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IVF / FET Feb/March 2017

I have heard of people getting bfps at 7dpo so must be possible! Can you post pics?
I've just got a bfn, still early but I'm just not feeling it this time, hope I'm wrong!
Star I hope you're wrong about your feeling. It's still early. That's why I'm doubting myself. Last night I researched loads and found its possible after 5dt to implant anywhere between day 5-10 and read it can happen even later than that! And remember we gotta wait for the hcg to then build up. Every embie is different and our bodies too. There's lots of time for it to be getting snugly yet.
I've tried to take pics of my test strips and its crap! Can't even send oh a pic. To my naked eye it seems thicker than yesterday's line too but they're very similar colour intensity. I don't know whether to take an frer with my saved fmu and then again tomorrow to compare for a clearer line
Haha I've saved my fmu today and going to tesco to get a frer just realised the test I used today is 20miu/ml and when I tested with my positives before it was using a frer so feeling better!
Star! We are insane saving pots of our wee :loopy:
Well that would make a big difference frer are meant to be 6mui? That's super sensitive. I know most will think we're insane testing this early but I openly admit to being a poas addict!

Good luck for your frer!
Me too, definitely an addict, I was relieved when I realised the difference between the tests and Google that frers were 6 so I don't feel so out!
Crap pic but this is 25mui cheapie this morning


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I'm quite baffled, my frer with same fmu has come out even fainter than the cheapie! I can see it in real life but not sure if you can see on this pic?
For me I'm a little scared if this is just the trigger I'm seeing but I'm hoping tomorrow's get darker then I'll know it's not the trigger!


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I can't really see it on my phone but I never can see them on my phone, hope tomorrow's is darker though!

My frer has the lightest squintiest line that's probably ever possible to see! Sometimes I see it and sometimes I don't
I got some in town and when I got bk my Amazon delivery was here lol
Also had some other cheapies with them so going to do one of them soon
My phone camera is rubbish. The fact you can see a squint is good! It's still something. I keep comparing yesterday's to today's and I can see it's got somewhat stronger it's keeping me going. If it was the trigger then surely it would have faded slightly?
I want to attempt to save the frer for Wednesday but I might cave in tomorrow morning! I'm going to carry on with my cheapies everyday to check for progress. Saving my 2 clearblues for Mother's Day and my actual test date clinic gave.
Sod's law you went out to buy them and your delivery ones turned up!
You testing tomorrow?

Btw I still have this pressure/mild cramp feeling hoping it's the lil blasts burrowing down
I'll be testing with another frer tomorrow and another cheapie
Just done a different cheapie that is 10miu and theres a very very slight shadow, had to take it out the case though as it was scratched and couldn't even see!

Yes I would have thought your line would be lighter not darker if just the trigger!
Star it's the beginning of a bfp! Let's keep close watch and hope soon we'll get our ::bfp:

I have a headache that won't shift and feel a bit sick too. Couldn't drink my tea or coffee today. Coffee tasted bitter and tea tastes like dishwater. These have to be good signs. My cramps are constantly reminding me of the little embies and I'm counting down the hours till tomorrow's test lol

What cheapies do you use? Felt any more twinges it have any feelings?
My years of seeing bfn I am definite of what I'm seeing now and I'm keeping faith, hoping it gets stronger.
I've got light cramps too which worries me even though I know it's normal, they're just so similar to af!
Your signs all sound good!
That's such a good sign! Don't be scared. Just keep positive and calm (somehow) Sending you lots of :dust:
Thank you beneath!

Hope you get your positive today star.

Think I'm out, just didn't feel anything this morning which was weird no pains nothing. Did a test and completely white. So sad
Thank you beneath xx

Lana you're still really early, don't feel out yet
I haven't tested yet, got to wait for dh to wake up!
Lana you know the trigger is out of your system and at 3dpt baby is probably just starting to implant today

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