Serenyx and Goingforit - I am totally in the same boat! We have one we sort of like but just aren’t sure of and we keep waffling. We can’t agree on a middle name at all, and now some people we know just had a baby and stole the name we were going to choose! So now we are even less sure. Ugh! It’s so bizarre not having it figured out, considering the fact that we knew our other girls’ names before I even got pregnant!
I feel stressed about nothing feeling ready. Anyone else not even have a place for baby clothes? We haven’t even assembled our bassinet and we aren’t even bothering assembling the crib since she’ll just use the bassinet at first anyway.
My DH also announced that he’s going to be out of town (3 hours away) during the day next Wednesday when I am 39+1. I am not impressed! My last labour was 4 hours from start to finish, so he could easily miss the birth! This is causing me all sorts of stress, but he can’t be talked out of it. I can only hope baby decides to stick around an extra day.
We are celebrating dd2’s birthday this weekend (over a week in advance) since her birthday is so close to my due date. Hopefully that’s not too stressful, as I don’t have energy to do much for preparations.
Yes we had at least chosen our other girls names before they were born (not their middle names, DD1's was decided in hospital, and DD2's not until we registed her

- but at least we had decided on their first names!) It's quite odd not having a name yet!
I don't feel at all prepared! We still use the nursery furniture for DD2 so haven't really got anywhere to store all of the new baby's clothes - they will just have to share a wardrobe (to be fair I haven't bought too many 'new' clothes - we got so many for DD2 that half of them were hardly worn!).
I hope your DH manages to make it for the birth, working so far away just before your due date isn't ideal - it just gives you another thing to worry about which is not what you need! I hope she decides to stay put and it all works out ok x
It's a good idea to celebrate your DD2's birthday this weekend - at least that is one less thing to have to worry about.
GoingForIt - sorry to hear your in-laws are stressing you out, try and put it out of your mind for now (easier said than done!) and focus on the fact that very soon you will have your little one in your arms x
Fit_Mama - huge congratulations - he is gorgeous!
AFM - I had my pre-op today. It was very stressful as they were running so late (this is the second appointment in a row that I have had at 16.30 but not gone in until 17.45! Given that I had to take both DD1 and DD2 with me, was on my own since DH had to work and nursery was closed at that time, it made for a very stressful wait as they just got bored bless them! They had already had to accompany me to the midwife appointment this morning!).
So I was literally in there for less than 5 mins, I just wanted to finish as quick as possible, it must have been the anaesthetists fastest appointment ever

I got my date of next Thursday confirmed so now just need to make sure everything is in place (and that she doesn't decide to come early!). It then took another hour to collect the medication from the on-site pharmacy
All is now done though - I just need to pop in on Wednesday for the bloods to be taken prior to the c-section.
My fundal height had shrunk since last week, but the midwife wasn't concerned and said it was most likely because the baby was now 1/5 or 2/5 engaged.