January 2020 Garnets!!!

Hi, FosterMom, I remember you from almost 2 yrs ago when I first started TTC. So glad to see you are pregnant, and hope your baby girl is healthy is strong!
I believe I am due Jan 27.
My HCG 2 days ago was over 12,000 (at 5+1) and I had a redraw today to check how it's rising. Looks like at my hcg level it will only double every 3 days? Maybe even 4 now? I have never had my beta's drawn this far into the pregnancy so I am confused about that part. I am 5+3 today. I will get my results tomorrow.
So far I am already nauseous and have been for about 3 days. It isnt awful yet, just mild but getting more and more often. It makes me nervous because each pregnancy I have been sicker than the last. And my last pregnancy 8 yrs ago I was soooo sick. This pregnancy is started even sooner so I dread thinking about how bad it will be by 7 weeks which is usually when it reaches the worst. Also each pregnancy I was sick longer. My 1st I somehow was only sick until 10 weeks. 2nd until 18 weeks, and 3rd until 23 weeks.
I am trying to just be grateful that I am pregnant at all since it took so much longer this time

We have the same due date! When I got my HCG checked at around your gestation and level with DS I believe it was doubling in somewhere between 2-3 days but there is a wide range of normal of course. I get mine checked again tomorrow - nervous already!
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Why are they saying you'll have a section? How can they say that this early? No way would I elect for one or stay with an OB who says it this early.
I had 1 emergency section, then a failure to progress ( I didn't know better back then) section, then a VBA2C. This baby will be VBA2C #2.

Section 1 was rough. Section 2 was easier but not a picnic. Vb was heavenly.
I have to have a section as I had a transobturator tape (which is like a plastic mesh sling) fitted under my bladder last year for urinary incontinence. If I was to push in a natural delivery it would undo the tape and I would have to have the surgery all over again. If I have a section, the tape will stay in perfect condition. Also had 2 bad tears in previous labour's (1st baby actually split my urethra ). Xx
Ohmygosh that sounds painful!
I’m hoping for a natural birth if we get that far! With my loss last year I had to be induced and deliver - baby was only tiny so the pushing wasn’t bad, but I was in active labour for 13 hours so I know I can handle that part, although I get it will be a lot worse. Just hoping that this time it will be worth going through all that! Xx
I've had such anxiety today. Constantly checking my panties and tp. No reason for me to but I found myself. Ugh, hurry up next few weeks!!!!!
Welcome Missdani, Anababe and ashley2pink!

Anababe - what number baby is this for you?

Ashley I remember you too! And to think this is baby #1 for me after 8 years TTC. I hope it goes well too. So far, so good.

I was told that cs will be likely for me before I ever got pregnant because baby won't have much room to turn around and get the head down before labour. Until I read some of your posts about your positive experiences with cs, I was really wanting a natural birth, but the more I find out about natural birth, the more open I'm finding myself to c-sections. I guess I have mixed feelings about it now whereas I used to be a staunch believer of natural birth all the way. I do know that I absolutely don't want a huge needle in my back. That I will not tolerate, so it's all the pain for me or c-section. I might not have a choice at any rate. I guess we'll see after my RE has "graduated" me to an OB what my new doctor thinks.
My experience with birth last time was hellish. We both made it through but it was a terrible experience.

Because I had insulin-dependent GD (and likely will again), I couldn't labour "naturally" - I had to be on the bed, connected to everything. I was induced at 39 weeks. The epidural didn't work. They tried to resituate it 3 times.

Honestly if they told me they wanted me to have a section this time, I'd just agree.
Hey Missdani, Anababe and AshleyPink! Welcome :) :hi:
(Don't think I missed anyone?)

Sophie- fab scan pic! I've never given birth before, but I know loads of people who had a CS and they all say it was fine. You just have to be careful afterwards with lifting and things but I'm sure that's the same any way you have a baby.

I am hoping to have a water birth, but if there is any mention of forceps I would rather go for a CS if possible. I can't have an epidural because of spine problems.

Sorry you're feeling anxious Onerth, I've found that a lot this pregnancy, but I'm anxious about EVERYTHING. Like work, driving, all sorts. I think it's the hormones messing with us.

Redhead- I'm sorry you had to go through that. :hugs:

Afm- a weird new thing happened to me yesterday...I was moisturising my tummy last night, I leant back a bit and saw that my stomach muscles were coning!!! I have been getting a lot of stretchy feelings, but for my abs to already be separating seemed a bit weird. Maybe I do have twins in there.... I won't know for another 3-4 weeks. Also I'm huge right now...I don't know if this counts as my second pregnancy in terms of how early I will show, because I had a loss for my first, I know they say you show quicker with the second...but I'm not sure. I only got to 9.5 weeks last time so I wouldn't think it would make much difference.
Yellowmoon it might - or you might have twins - or this pregnancy has absolutely nothing to do with anything that came before it. Pregnancy is weird. At least, that's what I'm finding out now.

