Ivf/icsi/fet/ june,july,aug 2013, feel free to join for support :)

Cait, I'm sure it's just some irritation. Goodness knows we have enough to worry about that I think this is one you can let go of. I too have a couple of active babies. If it's not one it's the other...than it feels like dualing banjos.

Brandy, yup almost 3/4 done. I can't believe it. Hoping for 5 or 6 more weeks with these babies. I have an appt tomorrow with an ultrasound so I'm excited to see my little girls. I've been having some cramping, but nothing consistent and usually after I empty my bladder., or when standing too long.

Happy New Year!
Cait, I'm sure it's just some irritation. Goodness knows we have enough to worry about that I think this is one you can let go of. I too have a couple of active babies. If it's not one it's the other...than it feels like dualing banjos.

Brandy, yup almost 3/4 done. I can't believe it. Hoping for 5 or 6 more weeks with these babies. I have an appt tomorrow with an ultrasound so I'm excited to see my little girls. I've been having some cramping, but nothing consistent and usually after I empty my bladder., or when standing too long.

Happy New Year!

Sounds totally normal like your cervix is softening which is what should be happening right about now :)
Cait, I'm sure it's just some irritation. Goodness knows we have enough to worry about that I think this is one you can let go of. I too have a couple of active babies. If it's not one it's the other...than it feels like dualing banjos.

Brandy, yup almost 3/4 done. I can't believe it. Hoping for 5 or 6 more weeks with these babies. I have an appt tomorrow with an ultrasound so I'm excited to see my little girls. I've been having some cramping, but nothing consistent and usually after I empty my bladder., or when standing too long.

Happy New Year!

Sounds totally normal like your cervix is softening which is what should be happening right about now :)

Everything I've read seems like it is normal, so I'm not worried about it. Plus, I notice it more when I don't drink enough water. :dohh:
Do any of the twin mommies find one twin more active generally than the other? I'm not concerned about it cause dr said everything was good on ultrasound. Just surprised to see such a difference between the two already - unless its just position.
Do any of the twin mommies find one twin more active generally than the other? I'm not concerned about it cause dr said everything was good on ultrasound. Just surprised to see such a difference between the two already - unless its just position.

I do! Twin B kicks the crap out of me but twin A I only feel roll and kick once in a while.
My twin b is way more active too!!!! Thanks for sharing brandy
My twin A has been the active one, although B gets her jabs in too!

Had my US today and all looks well. Babies are both over 3 lbs, and A is head down pressing my hip bone. B is up high with her head in my ribs. Both babies are facing my back, so no good pictures. Not to mention I started feeling sick while lying on my back. My cervix is almost 5 cm long and completely closed. They told me that they will do weekly checks of my cervix until 34 weeks and then it's up to the babies when they want to labor after that! Getting close now...
As creepy as it sounds Mells you have an amazing cervix LOL! Congrats on the scan :) You're doing awesome and great weights!
Had my OB appt today, thought I'd send a quick update, blood pressure was 174/106 and protein in my urine. I'm waiting on my protein ratio test results and starting a 24 hour collection. Had to start nifedipine for the bp too. Praying the protein comes back trace and my kidney functions remain stable. Honestly everyone, I'm so scared. I'm not even 26 weeks yet :( what a road it's already been just with IVF and the hemorraging :( I just need a few more weeks and the babies outlook changes dramatically....I'll update when I know more, just laying in bed until the doc calls....
Had my OB appt today, thought I'd send a quick update, blood pressure was 174/106 and protein in my urine. I'm waiting on my protein ratio test results and starting a 24 hour collection. Had to start nifedipine for the bp too. Praying the protein comes back trace and my kidney functions remain stable. Honestly everyone, I'm so scared. I'm not even 26 weeks yet :( what a road it's already been just with IVF and the hemorraging :( I just need a few more weeks and the babies outlook changes dramatically....I'll update when I know more, just laying in bed until the doc calls....

I am sorry W8 :( I had PreE with my first and I was put on strict bedrest and meds for the BP. Hopefully it wont get that far for you if thats what they are thinking it is.... But I had a great outcome as will you!

Thinking of you :) :flower:
Happy new year ladies hope you all had good xmas!

cait seems were having similar issues! consultant has told me i have to go in with every episode because they cant assume its from the ectropion every time even though ive no pain and can feel himn moving :/

w8ing really sorry about potential pre e hope it doesnt get any worse, did you suffer in your prev pregnancy too?

hope all the twin mummies are doing ok cant believe some of you are getting close to birth!

i had my consultant appt on nye and shes very happy for me to go for a vbac i will see her 2 days before due date and if i look favourable then ill be booked in for induction on my due date if space available assuming i havnt gone into nat labour before then! if they cant get me in for induction/ dont look favourable they are likely to do a csection as she doesnt want me going past due date! oh and had my anomoly scan on 27th and all looked great and hes still definatley a boy!!! now xmas is done we are going to make a start on his room! x
Congrats Rosie what a great update!! I am so happy for you ;) I look back at all my moaning whining posts about it seeming like it was going so slow and now I think HOLY COW I only have 59 days till I am 36W and they expect me to deliver around then.. Now I dont know where the time went! I hope the same happens for you.
Brandy, I'm very happy my cervix has done so well so to speak. I had surgery a couple years ago on my cervix and was always concerned it wouldn't close completely due to that.

W8, I'm hoping everything turns out well for you. I don't have much experience with high blood pressure (mine is usually really low 100/64), but it seems like you doc is taking good care of you.

Rosie, very excited for your update. I'm happy you are doing so well. Before long you will be holding your LO.
Thanks ladies, news from the dr was reassuring last night, protein is just a trace and the rest of my results are borderline, so things are ok for now. Still probably bedrest after my appt Tuesday but that sounds great compared to delivery right now! Side note, I spent 12 hours last night with the worst headache of my life, I actually got the dr to let me take Advil and I almost went to the hospital at 3am, but it seems to be gone right now. I'll update Tuesday when I know more, glad everyone is doing good right now :hugs:
W8, sorry about the headache but glad things aren't as dire as originally thought. Hang in there!
Im starting to feel like a thread downer so I'm just going to keep it short today. Blood pressure was 155/100, so lower than it was but still too high. Dr increased the bp meds. Protein creeped up a bit to 30, but she hasn't diagnosed preeclampsia yet. Baby has been measuring exactly on for dates but today's ultrasound showed him measuring 1 week and 2 days behind :( I go back one week from today and based on his growth I might have to go see a high risk OB. Rough day, I'm hanging in there, thankful for today though, one more day is my goal now, every day just one more day... :hugs:
Im starting to feel like a thread downer so I'm just going to keep it short today. Blood pressure was 155/100, so lower than it was but still too high. Dr increased the bp meds. Protein creeped up a bit to 30, but she hasn't diagnosed preeclampsia yet. Baby has been measuring exactly on for dates but today's ultrasound showed him measuring 1 week and 2 days behind :( I go back one week from today and based on his growth I might have to go see a high risk OB. Rough day, I'm hanging in there, thankful for today though, one more day is my goal now, every day just one more day... :hugs:

:hugs: You will do just fine. If it does in fact become diagnosed as Pre E there are ways to treat it and go on to have a perfect healthy baby :)

You're NOT a downer were here for support!
sorry your feeling rubbish w8ing !!!

p.s girls found out were having a BOY today xxx
I agree with Brandy...we need some boys round here!

W8, just focus on the positive. You are getting the best care for you and baby. We are here for support, so post away. I'm thankful to get through eCh and everyday too!

Today my feet and bottom part of my legs are swollen. I hope this goes down and I can slept consort ably tonight.

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