January 2020 Garnets

Red head - that sounds like you’re feeling baby. It’s too early for it to be super regular yet. I might feel quite a few movements in the morning and then only feel another movement or two sometime later in the evening. They are random here and there but definitely not regular or strong yet. You’re probably just doubting yourself, but once the movements get stronger you will likely realize you’ve been feeling them for a while.

Sophie - wow, only your first hormonal moment? Haha I’ve been having lots of those since day one. I did have a more extreme meltdown the other day and my anxiety is running high lately. Good ole hormones.

Serenyx - I hope you feel some movement soon! That makes sense that you must have gotten the test done too early for you the first time.
Hey all, just checking in to see how everyone's doing, glad to see everything is ticking along nicely for everyone :D
Red - I was feeling movements from around 13 weeks (at least I think I was) and then they just stopped all of a sudden and now I feel barely anything apart from the odd vibration sensation or a mild version of the feeling you get in your stomach when you go in an elevator but I have been told that I have an anterior placenta :sad2: I'm paranoid enough as it is without having to wait longer to feel movements!! The sonographer also told me that an anterior placenta increases the risk of a posterior baby and as I've had one of those already, I am not keen on a repeat (ouch!) so fingers crossed that won't happen. I have my anomaly scan Tuesday afternoon, hoping for good news xx
I had a couple days last week where I didn’t feel much movement. But it’s picked up again since then.
My anatomy scan is Friday the 13th. I’m not one to be that superstitious but it does have me a little worried.
Ashley - hugs. Try not to overthink the date. It has no bearing on the results of the scan. I’m sure all will be fine!

Bumble bee - sorry the anterior placenta means feeling hardly any movement! I hope your baby doesn’t end up in the posterior position again. Hope your scan goes well this afternoon!
Bumblebee totally get what you mean about being paranoid enough without worrying about movements! Hopefully you’ll feel things soon.
Ashley honestly that date would worry me too but it will be fine! Mine is the day before.

I think I have been feeling movements but then I convince myself it isn’t! Honestly it’s because I think they’ve been happening for a few weeks but they haven’t really been getting much stronger so I’m worrying that means something is wrong, but they are starting to happen at least every evening now and are getting more strong, but I’m still half convincing myself it’s just gas! Lol!
Im not an expert but kick counts/movements are not about how strong. It's how many. Do you feel x amount in x time? That's what they want, NOT does it feel like a tickle or a boxer. How you feel has a lot of factors that change. How many doesnt. (Generally).

Your mileage may vary.
My consultant said today Red, that it's not unusual not to feel much at all at this stage and if we do it may be few and far between.

Had my anomaly scan today. Baby didn't play ball and couldn't get half the measurements we needed. What she did see, all looked healthy. Got to go back next week for a re scan. Here's a little picture of my baby boy Cohen xx

I'm 22+4 and only for the last week have I felt real movements regularly. It was just very light and mainly when I lay or sat still. But getting stronger now and cam just be seen outside my bump.

Beautiful scan Sophie!
Adorable scan photo Sophie!! Sorry you have to go back but at least you'll get another look at baby!

Serenyx, sooooo thrilled for you that your results came back low risk, and congrats on your girl!

I feel some movements here and there but definitely not with any regularity.

I'm off to the midwife today where I'm hoping they'll finally refer me to the doctor who will be doing my c-section so I can get it scheduled. I'm also hoping the midwives don't fire me as a patient once they find out I don't want a vbac.
Sophie - beautiful scan photo! Sorry you couldn’t get all the measurements, but it is kind of nice that you will get another scan out of it!

Anababe - that’s exciting you can see movements from the outside now! I love when that happens.

Fit mama - hope all goes well and that they don’t fire you as a patient! That wouldn’t be very nice of them!
Adorable scan photo Sophie!! Sorry you have to go back but at least you'll get another look at baby!

Serenyx, sooooo thrilled for you that your results came back low risk, and congrats on your girl!

I feel some movements here and there but definitely not with any regularity.

I'm off to the midwife today where I'm hoping they'll finally refer me to the doctor who will be doing my c-section so I can get it scheduled. I'm also hoping the midwives don't fire me as a patient once they find out I don't want a vbac.

I mean you have the choice to VBAC or not. I'll always tell you to try a VBAC but a good midwife should recommend what's best. If they fire you for it, they weren't that good.
Tmi, are the runs a normal symptom of pregnancy? I dont remember. I dont have other symptoms of tummy issues. Bee is moving fine.
Aww Sophie that’s gorgeous :) it is kinda nice they couldn’t get everything as you get to see him again :)
Anababe that’s so lovely how strong your little one is getting! Crazy you can see the movements!
OnErth I think these hormones can cause anything! But it’s always hard to know what is and isn’t pregnancy related!
I am feeling movement for sure now, daily which is lovely! It’s not consistent with when but I’m aware of it either morning or evening normally. I think I have been feeling him for a while but convince myself it’s not him! I think he did a big flip this morning actually! But he’s still so low down even though I can feel bump moving up?
Also I’ve had some glittery vision and palpitations - both only one off’s (well a few palpitations but only one that lasted and worried me) so I haven’t panicked or told my midwife yet, and expect it’s because of my low blood pressure - anyone else had this?
So happy your finally feeling bubs red! The past 4 days I'm starting to get a little pattern of movements finally! Nothing strong but deffo there. When ever I lay still he will be prodding me. Funnily enough I was at my consultant having an ecg yday due to palpitations and dizzyness. She said she thinks it's because everything's moving up and our blood is pumping around like crazy. Please mention to your midwife though just in case. Xx

Not sure about the runs being from pregnancy. Maybe you have picked up a virus from somewhere. Just make sure you drink plenty of water to compensate and I hope you feel better soon xx
Red head - yay for definitely feeling movement! Those symptoms do sound related to blood pressure, but I definitely would mention it to your midwife/doctor.

Sophie - interesting that you were having the same issues but glad that it’s just from the changes in blood pressure/volume, etc!

My blood pressure definitely dropped after the first trimester, and I’ve had a few moments of blurry vision and dizziness when getting up too quickly. However, I’ve never been the ‘fainting’ type, so I doubt it will get any worse than that.

3 more days until we (hopefully) find out the gender!!! :)

Any weekend plans anyone? My dh is away all weekend so my main goal is survival with the kids. Am having a friend over for a movie night tomorrow though. :)
I had the runs early in pregnancy. Not a lot but 1-2 times a week for no reason. Just happened here and there. I’ve been more on the constipated side lately. Been eating prunes which helps. Thankfully I’m not super constipated but I don’t want to wait until it gets there.
With all of my pregnancies I’ve had the little flashing lights. Not very often but they would worry me. But I never had blood pressure issues and all was normal. I’m guessing having some could be normal. I’ve had it a couple times this pregnancy. I think both times was while taking a hot shower. I don’t think my body likes that right now. I also get light headed at times when I stand up quickly. My last blood pressure reading was 110/70. About what it has been with all my pregnancies throughout.
Literati that’s so exciting you’ll find out true gender soon!

I had to go to the hospital today for bleeding/spotting (not lots but enough to panic me) but everything was fine - got to see baby as they were training staff on the mobile scanning machine. Blood pressure all normal but I have cervical erosion and a mild uti. It won’t harm baby and I’ve got antibiotics, but bleeding might continue but it’ll be ok. Ashley they said the vision issues are common in pregnancy and don’t mean anything bad unless there are blood pressure and other issues xx
We are at a baseball game. That's pretty much our only plans. Hope you all have a good weekend

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