive
Thank you star, that's funny it's your dh birthday too! Hope you both have a great day. We're off out shopping now and for a meal. Can't believe you are so prepared with your tests lol I only have the one clearblue one for 27th test day. When do I start testing to test out the trigger? Could I start tomorrow? I think I better find some cheapies. Today's the only day I don't get an update. Tomo at 9:30am I have the transfer :)
I'm not sure when to test trigger out, I would have thought anytime now so you know when it is gone and when you see that true bfp!
Good luck for tomorrow, will be thinking of you

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