AFM - I'm now officially terrified of any form of birth. I'm sure it'll pass and I'm sure my feelings will subside once I find a new OB I like (I want to keep my RE....:cry:)

It also feels like my lower abs are hardening/ getting fuller today. Don't really know how to explain it, but yesterday I was kind of sore down there and today there seems to be a lot of activity. My emotions range from anxiety to wanting to cry about everything. Boss is coming back today - should be fun. Hopefully I can keep it together enough so he doesn't expect anything. Plus, I'm having an interview with the president of the board so I can hopefully transition into my current position permanently. Sigh. Why today Baby? Why?
Ob says not much to do but wait and see. Im on rest for the weekend though
Nothing the next bathroom trip but then the last there was. I checked my cervix and nothing was there when I checked...so I'm hoping it's just a weird thing and not an active drip or pour....
Tinged cm when I wiped. Normal?? Not blood but a light tinge

Hope all is ok, make sure you get plenty rest and try not to worry. I had a small bleed with my last baby around 5-6 weeks, but baby was fine when I got checked out I just had a small bleed around the baby which was eventually absorbed. Do get checked if your worried or it gets any heavier x

Co_Fostermom - This is my 6th baby but 2nd with my partner now.

I've managed to get some different medication for my sickness tonight and I feel so much better! I was feeling so guilty for my children as I've been stuck in bed for days.

Nothing else going on really, the sickness has taken over lol but I have had a few twingy cramps this afternoon and I'm super bloated as I'm looking pretty pregnant already!

Told my dad yesterday which I was terrified about, but he was great about it and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted. We are so close usually I hate hiding things from him especially as I've been so ill I've had to avoid him a lot this last couple of weeks. Not told my mum she's mean and I know will tell me how stupid I am. Don't need that hassle!

Hope everyone else is doing ok!
I'm supposed to call the OB Monday either way and they can get me in. I'd be 6wks...so they would be able to see baby and a HB.
Anyone get their hcg checked once it had reached past 6,000? I hear this is when the doubling every 48 hrs stops. Or more everywhere I read online says once hcg reaches 6,000 the double time is 72-96 hrs. Well, I had my first draw at 5+1. It was 12,465 or so. Then 5+3 it was 19,450 or around there. Can’t remember the exact number. I looked it up and it’s doubling every 75 ish hours. But the nurse said the quant specialist reviewed my numbers and is concerned. 1st because I had light spotting Sunday night and 2nd because my numbers didn’t increase by 80% in 48 hrs. So now I’m confused and not sure what to think! Also she seemed concerned and said for how far along I am, my numbers are higher than normal. They had me make an appointment for Tuesday. I’m not sure what they will do at the appointment. Maybe an ultrasound? I will be 6+1 that day
Nothing the next bathroom trip but then the last there was. I checked my cervix and nothing was there when I checked...so I'm hoping it's just a weird thing and not an active drip or pour....
Hope all is okay! Sounds like normal light spotting. Even though it’s so scary. Hopefully you can be seen Monday. It’s the worst to have to wait.
OnErth I had a couple wipes of tinged cm around the beginning of 5 weeks/ end of 4 weeks and everything is okay now. I was on my feet A LOT, I was up late and feeling lots of back pain from sitting and working and doing too much the day before and the day of (I was throwing a baby shower). I responded by resting the remainder of the weekend and continually taking it easy the rest of that week. I'm fine now. I do know how it can totally freak you out though because it freaked me out for sure. I had tinged cm two days before my MC with my first pregnancy so I understand. Ultimately, enjoy the weekend, put your feet up, and ask for help around the house and such. DH was really understanding this time and was super helpful. As a side note, I've continued to intentionally take it easy. If I feel even the slightest bit overworked, even if I'm doing something that wouldn't have been an issue before, I take a quick break and a few deep breaths. Relax, don't stress, take it easy, sip a margarita (oh wait...) lol. You know, just do what you need to do to be extra kind to yourself this weekend!
Ashley I'm not sure about hcg doubling, but I do believe the doubling rate does slow down. I'm surprised they're concerned the numbers are high. My doctor is only ever concerned if the numbers are low. Those seem like really good numbers, but high numbers can mean twins. Hope everything goes well at your appointment on Tuesday.
I have been keeping track and no tinges since this afternoon. FX it stays away!!! I'm supposed to go to an event at the cancer center tomorrow and nanny. The cancer center is a lot of walking but nanny will be easy because the baby is asleep the whole time.

I dont know about hcg in later weeks.

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