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January 2012 Testing Thread!!!!

yea when I saw the spotting yesterday I thought for sure the witch is on her way! Time will only tell....but why can't time tell me now? haha :wacko:
Hi girls Congratulations to those who have got their :bfp:s. Healthy 9mths to you.
I think you can count me out. Although :witch: isnt due til monday i am 12dpo today and testing:bfn: as i have done since 9dpo.(Sorry im an addict. At least i didnt Symptom spot!!!!) I know they say your not out til the witch arrives but ive been pregnant 3x (although only 1 birth)and have always had a :bfp:at 11/12dpo.So onto next month. :nope:

Ok I hear you but do let me know when the witch arrives. Then I will get the witch on there


You can count me out. The :witch: arrived on her broom late last night and is in full force this morning. Here's to February!!

CD28 testing is still BFN, on a bright note no sign of the witch but then my cycles are totally FUBAR and have been all my life, even when on BCP :)

Hang tight!
Hey January testers...can I join? This is our first month of trying so I'm doubtful, but I feel like I have a lot of the symptoms. I have tested 3 times because I just can't wait to see if the witch will arrive! I am currently dpo 11 and BFN : (

Dizzy all day
Cold like symtoms/sore throat out of no where
Stuffed up
Shortness of breath and I do work out so not sure what that is about
Worst Headaches everyday : (
Exhausted but yet sleeplessness
Tender Breast (which i get every month so that doesn't tell me much)
Light spotting yesterday

I just which I knew one way or the other....this wait is killing me!!!

:growlmad: SS?? :haha::haha::haha:

Seriously try not to or it will make you insane :hugs:

What date do I put you down for?
This can definitely make us go insane! I am due the 16th or 17th...couple more days! :blush:
how are you Pat??

Hey Hugs...am ok thank you....AF hasn't made an appearance yet so staying upbeat, if I make it to tomorrow am going to buy me my very first test!! Any preferences/good luck brands to use?? Can you see a trend of superstition in me..it's terrible!

TMI alert..I tell you what is terrifying the ardour I have inspecting every time I wipe..what is that about?? It's driving me insane! :wacko:
Hi LL could you please put me down for Jan 22--thanks!!
Pat I would get a frer or answer, nothing blue dye. Good luck, fx'd for you (teehee I can do that now)

not sure what you mean by your tmi, sorry :(
Hey January testers...can I join?

Cold like symtoms/sore throat out of no where

I just which I knew one way or the other....this wait is killing me!!!

I've had these too! Feel quite fluey and achey,and a bit queasy mainly in the evenings. FX'd. I'm hoping to test 31st Jan,but i had some spotting earlier on in the week,almost like a mini af.
Grrr! It appears that I am out!
Does my body not realise that I am heading to age 39!?
Oh well! More PMA and let's hope my husband doesn't decide to feel unwell in a fortnight!
Can I be added to this? I am new here and still trying to get the navigating and concepts down. This is our first cycle ttc and the odds are not on our side bc of my medical issues, but none the less still very hopeful! Anyways AF should show on the 27th if she decides she must! So I guess that's the day I get listed under?
Welcome sara070102! that is the date I will put you on...unless you plan to test earlier...but I think it is best to stick with that one :D
Morning ladies

I can't quite believe I am writing this but i held out and bought my first test yesterday (Thanks Hugs I went for a CB Digital) and tested first thing this morning and got a :bfp: !!!!!!!!!

DH and I SO thrilled and dumbstruck as it our first month TTC which just goes to show it can happen ladies and more importantly it WILL happen for you all.

Its been a roller coaster week as we've just bought a new house and that was all approved on Friday as well, so emotions all over place.
Before I start to blub I wanted to say thanks to all of you on these forums for the fun, listening, being SO supportive and giving me and everyone such hope :hugs:

You are all the best and send you all tons of :dust:

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